How does memory allocation work for buffered channels - go

If I have a buffered channel like this:
ch := make(chan int, 1000000)
is 8MB of memory allocated off the bat, or does the memory allocation grow/shrink depending on the amount of data?

The full size of the buffer (plus I believe two words for the channel itself) will be allocated up front and retained until it is garbage collected.


How many write operation can be blocked in chan

I use chan for goroutines to write/read, if the chan is full, the writing goroutines will be blocked until another goroutine read from the chan.
I know there is a recvq and sendq double linked list in chan to record blocked goroutines. My question is how many goroutines totally can be blocked if chan is not read? Does this depend on memory size?
TLDR: as long as your app can fit into memory and can run, you won't have any problems with channel waiting queues.
The language spec does not limit the number of waiting goroutines for a channel, so there's no practical limit.
The runtime implementation might limit the waiting goroutines to an insignificant high value (e.g. due to pointer size, integer counter size or the likes), but to reach such an implementation limit, you would run out of memory much-much sooner.
Goroutines are lightweight threads, but they do require a small memory. They start with a small stack which is around a KB, so even if you estimate it to 1 KB, if you have a million goroutines, that's already 1 GB memory at least, and if you have a billion goroutines, that's 1 TB. And a billion is nowhere near to the max value of an int64 for example.
Your CPU and Go runtime would have trouble managing billions of goroutines earlier than running into implementation specific waiting queue limits.
Yes, it depends on the memory. It depends on the len of channel as mentioned in the docs, a buffered channel is blocked once the chan is full, and gets unblocked, when another value is added to the chan. channels
Code snippet from docs:
var sem = make(chan int, MaxOutstanding)
func handle(r *Request) {
sem <- 1 // Wait for active queue to drain.
process(r) // May take a long time.
<-sem // Done; enable next request to run.
func Serve(queue chan *Request) {
for {
req := <-queue
go handle(req) // Don't wait for handle to finish.
Once MaxOutstanding handlers are executing process, any more will block trying to send into the filled channel buffer, until one of the existing handlers finishes and receives from the buffer.
My question is how many goroutines totally can be blocked if chan is not read?
All of them.

How to release memory allocated by a slice? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you clear a slice in Go?
(3 answers)
Cannot free memory once occupied by bytes.Buffer
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
package main
import (
func main() {
storage := []string{}
for i := 0; i < 50000000; i++ {
storage = append(storage, "string string string string string string string string string string string string")
fmt.Println("done allocating, emptying")
storage = storage[:0]
storage = nil
for {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
The code above will allocate about ~30mb of memory, and then won't release it. Why is that? How can I force go to release memory used by this slice? I sliced that slice and then nilled it.
The program I'm debugging is a simple HTTP input buffer: it appends all requests into large chunks, and sends these chunks over a channel to goroutine for processing. But problem is illustrated above - I can't get storage to release the memory and then eventually run out of memory.
Edit: as some people pointed out to similar question, no, it first doesn't work, second isn't what I'm asking for. The slice gets emptied, the memory does not.
There are several things going on here.
The first one which is needed to be absorbed is that Go is
a garbage-collected language; the actual algorithm of its GC
is mostly irrelevant but one aspect of it is crucial to understand:
it does not use reference counting, and hence there's no way to
somehow make the GC immediately reclaim the memory of any given
value whose storage is allocated on the heap.
To recap it in more simple words, it's futile to do
s := make([]string, 10*100*100)
s = nil
as the second statement will indeed remove the sole reference
to the slice's underlying memory but won't make the GC go
and "mark" that memory as available for reuse.
This means two things:
You should know how the GC works.
This explains how it works
since v1.5 and up until now (v1.10 these days).
You should structure those of your algorythms which are
memory-intensive in a way that reduces memory pressure.
The latter can be done in several ways:
Preallocate, when you have a sensible idea about how much to.
In your example, you start with a slice of length 0,
and then append to it a lot. Now, almost all library code which deals
with growing memory buffers—the Go runtime included—deals with these
allocations by 1) allocating twice the memory requested—hoping to
prevent several future allocations, and 2) copies the "old" contents
over, when it had to reallocate. This one is important: when reallocation
happens, it means there's two memory regions now: the old one and the new
If you can estimate that you may need to hold N elements on
average, preallocate for them using make([]T, 0, N)—
more info here
and here.
If you'll need to hold less than N elements, the tail of that buffer
will be unused, and if you'll need to hold more than N, you'll need
to reallocate, but on average, you won't need any reallocations.
Re-use your slice(s). Say, in your case, you could "reset" the slice
by reslicing it to the zero length and then use it again for the next
request. This is called "pooling", and in the case of mass-parallel access
to such a pool, you could use sync.Pool to hold your buffers.
Limit the load on your system to make the GC be able to cope with
the sustained load. A good overview of the two approaches to such
limiting is this.
In the program you wrote, it makes no sense to release memory because no part of code is requesting it any more.
To make a valid case, you have to request a new memory and release it inside the loop. Then you will observe that the memory consumption will stabilize at some point.

Multipart form uploads + memory leaks in golang?

The following server code:
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
file, _, err := r.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(w, err)
defer file.Close()
func main() {
http.ListenAndServe(":8081", http.HandlerFunc(handler))
being run and then calling it with:
curl -i -F "file=#./large-file" --form hello=world http://localhost:8081/
Where the large-file is about 80MB seems to have some form of memory leak in Go 1.4.2 on darwin/amd64 and linux/amd64.
When I hook up pprof, I see that bytes.makeSlice uses 96MB of memory after calling the service a few times (eventually called by r.FormFile in my code above).
If I keep calling curl, the memory usage of the process grow slows over time, eventually seeming to stick around 300MB on my machine.
Thoughts? I assume this isn't expected/ I'm doing something wrong?
If the memory usage stagnates at a "maximum", I wouldn't really call that a memory leak. I would rather say the GC not being eager and being lazy. Or just don't want to physically free memory if it is frequently reallocated / needed. If it would be really a memory leak, used memory wouldn't stop at 300 MB.
r.FormFile("file") will result in a call to Request.ParseMultipartForm(), and 32 MB will be used as the value of maxMemory parameter (the value of defaultMaxMemory variable defined in request.go). Since you upload a larger file (80 MB), a buffer of size 32 MB at least will be created - eventually (this is implemented in multipart.Reader.ReadFrom()). Since bytes.Buffer is used to read the content, the reading process will start with a small or empty buffer, and reallocate whenever a bigger is needed.
The strategy of buffer reallocations and the buffer sizes are implementation dependent (and also depends on the size of the chunks being read/decoded from the request), but just to have a rough picture, imagine it like this: 0 bytes, 4 KB, 16 KB, 64 KB, 256 KB, 1 MB, 4 MB, 16 MB, 64 MB. Again, this is just theoretical, but illustrates that the sum can even grow beyond 100 MB just to read the first 32 MB of the file in memory at which point it will be decided that it will be moved/stored in file. See the implementation of multipart.Reader.ReadFrom() for details. This reasonably explains the 96 MB allocation.
Do this a couple of times, and without the GC releasing the allocated buffers immediately, you can easily end up with 300 MB. And if there is enough free memory, there is no pressure on the GC to hurry with releasing memory. The reason why you see it growing relatively big is because large buffers are used in the background. Would you do the same with uploading a 1MB file, you would probably not experience this.
If it is important to you, you can also call Request.ParseMultipartForm() manually with a smaller maxMemory value, e.g.
r.ParseMultipartForm(2 << 20) // 2 MB
file, _, err := r.FormFile("file")
// ... rest of your handler
Doing so much smaller (and fewer) buffers will be allocated in the background.

Go memory consumption with many goroutines

I was trying to check how Go will perform with 100,000 goroutines. I wrote a simple program to spawn that many routines which does nothing but print some announcements. I restricted the MaxStack size to just 512 bytes. But what I noticed was the program size doesn't decrease with that. It was consuming around 460 MB of memory and hence around 4 KB per goroutine. My question is, can we set max stack size lower than the "minimum" stack size (which may be 4 KB) for the goroutines. How can we set the minimum Stack size that Goroutine starts with ?
Below is sample code I used for the test:
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
import "runtime/debug"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", debug.SetMaxStack(512))
var i int
for i = 0; i < 100000; i++ {
go func(x int) {
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
//fmt.Printf("I am %v\n", x)
There's currently no way to set the minimum stack size for goroutines.
Go 1.2 increased the minimum size from 4KB to 8KB
The docs say:
"In Go 1.2, the minimum size of the stack when a goroutine is created has been lifted from 4KB to 8KB. Many programs were suffering performance problems with the old size, which had a tendency to introduce expensive stack-segment switching in performance-critical sections. The new number was determined by empirical testing."
But they go on to say:
"Updating: The increased minimum stack size may cause programs with many goroutines to use more memory. There is no workaround, but plans for future releases include new stack management technology that should address the problem better."
So you may have more luck in the future.
See for more info.
The runtime/debug.SetMaxStack function only determines a what point does go consider a program infinitely recursive, and terminate it.
Setting it absurdly low does nothing to the minimum size of stacks, and only limits the maximum size by virtue of your program crashing when any stack's in-use size exceeds the limit.
Technically the crash only happens when the stack must be grown, so your program will die when a stack needs more than 8KB (or 4KB prior to go 1.2).
The reason why your program uses a minimum of 4KB * nGoroutines is because stacks are page-aligned, so there can never be more than one stack on a VM page. Therefore your program will use at least nGoroutines worth of pages, and OSes usually only measure and allocate memory in page-sized increments.
The only way to change the starting (minimum) size of a stack is to modify and recompile the go runtime (and possibly the compiler too).
Go 1.3 will include contiguous stacks, which are generally faster than the split stacks in Go 1.2 and earlier, and which may also lead to smaller initial stacks in the future.
Just a note: in Go 1.4: the minimum size of the goroutine stack has decreased from 8Kb to 2Kb.
And as per Go 1.13, it's still same -
// The minimum size of stack used by Go code
_StackMin = 2048

Go: How to receive a whole UDP Datagram

My Problem: With net.Read... Methods copy only the number of bytes of the size of the given byte-array or slice. I don't want to allocate the maximum UDP datagram of 64 kB every time of course.
Is there a go way to determine the size of the datagram (which is in the datagram header) or read again until the datagram is completely read?
Try ReadFromUDP:
func (c *UDPConn) ReadFromUDP(b []byte) (n int, addr *UDPAddr, err error)
ReadFromUDP reads a UDP packet from c, copying the payload into b. It returns the number of bytes copied into b and the return address that was on the packet.
The packet size should be available from n, which you can then use to define a custom slice (or other data structure) to store the datagrams in. This relies on the datagram size not changing during the session, which it really shouldn't.
Usually in a UDP protocol packet sizes are known in advance, and it's usually much smaller, in the order of 1.5k or less.
What you can do is preallocate a maximum size static buffer for all reads, then once you know the size of the datagram you've read from the socket, allocate a byte array with the actual size and copy the data to it. I don't think you can do extra reads of the same datagram.
