Cancel page load in Capybara - ruby

I am testing a page which contains a pesky iframe which takes a long time to load; however, I'm not testing the iframe itself. If possible, I'd like to be able to run my tests without having to wait for this iframe each time.
One of the following potential solutions should do the trick, but I'm having difficulty either finding documentation or getting any of them to work:
a) Cancel the page load shortly after the request is placed.
b) Simulate an Escape press while the page is loading using send_keys method.
c) Use javascript - page.execute_script("return window.stop();") while the page is loading.
d) Cancel loading of a specific element
How would one send a cancellation request to a loading page or element using Capybara?

We were having problems with outstanding network requests (both Ajax and assets) at the end of our integration tests, when all the assertions had been met and the test was over and getting torn down.
So we added execute_script("window.stop();") to our integration_test_helper.rb file, in the teardown block, and it worked very well.
So I'd suggest adding an assertion that can be met before your iframe is fully loaded, and running window.stop() in the teardown of the test.

Altnerative here, you could use puffing-billy gem to stub that iframe request.


Wait until option JMeter

I wanted to know if JMeter has a option where you wait until some element disappears.
Example a loading bar only once that has completed or no longer visible then to carry on. (Also being able to monitor the length of time taken)
I have through about writing it as a webdriver test and then running it as a Junit test in JMeter but wanted to know if there is a simpler solution.
Any ideas welcome :)
First of all you need to realize that JMeter is not a browser
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
So JMeter doesn't execute any client-side JavaScript, the only way of implementing "wait until" option is using While Controller in order to re-execute the same request again and again until response data will contain (or stop containing) the element you're looking for.
If you need to evaluate client-side JavaScript the only option would be going for Selenium. I would recommend using WebDriver Sampler instead of going for JUnit as this way you won't have to recompile your script for any change, it will be inlined into .jmx
You can use Transaction Controller to monitor the time taken by the whole process and to wait for a change , have a look at this:

How to refresh Capybara URL in Ruby

I've been playing with Capybara and the selenium web-driver to learn about web-automation. I've been trying to refresh a particular page with Capybara. I've seen a few methods but they each have issues that make them not feasible in certain cases.
session.visit link is just doing nothing, as the session is already at that link.
I can do session.reset! but then I lose the login.
The few other methods I've seen - don't use Capybara's inbuilt wait functionality.
This means if there is heavy server load - or in my tests with a restricted DL/UL rate the 'refresh' happens but then it quickly tries to look for a field in the next page that doesn't exist yet because it hasn't loaded.
So my question is specifically - how do I refresh a page in Capybara without loosing the login session using Capybara's inbuilt wait functionality?
you can do something like:
visit current_path
or define an RSpec helper:
def reload_page
visit current_path
Capybara now implements a refresh method so you can call it directly in your spec.
Since you're using selenium, you can either use the master branch of Capybara and call
or you can stick with the current release version and call
If the page you're trying to refresh was a POST it may pop up an "are you sure you want to resbumit" modal, in which case you'd need something like
session.accept_confirm do

is there are way to ignore page load when running seleniume cucumber

Hi is there any way to ignore the page load when running selenium cucumber, because it always fail my test and i just want to check if that content is present or not.
please don't say add sleep.
the issue im having is that the content is present but its always waiting the page to be fully loaded and sometimes it got stock trying to get some api call to a 3rd party company.
Here are some approaches you could try
Change your driver and us webkit. Setup webkit to not load external links. See
Ensure you understand and us the has_no methods if you are testing that something is not present e.g. use
expect(page).to have_no_css '.test' # fast
rather than
expect(page).to !have_css('.test') # slow will always wait until timeout
Change the default timeout to something shorter (perhaps only for this scenario, using a tag)

how to handle delays when web pages get long to load?

I am doing some unit testing using watin. but the problem is when a web page gets too long to load, the test automation fails because the required element is still not available but the control action is already executed in watin.
Just set Settings.WaitUntilExistsTimeOut to wait as many seconds as you need.

Capybara not finding javascript

I am new to Capybara testing and am having a few issues.
I have a scenario I am trying to run, and this is the step implementation:
When /^I select the signin link$/ do
click_link 'Sign in'
I have tried to access this link with xpath, css, and tried the within implementation as well. Capybara cannot seem to find it, and returns a Capybara::ElementNotFound exception in all cases.
When I load the webpage without JavaScript, the link is not visible, and I'm wondering if this is why Capybara cannot find it. I found a trigger method, but am unsure how it works. Does anyone have a working example of trigger, or any other ideas for what I should do?
Are you using the selenium webdriver to run this test? It sounds like you are trying to run a scenario that requires javascript to see certain elements, without using a driver that supports javascript.
In your .feature file all you have to do is add this line before the scenario:
Scenario: My Scenario
When blah blah blah
The #javascript tag tells capybara to use selenium-webdriver to run the test. It'll fire up firefox and go through the test - allowing all javascript functionality to work. This slows tests down considerably so only use it when absolutely necessary to test ajax-y and javascript-y behavior.
If that still doesn't work you can use this step:
Then show me the page
When I select the signin link
Which will open the page up for you in a new browser in that page's current state for your inspecting pleasure.
