Decimal precision in hive - hadoop

I want to add the decimal precision to be set for the values
select 1*1.00000;
output: 1.0
Even tried with cast
select cast(cast(1*1.0000 as double) as decimal(5,2))
output: 1
I want the results to be displayed as 1.000. Is there any way to do so in hive?

Create a table and test it. It works if we give the exact precision value as mentioned in the decimal function.
create table test1_decimal (b decimal (5,3));
INSERT INTO test1_Decimal values(1.000); //This will shrink it to 1 as the total digits is not five.
INSERT INTO test1_Decimal values(123.12345); //This results in NULL as it exceeds the total digits(5).
INSERT INTO test1_Decimal values(12.123); //This will give you exact result as the precision and number of digits fits. Ouputs as 12.123
So if the value matches the decimal function then it displays correctly else it shrinks or converts to NULL.


Cast bigint to decimal(18,5) in hive

I'm trying to cast a bigint to decimal(18,5) in hive and I'm not getting any fraction values after converting to decimal(18,5).
Let's take the below bigint values
After casting to decimal(18,5), I'm expecting something like below
I'm trying the below query.
select col_a, cast(col_a as decimal(18,5)) from table;
From above query, I'm getting output same as input
Also, I tried dividing the input with 10^5 and casting to decimal(18,5).
select col_a, cast(col_a/100000 as decimal(18,5)) from table;
Above query is returning the fraction values, but not having 5 digits after the decimal.
Could someone please correct me what I'm missing or doing wrong here.
DECIMAL type do not permit values larger than the range implied by the column definition.
DECIMAL(5,0) column supports a range of -99999 to 99999.
DECIMAL(M,D) column permits up to M - D digits to the left of the decimal point.
For example DECIMAL(5,2) permits -999.99 to 999.99
And the trailing zeroes are not displayed. If you need them guaranteed to be displayed, use string type and rpad() function to add zeroes at the end or something like that.
If the number cannot be cast to decimal, NULL is returned, for example the following cast returns NULL:
select cast(1234567890L as decimal(3,1))
It is not clear why do you expect cast a bigint to decimal(18,5) to produce some fractional numbers. cast does not divide your initial numbers.

Supress leading zeros from oracle table extract to a file

I am extracting data from oracle table to a text file and I have below number columns. When I select the below columns to a file it gives me all leading zeros which I wanted to suppress.
Select ltrim(col_1,'0'),ltrim(col_2,'0'),ltrim(col_3,'0') from table1
Col_1 ---NUMBER(10,2),
Col_2 ---NUMBER(38,0),
Col_3 ---NUMBER(15,1)
Current Output:
00000303.44|0| 00000000000008.2
00000000.00|26| 00000000000030.2
00000473.40|0| 00000000000010.0
Expected Output:
Please let me know if i need to change the datatype to get the Expected output. I even tried TO_CHAR(TRIM(LEADING 0 FROM col_name) i did not get the expected output.
This is caused by the datatypes set in the last output stage of your datastage job. When a column is set a decimal, datastage will fill the remaining positions with leading zeros up to the size if your decimal field.
The easiest way to get around this is to place a transform prior to the file output stage and convert all the columns to a varchar at the last stage trimming all the leading zeros.
Since the data is not in number and possibly in varchar/varchar2;
conversion is required; you can use to_number to address this;
Using one of your sample data in below case
to_number(00000000000008.2) as num1,
to_number('00000000000008.2') as chr1,
trim(00000000000008.2) as num2,
trim('00000000000008.2') as chr2,
ltrim(00000000000008.2,'0') as num3,
ltrim('00000000000008.2','0') as char3
from dual

Store big number in Oracle -- Please give an example that can store 9e125

The Oracle doc says one can store a number up to 9.99...9 x 10125 with up to 38 significant digits:
I tried this:
create table bigtest (t number(38,2));
insert into bigtest values (5e40);
But I got
[Error] Execution (8: 29): ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column
It is supposed to be able to store 9.99e125, right? Could any one give an example on how to store 9.99e125?
See DBfiddle here (Oracle 18c).
create table T1 (
anumber number
) ;
insert into t1 ( anumber ) values ( 9.99e125 ) ;
select * from t1 ;
One way is to use the number data type without precision and scale specified.
You can specify precision and scale for very large (and also for very small) numbers though. Just keep in mind that negative scale means "that many zeros at the end of an integer" - the total number of digits can be up to precision + absolute value of scale.
In the example below, note that 38 + 84 = 122. The scale must be between -84 and 127, which means that if you do use precision and scale, you can only store numbers < 1e123 - a smaller range than for the full number data type, but still storing very large numbers
create table tbl(x number(38,-84));
insert into tbl values (3.493e121);
select x from tbl;

when choose Float or Number types in Oracle

I m reading some table in Oracle and i m looking like some times they are using "FLOAT" type or "NUMBER" for practicaly the same value
( sen_id NUMBER,
sen_Rating NUMBER, --here i m wating something like 12,9984
sen_mont DATE,
sen_value FLOAT(64), -- here im waiting too something like 0,83387
so what should i choose Float or Number when i want to save a number with decimals , is there a case where is better use one or other?
Thanks in advance, Enrique
FLOAT is just an alias for NUMBER datatype in Oracle. So you can choose any of them, as they are just the synonym of each other.
See the Oracle docs:
FLOAT [(p)]
A subtype of the NUMBER datatype having precision p. A FLOAT value is
represented internally as NUMBER. The precision p can range from 1 to
126 binary digits. A FLOAT value requires from 1 to 22 bytes.

Always display decimal at the end of the integer in oracle

I have a requirement where i always need to display the number with the decimal point.
The datatype of the db column is that of number.
If the value is 1.25 it gets displayed as 1.25
But if the value is 1 it does gets displayed as 1 and I need to display the value as 1.00.
I need to perform rpad (right padding) operations once I get the result in the decimal format.
Without the decimal, the value of a whole number would be different from what is present in the database.
SELECT RPAD(ROUND(12,2), 5 ,0) AS test
results in 12000 whereas I am expecting it to be 12.00.
Any pointers on this would help.
Use an appropriate to_char call. Something like
SELECT to_char( <<your number>>, '0.00' )
FROM dual;
That will return the string "1.00" when you pass in a value of 1. If you pass in a value of 0, it will return the string "0.00". If you pass in a a value of 1.25, it will return the string "1.25".
Try using a number format along with the TO_CHAR function, as:
SELECT TO_CHAR(12, 99.99) AS test
You can find documentatation related to other ways to format numbers here.
Try this:
select TRIM(to_char(100.5, '99999999.00')) FROM DUAL
The format specifications are here:
