Requests hit using Jmeter missing Varnish cache but if Send using Postman it hit cache - jmeter

I am facing issue where i am sending one GET request using Jmeter. Response headers shows every time it miss Varnish cache on Server and response is returned from Application Sever. Please find below header
X-Cache: MISS
X-Cache-Hits: 0
If i send exact same request using Postman, first time it miss Varnish cache but if i send same request again, it hits Varnish cache and cache hits counts increased.
X-Cache → HIT
X-Cache-Hits → 1
I have tried Jmeter versions 2.6,2.9,2.11 and 2.13, but observed same behavior. Even when request is sent from Fiddler, i can see from header response is returned from Varnish Cache itself.
It just simple get request. I have compared JMeter and Postman request, both requests are exact same. Please let me know how i can resolve this issue.

Based on when you wrote above, I can guess that:
All 1st requests are processed in the same way, doesn't matter how they were send.
As a part of response to your first request, server returns you a command to set up new header, in the same way as it process cookies (SET-COOKIE logic). So, server expects that your next request will contain this required X-Cache header.
But Jmeter is not a browser and doesn't correlate next request with previously received data (by default at least). So, all is OK if you replay this scenario with browser (and its extensions). And your Jmeter sends the same request every time.
If you compare 1st and 2nd request sent by your browser, you'll find that your 2nd request contains required hearer.
So, if I'm right, to resolve the issue:
Identify the way how your server tells the client to add new header to next request (Javascript?)
Implement this logic in your Jmeter scenario.
Or just add X-Cache header to your request.

My expectation is that Postman (whatever it is) respects ETag header while JMeter doesn't.
I believe adding HTTP Cache Manager should resolve your issue.

I have added unique key in header every time request goes top server and it started returning response from Varnish cache. Unique is random number.
i also checked Postman also send one unique parameter in each and every request. Though I am still not sure why unique is making difference here.


Embedded google drive api to show a pdf returns 204

My website has an iframe pointing to
Most of the times, the pdf loads correctly, but sometimes it doesn't, I get just a blank page. The request seems to be returning 204 (request successful - response empty).
I could even replicate this, by entering the url above directly on the browser, and refreshing multiple times, until I got a 204, so it is not something on my website and/or the iframe.. any idea why this happens? and how to prevent it.
Thanks in advance :)
The error HTTP Status 204 (No Content) indicates that the server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no content to send in the response payload body. The server might want to return updated meta information in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be applied to current document’s active view if any.
By default, 204 (No Content) response is cacheable. If caching needs
to be overridden then response must include cache respective cache
In order to solve this issue, the lost update problem, the server may also include HTTP header ETag to let the client validate client side resource representation before making further update on server:
Lost update problem happens when multiple people edit a resource
without knowledge of each other’s changes. In this scenario, the last
person to update a resource “wins”, and previous updates are lost.
ETags can be used in combination with the If-Match header to let the
server decide if a resource should be updated. If ETag does not match
then server informs the client via a 412 (Precondition Failed)
Please check this site for more details.

Prevent AJAX POST responses from being cached

I have AJAX POST requests generated from my webpage, and there may be multiple post requests with the same post data. But the response may vary, and I want to make sure I am not getting cached responses to any of these requests. I need each request to hit the webpage.
Am I right in assuming that responses to POST requests will not be cached?
There is two level of caching will be involved in that process
Browser caching
Server caching
To eliminate first one you have to cheat your browser and add a fake parameter to your ajax request so it will think it's unique each time i.e
For server level you have to make sure that no cache been added to your configuration for such link, for example some developer will cache any file ends with .json or service like Cloud Flare it will automatically cache any static content.

Jmeter response-data giving "malformed request" error

I am doing performance testing of an e-commerce website.
After adding items to the cart it is going to the shipping page
and selecting the shipping address,after that it is proceeding for checkout
In the shipping page,it is giving the following error in the response data
{"status":400,"message":"Malformed request","additional_error":""}
Request is going POST and data as **JSON
How to resolve this error?
We don't know.
It is either a bug in your application or your HTTP Request you're sending with JMeter is really malformed and you need to fix it.
I would recommend capturing the same request to the shipping page originating from the real browser and JMeter using an external sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler. The requests have to be exactly the same (apart from dynamic data which needs to be correlated). Given you send the same request you should receive the same response. Amend your request to 100% match what you see from the browser and the issue should go away.
In the 99% of cases REST requests are failing due to missing Content-Type header with the value of application/json or similar (sometimes charset has to be specified as well). You can add this (and other) headers using HTTP Header Manager

Can't get authorized response on requests in JMeter, while they have the same CSRF token and sessionID

I'm having trouble with getting my site normally loaded during the performance testing in Apache JMeter. Firstly I recorded the script (by BadBoy), containing authorization and visiting some pages, unavailable without login. Next, I exported it to JMeter, configured Regular Expression Extractor to get the csrftoken from the request right before the authorization request and it looks like it works just fine:
no errors in http-requests
But if to look at the tab "Response data" of every post-authorized request, the content isn't like correctly loaded page, it just starts page with the empty authorization form, i.e. in some way session is new though all the requests have the same session id and csrftoken in Cookie Data and in Set-Cookie (Sample result), appeared in authorization request result.
HTTP Cookie Manager is added.
Did anyone face this trouble?
UPDATE: I've conducted an experiment with transferring cookies from Chrome to Mozilla Firefox, copied 'csrftoken' and 'session id', and - voila! - it worked, I got the same authorized session in two browsers. Still have no idea what's wrong with JMeter
JMeter automatically treats HTTP Response Codes below 400 as successful, it doesn't perform any checks of response body. Most likely your Regular Expression Extractor failed, add a Debug Sampler and double check resulting variable value.
There could be also the following possible reasons:
You might need to send CSRF token in encoded/escaped form so using i.e. __urlEncode() function will be required. Or vice versa.
Application may expect the token in multiple locations, i.e. not only as a form parameter, but as an extra HTTP Header. In that case you will need to pass it via HTTP Header Manager
You might also want to try the new step-by-step debugger for JMeter to get to the bottom of the issue.
This is the default behavior of this token. 1. make sure where these tokens are passed. It might be passed multiple times. Check the header. Generally, "xref-token" is again passed.
It should be in exact format, decode it if required, also remove , or ; or /. You can also use fiddler.
The solution was found after recording a script by Blazemeter plugin in Chrome and further exporting it in '.JMX' format. Adding an HTTP Header Manager like this (with its special fields, of course) to each HTTP Request solved the problem.

Conditional GET Request and Expiry Header testing with Firebug-NET

I'm using Firebug's NET feature to measure the performance of our application. I'm a bit confused the way it is displaying the timeline. We have enabled Expiry header for all static files(it is 30 days from the current date). Now even if the resource is available in cache, it still makes a conditional GET (that is what I think). Ideally there shouldn't make a connection to the server, but it takes 93ms to create a connection. Please find the image that I've attached.
Can some one please help me to understand this better?
The HTTP response contains a header entry "Etag". ETag is a cache validator tag.
The HTTP Client on seeing this response will always verify with the server if the Content has been updated.
Cache Validator tag has higher preference over other Cache control tags.
If you want content to be served from cache without it being validate on the server side then only keep the Expires header and remove the ETag header.
