Magento admin page blank after disable plugin - magento

Unable to access magento admin url, this issue I'm facing after disable Cm_RedisSession,Cybage_SignupPromo,Magebuzz_Info plugins before disable that plugin maginto admin was properly working.
Now I'm enable these all plugin but problem is same.

Disable the cache management.
Remove var/cache folder.
If issue is still there then check my another post. Magento shows blank/empty page. How do I solve this?

I m not sure but in your root folder there is file name maintenance.flag which created by magento itself whenever corrupt extension is installed or (May Other Problem) so if this file exist delete it


Magento /admin panel doesn't work

After I copied my magento installation on a new domain. The admin panel doesn't work. I checked the .htaccess, baseurls and tried a lot of other things, still the 404 error page.
The version of my installion is 1.9.
Please follow the following step.
delete cache folder from var
if you domain name changed then open your database and select core_config_data and set secure and insecure web url to your domain specific url
if you have still further problem for css and js and you have to make merge css and js flag to 0 which is also found in core_config_data
I hope sagar helped you to get rid of the problem.
to my opinion this issue happens due to improper setup of the core stores in magento.
what I did to resolve the issue to check the core_store tables. Check if store admin is active.
Make it active and your 404 problem will go away.
Thanks me later !!!

Magento admin page blank after login

My magento version website admin panel shows a BLANK Page after login in. until 2-3 days ago its worked perfectly; I made no changes in any file related to my website.
Could anybody tell me that what's going on with my website & what is the cause of this problem.
An image of the blank page:
Flush your magento root /var/cache folder and /var/session folders, It may have previous server session that may cause problems.
To rectify this problem:
Login to database via phpmyadmin or any other mysql client.
Open core_config_data table.
Find entry with path like dev/log/active.
Set its value to 1.
Delete /var/session and /var/cache folders in your installation.
Retry to login to admin panel.
If problem is related to functionality, there will be log files in /var/log folder.
You can trace cause of problem from log files of magento.
Please let me know if you find any difficulty.

Magento Connect Manager redirecting to 3rd party site - malicious code?

I have a strange problem with Magento Connect Manager: firstly, if I cliick the "settings" tab, the page redirects to an the homepage with an affiliate link suffix (1and1 arent my hosting provider).
Similarly, if I try and uninstall / reinstall any extension on the "extensions" page, the same page appears in the window below the list of extensions (where you would normally see the installation being actioned).
I am also unable to install any new extensions / or uninstall any existing ones. I'm guessing this is the result of some malicious code being inserted somewhere?
does anyone else have any similar experience or any idea how to fix?
Thanks in advance.
Rollback your updated htaccess to default magento htaccess and clear your cache and test again.
In your current htaccess file you may find some urls like
update them to your website url.

I have created a module using ultimate module creator,but it is not showing on the magento backend

I have created a module using ultimate module creator,but it is not showing on the magento
back end.
I have cleared the magento cache and done the re-indexing also
i have checked in the file,its present in the local folder and is enabled
but still not showing in backend
Check all the config file (i.e. config.xml) and ACL permissions (in adminhtml.xml) if you are not able to see anything in admin panel.

Service Temporarily Unavailable Magento?

My application was working fine yesterday. I started my PC today. When I tried to start Magento I got this error message.
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
I am not even able to open the admin page or see any sort of errors on the page. If I visit any URL of my Magento site I am getting the above output. How do I resolve this?
Check if there is a file called maintenance.flag and if so delete it.
Magento 1.x : maintenance.flag file is in : magento root directory
Magento 2.x : maintenance.flag file is in : var folder
When Magento is performing certain tasks it temporarily creates this file. Magento checks for its existence and if it's there will send users to the page you described.
It's supposed to automatically delete this file when done processing whatever task it was doing, but I've experienced occasions where something went wrong and it failed to delete it.
Simply delete the maintenance.flag file in root folder and then delete the files of cache folder and session folder inside var/ folder.
Now in new version magento2 on Generate error Service Temporarily Unavailable.
Remove maintenance.flag
From this path which is changed magento2/var/maintenance.flag.
$ rm maintenance.flag
To fix Service Temporarily Unavailable Magento 2, you should:
Delete a file called var/.maintenance.flag in Magento root folder
Remove Magento cache if any: php bin/magento cache:flush
I had the same issue but have not found the maintenance.flag file in my Magento root.
I simply deleted cache and sessions files and all worked again.
You need to follow these steps:
Go to magento root directory via cPanel/FTP
In case of Magento1, you will find maintenance.flag and delete it
In case of Magento2, delete var/maintenance.flag
go to your website via FTP/Cpanel, find maintenance.flag and remove
In Magento 2 You have to remove file located in /var/.maintenance.flag - just realized that after some searching, so i shall share.
You can do this thing:
Go to http://localhost/magento/downloader url. Here I am running the magento store on my localhost. Now you can login to magento connect manager and uninstall the extension which you installed previously.
Hope this works !!!!!
If you run into this problem (like I did) and NO maintenance.flag file exists anywhere, it's the Redis cache that's causing the problem; clear it.
I had to clear the Redis cache by contacting my hosting company and let them do it because I don't have access to that cache.
I figured this out using this answer:
Check the root folder of your Magento installation directory .You will find maintenance.flag file, delete it and refresh the site .it will work fine.
I happen all the time when you install a new plugin.
You just have to delete maintenance.flag file in your root directory
If removing the flag shows service temporary unavailable.
Go to "" and unisntall slider banner,BusinessDecision_Interaktingslider,lightbox2 and anotherone that I dont remember.
