installing getchabooks using Propel and Slim - composer-php

I'm trying to use getchabooks (
and i keep failing at completing the needed dependencies and running the project .
In order to get to know the code I also installed Propel and Slim, and set the appropriate settings.
I have read many tutorials and guides and yet, Propelorm won't work through Pear.
Is there anyone that can guide me step by step regarding cloning and running this project from basics?
The following site helped me wit
h Propel but wasn't helpful with setup (for the setup I had to use composer because pear wasn't able to install):
I've seen that many pepole had issues installing through Pear but none of the suggested solutions helped me.
I searched and tried solving this for days using few tutorials, but that wasn't successful.
I would be grateful for any help.


Class 'Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider' not found While Upgrading from Laravel 5.1 to 5.2

I have a Laravel 5.1 install that I am upgrading. I meticulously followed the instructions available at for the upgrade, including removing Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider and Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider from the config/app.php file (I am stressing this point, as googling for this issue has suggested this in every response).
Despite this, I am still getting this error when I run composer cache:clear
Class 'Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider' not found error
and see this error in my browser:
FatalThrowableError in ProviderRepository.php line 146:
Class 'Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider' not found
Thinking that perhaps references to these classes were being cached, I checked bootstrap/cache/services.json and removed the references from there as well and then ran composer dump-autoload but I am still getting this error.
I also made sure to copy over example config/app.php from Laravel 5.2 clean install example here:
I have read through the similar threads on StackOverflow and Laracast and tried tried to use the advice contained inside, but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. For reference, my dev setup is running on a local XAMPP stack under a Windows 10 OS. The other environments are remote, using a traditional LAMP stack with Amazon Linux 2. I was trying to do the upgrade locally.
Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider is not present anymore.
When I recently had to upgrade the same versions as you, I had to run composer update before and after removing Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider::class and Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider::class to make it work. Also worth to mention you need to clear bootstrap/cache. It worked for me.
Edit: i noticed now you tried the last step partially as well. You can remove all php files from cache.
I am closing this question, not because I found an answer, but because continuing down this path just didn't pass a cost/benefit analysis. After upgrading to 5.2, the next upgrade would be 5.3, and the breaking changes between 5.2 to 5.3 is a lot higher than between 5.1 to 5.2. After some thought, it was obvious that the better approach would be a fresh install on my target version, and then start porting over each module in my project by copying over the views, updating the routing, and making changes to the controllers and middleware as needed.
Or just using Laravel Shift.
Thank you to everyone who chimed in with suggestions!

the website encountered an unexpected error. please try again later. drupal 8

I want configure elasticsearch(ES) with Drupal
to integrate ES in Drupal following this tutorial
In order to install ES followed steps mentioned on this link
search api version-8.x-1.15
Elasticsearch drupal connector-8.x-6.x,also tried 8.x-7.x but no success
After added modules can see this below screenshot
But when I want enable added modules as mentioned in steps,got below error
the website encountered an unexpected error. please try again later.
Referred this stack question
Is it due to compability issue or how to resolve issue
any leads will be appreciated?
Adding this answer to support community.
Yes, indeed it was version incompatibility issue between drupal, elastic-search and drupal-elasticsearch connector and search api..
Tried number of combinations by installing modules manually but keep getting below error.
the website encountered an unexpected error. please try again later.
Used composer tool to install modules which work exactly like maven in java project.
composer require 'drupal/search_api:^add version accordingly'
composer require 'drupal/elasticsearch_connector:^add version accordingly'

Laravel spark project create issues

Please help me solve this issue.Everything is fine. Its ubuntu. The spark create new project gives this error.
Maybe you have to do a
source ~/.bashrc
From the documentation:
Finally, you are ready to run the spark:install command:
This is of course using a different installation method to the binary they supply. In fact they recommend other methods as well such as setting up a new Laravel project and adding Spark as a dependency:
php artisan spark:install --force
once you have followed their installation steps from the above link (correct as of time of writing).
I've personally used the latter method and never had a problem with it. Please give it a go and let us know the results.

There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system

I have a problem with my laravel website while I am hosting it to online server it gets an error says
There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system
I searched the question. But I found nothing that helps me.
Please if someone know how to handle this problem I will be so grateful. Thank you!
The program is coded with laravel 5 and php 7
I also got surprised by this error after upgrading Symfony. Try this article, the first solution fortunately worked for me:
How to solve PHP 7.0 Polyfill : There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system - paragonie/random_compat:
Although you're not using directly this library, add it to your composer.json as a dependency. Require random_compat with the specific version 1.4:
"require": {
"paragonie/random_compat": "~1.4"
Then run composer install (or composer-update if you're already using this library) and try to run your project again. If it didn't work try downgrading to 1.3, if it doesn't work neither, then i hope you have the rights to modify PHP settings in your server and go to the next possible solution.
Have you tried these links
Seems like you are facing a similar issue.
Sorry for answering, and not commenting. I don't have enough reputation yet to comment!

OpenMDAO: First Steps

I am new in the world of OpenMDAO (and also on Python) and I am having some problems to understand the use of the software. I have already installed Anaconda (pyth v2.7) and the OpenMDAO, but I don't know how to run it. I am following this tutorial but I am not sure if I am doing it properly. I write the .py files in notepad++, and I try to run on the IPython but when I use the command : from paraboloid import Paraboloid it appears an error : No module named.api. I think that maybe I am not using the correct path (I'm in the folder where I have the .py files). Probably it's an stupid error, so sorry for the question.
Thank you all, Jose M O
If your tutorial link above is correct, I see that you are using a tutorial for OpenMDAO 0.1.0. That version is 5.5 years old at this time, and is no longer supported. We will be happy to help with your questions, but to get a better foundation, and a much more useful tool, please consider:
Install OpenMDAO 1.5.0 (pip install openmdao or read these installation docs)
Try this paraboloid tutorial instead.
Good luck,
NOTE: If you installed OpenMDAO 1.x.x and are using the tutorial from 0.1.0, you would have many problems with api imports, as many things have changed since 0.1.0.
