ruby gem xml-simple: same output for different input - xml-simple

I'm struggling with the xml-simple (1.1.5) gem.
This is my input in test.xml:
Now see what happens using irb as follows:
$ irb -rxmlsimple -rpp
>> pp XmlSimple.xml_in("test.xml")
[{"br"=>[{}], "content"=>"X"},
{"br"=>[{}], "content"=>["X", "X"]},
{"br"=>[{}], "content"=>"X"}]}
=> {"title"=>[{"br"=>[{}], "content"=>"X"}, {"br"=>[{}], "content"=>["X", "X"]}, {"br"=
So apparently the first and last records, though different, give the same hashes in the output.
Is this a bug?

The xml-simple gem does not work reliably with mixed content. Here's an extract from its documentation:
Mixed content (elements which contain both text content and nested elements) will be not be represented in a useful way - element order and significant whitespace will be lost. If you need to work with mixed content, then XmlSimple is not the right tool for your job.


Ruby: magic comments "frozen_string_literal: true" vs "immutable: string"

In ruby one can freeze all constant strings in a file via two different magic comments at the beginning of a file:
# frozen_string_literal: true
# -*- immutable: string -*-
I have no idea what the differences are.
Are there any?
The 1st syntax is the magic comment for Ruby 2.3+ versions to freeze string literals, otherwise you have to use the String method like this:
'hello world!'.freeze
The 2nd syntax is not implemented in Ruby, however it is the way that variables are specified for files in the Emacs text editor.
For example, the following comment in Emacs would declare that the file is a Ruby file and needs Ruby syntax highlighting, and that the variable immutable is set to the value string.
# -*- mode: ruby; immutable: string -*-
After searching around, it looks like that does nothing and is not used by any Ruby syntax highlighting mode.
So you do not need the 2nd syntax.
Digging for anything on the 2nd version, it looks like they had the same intention but the 2nd magic comment syntax does not to appear to have been adopted as of Ruby 2.1.0.
The first version # frozen_string_literal: true was adopted in Ruby 2.3.0
I tried the latter version in a few versions of ruby but didn't work. I would guess it should not be used or trusted to work in any version of >= 2.3 but probably no versions support it. In fact, I was not able to find any reference to that version in the open source code on github searching that syntax

iconv will be deprecated in the future, transliterate

ruby 1.9.3 is warning about iconv deprecation, but I use iconv to remove diacritic to have plain ASCII from
Iconv.iconv('asccii//translit', 'utf-8', 'Těžiště')
returns Teziste. How I can obtain this using String.encode?
If I had Rails (or just ActiveSupport) around, I'd do something like this:
ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.normalize('Těžiště', :kd).chars.grep(/\p{^Mn}/).join('')
to get 'Teziste'. The :kd essentially decomposes your accented characters into separate accents and characters and then the \p{^Mn} removes all the non-spacing marks from the character stream and when you put it all back together with join, you get the unaccented string back.
If you don't have Rails or ActiveSupport handy, then you could use UnicodeUtils.compatibility_decomposition from unicode-utils instead of ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.normalize:
> UnicodeUtils.compatibility_decomposition('Těžiště').chars.grep(/\p{^Mn}/).join('')
=> "Teziste"
I tend to have the ActiveSupport version patched into String in Rails-land:
def de_accent
# `\p{Mn}` is also known as `\p{Nonspacing_Mark}` but only the short
# and cryptic form is documented.
ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.normalize(self, :kd).chars.grep(/\p{^Mn}/).join('')
so that I can say things like:
> s = 'Těžiště'.de_accent
=> "Teziste"
to strip out accents.
This approach won't handle everything but maybe it will do enough.

Converting UTF-8 characters into properly ASCII characters

I have the string "V\355ctor" (I think that's Víctor).
Is there a way to convert it to ASCII where í would be replaced by an ASCII i?
I already have tried Iconv without success.
(I'm only getting Iconv::IllegalSequence: "\355ctor")
Further, are there differences between Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 2.0?
Iconv.iconv('UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8', "V\355ctor") this seems to work but the result is Vctor not Victor
I know of two options.
transliterate from the I18n gem.
$ irb
1.9.3-p448 :001 > string = "Víctor"
=> "Víctor"
1.9.3-p448 :002 > require 'i18n'
=> true
1.9.3-p448 :003 > I18n.transliterate(string)
=> "Victor"
Unidecoder from the stringex gem.
When running Unidecoder on "V\355ctor", you get the following error:
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible encoding regexp match (UTF-8 regexp with IBM437 string)
Hmm, maybe you want to first translate from IBM437:
This may help you get further. Note that the autodetected encoding could be incorrect, if you know exactly what the encoding is, it would make everything a lot easier.
What you want to do is called transliteration.
The most used and best maintained library for this is ICU. (Iconv is frequently used too, but it has many limitations such as the one you ran into.)
A cursory Google search yields a few ruby ICU wrappers. I'm afraid I cannot comment on which one is better, since I've admittedly never used any of them. But that is the kind of stuff you want to be using.

Output in Ruby gem Trollop

This is an example output from Trollop, the Ruby option parsing gem
--input, -i <s>: Input file location (required)
--output, -o <s>: Output file destination (required)
--cores, -c <i>: Number of cores (default: 4)
--threshold, -t <f>: Threshold (default: 1.0)
--version, -v: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message
It's the best option parser available because it's so small and neat, but I really don't like the centre justification of the help message. I have never seen this kind of output before in programs I have used and would much prefer it to align the options to the left, and then the descriptions to the left in a second column. Is it possible to make it do this?
In the latest version of trollop this is formatted with a left justification now. It's great! Although I did get used to the centre justification after a short time. Thanks
Nope. Trollop is now at version 2.0.0 and help formatting is still hardcoded in the code. You can hack trollop.rb if you wish to augment to output formatting.

Why does "?b" mean 'b' in Ruby?

"foo"[0] = ?b # "boo"
I was looking at the above example and trying to figure out:
How "?b" implies the character 'b'?
Why is it necessary? - Couldn't I just write this:
"foo"[0] = 'b' # "boo"
Ed Swangren: ? returns the character code of a
Not in Ruby 1.9. As of 1.9, ?a returns 'a'. See here: Son of 10 things to be aware of in Ruby 1.9!
telemachus ~ $ ~/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-30 revision 21907) [i686-linux]
telemachus ~ $ ~/bin/ruby -e 'char = ?a; puts char'
telemachus ~ $ /usr/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]
telemachus ~ $ /usr/bin/ruby -e 'char = ?a; puts char'
Edit: A very full description of changes in Ruby 1.9.
Another edit: note that you can now use 'a'.ord if you want the string to number conversion you get in 1.8 via ?a.
The change is related to Ruby 1.9's UTF-8 updates.
The Ruby 1.8 version of ? only worked with single-byte characters. In 1.9, they updated everything to work with multi-byte characters. The trouble is, it's not clear what integer should return from ?€.
They solved it by changing what it returns. In 1.9, all of the following are single-element strings and are equivalent:
They should have dropped the notation, IMO, rather than (somewhat randomly) changing the behavior. It's not even officially deprecated, though.
? returns the character code of a character. Here is a relevant post on this.
In some languages (Pascal, Python), chars don't exist: they're just length-1 strings.
In other languages (C, Lisp), chars exist and have distinct syntax, like 'x' or #\x.
Ruby has mostly been on the side of "chars don't exist", but at times has seemed to not be entirely sure of this choice. If you do want chars as a data type, Ruby already assigns meaning to '' and "", so ?x seems about as reasonable as any other option for char literals.
To me, it's simply a matter of saying what you mean. You could just as well say foo[0]=98, but you're using an integer when you really mean a character. Using a string when you mean a character looks equally strange to me: the set of operations they support is almost completely different. One is a sequence of the other. You wouldn't make Math.sqrt take a list of numbers, and just happen to only look at the first one. You wouldn't omit "integer" from a language just because you already support "list of integer".
(Actually, Lisp 1.0 did just that -- Church numerals for everything! -- but performance was abysmal, so this was one of the huge advances of Lisp 1.5 that made it usable as a real language, back in 1962.)
