Google Contacts API: Service Unavailable - google-api

Hello Google folks monitoring the API questions.
Today our API requests to the Contacts API are being blocked with 503 Service Unavailable and this message in html suggesting to do CAPTCHA:
Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a robot.
The block will expire shortly after those requests stop. In the meantime, solving the above CAPTCHA will let you continue to use our services.
We checked our API console and we're nowhere close to reaching our daily API request quotas. Why is this happening?
And how is a service supposed to do CAPTCHA? It's communicating using API from our servers but those messages are intended for a human using a browser.


Interact with slack bot without a public accessible server

For some security reasons that I can't have a public accessible server to receive data from slack.
So, this is what I'm planning to do:
Inbound message from slack: using RTM API
Outbound message to slack: using RTM API or Web API
Any better alternatives?
Any restrictions? (AFAIK, buttons and drop downs can't work)
If Web API reach rate limit, can I use incoming webhook as a backup plan?
RTM only approach
Yes, that would work. With only the RTM API you are limited to:
receiving and responding to messages
Other RTM events.
You can't use any interactive functionality like:
Interactive components (buttons, menus, datepickers)
Rate limit on message posting
Using the webhook as "backup" to circumvent the rate limit is not an option, since the rate limit of posting max 1 message per second applies to all form of message posting.
From the documentation:
In general, apps may post no more than one message per second per
channel, whether a message is posted via chat.postMessage, an incoming
webhook, or one of the many other ways to send messages in to Slack.
You did not give any details about the reasons why your app can't expose an endpoint to the public Internet. But you might want to consider using a VPN tunnel like ngrok.
Yes! Socket Mode
There is a new alternative from slack, Socket Mode, which doesn't require a publicly accessible server.
Note: this is only for private apps.
With Socket Mode you have an API token and your server uses it to communicate with Slack's servers and create a two way socket connection. This means your Slack Bot's code can run on a machine behind a firewall and not require any inbound ports to be opened.
Slack message delivery requires an acknowledgement once you get the message, or else they may retry to deliver it.
Socket Mode has two main limitations:
Apps using Socket Mode are not currently allowed in the public Slack App Directory.
Socket Mode is only available for apps using new, granular permissions. If you created your app on or after December of 2019, good news: your app already uses the new permissions. Otherwise, you may have to migrate your classic Slack app to use granular permissions before turning on Socket Mode.

Google API backend error - if we use Google Cloud Client Library, would we see less Backend Errors?

When we use Google Apps Script to call the Google/YouTube API (such as YouTube API, YouTube Content ID API etc), 3 legged oAuth authentication approach, sometimes we got the message "backend error". If we tried again, the same call would be successful. The backend error rate sometimes is pretty high.
We also used (we also could use) Google Cloud Client Library and service account to call Google/YouTube API, 2 legged oAuth authentication approach to make the same API call.
Due to Google encourages us to use newer Cloud Client Library if we can ,instead of the older API library, I am wondering will the backend error rate going down if we use the Google cloud client library calling the Google API instead.
Or backend error is purely on Google Backend, it does not matter which library we use to call the API?
Google Cloud's Client Libraries can give you some performance benefits by using gRPC. This is because gRPC-enabled API clients use protocol buffers and gRPC over HTTP2 to talk to the RPC interface.
Protocol buffers are smaller and faster than using JSON over HTTP to the REST interface. So, in a way, they're better for everyone and can provide lots of benefits in terms of throughput and CPU usage.
But, if there's a fail after the backend's RPC interface, then there is no difference.
Also note that they could provide an exponential backoff strategy to handle errors and retries.

Using SignalR to push to clients from a long running process

Firstly, here is state of my application:
I have a request coming in from a client (angularjs app) into my API (web api 2). This request is processed and a record is stored in a database. A response is then sent back to the client.
Currently, I have a windows service polling and processing this record(s).
Processing this record can be long running. As a side effect to processing this record, there might be notifications generated to be sent back to one or more clients.
My question is how do I architect this, such that I can utilise SignalR to be able to push the notifications back to the client.
My stumbling block:
I can register and store (in-memory backed by a db) the client's SignalR connectionid along with the application's own user identifier. This way I can match a generated notification with a signalr client.
At the moment, I'm hosting the SignalR hubs within the IIS process. So how do I get back from the Windows Service to IIS to notify the client when a notification is generated?
Furthermore, I should say I am already using SignalR elsewhere in the application and am using a SQL Server backplane.
The issue's with the current architecture:
Any processing is done in the same web request, and notifications are sent out via SignalR before a response to the client is returned. Luckily, the processing is minimal and very quick.
I think this is not very good in terms of performance or maintenance in the long run.
Potential solutions:
Remove SignalR hubs from IIS and host them somewhere else - windows service?
Expose an endpoint on the API to for the windows service to call to push the notification once a notification is generated?
Finally, to add more ingredients to the mix: Use a service bus to remove the polling component of the windows service, and move to a pub/sub architecture. Although this is more work than I want to chew off right now.
Any ideas/recommendations/constructive criticisms are welcome.
Take a look at this sample for starters
Another more advanced solution can be using a backplane to manage the communications between the front end and the backend...

Google oAuth API 503

I have a service which requires the usage of refresh credential API from Gmail and I have recently noticed a surge in HTTP 503 errors for the following API:
This happens for a certain duration of times and twice it coincided with a gmail downtime according to Google App Status. I have also checked to make sure that any Quota limits for gmail API was not hit from the admin console.
Please advice on how to proceed further on this.
Editing the question to provide further details from comments:
There are separate limits on authentication API (like the token endpoint).
-- Where do I find the limits on authentication API in Google developer console? I could only find the limits for Application APIs like Gmail/Google Calendar.
How often are you calling this API/token endpoint?
-- once every ~50-60 mins for a user
Is this for the same user/token? (for the same user, you should try to use the access token until the expiry time that is 1 hour).
-- No this is for different users. For the same user, the same access token is used until its expiry.
If your server is making a lot of requests for different tokens/users, are they coming from the same IP?
-- They are not coming from the same IP, but from few servers (~5) which makes these requests.
What is the max qps you may be hitting?
-- 300 qps on an average (aggregated from all our servers), max would be 450 qps.

Want to build the SMS equivalent of a web server

I want an SMS service that maps incoming SMS-es to an http request to my server and maps my HTTP response to an SMS reply. Can someone recommend an SMS gateway that provides reasonable service to North America?
Thre are lots of providers out there that can provide this (see google here or here). There are also some guides on the web such as "How to Choose an SMS Gateway Provider".
A couple of examples that look pretty professional (however i have not used them):
