Visual Studio Cloud Load Test Average Test Time Seems Long - visual-studio

I have a WebAPI service that I put together to test throughput hosted in Azure. I have it set up to call Task.Delay with a configurable number (IE webservice/api/endpoint?delay=500). When I run against the endpoint via Fiddler, everything works as expected, delays, etc.
I created a Load Test using VS Enterprise and used some of my free cloud load testing minutes to slam it with 500 concurrent users over 2 minutes. After multiple runs of the load test, it says the average test time is roughly 1.64 seconds. I have turned off think times for the test.
When I run my request in Fiddler concurrently with the Load test, I am seeing sub-second responses, even when spamming the execute button. My load test is doing effectively the same thing and getting 1.64 second response times.
What am I missing?
Code running in my unit test (which is then called for my load test):
var client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(CloudServiceUrl) };
var response = client.GetAsync($"{AuthAsyncTestUri}&bankSimTime={bankDelay}&databaseSimTime={databaseDelay}");
AuthAsyncTestUri is the endpoint for my cloud-hosted service.

There are several delay(), sleep(), pause(), etc methods available to a process. These methods cause the thread (or possible the program or process for some of them) to pause execution. Calling them from code used in a load test is not recommended, see the bottom of page 187 of the Visual Studio Performance Testing Quick Reference Guide (Version 3.6).
Visual Studio load tests do not have one thread per virtual user. Each operating system thread runs many virtual users. On a four-core computer I have seen a load test using four threads for the virtual users.
Suppose a load test is running on a four-core computer and Visual Studio starts four threads to execute the test cases. Suppose one virtual user calls sleep() or similar. That will suspend that thread, leaving three threads available to execute other virtual user activity. Suppose that four virtual users call sleep() or similar at approximately the same time. That will stop all four threads and no virtual users will be able to execute.
Responding to the following comment that was added to the question
I did try running it with a 5 user load, and saw average test times of less than 500 ms, which match what I see in my Fiddler requests. I'm still trying to figure out why the time goes up dramatically for the 500 user test while staying the same for Fiddler requests run in the middle of the 500 user test.
I think that this comment highlights the problem. At a low user load, the Visual Studio load test and the Fiddler test give similar times. At higher loads something between the load test and the server is limiting throughput and causing the slowdown. It would be worth examining the network route between the computer running the tests and the system being tested. Are there any slow segments on that path? Are there any segments that might see the load test as a denial of service attack and hence might slow down the traffic?
Running a test for as little as 2 minutes does not really show how the test runs. The details in the question do net tell how many tests started, how many finished and how many were abandoned at the end of the two minute run. It is possible that many tests cases were abandoned and that the average time of those that completed was 1.6 second.
If you have the results of the problem run then look at the "details" section of the results. Expand the slider below the image to include the whole run. Tick the option (top left corner) to highlight failing tests. I would expect to see a lot of red at the two minute mark for failing tests. However, the two minute run may be too short compared to the sampling interval (in the run settings) to see much.
Running a first test at 500 users tells you very little. It tells you either that the system copes with that load or that it does not. You need to run the test at several different user loads. Then you start to learn where the boundary between working and not working lies. Hence I recommend using a stepped load.
I believe you need at least one more test run to understand what is happening. I suggest doing a run as follows. Set a one minute cool-down period. Set a stepped load: start at 5 users as you know that that works. Increment by 1 user every two seconds until 100 users. That will take 190 seconds. Run for about another minute at that 100 user load. Total of 4 minutes 10 seconds. Call it 4 minutes. Adding in the one minute cool down makes (5 minutes) x (100 VU) = 500 VUM, which is a small portion of the free minutes per month. After the run look at the graphs of average test times. If all is OK on that test then you could try another that ramps up more quickly to say 500 users.


JMeter - How to execute a thread group every 10 minutes ( What is the best practice ? )

I have a situation where an API is called by 500 users/threads every 10 minutes.
I have created a jmeter script for this. It takes around 4 to 5 minutes to get response for all the 500 threads.
Now I have created a batch file to execute this jmx file. This batch file is then called every 10 minutes using task scheduler in windows.
I am not sure whether this is the best approach.
Have read about test action sampler / Timers / Think time etc.
Please can someone advise which is recommended in my case.
My requirement is to trigger the thread group every 10 minutes irrespective of how long the the previous run took.
According to Linus Torvalds
If it compiles, it is good; if it boots up, it is perfect
Given your approach works fine for your use case you should be good to go.
Personally I would be interested in test results as well (not sure how you're handling them), perhaps a better idea would be putting your script under orchestration of a Continuous Integration server like Jenkins, it provides flexible options on triggering the jobs (including scheduling) and you will be able to get some statistics, trends and conditionally mark your tests as passed or failed basing on the response time using Performance Plugin

Visual studio load test simulate multiple users with one user

I have a webtest in visual studio, which login to a website and does few clicks. I wanted to simulate this for 2000 users without having those many logins in a csv file or a database. Configured my webtest to run the test for 30 minutes by stepping 10 users every 10 seconds, its running fine for like 2 minutes and then failing after that with multiple errors. Is this possible at all ? If so how can i do this ?
A load test is intended to do what is stated in your question but there is too little detail in the question to give a good answer. Adding 10 users every 10 seconds means that after 2 minutes there have been 2*60/10 = 12 increments, so 10(users) * 2(minutes) * 60(seconds per minute) / 10(step duration) = 120 users. If it ran for the full 30 minutes then there would be 10*30*60/10 = 1800 users. Microsoft provide recommendations for how many users can be run by one computer and when to use additional agent computers. These are just starting points and do not take the details of the individual tests into account.
Rather than jumping in with a 2000 user test it may be better to start more slowly and establish, for a modest number of users that, the test suite works and also that the web site works. I suggest rerunning the test incrementing by 10 users every minute. Then after 2 minutes there will be 10*2*60/10 = 120 users. If that test works then decrease the step interval to (perhaps) 20 seconds.
The question does not state what errors are being generated. The actual errors need to be analyzed to determine the nature and location of the problem. It may be that a limit is being reached in some part of the server, the network or the computer running the test. When the limiting component is found then you know what needs changing.

Jmeter how do I get the right number for load?

I have recorded a script against the application that I want to test. Now, I am having a hard time arriving at the decision that what is that number that the application will run without any issue and to find out the max number of users. Here is what I have done-
I have run the Jmeter script for 10, 50, 100, 150 users
Until 50 users, it runs like a charm. After about 80 users the throughput starts to come down and some samples do not show up in Aggregate Report.
I see heap memory problems in my console for about 150 users over period of time. Is it the application problem or my machine problem?
Do you have an article where I could read about how to come to a conclusion about THE number?
UPDATE- after increasing the heap size, it is running smoothly for 100 users. I am even more confused now
Thank you
The problem can be anywhere!
Server Performance Metrics collector:
First you need an agent running in the application server to monitor the server performance while you are running the test.
This link will give you an idea about the set up.
JMeter Best Practices:
I think that you are running your test in GUI mode with listeners. Most likely the problem is with your machine/your test. Ensure that you follow this.
Samples not showing in aggregate Report:
You already asked a question on this in SO. Do not select 'Successes' in the Log/display only section of the listener while writing the results in the jtl. It will not write the failed requests details. You might need all the results. Once the jtl is created, you can always filter 'Success' only results as and when you want.

jmeter calculate page load time, the which type of thread to be used to observe the maximum load in which server is stable

I am new to jmeter and scripted for login authentication. Project requirement is to see the load for 10K concurrent users.
Script is working fine but to enhance I need suggestions on how to do the following thigs:
How can I see that how much time/average time the server takes to load a page.
which thread grp (studied Ultimate thread group but it is not very clear to me), should be used to see the maximum load the server can sustain in a particular time, for that rampup time need to be adjusted (correct me if I am wrong).
Please tell how to adjust the rampup time with respect to users/waiting time etc., in short how to do incremental/proportional observation to see the server performance(there is no Gateway error etc)
If you're looking for your server capacity boundaries I would rather stick to "requests per second" rather than to "concurrent users" as users may work with different applications in a different way.
For instance, if it is image gallery - the majority of users will be browsing images and do this rather frequently, for instance request next image i.e. each 2 seconds. Given image load time 1 second it will be an image per 3 seconds - 20 images per minute. In this case 10000 users will create the load of 3333 requests per second.
If your site is articles collection, users will need some more time to read an article, i.e. 2 minutes. In that case 10000 users will create 83 requests per second load.
JMeter provides Constant Throughput Timer out of the box, you can set desired target throughput in requests per minute using it. And once you're already aware of JMeter Plugins project, it offers Throughput Shaping Timer - more advanced test element with extended functionality.
If you go "throughput" way, no matter which Thread Group you choose as the load will be orchestrated by aforementioned timers.
See What is the Relationship Between Users and Hits Per Second? article for more detailed explanation.
Once you design your test scenario run it in non-GUI mode (as JMeter's GUI is very resource intensive) as:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/resultsfile.jtl.
When the test finishes, open JMeter GUI, add Aggregate Report listener and inspect min/max/average response times per requests.

Does JMeter show the correct average response time for the first page it hits for many virtual users?

I'm load testing a system with 500 virtual users. I've kept the "Ramp-Up period (in seconds)" option to zero. So, what I understand, JMeter will hit the system with 500 virtual users all at the same time. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
Now, the summary report shows the average response time for the first page is ~100 seconds!. Which is more than a minute and a half of wait time. But while the JMeter is running, I manually went to the same page/url using a browser and didn't have to wait for that long. It was not even close, the page response was almost immediate for me.
My question is: is there any known issue for the average response time of the first page? Is it JMeter which is taking long to trigger that many users?
Thanks in advance.
There is no issue in Jmeter related to first page response time.
Summary Report shows all response time details in Milliseconds, the value "100" seconds have you converted milliseconds to seconds?
Also in order to make sure that 500 users hit concurrently, use Synchronizing Timer.
Hope this will help.
While the response times will be accurate, you need to consider the affect of starting so many threads at once on both your server and your client.
500 threads to start at once is not insignificant n the client. If your server has the connections, it will start 500 threads as well.
Ramping over a period of time is more realistic loadwise, but still not really indicative of server capability until the threads have all started and settled in.
Databases can also require a settling in period which can affect response times.
Alternative to ramping is introducing a random wait at the start of each thread before firing the first sample. You can then choose not to ramp over time, but still expect resources on the client to suddenly come under load and change the settings if you hit limits. This will make the entire run much more realistic of typical behaviour. However, you need to determine if your use cases are typical.
Although the heap size is increased, i notice there is still longer time as compared to actual response time. Later i realised it was the probe effect (the extra time a tool generates due to test execution)
