Maven Build Test Results Just Pass or Fail - spring

When building using Maven I see a ton of log information being spewed out when running my Junit Tests. I am using spring boot so I see all of the initial log stuff running and would like to see individual test breakdowns to see what number passed, failed or errored out. Is there a plugin that allows this? I've seen it before but can't figure out what to do in my pom to fix it.
Below is my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project xmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<scope />
<!--servo's ver of guava conflicts with swagger, exclude it -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- This will generate surefire reports for the project -->
This should prevent surefire from rerunning tests but
but no failsafe reports are generated

I figured it out all I needed to do was to tell the surefire-plugin to redirect the output:

You didn't show us your configuration so we can just guess how to help you.
Most common way to turn off unrelated logging is to configure logging levels in
Here is relevant part of Spring Boot documentation.
If you have Spring packages configured on debug level, Spring Boot run creates huge amount of debug statements. So setting Spring to log level WARN (as sketched above) should filter out most of the log output.


How to upgrade Spring boot framework version from 2.0.5 to 2.7.8

Below is my pom.xml file, I want to upgrade the spring boot version to 2.7.8, kindly share me a blog or any help appreciated. Also when I try updating spring boot version, it gave me spring cloud dependencies, autoconfiguration error.
I tried updating pom.xml directly but it throws auto configuration error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Deployment Partner Service</name>
<description>Deployment Partner project for managing the deployment partners and there touchpoints</description>
<name>Artifactory Server</name>
<!--<url></url> -->
<!-- SonarQuebe Integration Start -->
<!-- Exclusion(has no business logics) -->
<!-- SonarQuebe Integration Finished -->
<!-- The main class to start by executing "java -jar" -->
<!--Elastic APM -->
<!-- Feign Dependency start -->
<!-- Feign Dependency end -->
<!--SpringFox dependencies -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Logbook dependency Starts -->
<!-- Logbook dependency Done -->
<!-- SugarBox Networks Authorization Dependency -->
<!-- <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-config</artifactId>
<version>1.1.2.RELEASE</version> </dependency> -->
<!-- Jacoco Plugin Started -->
<!-- attached to Maven test phase -->

javax.persistence and jakarta.persistence classpath errors

I have a springboot project that uses jpa and olingo. It runs ok locally for testing but when I create a war file and run it, I sometimes get this error
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
The method's class, javax.persistence.JoinTable, is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of javax.persistence.JoinTable
Now I'm trying to figure out which one of the libraries I'm using is downloading the javax.persistence or jakarata.persistence so I can try to prevent it from downloading. I'm using Maven if it helps.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Doe project for Spring Boot</description>
<!-- Olingo 2 Dependencies -->
<!-- Avoid jax-rs version conflict by excluding Olingo's version -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- For unable to acquire JDBC connection error-->
I tried to remove every library little by little so long as it still compiles but I still get both jar files so now I want know how to check what jar files each fo my libraries downloads.
Update: It seems that spring-boot-starter-data-jpa is the one that gets the jakarta.persistence and the olingo-odata2-jpa-processor-core, olingo-odata2-jpa-processor-ref and hibernate-testing are the ones using the javax.persistence.
I've only been using spring boot for a short while so would this actually cause problems? Thing is, I don't get the error consistently. When I restart the server, sometimes I get the error and other times I don't. I can't really figure out what causes the error to appear.
Run mvn dependency:tree and find which dependencies depends on javax.persistence and jakarta.persistence.
Then you have to make a decision. Do you want to use javax or jakarta?.
If you want to use javax, you will need to decrease the version of libraries that depends on persistence till you find javax from previous command. If you want to use jakarta you will need to increase that versions.
The important thing is that all dependencies are consistent with javax or jakarta.

Intellij: Integration test with Spring and Freemarker

I am trying to run Integration Tests in Intellij, using freemarker.
I had a problem with the JspTaglibs that I work around thanks to this post, and I did add to the pom.xml
and added to /WEB-INF/lib security.tld
If I run all the tests with Maven, it works
If I run the tests individually with Intellij, it works.
If I run all the tests with Intellij, some tests fails:
Caused by: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No visible WebSecurityExpressionHandler instance could be found in the application context. There must be at least one in order to support expressions in JSP 'authorize' tags.
How can I fix this problem ?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--spring boot-->
<version>1.3.2</version> <!-- makesure correct version here -->
I think I found something important. In this application I am logging the user after he register in the website, using this line:
If you comment this line out, running all tests works fine from Intellij. If you leave this line on, tests fails randomly once a test executes this line. It starts to feel like a Intellij bug.

Not able to read using Commons Configuration in a maven web project

I'm trying to read file placed in src/main/resources folder for my maven web project, using Commons-configuration api. I'm able to use it without any issues for a normal maven project but in web project this somehow doesn't work. Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring Core -->
<!-- <optional>true</optional> -->
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- jstl -->
<!-- Eclipse project -->
<!-- Always download and attach dependencies source code -->
<!-- Avoid type mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0 -->
<!-- Set JDK Compiler Level -->
<!-- For Maven Tomcat Plugin -->
<!-- <filtering>true</filtering> -->
and I'm reading this file using the below code
static {
Configuration config = null;
try {
//config = new PropertiesConfiguration("resources/"); this package is placed in src/main/java and using this it works perfectly fine
config = new PropertiesConfiguration("src/main/resources/"); // this doesn't seem to work
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
UPLOAD_LOCATION = config.getString("image.upload.location");
TABLE_NAME = config.getString("");}
Have I missed anything in pom.xml. Please help!
When you create an instance of the PropertiesConfiguration object, it will search the current classpath for the file you specify. With a Maven web project, the src/main/resources folder should already be included on the classpath, so there is no need to precede your file name with the directory. In other words, this should work:
config = new PropertiesConfiguration("");

Error with pom.xml in MVC Template project

I use STS and I've created Spring MVC Template Project. But pom.xml tells me that there is an error and it writes this:
"No plugin found for prefix 'war' in the current project and in the plugin groups [] available from the repositories [local (C:\Users\m1e\.m2\repository), central (]"
I'm using STS and Maven for the first time and I'm a noob. I really don't understand what the hell it means. Guys, please help. Thanks!
Here is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Database -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
mmm The first thing that I would check is the Maven Version.
What STS version are you using? The last one is the 3.1.0 and it is supplied with Maven 3.0.4 version
So why are you using the older Maven 2 version?
The problem seems to depend on the absence of a specific Maven plugin
Try to:
1) Delete the repositery folder inside your ./m2 directory, then go in STS and do a clean or a maven install of your project and see if it works (sometimes understood you wrong to download anything)
If don't work use the last Maven version, maybe the older version have some problem with the plugin declared in the pom.xml file of the Spring Template teory, if you have dowload the latest version of STS you have also the latest version of Maven !!!
