Exporting models with Papyrus - papyrus

I am a newby to Papyrus. Export seems to only support exporting graphics of the model diagrams. Is there a way to export a model that is compatibly with other tools, such as XMI?

You can create an XMI file for your model by doing the following:
Right click on the project containing the model you wish to export
Select General > File System
Include the .uml file for the model to export
Select the directory for export and click Finish


How do I import .obj or other models files into p5.js

So What I want is an .OBJ file in my plane Sim that is the main simulator(The plane), I make a small cube to test if it will work, and when I try to insert the file. It does not give me an option to load it.
I first tried this when looking at TheCodingTrain's tutorial, in the tutorial, when adding a new file, there was a Dropbox where he could insert the file he wanted, but I use the standard p5.js web editor format and it does not give me the option or Dropbox, and when I type the name of the file, It tells me that It does not except the .OBJ file type.
It's difficult to understand your question since you don't link to the CodingTrain tutorial in question and the references to "Dropbox" (a totally separate service that you could use to host files, but not necessarily load them in a p5.js sketch) are very confusing.
However, uploading files and loading 3d models in the p5js web editor is quite straightforward:
Expand the "Sketch files" panel
Click the down arrow menu in the top right of the "Sketch files" panel
Select the "Upload file" option
Either Drag and Drop your .obj file or click to open the file browser and select it.
Here's an example
Ok, now I know why this was not happening, it seems that I was not logged in when I am uploading my files, I always log in only to save my projects before my classes end.

Import solution without Ribbon changes

We are trying to import a solution from an org A to an org B such that the ribbon changes made in the org A is not imported. While adding an entity to a solution in org A, we excluded the metadata and added the entity. While exporting this solution from org A and importing it to org B, the ribbon changes made in the entity in the org A replaces all the ribbon changes made to the same entity in the org B.
Is there a way such that the ribbon changes are not included in the solution?
Unfortunately, Ribbondiff xml of Entity Metadata definition is not a sub-component that can be segmented as a part of solution yet.
In other words, there is no granularity to skip the ribbon changes only using solution between environments. Ribbon always goes.
One workaround is to open the CRM ribbon workbench, copy the xml as a backup from Org B. After moving the entity solution from Org A to Org B, paste the backup xml into Org B to restore/publish.
You cannot exclude the ribbon from an entity when exporting in the solution. What you can do is to exclude the global ribbon definition (Solution -> Client Extensions -> Application Ribbons).
I suggest that you remove your changes to the local ribbon of your entity, and instead make a global ribbon customization that targets only the entity you are interested in. If you then exclude the Application Ribbons from your solution, the change will stay behind in your source environment.
You can edit the global ribbon by adding Application Ribbons to a solution:
You would then find the global <RibbonDiffXml> in customizations.xml (located at the very end of the file). There you add the needed XML using the {!EntityLogicalName} placeholder. Finally you can use a DisplayRule to ensure that only your specific entity has the ribbon button shown:
<DisplayRule Id="My.DisplayRule">
<EntityRule EntityName="myEntity" Context="Form" />
Using the SolutionPackager.exe you can exclude the ribbon.
Export the solution from Dynamics 365
Extract using SolutionPackager.exe
In the extracted files, remove the RibbonDiff.xml file from the entity folder
Edit the Entity.xml and remove the <RibbonDiffXml />
Pack the solution using SolutionPackager.exe
NOTE: You will need to do this every time you export

Visual Studio DSL interaction with my classes

I'm getting start with DSL, I have build my DSL and I have a T4 template for generate code from a design.
I can create a new element in my project of my DSL type, I can create my design and then I have to run my T4 to generate code.
But, I can see how to work the default Visual Studio Class Diagram, it don't need to run any T4. For example when you drop a class in the diagram it shows a dialog to choose the class name and file.
When I change a class (adding properties for example) by edit the file the diagram update itself the new information (properties, methods, ...). When you add a property in a class using the diagram its update the file adding the correct property ...
How to do it? I'm newbie and I would like to find documentation about it.

Qooxdoo - how do i create a new theme and use it in the application?

I am quite new to qooxdoo and I need help in creating a custom theme for my application.
I copied the native Modern theme and modified some of its features, now my question is how do I add it as new theme to qooxdoo and how can I use it in my application?
any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to copy it over, simply extending the theme would be good. If you created your app with the qooxdoo desktop skeleton using the create-application.py helper, you should already have a custom theme in place running and extending the modern theme. If not, you simply have to edit the config.json file which should be in your root project folder and search for a key named QXTHEME. The value of that key is a classname which specifies your theme. Change that to your custom theme class and rebuild the app to see the result.
Here are some further resources on how to work with themes: http://manual.qooxdoo.org/current/pages/desktop/ui_custom_themes.html
To add a bit to Martin's answer: You don't copy and modify theme code, you extend and override, much as with class code.
If you create an application skeleton with create-application.py, the default code structure under source/class already contains custom theme classes (under source/class//theme/*). The thing is those theme classes extend from the Modern theme without actually overriding anything, so you effectively get the Modern look and feel.
But you can then go ahead and flesh out those custom theme classes, with properties that suite your taste, thereby creating your own theme.
i found it very difficult to create a custom theme by extending one of the existing native themes (classic, modern... etc) without looking at the source code, also i don't want to mess up the original API's files by modifying them, so i did the following:
1- replaced files in my application's directory: myapplication/source/class/myapplication/theme/ with the files in /qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/class/qx/theme/modern/. replaced four files in total (Appearance.js, Decoration.js, Color.js and Font.js).
2- copied decoration directory from /qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/resource/qx/decoration/Modern to my application's directory: myapplication/source/recourse/myapplication/decoration.
3- copied icons directory from qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/resource/qx/icon/Tango to my application's directory myapplication/source/resource/myapplication/icon.
4- copied Tango.js from qooxdoo-directory/framework/source/class/qx/theme/icon/Tango.js to my application's directory myapplication/source/class/myapplication/theme/icon/Icon.js.
5- edited the meta file Themes.js and changed it to:
meta :
color : myapplication.theme.Color,
decoration : myapplication.theme.Decoration,
font : myapplication.theme.Font,
icon : myapplication.theme.icon.Icon,
appearance : myapplication.theme.Appearance
6- edited Icon.js file (which i copied from Tango.js in step 4) and changed it to:
title : "myIcons",
aliases : {
"icon" : "myapplication/icon"
7- edited Decoration.js, Appearance.js, Color.js and Font.js in my application's theme directory and changed the classes' namespaces from:
qx.Theme.define("qx.theme.modern.<file's name>",
qx.Theme.define("myapplication.theme.<file's name>",
8- corrected assets paths in Decoration.js and Appearance.js from the original path qx/decoration/Modern or qx/icon/Tango to the one relevant to my appliaction myapplication/decoration and myapplication/icon, for example:
changed to
ps: the relative path in an application is application-name/source/resource, so you can refer to any directory in this folder by application-name/folder-name.
9- likewise in step 8 i changed aliases in decoration.js to:
aliases : {
decoration : "myapplication/decoration"
10 - ran generate.py file in myapplication/source.
and done, now i can change anything i want without crashing the API :)

Why can't I see a Managed Object Class file template in Xcode?

I created a .xcdatamodel Managed Object Model file in Xcode. I selected that file in Groups & Files. Then I go to File > New... > and nowhere in the iPhone Templates / Cocoa Touch Class templates I see the "Managed Object Class" file template.
Does anyone know what can be wrong?
I usually need to also select the entities for which I want to generate the class files.
In Xcode 4, select the entity in the xcdatamodeld, then choose Editor Menu > Create NSManagedObject Subclass
If you are wanting to subclass NSManagedObject then I would highly recommend talking a look at mogenerator (github). It will autogenerate the subclasses for you AND keep them in sync as you update your model. It also has the concept of machine classes vs. human classes so that you can add convenience methods, etc. without your code being stepped on each time you update your model.
I've seen this problem before as well. Solution for me was to click on a non-data model file (in Groups & Files) and then click back on the versioned data model file (and entity within it) and then try File -> New File. Alternatively, restarting xcode, selecting the data model file (and entity within it) and then trying File -> New File also worked for me.
Click On the top left where it says "Simulator 3.1.2 | debug". Change it to "IPHONE Device 3.1.2 (BASE SDK)... voila. (SAMS iphone in 24hrs?? lots of typos and incomplete procedures!)
Managed Object Class file template can be seen under "Core Data" section of new file creation option of XCode 4.
The following screenshot depicts it.
