Windows - Auto play video and image in fullscreen - windows

I am currently working with a projector at a museum, where the server, running Windows XP, automatically should play a video upon startup in fullscreen.
Furthermore, at 2PM and 4PM the projector have to show an image instead for an hour or so in fullscreen as well.
Is this possible to do with Task Scheduler or do I have to make an AutoHotkey script or similar?

You can accomplish this with a couple tools including VLC Media player. I don't have XP here to test this with, but the following should work.
Copy the VLC Media Player shortcut into Startup.
Edit the Target to be something like the following:
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "c:\path-to-video\example.mp4" --fullscreen --loop"
To close VLC on a schedule, create a Scheduled Task.
Click next. See if taskkill is in the list. If not browse to it (should be in the system32 folder).
Select Daily for the frequency and give it a name.
Set 2PM for the time. Click Next.
Check Open Advanced properties for this task when I click finish and click finish
Enter the following for the Run command.
"C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /F /IM vlc.exe /T"
Save the Task.
Repeat the above tasks but set the time to 4PM
Now you just need to create the tasks to open the images. Basically use the process above with a couple key differences:
Select for your program you're running.
When you open the advanced options for that task set the target to be something like this:
"explorer.exe" "C:\path-to-file.jpg"
I can't test this one, so I'm not sure it will work. You may have to play with it a little to get it opening an image full screen. Once you have it figured out via the command prompt, just place it in the target box and you should be good to go.
Make sure you create two of these at 2PM and 4PM. You could make it 2:01 and 4:01 if you want to be sure VLC is closed first. Or you could try setting their names to something that is after your first set of tasks alphabetically. I'm not sure how primacy is calculated.
That should be it. Hopefully this will at least get you started.


Managing windows when local SAS session starts

When a SAS session starts, there are 5 windows. (Result Viewer, Explorer, Log, Editor, Output).
My desired state is when the session starts:
No result viewer
No output window
No default explorer window
The useable explorer window default open(to clarify this i attached a picture)
Good/Bad explorer window
Enchanced editor open
Log window open
So there will be 3 windows opened at session start, and i would like to resize them into 3 columns.
What i got so far:
I know the task can be done, because i was able to do this on my working computer. Unfortunately they reinstalled my windows without a word, and i lost my setup. And i did not have my autoexec/sasv9cfg file backuped. :(
I can close the output window with dm listing off command in my autoexec.
I can resize the 3 windows if i have them, with dm wdef command as well.
My biggest issue is i cant find again a DM/ODS or any kind of command, which closes the Result Viewer, and the original Explorer, and opens the normal/usable Explorer. In my faded memories i needed only 1 DM/ODS/sth command to achieve these 3 steps at once. Of course, if we can find a solution in more steps, thats also completely fine.
Big thx for any kind of help
You do not want the DMSEXP docked windows (which includes ODS Results tab) at session start up. The only way to do this programmatically is to specify the SAS system option -nodmsexp in the sas.exe command line or config.sys.
So, on my system, I set the target command on my SAS icon to be:
"C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sas.exe"
-CONFIG "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9.cfg"
Tweak the SAS DM session window states by placing this code in your
dm 'dmsexp;tree on;next;listing off;tile vert' ;
You can also fiddle around with your session start up using the system options:

Action cannot be completed because another process is using the file

Not sure whether I have the message above exactly correct but I run into this often. I try to use Windows to delete a directory or a file and it tells me I can't because the file is in use by another program. It doesn't say what process is using it.
Sometimes it is clear what is using it, but other times it is not. I open the Task manager and go through all the processes but nothing stands out.
Is there a way to determine what has a file open, and a solution (other than rebooting)?
I suppose most of the time it may be Eclipse related but certainly not all of the time.
I use Process Explorer
Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open?
Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about
which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
You can add the column like shown below (Window Title) and it should help you find the file you are looking for, and what is using it:
If you end up choosing to use this program instead of Task Manager, there is an option for that which will open this instead of Task Manager:
If you decide to "Replace Task Manager" and ever get stuck where you cannot 'undo' what you've done (Meaning, "The original Task Manager will no longer open")... You can modify the registry listed here and delete the Debugger entry. (In this example, I have this path to a network drive).
I had this problem in Excel, where some files would be active, but not visible to me, either on my screen or in the task manager. The way I solved it was to use the command prompt to kill the task:
Open command prompt (type cmd in windows search at the bottom left of your screen)
Type "tasklist"
Find the task you want to terminate (for me it was EXCEL.EXE)
End the task by either using the image name (type "taskkill /im EXCEL.EXE", or whatever program you want to end. This will kill all tasks with that image name) or using the ID (i.e. "taskill /pid 1234, or whatever ID the program has. This will kill that specific task)

Create windows process to delete any unwanted icons from the desktop?

IT has a process hidden somewhere deep on my system which automatically creates certain icons and shortcuts on my desktop if they do not exist. (It may even exist solely on their systems, connecting to mine periodically to do this.) This means when I try to delete them, they are back within a couple of hours. This drives me nuts. I have all of the shortcuts and icons on my taskbar, and do not like having random crap on my desktop.
I would like to write something to run as a service which monitors the desktop every second or so, and deletes anything that shows up.
How would I go about doing this? In a relatively easy and straightforward manner? Would I use a bat file, or vbs script? How do I create a bat file to run as a service?
If you have the "Hide protected operating system files" setting on (it is by default) you could try to just hide the icons with ATTRIB +R +S +H "annoyingapp.lnk".
You can't just run anything as a service. You could perhaps use the Srvany tool to execute your script but I would imagine a task that runs every now and then is a better fit for this issue.

How do I pause a vlc process from the command line? [duplicate]

Well i have an adobe air which runs vlc-player at background as service. i check that in Windows Task Manager , the service runs when air application launches.
here is the code
processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
processArgs.push("--rc-fake-tty"); //Use terminal as output
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
p = new NativeProcess();
p.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onOutputData);
p.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onErrorData);
p.addEventListener(NativeProcessExitEvent.EXIT, onExit);
now i want to close vlc-player on the button click event and i have searched the vlc- documents and found quit command and its syntax, it does not work as i have tried that syntax from windows command prompt also..
Which are the vlc-player commands that can pause,stop and close vlc-player??
Any useful link will be much helpful to me..
I've had quite a look around and looks like this (--rc-fake-tty) can't be done from Windows command line. Which means your current approach is out.
I don't no anything about Adobe but I have done some searching around and this guy has something written in C using the libVLC. Not sure if that will help or point you in the right direction.
The other thing I found was this post Adobe Air and VLC player which mentions that you should be able to use javascript and ActiveX controls on Windows. A guy in this forum has a javascript script which uses an ActiveX control to start, stop, pause etc.
There is a VLC command that you can send to override or set certain hotkeys. Search for next, prev, stop, quit, vol-up, etc in this document.
That's the best of my Googling abilities, hope it helps.
I dont want to agree that your code runs well on windows, becasue --rc-fake-tty will not run on windows, to hide the entire vlc window (it will be listed among the processes in Windows Task Manager) use --rc-quiet but to see command window use --no-rc-quiet.
To stop and quit using p.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("stop" + "\n"); is not working for me as well.

Windows batch start up script to move windows

I'm experienced with many different programming languages. I decided to expand my horizons and try some simple batch scripts. I have a windows start up script that I'm running.
start "" "explorer.exe"
start "" "explorer.exe"
start "" "taskmgr.exe"
start "" "cmd.exe"
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Works great. I would like to be able to move the windows where I want them though. I'm running 5 monitors, and I want the two explorer windows on my bottom left monitor each taking half the screen. I want the command prompt and task manager in my top left monitor each taking half of the screen, and I want my chrome browser on my bottom right monitor taking up the whole screen.
Chrome remembers where it was, so that isn't a problem. The other windows don't though.
Is there a way for me to run keystrokes after each program is started? I could do "winkey+left", "winkey+left", etc... for each window if that's possible. Otherwise how might I accomplish this?
Also, when the command line is run, the properties go to defaults. Is there a way to use my command line settings so that it is sized right, has quick edit mode enabled, and has the colors that I set it to?
I'd try setting up a shortcut to the application with shortcut/Run=normal window; layout and hues to taste. Then start the shortcut (.lnk file) in your batch. Certainly works for cmd - can't say for the others...
I would have a look at AutoHotKey. I don't remember enough to tell you what your script should look like, but the little I remember tells me all you need is in their toolbox.
