Algorithm complexity for this function - algorithm

def mystery(L):
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
bound = 1
while bound <= len(L):
i = 0
while i < bound:
j = 0
while j < len(L):
if L[j] > L[i]:
sum1 = sum1 + L[j]
j = j + 2
j = 1
while j < len(L):
sum2 = sum2 + L[j]
j = j*2
i = i + 1
bound = bound * 2
return sum1 + sum2
I am having trouble finding the complexity of this function. I got to the i loop and don't know what to do.

It's a bit tricky to sort out how many times the middle level while loop runs. The outer loop increases bound by a factor of two on each pass (up to len(L)), which means the i loop will run O(bound) times per pass for O(log(N)) passes (where N is len(L)). The tricky part is how to add up the bound values, since they're changing on each pass.
I think the easiest way to figure out the sum is to start with the largest bound, just before the loop quits. First, lets assume that N (aka len(L)) is a power of 2. Then the last bound value will be exactly equal to N. The next smaller one (used on the next to last iteration) will be N/2 and the next after that will be N/4. Their sum will be:
N + N/2 + N/4 + N/8 + ... + 1
If we factor out N from each term, we'll get:
N*(1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/N)
You should recognize the sum in the parentheses, it's a simple geometric series (the sum of the powers of 1/2), which comes up pretty often in mathematics and analysis. If the sum went on forever, it would add up exactly to 2. Since we're quitting a bit early, it will be less than two by an amount equal to the last term (1/N). When we multiply the N term in again, we get the whole thing as being run 2*N - 1 times, so the loop is O(N)
The same Big-O bound works when N is not exactly a power of 2, since the values we added up in the analysis above will each serve as the upper bound for one of the actual bound values we will see in the loop.
So, the i loop runs O(N) times.


How can I calculate the time function T(n) of the following code?

for(int i=1 ; i<=n ; i++){
for(int j=1 ; j<=n ; j++){
By testing the code, the nested FOR loop recurs ⌈n/2⌉ times per steps of the first For loop.
But I don't know how to formulate these rules with sigmas. I would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this.
You can express T(n) as T(n-2)+1, i.e. T(n)=T(n-2)+1 Or its expected time complexity is O(n/2) => O(n).
Edit: T(n-2)+1 expression is evaluated as you can see if you increase n-2 by 2 means when n-2 became n, the number of times the loop will be executed is the 1 + number of time loop executed for n-2. 1 is because you are incrementing j and decrementing n simultaneously. it is exactly the same as incrementing j by 2.
Let's compute the exact value of x.
TL;DR: x(N) = N-[N/2^i+1], where i is the lowest number, satisfying the condition: (i+1) 2^i > N. As Mariano Demarchi said, T(N)=O(N).
First we will check how variables change after each inner loop. Let we have (n, i, x) values between 2 and 3 lines in code (before the inner loop):
How many iterations will happens? Each iteration increases j and decreases n, so the distance between them decreases by two. Start distance is n-1, and final, after the loop, is 0 (if n is odd) or -1 (if n is even). Thus if n=2k, the answer is k, otherwise k+1. So, the inner loop makes [(n+1)/2] = d iterations.
Thus x will increase by d, n becomes n-d and i becomes i+1.
(n, i, x) -> (n-d, i+1, x+d) or equal ([n/2], i+1, x + [(n+1)/2])
Now concentrate on values of n and i variables in the big loop:
They changes like that: (n, i) -> ([n/2], i+1)
The stop-condition is [N/2^i] < i+1, which is equals to (i+1)*2^i > N. Of course, we need minimal i, satisfying the condition.
So, i is the first number satisfying the condition and we DO NOT SUM further:
x = [(N+1)/2] + [([N/2]+1)/2] + [([N/2^2]+1)/2] + ... + [([N/2^i-1]+1)/2]
By the number theory magic (not related on this question) this series is equals to N (1-1/2^i+1). Particularly, if N is a power of 2 minus 1, we can see it easily.
So, this code returns exactly the same value in O(log(N)) time.
// finding i
unsigned long long i = 0;
while ((i + 1) * (1ll << i) < n)
// finding x
x = n - (n >> (i + 1));
In the inner loop, given that n decrements at the same time that j increments, n is going to be lower than j at the middle of the difference between both initial values, that is (n-1)/2.
That's why your tests show that the inner loop runs ⌈n/2⌉ times per each iteration of the outer loop.
Then the outer loop is going to stop when for the i that satisfies this equality n/2^i = i-1. This affects the outer loop stopping condition.
n/2 + T(n/2)
n/2 + n/4 + T(n/4)
n (1/2 + 1/4 + ... + 1/(2^i))
This series converges to n so that algorithm is O(n).

Calculate the code complexity of below code

I feel that in worst case also, condition is true only two times when j=i or j=i^2 then loop runs for an extra i + i^2 times.
In worst case, if we take sum of inner 2 loops it will be theta(i^2) + i + i^2 , which is equal to theta(i^2) itself;
Summation of theta(i^2) on outer loop gives theta(n^3).
So, is the answer theta(n^3) ?
I would say that the overall performance is theta(n^4). Here is your pseudo-code, given in text format:
for (i = 1 to n) do
for (j = 1 to i^2) do
if (j % i == 0) then
for (k = 1 to j) do
sum = sum + 1
Appreciate first that the j % i == 0 condition will only be true when j is multiples of n. This would occur in fact only n times, so the final inner for loop would only be hit n times coming from the for loop in j. The final for loop would require n^2 steps for the case where j is near the end of the range. On the other hand, it would only take roughly n steps for the start of the range. So, the overall performance here should be somewhere between O(n^3) and O(n^4), but theta(n^4) should be valid.
For fixed i, the i integers 1 ≤ j ≤ i2 such that j % i = 0 are {i,2i,...,i2}. It follows that the inner loop is executed i times with arguments i * m for 1 ≤ m ≤ i and the guard executed i2 times. Thus, the complexity function T(n) ∈ Θ(n4) is given by:
T(n) = ∑[i=1,n] (∑[j=1,i2] 1 + ∑[m=1,i] ∑[k=1,i*m] 1)
= ∑[i=1,n] ∑[j=1,i2] 1 + ∑[i=1,n] ∑[m=1,i] ∑[k=1,i*m] 1
= n3/3 + n2/2 + n/6 + ∑[i=1,n] ∑[m=1,i] ∑[k=1,i*m] 1
= n3/3 + n2/2 + n/6 + n4/8 + 5n3/12 + 3n2/8 + n/12
= n4/8 + 3n3/4 + 7n2/8 + n/4

Runtime Analysis of Insertion Sort

I am trying to compute the run-time analysis of this Insertion Sort algorithm:
1) n = length[A]
2) count = 0
3) for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
4) for (j=1; j<=i; j++)
5) if A[j] <= 100
6) for (k=j; k<=j+2*i; k++)
7) A[j] = A[j]-1
8) count = count+1
9) return (count)
I have watched some videoes on youtube like:
I have also read by book and I cannot find anything online that is similair to this (because of the 3 nested for loops and and if statement).
Now I am pretty good up until about like 5.
I understand that the runtime for line 3 is n, and for 4 it is Σ j =1 to n (tj)
after that I am completely lost, I know that there are to 'Σ's involved with the if statement and 3rd for loop. Can somebody please explain in detail what to do next and why it is like that. Thank you.
This sounds a lot like a homework problem, and it wouldn't be doing you any favors to just give you all the answers, but here are some principles that can hopefully help you figure out the rest on your own.
Line 4 will happen once the first time through the outer loop, twice the second time, and so forth up to n times on the nth time through the loop.
1 + 2 + ... + n
If we rearrange these to put the first and last addend together, then the second and the second-to-last, we see a pattern:
1 + 2 + ... (n-1) + n
= (n + 1) + (n - 1 + 2) + ... + (n - n/2 + n/2 + 1)
= (n + 1) + (n + 1) + ... + (n + 1)
= (n + 1) * n/2
= n²/2 + n/2
In terms of asymptotic complexity, the constant 1/2 and the n are outweighed by the n², so the big-O of line 4 is n².
Line 5 will have to be evaluated as many times as line 4 runs, regardless of what it evaluates to, so that'll be n². But how many times the lines inside it are run will depend on the values in the array. This is where you start running into best-case and worst-case complexity.
In the best case, the value in the array will always be greater than 100, so the complexity of the entire algorithm is equal to the complexity of line 5.
In the worst case, the value in A[j] will always be less than or equal to 100, so the for loop on line 6 will be evaluated, increasing the complexity of the overall algorithm.
I'll leave you to figure out how the remaining lines will affect the overall complexity.
And by the way, this doesn't look like an insertion sort to me. It's not comparing array values to each other and swapping their positions in an array. It's comparing array values to a constant (100) and reducing their values based on their position in the array.

Algorithm Analysis: Expected Running Time of Recursive Function Based on a RNG

I am somewhat confused with the running time analysis of a program here which has recursive calls which depend on a RNG. (Randomly Generated Number)
Let's begin with the pseudo-code, and then I will go into what I have thought about so far related to this one.
Func1(A, i, j)
/* A is an array of at least j integers */
1 if (i ≥ j) then return (0);
2 n ← j − i + 1 ; /* n = number of elements from i to j */
3 k ← Random(n);
4 s ← 0; //Takes time of Arbitrary C
5 for r ← i to j do
6 A[r] ← A[r] − A[i] − A[j]; //Arbitrary C
7 s ← s + A[r]; //Arbitrary C
8 end
9 s ← s + Func1(A, i, i+k-1); //Recursive Call 1
10 s ← s + Func1(A, i+k, j); //Recursive Call 2
11 return (s);
Okay, now let's get into the math I have tried so far. I'll try not to be too pedantic here as it is just a rough, estimated analysis of expected run time.
First, let's consider the worst case. Note that the K = Random(n) must be at least 1, and at most n. Therefore, the worst case is the K = 1 is picked. This causes the total running time to be equal to T(n) = cn + T(1) + T(n-1). Which means that overall it takes somewhere around cn^2 time total (you can use Wolfram to solve recurrence relations if you are stuck or rusty on recurrence relations, although this one is a fairly simple one).
Now, here is where I get somewhat confused. For the expected running time, we have to base our assumption off of the probability of the random number K. Therefore, we have to sum all the possible running times for different values of k, plus their individual probability. By lemma/hopefully intuitive logic: the probability of any one Randomly Generated k, with k between 1 to n, is equal 1/n.
Therefore, (in my opinion/analysis) the expected run time is:
ET(n) = cn + (1/n)*Summation(from k=1 to n-1) of (ET(k-1) + ET(n-k))
Let me explain a bit. The cn is simply for the loop which runs i to j. This is estimated by cn. The summation represents all of the possible values for k. The (1/n) multiplied by this summation is there because the probability of any one k is (1/n). The terms inside the summation represent the running times of the recursive calls of Func1. The first term on the left takes ET(k-1) because this recursive call is going to do a loop from i to k-1 (which is roughly ck), and then possibly call Func1 again. The second is a representation of the second recursive call, which would loop from i+k to j, which is also represented by n-k.
Upon expansion of the summation, we see that the overall function ET(n) is of the order n^2. However, as a test case, plugging in k=(n/2) gives a total running time for Func 1 of roughly nlog(n). This is why I am confused. How can this be, if the estimated running time is of the order n^2? Am I considering a "good" case by plugging in n/2 for k? Or am I thinking about k in the wrong sense in some way?
Expected time complexity is ET(n) = O(nlogn) . Following is math proof derived by myself please tell if any error :-
ET(n) = P(k=1)*(ET(1)+ET(n-1)) + P(k=2)*(ET(2)+ET(n-2)).......P(k=n-1)*(ET(n-1)+ET(1)) + c*n
As the RNG is uniformly random P(k=x) = 1/n for all x
hence ET(n) = 1/n*(ET(1)*2+ET(2)*2....ET(n-1)*2) + c*n
ET(n) = 2/n*sum(ET(i)) + c*n i in (1,n-1)
ET(n-1) = 2/(n-1)*sum(ET(i)) + c*(n-1) i in (1,n-2)
sum(ET(i)) i in (1,n-2) = (ET(n-1)-c*(n-1))*(n-1)/2
ET(n) = 2/n*(sum(ET(i)) in (1,n-2) + ET(n-1)) + c*n
ET(n) = 2/n*((ET(n-1)-c*(n-1))*(n-1)/2+ET(n-1)) + c*n
ET(n) = 2/n*((n+1)/2*ET(n-1) - c*(n-1)*(n-1)/2) + c*n
ET(n) = (n+1)/n*ET(n-1) + c*n - c*(n-1)*(n-1)/n
ET(n) = (n+1)/n*ET(n-1) + c
solving recurrence
ET(n) = (n+1)ET(1) + c + (n+1)/n*c + (n+1)/(n-1)*c + (n+1)/(n-2)*c.....
ET(n) = (n+1) + c + (n+1)*sum(1/i) i in (1,n)
sum(1/i) i in (1,n) = O(logn)
ET(n) = (n+1) + c + (n+1)*logn
ET(n) = O(nlogn)

Runtime of for loop

What's the runtime for this nested for loop in big O notation?
for(i = 1 to k)
for(j = i+1 to k)
It's smaller than O(k^2) but I can't figure it out.
Your question is closely related to the series sum S(k) = 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + (k-2) + (k-1). It can be shown that S(k) = (k*(k-1))/2 = (k*k)/2 - k/2. [How? Reorder the sum as S(k) = {0+(k-1)} + {1+(k-2)} + {2+(k-3)} + .... This shows how.]
Therefore, is the algorithmic order smaller than O(k*k)? Remember that constant coefficients like 1/2 do not influence the big O notation.
Question: So it's equivalent to replacing j = i+1 to k with j = 1 to k?
Answer: Right. This is tricky, so let's think it through. For i == 1, how many times does the inner loop's action run? Answer: it runs k-1 times. Again, for i == 2, how many times does the inner loop's action run? Answer: it runs k-2 times. Ultimately, for i == k, how many times does the inner loop's action run? Answer: it runs zero times. Therefore, over all values of i, how many times does the inner loop's action run? Answer: (k-1) + (k-2) + ... + 0, which is just the aforementioned sum S(k).
