Spring Social credentials Facebook sign in - spring

I've been 2 days trying to understand how does Spring social works. I don't have a high Spring knowledge so i might be asking something really stupid , sorry in thath case :P. The thing is that the example provided by Spring works prefect, but when i try to do exactly the same on other project, when i try to access to /connect/facebook the browser ask me for a username and password, i dont know why.
Thanks you for your time! :P

Hehe, i think i finally found out the problem. I was importing Spring security dependencies and some other that i didn't need.


Can somebody please explain how Vaadin security works with Spring?

The Spring Security example works and is clear. Vaadin has greatly improved integration with Spring security framework.
On the other side but it is not clear how the example can be modified. I made many attempts but got conflicts and errors.
I read there is no obligation to use the Vaadin Form, very well I would like to use my form, bare HTML generated with a servlet, let's say "my-login-form" endpoint. How can I actually insert it in the shown code so that Spring uses it as a login form and at the same Vaadin manages routes authorization?
Also, I would like to bypass or disable login during a test (without removing the spring-security dependency) and have all routes accessible. How can I do that?
Can anybody kindly provide an example?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Spring Boot Starter with Security - issue with Okta oauth2

Looking for some help here. We have a Spring boot web application, and trying to integrate Okta authentication.
We seem to have everything working... except, when the web.client attempts to grab the token from Okta, it's missing the "client_id" parameter in the body of the request to: https://xxxx.okta.com/oauth2/v1/token.
Cannot figure out #1, why it's missing, or #2, how to inject it.
This is a brand new project, all dependencies are 2021 Sept/Aug dates.
Anybody have any hints on what we might be missing?
after hours and hours of digging - the best way to solve a problem is ask the question of the internet, then you find it. Here it is: spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.okta.client-authentication-method=post

Want ressource to implement Authentification with Spring Security in Spring WebFlux

everyone. Please i'm new in spring boot. Someone has ressources or project to implement spring security authentification (Login, Logout, Autorisation)
Well you have to search this on your own. But as a starting point read this https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-security-and-angular-js/.
Read it, play with it.
Probably you may need to read it multiple times if you are new to security stuff (I had to read it many times).
If you are really really new, start from the basics (ex: authentication vs authorization).
The journey is hard, but worth it (go for youtube resources as well, probably will make a difference in speed of the journey).
After all this is security we are talking about, right? :)
Good luck.

Example for CDI-SessionScoped LogIn with TomEE

i'm currently fighting with TomEE, JSF and CDI (i think).
Is there any example out there which has "#javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped" annotation using TomEE 1.5.1 (or current snapshot)?
I DONT want to use #ManagedBean or something else from javax.faces, just plain CDI.
My problem is: when i change some #SessionScoped user session instance i end up in having a new sessionID (session fixation problem?!?).
My Use-Case:
I want to have a login on one page and have the possability to login from anywhere, the user comes from a JPA-layer which scope i don't know exactly if have to choose.
Is there another way to archieve this?!
I already got this pages, but didn't helped me out:
Thanks for any help!
After a lot of time i created my own "proof-of-concept"-example working with cdi-beans:
I hope it will help others, like it helped me while developing that piece of awesome :)
I Use TomEE but I don't understand your problem. Do you use the web-profile?
Did you setup beans.xml correctly?
The bugs you linked are unrelated probably your setup. Impossible to say since I don't have anything to go on. Link a sample project I can try or at least paste your bean and tell were you put beans.xml

Spring framework self-training

I'd like to learn Spring MVC framework basis.
My personal experience tells clearly that more than reading manuals, docs, howtos only is only one important part of self-training, but to capitalize real experience you need to solve real problems.
May someone suggest a fake-project that I can implement in my free-time, avoiding only-theoretical approaches and at the same time watch at the main issues of Spring programming?
Does a NerdDinner.com-like free-chapter somewhere exists for Spring?
You could go through each of the Spring samples, and attempt to recreate them on your own.
I have found that a very effective method for learning Spring is to go on the Spring JIRA and solve a bug. It forces you to get down and dirty in the code, and you get to see what's really going on behind the scenes.
