Does Visual Studio have a begin selection/set mark command like Emacs? - visual-studio

In Emacs, one can begin a selection (more accurately "set the mark") by pressing Ctrl-Space. Then, one can navigate around the file, e.g. by pressing End to go to the end of the current line, and the selection will follow the caret.
There is more to the Emacs mark than that, but my question is:
Does Visual Studio 2013 have a way to begin a selection at the caret and have the selection follow the caret until ESC is pressed, or something similar? Visual Studio has a command called "Edit.EmacsSetMark", but it does not seem to work for me.

I only know of SHIFT + cursor keys (including PgUp/PgDn, Home/End, and most of them also with Ctrl). Could take a bit of practice in your case, but very convenient IMO. The selection is cleared as soon as you use a cursor key with SHIFT released.
Even rectangular selections are supported if you also press ALT.
Then there is also the mouse of course. With variations by using SHIFT (extend selection) and ALT (rectangular).

Not that I know of for 2013, but you could do it in 2010 with this...a link


Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio for faster coding

Visual Studio autocompletes brackets and tags and then shifts the cursor inside a bracket/tag upon creation.
I usually have to hit END then ENTER to continue past the tag, it would be really useful to 'jump' over the closing tag/bracket and possibly to the next line.
Is there a fundamental keyboard shortcut I'm missing here in order to accomplish this?
Can't find this in the MSDN VS Keyboard Shortcut manual either.
The keyboard shortcut you are looking for is Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
Pressing this will take you to the next line instead of inserting an enter, allowing you to move the cursor outside of the tag.

Visual Studio - move cursor to out of closing brace keyboard shortcut?

Given the following code example
I know moving the cursor from position ①->② shortcut is CTRL+], is there a ①->③ shortcut.
Is there a keyboard shortcut that escapes the brace when cursor is just left of brace (Not with End key).
In Eclipse, It can easily work with Tab key.
(In Visual Studio) - Try Ctrl+Shift+] - That seems to select text to where you might need to be, but if you press the ] again, by itself, it deselects, but leaves the cursor where you appear to want it.
Is that what you're looking for?

How to navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?

What is the keyboard shortcut navigate back to the last cursor position in Visual Studio?
It Will not work for red color (-) key. For me it only works for blue color combination.
According to Visual C# 2008 Keybinding Reference Poster it is Ctrl + -. The name of the specific keybinding is View.NavigateBackward.
PS: While researching I also found that Ctrl + . is the same as Shift + Alt + F10. Nice!
ctrl + - (dash) navigates backward.
ctrl + shift + - (dash) navigates forward.
These settings can be found under Environment -> Keyboard:
For Changing the setting in Visual Studio 2019:
Search for view.navigate
CHOOSE "Text Editor" from the "Use new shortcut in:" drop down menu
Select your shortcut
Global doesn't catch for this.
For new VS Code(1.28.2)
Back: Ctrl+Alt+- (dash)
Forward: Ctrl+Shift+- (dash)
The most generic answers is: there is no working default and you need to define your own keyboard shortcuts for View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward.
Why? For most keyboards, the default shortcut is a broken, unusuable combination because VS badly handles the shift and altGr modifiers. MS did not pay attention to portability and internationalisation so much when they redeveloped VS after version 6, and this is still true today. This bug has been there for way more than a decade, nearly two decades. At this rate, it will never be fixed. And yes, I have filled a bug report, and I'm certainly not the only one.
However, their "VSCode" product line does have better keyboard handling as it doesn't depend on the shift or altGr modifiers to identify the key. For example, when you are in text writing mode and press the key that has the dash symbol, without using shift nor altGr, let's say it writes something else, like number 6. To VSCode when it comes to shortcut handling, that's still the dash key for its purpose. As long as a key has the symbol written on it, whether this is painted as the 1st, 2nd or 3rd level doesn't matter, it just that key.
Of course, it's never a good thing to make the default shortcuts use non-alphanumeric symbols, that's always confusing, whether it works or not. The good mature text editors have known that for a long time and should be taken as examples of things done right. In some ways, VS learned a few good things from emacs with shortcuts that are a sequence of two letters, but ultimately screwed up on other parts with the choice of non-alphanumeric bindings, combined with a broken low-level keyboard handling.
This works for me in Visual Code
Navigate backward Alt+←
Navigate forward Alt+→

Visual Studio 2010 Formatting

I have plenty of experience with Eclipse, and now I'm trying out Visual Studio 2010. I find its formatting somewhat counter-intuitive. Here are some things I'm trying to figure out:
Is there a way to select all text and format/indent it properly, like SHIFT+A SHIFT+I in Eclipse?
Why is it that when I type a line like if (n == 0) {, as soon as I type the opening brace, the text cursor is moved to the beginning of the line? Is this some productivity speedup I'm failing to see?
When I hit ENTER after the aforementioned line, I'd like the closing brace to be put in place automatically for me. How can I do this?
I've looked for hotkey documentation, and it's helped a bit, but this still feels clunky to me.
The Format Document shortcut key combination is Ctrl K, Ctrl D. Since this command is not supported in C++ ( Visual Studio 2010: Why aren't key combinations available?), the workaround for C++ files is to Select All then Format Selection: Ctrl A, Ctrl K, Ctrl F.
On your second and third question, see Creating and Using IntelliSense Code Snippets. Short version: for if, type "if {TAB} {TAB}". Again, this not supported for C++. So if you're in C++, what you're seeing is when you typed typed the { on the line after the if, what the editor did was move the { to the same indention level as the if (not necessarily the beginning of the line), because the coding style it's helping you achieve is
if (n == 0)
n = 1;
The formatting commands are by default bound to Ctrl+K Ctrl+??. Ctrl+K as the first keystoke, followed by another key stroke that determines the specific formatting option.
Look at the Advanced submenu of the Edit menu. It will show you that
"format selection" is Ctrl+k Ctrl+f
"comment selection" is Ctrl+k Ctrl+c
To format a document in visual studio the key combination is: ctrl-k ctrl-d
just FYI in eclipse it's: ctrl-a -> ctrl-i
not shift-a -> shift-i
I'm sure I'm the only one that actually tried that in eclipse.

Use of Edit.SelectToLastGoBack in Visual Studio

There is a command in Visual Studio 2005 called Edit.SelectToLastGoBack (bound to Ctrl + =).
I presume it is supposed to select all the text between the current cursor position and the last 'Go Back' point, but I can't work out the algorithm it's using for deciding what that point is.
Does anyone know how to use this potentially very useful command?
Selects to the last juimp point ...
Try using the navigation bar to jump to another method in class. Then press Ctrl + "="
It will select from the start of method you jumped to all the way back to where you jumped from.
I have yet to find a use for it though TBH,
I use it for recording macros.
Frequently I want to select everything from this brace to that brace and cut it in a macro. Go to the first brace, hit ctrl-f (ctrl-i doesn't work right in macros), search to the second brace, close search with escape, and hit ctrl-= to get everything between the braces selected. This is much more reliably repeatable in a macro than something like using ctrl arrows to navigate a word at a time while holding down shift, and is similar to the emacs concept of setting a mark point.
I'm not sure what all starts a new 'location in navigation history', but I'm sure starting a search does and that's all I need.
I just discovered this command is available in Visual Studio 2012. I've been looking for it ever since I got VS 2012. I kept thinking it was something like anchor, like select everything between the anchor and point. I was disappointed that macro recording and playing are no longer available. But I am glad this command still exists.
Another useful command is ctrl+k ctrl+a, which is Edit.SwapAnchor. So, you could be someplace in the code, then do a find. Now you have the point and anchor (maybe also known as the cursor and last goback). You can do ctrl+= to select, then ctrl+k ctrl+a then extend from the other end using another find--or something like that.
