How to Analyze logs from multiple sources in ELK - elasticsearch

I have started working on ELK recently and have a doubt regarding handling of multiple types of logs.
I have two sets of logs on my server that I want to analyse, one from my android application and the other from my website. I have successfully transferred logs from this server via filebeat to the ELK server.
I have created two filters for either types of logs and have successfully imported these logs into logstash and then Kibana.
This link helped do the above stuff.
The above link directs to use the logs in the filebeat index in Kibana and start analysing(I successfully did for one type of logs). But the problem that I am facing is that since both these logs are very different, they need to be analysed differently. How do I do this in Kibana. Should I create multiple filebeat indexes there and import them, or should it be just one single index, or some other way. I am not very clear on this(could not find much documentation), hence would request to please help and guide me here.

Elasticsearch organizes by index and type. Elastic used to compare these to SQL concepts, but now offers a new explanation.
Since you say that the logs are very different, Elastic is saying that you should use different indexes.
In Kibana, the visualization is tied to an index. If you had one panel from each index, you can show them both on the same dashboard.


How to know where the Elastic Search Hits are coming from

I have elastic search cluster.
Currently designing a python service for client for read and write query to my elastic search. The python service will not be maintained by me. Only internally python service will call our elastic search for fetching and writing
Is there any way to configure the elastic search so that we get to know that the requests are coming from python service, Or any way we can pass some extra fields while querying based on that fields we will get the logs
There is no online feature in elasticsearch to resolve your request. (you want to check the source and add fields to query).
but there is a solution for audit logs.
What you can do is placing a proxy in front of it and do the logging there, we have an Apache in front of our Elastic clusters to enable SSL-offloading there and add logging and ACL possibilities.

ELK with Grafana instead of Kibana for centralized log

When comes to centralized log tools, I see lot of comparison of ELK vs EFK vs Loki vs other.
But I have hard time to actually see information about "ELG", ELK (or EFK) but with Grafana instead of Kibana.
I know Grafana can use Elasticsearch as datasource, so it should be technically working. But how good is it? Any drawback compare to using Kibana? Maybe there are more existing dashboard for Kibana than Grafana when it comes to log?
I am asking this as I would like to have one UI system for both my metrics dashboard and my logs dashboard.
Kibana is part of the stack, so it is deeply integrated with elasticsearch, you have a lot of pre-built dashboards and apps inside Kibana like SIEM and Observability. If you use filebeat, metricbeat or any other beat to collect data it will have a lot of dashboards for a lot of systems, services and devices, so it is pretty easy to visualize your data without having to do a lot of work, basically you just need to follow the documentation.
But if you have some data that doesn't fit with one of pre-built dashboards, or want more flexibility and creat your own dashboards, Kibana needs more work than Grafana, and Kibana also only works with elasticsearch, so if you have other datasources you would need to put the data in elasticsearch. Also, if you want to have map visualizations, Kibana Map app is pretty good.
The Grafana plugin for Elasticsearch has some small bugs, but in overall it works fine, things probably will change for better since Elastic and Grafana made a partnership to improve the plugin.
So, if all your data is in elasticsearch, use Kibana, if you have different datasources, use grafana.

Can I use a single elasticsearch/kibana for multiple k8 clusters?

Do you know of any gotcha's or requirements that would not allow using a single ES/kibana as a target for fluentd in multiple k8 clusters?
We are engineering rolling out a new kubernetes model. I have requirements to run multiple kubernetes clusters, lets say 4-6. Even though the workload is split in multiple k8 clusters, I do not have a requirement to split the logging and believe it would be easier to find the logs for pods in all clusters in a centralized location. Also less maintenance for kibana/elasticsearch.
Using EFK for Kubernetes, can I point Fluentd from multiple k8 clusters at a single ElasticSearch/Kibana? I don't think I'm the first one with this thought however I haven't been able to find any discussion of doing this. Found lots of discussions of setting up efk but all that I have found only discuss a single k8 to its own elasticsearch/kibana.
Has anyone else gone down the path of using a single es/kibana to service logs from multiple kubernetes clusters? We'll plunge ahead with testing it out but seeing if anyone else has already gone down this road.
I dont think you should create an elastic instance for each kubernetes cluster, you can run a main elastic instance and index it all logs.
But even if you don`t have an elastic instance for each kubernetes client, i think you sohuld have a drp, so lets says instead moving your logs of all pods to elastic directly, maybe move it to kafka, and then split it to two elastic clusters.
Also it is very depend on the use case, if every kubernetes cluster is on different regions, and you need the pod`s logs in low latency (<1s), so maybe one elastic instance is not the right answer.
Based on [1] we can read:
Fluentd collects logs from pods running on cluster nodes, then routes
them to a central​​​​​​ized Elasticsearch.
Then Elasticsearch ingests these logs from Fluentd and stores them in a central location. It is also used to efficiently search text files.
Kibana is the UI; the user can visualize the collected logs and metrics and create custom dashboards based on queries.
There are several ways in which they can solve your dilemma:
a) Create a centralized dashboard and use each cluster’s Elasticsearch as backend. So you can see all your clusters logs in one place.
b) Create an Elasticsearch cluster and add each Elasticsearch into it. This is NOT the best option since you will duplicate your data several times, you will need to handle each index shards and you will need to fight with the split brain dilemma but it’s great for data resiliency.
c) Use another solution like an APM (New Relic, Instana, etc) to fully centralize your logs in one place.

How can I get statistics about what clients search for when querying Elasticsearch?

I'm using Elasticsearch to drive a "search website" feature. I'd like to collect statistics about what people search for (and which search queries are popular).
Elasticsearch is currently running behind Nginx, so I could extract this information from the Nginx access logs - but maybe Elasticsearch can be made to track this iinformation itself?
I found the Index stats API but that seems to be more abstract. It can be used to determne the average time needed to answer a query and such things, but it does not keep track of individual queries.
I am using a similar configuration (ES behind nginx), and I up to now I always just checked nginx' logfiles directly. However, thinking about your question, it makes much sense to route the nginx log files through the Elastic stack to Elastic Search using logstash, this seems to be the cleanest way.
Apparently in deprecated version there were some security auditing options using a plugin termed Shield or Security, but as I said, configuring logstash to ingest nginx logfiles directly seems most endurable way for your purposes.
Further reading and detailed instructions How to get elaticsearch access logs
Elasticsearch Access Log
how to enable ElasticSearch http access log

How to push performance test logs to kibana via elastic search

Is there a possibility to push the analysis report taken from the Performance Center to Logstash and visualize them in Kibana? I just wanted to automate the task of checking each vuser log file and then push errors to ELK stack. How can I retrieve the files by script and automate this. I can't get any direction on this because I need to automate the task of automatically reading from each vuser_log file.
Filebeat should be your tool to get done what you mentioned.
To automatically read entries you write in a file (could be a log file) you simply need a shipper tool which can be Filebeat (It integrates well with ELK stack. Logstash can also do the same thing though but that's heavy and requires JVM )
To do this in ELK stack you need following :
Filebeat should be setup on "all" instances where your main application is running- and generating logs.
Filebeat is simple lightweight shipper tool that can read your logs entries and then send them to Logstash.
Setup one instance of Logstash (that's L of ELK) which will receive events from Filebeat. Logstash will send data to Elastic Search
Setup one instance of Elastic Search (that's E of ELK) where your data will be stored
Setup one instance of Kibana (that's K of ELK). Kibana is the front end tool to view and interact with Elastic search via Rest calls
Refer following link for setting up above mentioned:
