Deleting a line and inserting in IntelliJ Idea Ultimate - macos

So when I open a new class, it is not in insert mode, I am not sure but seems like when I press i, it goes into insert mode (like vim editor). Also when a line is selected, if I press the delete button it doesn't delete it and had to delete the line character by character. This problem is recent and I wonder if I have accidentally messed up with a setting. I don't have this problem in IntelliJ community edition.

Sounds irritating! Make sure you're not in vim mode (Tools -> VimEmulator), you might want to remove the keyboard shortcut for it too. Also make sure you're not in column mode (Edit -> column mode).
Edit: Uncheck the Vim Emulator


PyCharm Delete Whole Line with cursor moving up

A very specific question, for use on Mac OS:
In VSCode, it's very easy to simply hold ⌘ Command and hit ⌫ Delete for however many whole lines I want to delete and the cursor will keep deleting upward.
However, running PyCharm, it's not available, and I'm having trouble mapping the exact feature.
Going to Preferences -> Keymap -> Editor Actions allows you to map "Delete Line," but using this will just delete downward. Is there a way to mimic the feature of being able to hold down ⌘ Command and just ⌫ Delete lines upward?
To find the shortcut on your setup open up the "Search Everywhere" box with one of the following:
Double ⇧ Shift
⌘ Command+P
⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+P (opens directly on Actions tab)
Then go to the "Actions" tab and search for the shortcut you are looking for, in this case "Delete Line":
Then it shows the shortcut (in my case ⌃ Control+⇧ Shift+K)
In the Jetbrains documentation it does not show up anything to remove a whole line (or at least, I am missing it out).
I know it is not the same, as what you do in VScode is much faster, but you can always shift+home(gets you the whole line if you are at the end of the line)+delete.
I do not think there is another way from jetbrain's doc.
I think I found it by cassualty: R shift+ del.
EDIT2: Just found out that R shift+ del actually cuts (like ctrl+ x).
I know that the post is a bit old but I think it worths to post the 'actual' solution to this issue.
Basically, when you try to delete line in PyCharm for Mac, the IDE is deleting the caret (according to the documentation). Although, IdeaVim plug-in is making your life even more difficult if you don't know how to use it. I don't have experience either.
Disabling IdeaVim plug-in will solve the problem. The IDE will ask you to restart it in order to apply the new settings. After that you can select whatever you want in your code and just hit the backspace button on your Mac to delete. And, yes, all these issues with the key shortcuts are caused by the IdeaVim.
The IdeaVim extension can be disabled from the PyCharm Preferences.

IntelliJ Idea 14 keyboard works weird on mac

Earlier I could delete a selected text with delete key in my mac. Now I have to delete it using "shift" + "delete"."delete" deosn't work anymore
Also when I selected a text and delete it, I cannot use arrow keys to move the cursor. It keeps selecting the texts while I move the cursor. I cannot type anything also. I have to press esc key and exit select mode and then type. Also while I'm typing if I press esc key, the cursor turns to a block. Then I cannot type anything. But all the character keys does some weird stuff. Like goes to the bottom of the file.
When I press the key "s", the cursor turns back to the "|" and I can type again.
Please give me some advise. I already tried changing the keymaps, restarting the keymaps, Completely cleaning intellij and reinstalling.
Ok. I figured it out. Vim emulator is the one giving problems. You can disable vim emulator in Tools menu. Then the keyboard works normally.

Visual Studio: how to make pressing tab key indent the whole line

Is there a way to configure a keyboard shortcut in Visual Studio such that tab (or some other key combo) indent the whole line (rather than insert a tab character/spaces at the cursor)?
Trying to determine whether Visual Studio is the dream editor
I'm an experienced VS user, I know about the standard behavior, just curious whether it can be configured with the interesting tab behavior described in the link.
Increase indent:
Select / highlight line(s) or press Home
Press tab
Decrease indent:
Select / highlight line(s) or press Home
Press shift + tab
If you want to add a shortcut to do the same from anywhere in the line without selecting it then you can add a shortcut in Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. There'll be a list of commands including Edit.IncreaseLineIndent and Edit.DecreaseLineIndent. I couldn't find a good key combination for a shortcut though which wasn't already being used for something else. You can't use just tab by itself.

Is there a shortcut to move the cursor as shown in the following figure?

I am using a notebook without a mouse.
After typing prop and pressing tab, Visual Studio will automatically give me a property template. Pressing tab will move the cursor between type and propertyname placeholders.
I want to move the cursor to a new line after completing the property template.
Is there a shortcut to do so?
Press the Enter key twice.
I tried to post this answer 3 times before I left the comment. It wouldn't let me, too short. That's why I'm typing this otherwise useless verbiage.
It's not specific to snippets, but you can press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to start a new line below where the cursor currently is.
To insert a new line above where the cursor currently is, use Ctrl+Enter.
Both of these work anywhere in the editor. Both of these are handy because they work no matter where you are horizontally on your current line.
Update: Productivity PowerTools for VS2010 (Woot! 2012 too) provides the keyboard shortcut Tools.AddEndTokenAtEnd. (Thanks Ben.)
For some reason, magically, my VS2010 does this with Shift-Enter (which I prefer from my experience with TextMate.) Looking at my keyboard bindings (Tools > Customize > Keyboard) I see that this shortcut is assigned to the command Tools.AddEndTokenAtTheEnd. So if that command appears in your list of commands, assigning a keyboard shortcut to it should work. I have Productivity Power Tools, PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2010, and ReSharper installed. But I can't find any setting from the first two that would be responsible, and, in my experience, all of ReSharper's commands contain its name, so I don't think it added the command. Ooo, and I just discovered that the reason it is named that is because the command also ensures there's a semicolon at the end of the initial line before moving the cursor down; just like the useful keyboard shortcut in Textmate.
I'm interested, but baffled by the 2x-Enter solution. When I press enter twice I get two line breaks followed by whatever code was after the cursor on the first line. Can anyone explain how that shortcut/key-combination works? Is it time-sensitive so that the two enters must be pressed in rapid succession? What if the user wants to quickly insert some lines above some code and hits Return multiple times!?

visual studio shell F# keyboard shortcuts

I've started using F# with the visual studio shell and I like the capability to be able to send lines to fsi by highlighting them, but the alt+Enter shortcut is really awkward and I would be much happier with this being on shift+Enter. (mainly since shift+ up/down arrow is select lines already)
Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks.
You can alter the keyboard mappings within Visual Studio. If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard, you'll see a window like the image below.
In order to check existing bindings, place the cursor in the "Press shortcut keys:" box and hit "Shft+Enter". You'll then see any potential conflicts in the drop-down box as shown.
In the example below, I'm searching through Global, which means shortcuts for anything in the application. You can switch it to be just the console or whatever you like.
Once you're happy with the shortcut you want to use, you need to select the command from the window containing all of the Action.* lines and then press Assign.
So I don't mean to be trite, but have you tried mapping the key?
So for F# Interactive I see Alt+Enter mapped to:
Have your tried mapping Shift+Enter (or whatever) to that command?
You should be able to get it all working from there.
