Configure Spring Boot with two ports - spring

I'm trying configure an application in Spring Boot with two differents ports, but I haven't got still.
My first aproximation has been with two controllers and I have defined a #Bean inside the two controller with container.setPort(8080);
And my second aproximation has been add the actuator dependency and change the port of the managament, but my application don't run. "Address already in use: bind",
How can I confiure an application with two ports? I want one port for admin and the other port is for consults of my api.

As is has been mentioned before, server.port and management.port along with management.context-path properties could be set to make the embedded container to listen on different ports (management-related properties to access Actuator endpoints).
To listen on ports other than server.port and management.port:
public class EmbeddedTomcatConfiguration {
private String additionalPorts;
public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory servletContainer() {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat = new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
Connector[] additionalConnectors = this.additionalConnector();
if (additionalConnectors != null && additionalConnectors.length > 0) {
return tomcat;
private Connector[] additionalConnector() {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.additionalPorts)) {
return null;
String[] ports = this.additionalPorts.split(",");
List<Connector> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String port : ports) {
Connector connector = new Connector("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol");
return result.toArray(new Connector[] {});
port: ${appPort:8800}
additionalPorts: 8881,8882
public Application {
public static void main(String[] args) { .class, args);
I recently blogged about this topic at

Since springboot 2, EmbeddedServletContainerFactory mentioned in ootero solution is no longer available, so you should use either TomcatServletWebServerFactory or TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory according to your context.
The solution stays the same aside from the factory injection :
public TomcatServletWebServerFactory servletContainer() {
TomcatServletWebServerFactory tomcat = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
Connector[] additionalConnectors = this.additionalConnector();
if (additionalConnectors != null && additionalConnectors.length > 0) {
return tomcat;

To change Actuator management port you can use property
See full list of properties here
Actuator creates one more Embedded Tomcat(servlet container) instance in this case.
See here and here

To run 2 or more applications within a single project or change the default port, you can perform the action like this
public class NewApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(NewApplication .class);
app.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("server.port", "8083"));;

If only one additional port is to be opened, the following is sufficient (Kotlin):
class AdditionalEndpointConfig {
fun tomcatServletWebServerFactory(#Value("\${$PORT_PROPERTY}") additionalPort: Int) =
TomcatServletWebServerFactory().apply {
Connector("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol").apply {
scheme = "http"
port = additionalPort
companion object {
const val PORT_PROPERTY = "server.additional.port"


Spring boot register bean when application is started

Before a Spring boot application starts, I need to make a request for some credentials. I'm storing them in an object.
Is there a way to register this object as a bean before all other beans so that I can inject them in a configuration class?
I've tried like below but it's throwing exceptions:
SpringBootApplication(exclude = {MongoAutoConfiguration.class,
SecurityAutoConfiguration.class, DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
public class BeanOnInitApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Starting the app");
MongoCredentials creds = makeARequestToExternalServiceAndGetCredentials();
GenericApplicationContext appContext = (GenericApplicationContext), args);
appContext.registerBean("mongoCredentials", MongoCredentials.class, () -> creds, bdc -> bdc.setLazyInit(false));
And config class:
public class AppConfig {
MongoCredentials mongoCredentials;
#Bean(name = "mongoTemplate")
public MongoTemplate mt() {
String url = "mongodb://" + mongoCredentials.getUsername() + ":" + mongoCredentials.getPassword() + "#localhost:27017/admin";
MongoDatabaseFactory mdf = new SimpleMongoClientDatabaseFactory(url);
return new MongoTemplate(mdf);
If this is not a solution what are the alternatives? The scope is to register a critical bean before anything else.
Just make it an #Bean.
public MongoCredentials mongoCredentials() {
return makeARequestToExternalServiceAndGetCredentials();
Don't handle exceptions in the makeARequestToExternalServiceAndGetCredentials and just let them bubble up. If the request then fails the application will simply fail to start. If you want to retry wrap the call with a Spring Retry RetryTemplate and you have everything you want.
Another option is, which would allow for using auto configuration for Mongo as you appear to be using Spring Boot. Is to create an EnvironmentPostProcessor which loads the properties and adds them to the environment.
public class MongoCredentialsPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
MongoCredentials credentials = makeARequestToExternalServiceAndGetCredentials();
String url = "mongodb://" + mongoCredentials.getUsername() + ":" + mongoCredentials.getPassword() + "#localhost:27017/admin";
Map<String, Object> props = Map.of("", url);
MapPropertySource mps = new MapPropertySource("mongo-credentials", props):
Finally you could also modify your current code to do the same as the EnvironmentPostProcessor.
SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
SecurityAutoConfiguration.class, DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class})
public class BeanOnInitApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Starting the app");
MongoCredentials creds = makeARequestToExternalServiceAndGetCredentials();
String url = "mongodb://" + mongoCredentials.getUsername() + ":" + mongoCredentials.getPassword() + "#localhost:27017/admin";
SpringApplicationBuilder sab = new SpringApplicationBuilder(BeanOnInitApplication.class);"", url)).run(args);
With both the latter and the EnvironmentPostProcessor you should be able to use the mongo autoconfiguration (which will provide the MongoTemplate for you.

Spring Boot: Multiple WAR deployment in same tomcat different properties

So I have to deploy the same springboot app as multiple apps in the same tomcat server.
eg /app1 /app2 /app3.
They share most of the same configuration except for datasource configuration.
I've been searching for a way to externalise the datasource configuration based on the servlet-context or something like that.
Using springs externalised configuration, I am able to get it to load the same external data source file for all apps, but they need to be different. eg.
#PropertySource(value = "file:${HOME}/", ignoreResourceNotFound=false)
Using the embedded tomcat mode, ie via say .\gradlew bootRun I think I can achieve it.
I just need to use the following as the for that profile sets the server.context-path property. (as this is a single app) eg.
#PropertySource(value = "file:${HOME}/${server.context-path}/", ignoreResourceNotFound=false),
Searching around, I thought it might be something like (and combinations of) the following, but it didn't work. eg
#PropertySource(value = "file:${HOME}/${server.servlet.context-path}/", ignoreResourceNotFound=false)
All examples I've found so far deal with either the embedded tomcat, or a single externalised property file for a single app.
Ideally I would like it to find the file in either it's own directory
So for the three apps it would be something like the following, where it detects from it's deployed context, what the location for it's property file is. eg:
Obviously if the app was deployed as /funky_chicken then it would have a matching funky_chicken/
Any thoughts ? I know I am probably close, and I've tried dumping all the environmental properties. (you are probably are going to tell me to get it from JNDI as it's the only one I haven't dumped looking for the context)
Now I know ${HOME} is not the best place to store config items, it really is just to make it easier to describe the issue.
Thanks to the suggestions to use profiles, is there a way to have three active profiles in the one tomcat server, /app1, /app2 and /app3 from the same WAR file?
Why you want to deploy in tomcat? Springboot app can work lonely. Hope below steps helpful to you.
add application.yml( is ok too) in /resources. In this file, you configure common setting here.
Then you add files named from application-app1.yml to application-app3.yml in /resources too. In these files, you configure different db setting.
launch your app: for example, I suppose app1 using port 10000, app2 using port 10001...
after maven well,
app1: java -jar target/[***SNAPSHOT].jar --server.port=10000
app2: java -jar target/[***SNAPSHOT].jar --server.port=10001
app3: java -jar target/[***SNAPSHOT].jar --server.port=10002
You can solve problem with spring profiles and there is no need to use #PropertySource
for application 1 just activate profiles: - this assume that in classpath you have file. Same for app2, app3..appN. And file application.properies will contains common properties for all of services
I had a similar requirement. My approach is to pass the config directory to tomcat as environment variable, lets assume you pass
Then under /home/user/config folder you should have files matching the contextPath for each application instance. In your case you should have
If you don't want to duplicate common parameters, you can put all common properties in a separate file and use "spring.config.import" to import it from each application specific configuration file. Note that importing another file is supported since Spring Boot 2.4 See section "Importing Additional Configuration"
For Spring Boot application to load the properties file according to the context path, you should override "createRootApplicationContext" to get the context path, and override "configure" to set it as the properties file name as below.
public class TestApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
private static Class<TestApp> applicationClass = TestApp.class;
private String contextPath;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {, args);
catch (Exception e) {
// Handle error
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(applicationClass).properties("" + contextPath);
protected WebApplicationContext createRootApplicationContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
contextPath = servletContext.getContextPath();
return super.createRootApplicationContext(servletContext);
You can try the RoutingDataSource approach, This lets you switch the datasource at runtime/realtime.
To implement this you have to pass some datasource identifier initially (You can set it in your auth token for rest based requests or in a session)
eg -
Here app1, app2, app3 will be your datasource identifiers
App controller
public class AppController extends SuperController{
public String login(ModelMap map, #PathVariable("client") String client, HttpServletRequest request){
//Logic to set the path variable
return "loginPage";
Routing datasource Config
#ComponentScan({ "com.components_package" })
#PropertySource(value = { "" })
public class RoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
String tenant = DbContextHolder.getDbType();
LoginDetails LoginDetails = currentUser();
if(LoginDetails != null){
tenant = LoginDetails.getTenantId();
logger.debug("tenant >>>> "+tenant);
return tenant;
private LoginDetails currentUser() {
final Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (authentication instanceof UserAuthentication) {
return ((UserAuthentication) authentication).getDetails();
//If not authenticated return anonymous user
return null;
Hibernate config
#PropertySource(value = { "" })
public class HibernateConfiguration {
private Environment environment;
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean em = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
JpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();
return em;
/** RoutingDataSource datasource initialized enabling the application
* to switch multiple databases at runtime
* #return
private RoutingDataSource dynamicDataSource(){
RoutingDataSource routingDataSource = new RoutingDataSource();
/*Set default datasource*/
/*Set all datasource map*/
return routingDataSource;
/** This is a default datasource
* #return
private DataSource defaultDataSource() {
final JndiDataSourceLookup dsLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
DataSource dataSource = dsLookup.getDataSource("jdbc/defaultDs");
return dataSource;
/** This method sets all predefined client specific datasources in a map
* #return Map<Object, Object>
private Map<Object, Object> fetchDatasourceMap(){
Map<Object, Object> dataSourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
String client = environment.getRequiredProperty("database.clients");
String[] allClients = client.split(",");
if(allClients != null && allClients.length > 0){
for (Integer i = 0; i < allClients.length; i++) {
String clientKey = allClients[i].trim();
dataSourcesMap.put(clientKey, dataSource(clientKey));
return dataSourcesMap;
private DataSource dataSource(String clientKey) {
final JndiDataSourceLookup dsLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
String lookupKey = "jdbc/"+clientKey;
DataSource dataSource = dsLookup.getDataSource(lookupKey);
return dataSource;
private Properties hibernateProperties() {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("hibernate.dialect", environment.getRequiredProperty("hibernate.dialect"));
properties.put("hibernate.show_sql", environment.getRequiredProperty("hibernate.show_sql"));
// properties.put("hibernate.format_sql",
// environment.getRequiredProperty("hibernate.format_sql"));
return properties;
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager() {
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
You have to define your datasource properties in context.xml for JNDI lookup.
Hope this helps

How to set max-swallow-size in spring boot 2?

I'm trying to set max-swallow-size property of tomcat to -1 in springboot microservice while upgrading to springboot version 2; my earlier code was working but in upgrade some classes have changed so it stopped working.
I tried to set property in two ways but both are not working;
with service configuration
public ServletWebServerFactory servletContainerFactory() {
TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory = new TomcatServletWebServerFactory();
factory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
if(connector.getProtocolHandler() instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) {
logger.debug("Setting maxSwallowSize for server connector as "+maxSwallowSize);
((AbstractHttp11Protocol <?>) connector.getProtocolHandler()).setMaxSwallowSize(maxSwallowSize);
return factory;
In control flow, I can see the debug line printed but it have not taken effect as end -point response is 502(Bad gateway) instead of 400
Second way :
2. through file with property
This is also not honored.
Now, How can I verify the property value whether it is actually set or not ?
or Am I setting the value in correct way ?
This New class has resolved my issue
public class TomcatCustomizer implements
WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> {
public void customize(TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory) {
factory.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
if(connector.getProtocolHandler() instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) {
((AbstractHttp11Protocol <?>) connector.getProtocolHandler()).setMaxSwallowSize(maxSwallowSize);
and I have used updated properties in spring boot 2.0
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size= XX MB
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size= YY MB

spring boot actuator connect jmx programmatically

I'd like to use the shutdown endpoint of my Spring Boot 2.0.1 application from the command line. For that I have only added the spring-boot-starter-actuator to my Gradle file and enabled the shutdown endpoint in the configuration.
I also created a very simple tool that tries to connect via JMX to the running application.
String url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://127.0.01:<which port?>/jmxrmi";
JMXServiceURL serviceUrl = new JMXServiceURL(url);
JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceUrl, null); <-- KAPOW!
JMX is working because I can use jconsole to connect locally. I just have no clue how to do it programmatically.
Any other attempts to explicitly set a port as mentioned here didn't work. Any hints?
It's probably easier to enable jolokia rather than using RMI; then you can simply
curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/jolokia/exec/org.springframework.boot:type=Admin,name=SpringApplication/shutdown
If you prefer to use RMI, refer to the Spring Framework JMX Documentation.
Server app:
public class So50392589Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public RmiRegistryFactoryBean rmi() {
RmiRegistryFactoryBean rmi = new RmiRegistryFactoryBean();
return rmi;
public ConnectorServerFactoryBean server() throws Exception {
ConnectorServerFactoryBean fb = new ConnectorServerFactoryBean();
return fb;
Client app:
public class JmxClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(JmxClient.class)
public ApplicationRunner runner(MBeanServerConnection jmxConnector) {
return args -> {
jmxConnector.invoke(new ObjectName("org.springframework.boot:type=Admin,name=SpringApplication"),
"shutdown", new Object[0], new String[0]);
public MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean jmxConnector() throws Exception {
MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean jmx = new MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean();
return jmx;
There is a much simpler approach if you do not need to connect to the app remotely using the jcmd tool introduced in Java SE 7, and the Attach API introduced in Java SE 6.
I've written a blog post that explains this in detail. It's too big to simply copy-paste here, following is the link to the relevant section.
This is not a duplicate answer because when the question was asked, this answer didn't exist. This answer has already been tailored to this question; let's not get trigger happy mods.

Spring Boot - replace default embedded Tomcat connector

I need to add an AJP connector to embedded Tomcat and disable (or replace) the default connector that listens on 8080.
I've tried customizing this with EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer, but I can't get a handle on the Tomcat object to replace the default connector created there. As a result I end up with the http port on 8080 in addition to my AJP ports.
Next, I've tried extending TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory and overriding its getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer method. Per the JavaDoc, this appears to be the perfect place to replace the default connector, but it still ends up being enabled (and doesn't create my AJP connector either). Any ideas what I might be missing? I've verified with the debugger that my configuration is being run.
Per answer below, here's the cleanest solution:
public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat() {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory myFactory = new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory();
return myFactory;
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer2() {
return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container;
tomcat.addConnectorCustomizers(new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
You can use a TomcatConnectorCustomizer to configure the existing connector to use AJP by adding it to the TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.
Just create a EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer bean and reconfigure it to AJP:
public class ServletConfig {
// AJP port defined in properties (default 666)
private Integer ajpPort;
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer ajpContainerCustomizer() {
return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcat = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container;
