TFS/VS2015 Project Documents URL Add-On - visual-studio

I'm wondering if anyone has seen a Add-On for VS 2015 that would allow you to got into the Project > Documents section and then be able to right click on a document and view its properties?
Mainly we are interested in grabbing the document's URL. Currently we are forced to go to the project's portal and get the link from there.
If there isn't one could someone point me to a good reference on making an Add-On to try to do this?


Cefsharp Visual Studio Get Link Url

I am building a web browser with visual studio cefsharp. I have been struggling to find a way to find the url of a specific link (on an action like right-click or mouseover). In other words, when I right-click a link, I would like to store the url in a variable. I found this:
Which I believe would solve my problem but am not sure how to use it. If anyone could explain this link or suggest a new solution, I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
I'm using CEF, not CefSharp. So I'll try to guess how it is going to work in CefSharp. When you right click anything in the browser the context menu shows up. There is a way to create a custom handler for the context menu. This tutorial has some details.
The 4th parameter of OnBeforeContextMenu is IContextMenuParams. If I understand your question correctly you are looking for LinkUrl property.

Tuleap - Project Dashboard Missing

We are using Tuleap in our Organization, currently we are facing a serious issue.
We have created around 40 projects in Tuleap and all those were working fine, suddenly we find project dashboard is missing inside one of the project which was working well all these days. (i.e. the screen which appears once I click on any project from Personal Page).
The real problem is that I don't find that custom widgets option in one of the project, because of that I could not recreate card wall to the project dashboard.
The image below shows how the project dashboard appears now. You can see the custom widget option as well the cardwall are missing.
You talk about the project dashboard yet you have attached a screenshot of the project tree. Is it that you are redirected to the project tree when you click on the link to the project dashboard? Given that this only happens on one project, I would guess that the link has been badly configured (project administration -> service conguration). The pattern should be similar to the one in a valid project.
P.S. This is more of a user question than a code question so I would guess its place would be on superuser not stackoverflow.
P.P.S Nice custom homemade theme. There is a green flaming parrot theme you might want to check-out as an alternative (> Tuleap 7.0).

XGantt ActiveX issue on Dynamics AX (2012)

I’m facing some issues with the Netronic XGantt ActiveX. My problem is that my ActiveX in the Form doesn’t seem to find the table I specified in the config panel.
I can't post a screenshot here since I'm new (I don't have 10 points) so this is a link to it.Configuration panel screenshot
I tried with a CSV file storing the nodes information, it works well.
Is the name SAG_GANTT_SOURCE_MODEL used properly? Knowing that I already created a table with this name and those fields in the screen capture.
Is there any further configuration elements I need to consider?
I can do as I wish following the classes some Dynamics AX projects (Gantt) uses but it seems to me that it’s too much work for implementing a simple component, isn’t it?
Since I can’t find any documentation/article/tutorial to use the XGantt ActiveX properly (except this one which I already saw
I’m wondering if you have any document, a link or a contact to help me with my issue.
Thanks for your attention.
Have you tried Netronic. I think they can generate a license file which you can import and this would enable the disgner of the control. Also they probably still have some pdf documents on thier website.

How to make a site-lookup addon for Firefox?

I'd like to create an addon for Firefox that would enable me to search a particular site by selecting text on one site and choosing to search another site by selecting that option in the context menu.
I already have an extension like that in my browser - the Wikipedia Lookup extension. Basically, I want the exact same functionality but which will send the search text to a different site.
I'm completely new to Firefox addons, so can somebody tell me what's involved in this? Or point me at a site with a list of instructions to do a plugin like this? I can see examples on how to make a Hello World kind of plugin but I can't see how to extend that example into what I need. Thanks.
Have you considered opening the Wikipedia extension source and modifying the pointer from to the other search site? This is assuming you're using Windows Vista or higher. The source code should be located at:
You would then have to modify the source code inside to change the pointer, and the POST variables string to match that of the site you will be using.
I hope this at least points you in the general direction!

How do I write a custom start page for VS 2008?

I've looked around, and not found much documentation on this, so I thought I'd ask where all the experts hang out.
I would like to create a new start page, with bug tracking and source control interfaces, rather than the standard MSDN feed. I seem to remember that one can do more than just supply a different URL, but can actually implement a component to run as the start page, which needn't use web content. I may be wrong. Can anyone please give me some tips?
You can do is to create a DTE ToolWindow (read: Creating a ToolWindow hosting a .NET user control) and host your controls there, then its pretty easy to create an addin that will show the tool window as a document at runtime. (The same way that the start-up page looks)
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Startup and put your RSS URL in the Start Page news channel field.
That should give you enough, but if you want to do more you can select open home page in the at startup dropdown and point it at a URL with the appropriate content. If you use an intranet with Windows authentication you could display user specific stuff.
This will be completely customizable in VS 2010. You'll be able to do anything you want to on the start page.
