Which is better way of handling data Groupby/Distinct - oracle

I have big sql that scans through multiple tables having million records. After query completion, i am getting 250K records. The resultset will be saved in a staging table before getting written in files. There is a possibility that the resultset will have duplicates.
The question is, which of the following options is better and gives a better result
Doing a group by or distinct before inserting into resultset into the staging table.
Insert duplicate records into staging table and use distinct/group by while selecting records from staging table
There is not much difference between 1 and 2

If you filter the duplicates before inserting then you are reducing the number of writes that you need to make into the staging table and, since those duplicate rows will not be in the staging table, then you are also going to reduce the number of reads from the staging table when you come to write it out to a file. So, logically, option 1 should give better performance.
However, if you are that concerned about the difference between the two then the answer has to be "profile both methods on your system and see which is best on your hardware/tables/indexes/etc".


MERGE INTO Performance as table grows

This is a general question about the Oracle MERGE INTO statement with a particular scenario, on Oracle RDBMS 12c.
Daily data will be loaded to StagingTableA - about 10m rows.
This will be MERGEd INTO TableA.
TableA will vary between 0 to 10m rows (matcing StagingTableA).
There may be times when TableA will be pruned/emptied and left with 0 rows.
Clearly, when TableA is empty, a straight INSERT will do the job, but the procedure has been written to use a MERGE INTO method to handle all scenarios.
The MERGE .. MATCH is on a indexed column.
My question is an uncertainty about how the MERGE handles the MATCH in circumstances where TableA will start empty, and then grow hugely during the MERGE execution. The MATCH on indexed columns will use a FTS as the stats will show the table has 0 rows.
At some point during the MERGE transaction, this will become inefficient.
Is the MERGE statement clever enough to detect this and change the execution plan, and start using the index instead of the FTS?
If this was done the old way with CURSOR, UPDATE and INSERT then we could potentially introduce a ANALYZE at a appropriate point (say after 50,000 processed) on the TableA to switch to a optimal plan.
I haven't been able to find any documentation dealing with this specific question.
Hopefully you've got a UNIQUE index on that table, which is based on the incoming data. If I was you, rather than using a simple MERGE I'd:
Mark all indexes on the table as UNUSABLE, except for the unique index.
INSERT all records
Catch the DUPLICATE VALUE ON INDEX exception at the time of INSERT and issue the appropriate UPDATE.
DELETE processed rows from the input record.
Commit every N records (1000? 10000? 100000? Your choice...), calling DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS for the table you've inserted into after each COMMIT.
Best of luck.

Is there any use to create index on all the table columns in oracle?

In our one of production database, we have 4 column table and there are no PK,UK constraints on it. only one notnull constraint on one column. The inserts are slow on this table and when I checked the indexes , there is one index which is built on all columns.
It is a normal table and not IOT. I really don't see a need of all column index, but wondering why the developers has created it?
Appreciate your thoughts?
It might be usefull, i.e. if you (mainly) query all columns oracle doesn't have to access the table at all, but can get all the data from the index. Though inserts take longer because a larger index has to be maintained by the dbms everytime.
One case where it could be useful is,
Say for example, you are trying to check the existence of records in this table and for that you have to have joins on all four columns. So in such a case if you have written a correlated query like below,
SELECT <something>
FROM table_1 t1
(SELECT 1 FROM table_t2 t2 where t1.c1=t2.c1 and t1.c2=t2.c2 and t1.c3=t2.c3 and t1.c4=t2.c4)
Apart from above case, it looks an error to me from developer's side.
Indexes are good to better query optimization but causes slow updates/inserts because the indexes needs to be updated at each modification.
If these tables first use is querying and inserts happens only in a specific periods like a batch at the beginning or the end of the day only, then you can remove the indexes before updating tables and then restore them.
In addition, all the queries all these tables need to be analysed to see which indexes are useful and which are not?
Anyway, You need to ask developers before removing these indexes.

Deleting duplicate rows in oracle

Shouldn't the following query work fine for deleting duplicate rows in oracle
SQL> delete from sessions o
where 1<=(select count(*)
from sessions i
where i.id!=o.id
and o.data=i.data);
It seems to delete all the duplication rows!! (I wish to keep 1 tough)
Your statement doesn't work because your table has at least one row where two different ID's share the same values for DATA.
Although your intent may be to look for differing values of DATA ID by ID, what your SQL is saying is in fact set-based: "Look at my table as a whole. If there are any rows in the table such that the DATA is the same but the ID's are different (i.e., that inner COUNT(*) is anything greater than 0), then DELETE every row in the table."
You may be attempting specific, row-based logic, but your statement is big-picture (set-based). There's nothing in it to single out duplicate rows, as there is in the solution Ollie has linked to, for example.

oracle - moving data from to identical database

I have two databases with identical table layouts. There are a dozen or so tables of interest. They are a number of FK between them.
I have been asked to write a stored procedure to copy data from database A to database B based on the PK of the parent table at the top of the hierarchy. I may receive just one value, or a list of values. I'm supposed to select all records from database A that match the value(s) and insert/update them into database B. This includes all the records in the child tables too.
My questions is whats the best(most efficent/ best practice) way to do this?
Should I write a dozen select from... insert into... statements?
Should I join the tables together an try to insert into all the tables at the same time?
Additional info:
The record should be inserted if it is not already there. (based on the PK of the respective table). Otherwise it should be updated.
Obviously I need to traverse down to all child tables, so There would only be one record to copy in the parent table, but the child table might have 10, and the child's child table might have 500. I would of course need to update the record if it already existed, insert if it does not for the child tables too...
I think it would make the solution simpler if I just deleted all records related to the top level key, and then insert all the new records rather than trying to do updates.
So I guess the questions is it best to just do a dozen:
delete from ... where ... in ...
select from ... where ... in ...
insert into...
or is it better to do some kinda of fancy joins to do all the inserts in one sql statement?
I would do this by disabling all the foreign key constraints, then doing a set of MERGE statements to deal with the updates and inserts, then enable all the constraints.
Think about logging. How much redo do you want to generate?
You might find that it's quicker and better to truncate all the target tables and then do inserts of everything with nolog. Could be simpler than the merges.
One major main alternative would be to drop all the target tables and use export and import. Might be a lot faster.
A second alternative would be to use materialized views, particularly if you don't need to do updates on the target tables. That way, Oracle does all the heavy lifting for you. You can force integrity by choosing refresh groups carefully.
There are several ways to deal with this business problem. A PL/SQL program may not be the best.

How do I prevent the loading of duplicate rows in to an Oracle table?

I have some large tables (millions of rows). I constantly receive files containing new rows to add in to those tables - up to 50 million rows per day. Around 0.1% of the rows I receive are duplicates of rows I have already loaded (or are duplicates within the files). I would like to prevent those rows being loaded in to the table.
I currently use SQLLoader in order to have sufficient performance to cope with my large data volume. If I take the obvious step and add a unique index on the columns which goven whether or not a row is a duplicate, SQLLoader will start to fail the entire file which contains the duplicate row - whereas I only want to prevent the duplicate row itself being loaded.
I know that in SQL Server and Sybase I can create a unique index with the 'Ignore Duplicates' property and that if I then use BCP the duplicate rows (as defined by that index) will simply not be loaded.
Is there some way to achieve the same effect in Oracle?
I do not want to remove the duplicate rows once they have been loaded - it's important to me that they should never be loaded in the first place.
What do you mean by "duplicate"? If you have a column which defines a unique row you should setup a unique constraint against that column. One typically creates a unique index on this column, which will automatically setup the constraint.
Yes, as commented below you should setup a "bad" file for SQL*Loader to capture invalid rows. But I think that establishing the unique index is probably a good idea from a data-integrity standpoint.
Use Oracle MERGE statement. Some explanations here.
You dint inform about what release of Oracle you have. Have a look at there for merge command.
Basically like this
---- Loop through all the rows from a record temp_emp_rec
MERGE INTO hr.employees e
USING temp_emp_rec t
ON (e.emp_ID = t.emp_ID)
--- _You can update_
SET first_name = t.first_name,
last_name = t.last_name
--- _Insert into the table_
INSERT (emp_id, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (t.emp_id, t.first_name, t.last_name);
I would use integrity constraints defined on the appropriate table columns.
This page from the Oracle concepts manual gives an overview, if you also scroll down you will see what types of constraints are available.
use below option, if you will get this much error 9999999 after that your sqlldr will terminate.
you will get duplicate records in bad file.
sqlldr user/password#schema CONTROL=file.ctl, LOG=file.log, BAD=file.bad
