loopback + remote calls + debug - debugging

if there is a server error, my XHR will return a 500 error code along with a vague description.
what is the best practice on viewing error logs, debug output, etc?
can this output be sent to my console?

what will work for me now is using the debug object.
var debug = require('debug')('my:debug:string');
then specifying the debug string when launching the app.
DEBUG=my:debug:string node .


How to fix "Guru Meditation Error" caused by http.GET();?

I want to send data on my web server from esp32. ESP32 can not get to website and reboot.
I used exaples from Arduino IDE.
I've tried to post(htt.POST("X")) something and got same error.
I marked code to find which line cause the problem.
if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){
Serial.print("[HTTP] GET...\n");
int httpCode = http.GET();
I expect to get to website, but now esp32 reboots when achived http.GET() and never prints "1".
Error message: Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
The URL you are passing to http.begin() is incorrect. You need to include the http:// prefix (see here). Semantically, it makes more sense to name this variable url rather than msg.
Also ... Check the return value of http.begin() - in case it is still failing.
const char *url = "";
// Check Wi-Fi connected, etc.
if (!http.begin(url)) {
Serial.println("HTTP client failed to connect ...");
else {
int httpCode = http.GET();
// etc.
The LoadProhibited fatal error indicates an attempt to read or write an invalid memory location. When the library failed to parse the URL you provided, some member of the HTTPClient object may have been left uninitialized.
Log output
To assist your debugging, try setting the 'Core debug level' in the Arduino IDE to 'Debug'.
Arduino IDE -> Tools -> Core Debug Level -> Debug
This will ensure that the ESP log messages - such as might be printed if initialization of the HTTP client fails - will be printed over the serial port.
For example, this is the log output I see if I fail to include the http:// protocol specifier in the URL (after changing the core debug level).

Debugging topshelf as a service

I am having problems running TopShelf as a service and I am not getting much info to help troubleshoot. I am using dotNet core 2.2.
I get this error when I start it:
Error: 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control
request in a timely fashion.
Event logs show:
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Test service to connect.
The Test service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in
a timely fashion.
It message shows a 30 second timeout in the error popup happens in about 1 second. I don't think its a time out.
I my current setup I am using an IHostedService, but I have tried it without this. Here is the current setup.
var hostBuilder = SetupHost();
var rc = HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<IHost>(s =>
s.ConstructUsing(name => hostBuilder.Build());
s.WhenStarted(tc =>
_logger = tc.Services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Kickoff>>();
s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.StopAsync());
x.OnException(p => ExceptionOccured(p));
If you see something glaring people let me know.
My main goal is to find a technique to troubleshoot this. I've tried logging to a file with system.io but it does not produce results. I don't know how to debug it or get meaning information.

Bypassing "Insecure Content Blocked" with Selenium Ruby script

I am fairly new with using Selenium in my Ruby script. Basically my script will make a get request to some url and log in. However my script is failing to send the email and log in automatically due to the Google Chrome pop up about insecure content blocked since one of the images on the page is using http and not https.
I was able to run the script successfully months ago however just recently when trying again, it is unable to proceed with logging in so I dont know why it stopped working all of a sudden.
The error that I see in terminal is this. In irb, I can go through each line of code successfully including using Selenium's "send_keys" and "click" to automatically sign in.
[2018-09-26T13:02:55.002527 #14131] INFO -- : [#http://company.com/favicon.ico'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.">]
web_app.rb:54:in `': Console Errors Found! (Exception)
I tried searching for some solution but have been unsuccessful. There has been some variations of responses to similar problem but not too much luck with getting it to work.
Any feedback on how to fix would be appreciated.
start Chrome manualy and disable the warning - https://www.thewindowsclub.com/disable-insecure-content-warning-chrome
and use the set browser profile, there is my setup:
public static void setUpClass() {
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\Users\\pburgr\\Desktop\\chromedriver\\chromedriver.exe");
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\pburgr\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data");
driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

Gmail Gadget Error 406 being thrown on osapi.http.post

We have multiple marketplace Apps that use Gmail Contextual Gadgets. These have been running for years successfully.
We are now noticing the following intermittent error being thrown when calling out to an external web server using open social osapi.http.post
"{"id":"http.post","error":{"message":"Response not valid JSON","code":406}}"
We have checked and there is nothing wrong with our server. We can make the call directly to our server successfully without fail.
We can replicate the issue calling to multiple servers running different apps/gadgets. The only commonality appears to be the use of osapi.http.post.
Here is the post
'body': postdata,
'href': serverUrl + 'iLinkStreamer.ashx?data=' + "" + setTimeStamp() + debugString,
'format': 'json',
'authz': 'signed',
'noCache': true
which raises the 406 error as above
Has anybody else noticed this issue?? Not sure how we can address it?
I had the same issue for a while and finally found the problem. I was also invoking external resources using osapi.http.post. I read the new documentation and found that there is a new way to do the same.
Check this url for more details, but the idea is that now you'll need to use makeRequest API, it will look something like this:
var params = {};
params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] = gadgets.io.ContentType.JSON;
params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.AUTHORIZATION] = gadgets.io.AuthorizationType.SIGNED;
params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.METHOD] = gadgets.io.MethodType.POST;
gadgets.io.makeRequest("https://your.backend.com", on_response_function, params);
def on_response_function(response){ ... }
I hope this helps someone.
I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I never received a notification message that the previous API will be deprecated. :(

How to debug and log own code on the server side of Meteor?

Never mind. The reason this did not work: I forgot to meteor reset so debugger did not get a chance to stop. Duh!
More info: I am using the method in the answer by Mason Chang to the related question, not the kill -s USR1 [proc_id] (where I could see the scripts, but not able to stop in the startup() function.). Also, I am using meteorite.
I am trying to debug the Meteor.startup(function ()) code on Meteor server side (i.e., under /server) with node-inspector, I have read this question, and following the answer to change run.js, but somehow, my own script for the startup function does not show up in the scripts section of Chrome.
How do I see my code here and set break points and stop at those points? BTW, the Meteor_debug() does not output anything to stdout, stderr, or node-inspector browser console. I also tried console.log() with no avail. How to enable logging on Meteor server side?
If it matters, I am on auth branch.
The code here is very simple (/server/bootstrap.js):
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Logs.find().count() === 0) {
var data = [/*...some data...*/];
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
Meteor._debug("timestamp: "+timestamp+", data.len: " + data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i].timestamp = timestamp++;
var entry_id = Logs.insert(data[i]);
Meteor._debug("entry_id: "+ entry_id);
Now that I know how to do this, I will answer my own question so that we can keep this information (in details) here: (This is based on Mason Chang's answer to this question.)
Stop meteor execution.
Edit /usr/lib/meteor/app/meteor/run.js (or the corresponding run.js installed by meteorite in HOME//.meteorite/meteors/meteor/meteor/[LONG_HEX_CODE]/app/meteor):
change the line
[path.join(bundle_path, 'main.js'), '--keepalive']
['--debug-brk', path.join(bundle_path, 'main.js'), '--keepalive']
//--debug-brk makes the new thread break at the first line;
Add debugger statements as breakpoints in your server code;
Run node-inspector & in a server terminal. (google "node-inspector" to install it.)
Run meteor; (this will not have the debugger attached as there's no server thread yet, if you have no client window open.)
Refresh client browser window; (to initiate a server thread that will break at the first line, and be attached to node-inspector.)
Open a browser window at [SERVER:8080], your server code stops at first line (main.js in your [PROJECT_DIR]/.meteor/local/build);
Hit the RUN button on the debugger browser window; depending on where your debugger statements are, you may have to do some triggering actions in client browser window to run to the debugger breakpoints. (Note that if you wait too long to hit the RUN button, your client window may time out, and you have to refresh again.)
Now you can do the usual debugging stuff in server debugger window: step through, watch variables, execute in console, look at the stack, etc.
Edit: For logging on server side, you can use either Meteor._debug() and console.log(), they will show up in the terminal where you run meteor. On client side, these logging statements will output to the console of your browser's dev. tools.
On MacOSX, you can use with Chrome :
NODE_OPTIONS="--debug-brk" meteor
and in another terminal
node-inspector --debug-port=5858 --web-port=12345
Then connect Chrome to
Otherwise with Webstorm, just create a Node.js Remote Debug configuration and run it :
Name : Meteor
Host :
Port 5858
Note that once the server has started, you need to press run in order for Meteor to load, and then pause in order to debug from the server console.
