Using resource attributes as variable in Terraform templates - consul

I'm trying to use the attributes of an EC2 instance as a variable, but it keeps failing or otherwise not working. As you can see below, I want to insert the private IP of the instance into a config file that will get copied to the instance. The remote-exec script will then move the file into place (/etc/vault.d/server-config.json)
resource "template_file" "tpl-vault-server-config" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/templates/files/vault-server-config.json.tpl")}"
vars {
aws_private_ip = "${aws_instance.ec2-consul-server.private_ip}"
provisioner "file" {
source = "${template_file.tpl-vault-server-config.rendered}"
destination = "/tmp/vault-server-config.json"
backend "consul" {
address = ""
path = "vault"
tls_enable = 1
tls_ca_file = "/etc/consul.d/ssl/ca.cert"
tls_cert_file = "/etc/consul.d/ssl/consul.cert"
tls_key_file = "/etc/consul.d/ssl/consul.key"
listener "tcp" {
address = "${aws_private_ip}:8200"
tls_cert_file = "/etc/consul.d/ssl/consul.cert"
tls_key_file = "/etc/consul.d/ssl/consul.key"
The error on terraform plan is:
* aws_instance.ec2-consul-server: missing dependency: template_file.tpl-vault-server-config
Am I taking the wrong approach?
Am I missing something basic?
How do you get an instance's attributes into a file?
Thanks in advance.

I realized that I was defining the template_file resource within the current resource and this was part of the problem. When I fixed that, things worked much easier.


WMI CommandLineEventConsumer Not Functioning

I am attempting to learn more about WMI, and I am currently stuck wondering why my CommandLineEventConsumer does not launch. Here is a simple MOF script I adapted from microsoft documentations.
Sample MOF File that I ran with mofcomp.
// Set the namespace as root\subscription.
// The CommandLineEventConsumer is already compiled
// in the root\subscription namespace.
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\Root\\subscription")
class MyCmdLineConsumer
[key]string Name;
// Create an instance of the command line consumer
// and give it the alias $CMDLINECONSUMER
instance of CommandLineEventConsumer as $CMDLINECONSUMER
Name = "TestConsume";
CommandLineTemplate = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\\cmdline_test.ps1";
RunInteractively = True;
// Create an instance of the event filter
// and give it the alias $CMDLINEFILTER
// The filter queries for instance creation event
// for instances of the MyCmdLineConsumer class
instance of __EventFilter as $CMDLINEFILTER
Name = "TestFilter";
Query = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent"
" WHERE TargetInstance.__class = \"MyCmdLineConsumer\"";
QueryLanguage = "WQL";
// Create an instance of the binding
// between filter and consumer instances.
instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
instance of LogFileEventConsumer as $CONSUMER
// If the file does not already exist, it is created.
Filename = "c:\\Logfile.log";
IsUnicode = FALSE;
// Name of this instance of LogFileEventConsumer
Name = "LogfileEventConsumer_Example";
// See "Using Standard String Templates";
Text = "%TargetInstance.Name%";
// TargetInstance is the instance of LogFileEvent
// requested in the filter
instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
instance of MyCmdLineConsumer
Name = "CmdLineEventConsumer Test";
Cmdline_test.ps1 just contains calc.exe, which I expected to show up. From my findings here, I am able see that LogFileEventConsumer is working because of the log that was created in C://Logfile.log. This proves to me that the EventFilter and Binding works, hence I am unsure why CommandLineEventConsumer does not work. I have also sieved through the WMI-activity/operational logs in Event Viewer but am unable to see it being triggered. Seeking some advice here!

Not able to update lambda code on AWS console using terraform

I am creating lambda function using terraform as per the terraform syntax lambda code should be passed as a zip file. In a similar way, I am passing in a resource block and it is getting created also without any issue. But when I am trying to update lambda code using terraform in the next run it is not getting updated. Below block for reference.
data "archive_file" "stop_ec2" {
type = "zip"
source_file = "src_dir/"
output_path = "dest_dir/"
resource "aws_lambda_function" "stop_ec2" {
function_name = "stopEC2"
handler = "stop_ec2.handler"
runtime = "python3.6"
filename = "dest_dir/"
role = "..."
Need help to resolve this issue.
Set the source_code_hash argument, so Terraform will update the lambda function when the lambda code is changed.
resource "aws_lambda_function" "stop_ec2" {
source_code_hash = filebase64sha256("dest_dir/")

EC2 instances recreated by Terraform when new AMI released

I have written some Terraform code to create some servers. For AMI I was using the Terraform data module to get the latest Ubuntu 16.04 image ID and assign it to the EC2 instances.
Recently I wanted to add another EC2 instance to this environment, however when I run terraform plan I can see that Terraform is trying to delete the existing EC2 instance and recreate them. The reason being that a new Ubuntu image has been released and it is trying to delete the old instance and create new ones with the new AMI ID.
Is there any chance I can address this issue as I don't want to accidentally delete our production servers?
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"]
filter {
name = "virtualization-type"
values = ["hvm"]
module "jenkins" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance/aws"
name = "Jenkins"
instance_count = 1
ami = "${}"
instance_type = "t2.small"
associate_public_ip_address = true
disable_api_termination = true
key_name = "${aws_key_pair.ssh_key.key_name}"
monitoring = false
vpc_security_group_ids = "${module.jenkins_http_sg.this_security_group_id}", "${module.jenkins_https_sg.this_security_group_id}", "${module.ssh_sg.this_security_group_id}"]
subnet_id = "${module.vpc.public_subnets[0]}"
iam_instance_profile = "${}"
tags = {
Terraform = "true"
While the answer above helps, I solved the problem by adding the following to the aws_instance resource.
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = ["ami"]
Please note if you are using the AWS module like I am using, you will have to enter this code to the file in .terraform/modules/.
Terraform is doing exactly as you asked it to do. Each time it runs it looks for the most recent AMI with a name beginning with ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-* and then passes that AMI ID to the aws_instance resource. As it's not possibly to modify the image ID of an instance, Terraform correctly determines it must destroy the old instances and rebuild them from the new AMI.
If you want to specify a specific AMI then you should either make the data source only return a single AMI (eg by specifying the date stamp in the name filter) or you should hardcode the AMI ID you want to use.
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20190403"]
filter {
name = "virtualization-type"
values = ["hvm"]
variable "ami" {
default = "ami-0727f3c2d4b0226d5"
If you were to remove the most_recent = true parameter then instead your data source would find multiple images that match those criteria and then fail as the aws_ami data source can only return a single AMI:
NOTE: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single AMI ID only, or use most_recent to choose the most recent one. If you want to match multiple AMIs, use the aws_ami_ids data source instead.
Also note that I added the owners field to your data source. This is now required since version 2.0.0 because otherwise this was very insecure as your data source could return any public image that uses that naming scheme.

Create random resource name in Terraform

I'm using Terraform to create stuff in Azure,
In ARM I used to use uniqueString() to generate storage account names,
So is it possible to generate random name for storage account using Terraform?
There are several random resources you can use in Terraform
Use random_id as a sample, and the official codes in resource azurerm_storage_account
You can define the resource azurerm_storage_account name easily.
resource "random_id" "storage_account" {
byte_length = 8
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "testsa" {
name = "tfsta${lower(random_id.storage_account.hex)}"
resource_group_name = "${}"
location = "westus"
account_type = "Standard_GRS"
tags {
environment = "staging"

Trying to set up Orleans Cluster membership with Consul

I'm trying to use an existing Consul cluster as the membership provider for a test Orleans application.
I get this error when connecting my client app to the Silo
Could not find any gateway in Orleans.Runtime.Host.ConsulBasedMembershipTable. Orleans client cannot initialize.
Digging into the ConsulUtils class, the entries being retrieved have no ProxyPort defined - and are discarded - hence the empty result set.
I initialize the silo like this:
var clusterConfiguration = new ClusterConfiguration();
clusterConfiguration.Globals.DataConnectionString = "http://localhost:8500";
clusterConfiguration.Globals.DeploymentId = "OrleansPlayground";
clusterConfiguration.Globals.LivenessType = GlobalConfiguration.LivenessProviderType.Custom;
clusterConfiguration.Globals.MembershipTableAssembly = "OrleansConsulUtils";
clusterConfiguration.Globals.ReminderServiceType = GlobalConfiguration.ReminderServiceProviderType.Disabled;
var silohost = new SiloHost("Fred", clusterConfiguration);
startup = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
return silohost.StartOrleansSilo();
return true;
And I set my client app up like this:
var config = new ClientConfiguration();
config.CustomGatewayProviderAssemblyName = "OrleansConsulUtils";
config.DataConnectionString = "http://localhost:8500";
config.DeploymentId = "OrleansPlayground";
config.GatewayProvider = ClientConfiguration.GatewayProviderType.Custom;
Looking at the code in ConsulUtils I can see that the ProxyPort isn't set (i.e. is 0) when the entry is saved. So I'm assuming I have a problem when initializing the silo - but I can't figure out what it is!
Without digging deep in, does sound like a bug. Please repost on GitHub and we will try to help you.
