A PHP error was encountered when conditions are applied in model - activerecord

I have tables
table1(id, name)
table2(id, name, active)
The field active in table2 contains value '0' or '1'
My relation in my model is
static $has_many = array(
array('table2', 'conditions' => array('active = ?' => array(0)))
Later I have to find all where
table2.active = '1'
But now I am getting error as:
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined offset: 0
Filename: lib/Relationship.php

for condition value should be scalar (string, number, boolean)
$has_many = array(
array('table2', 'conditions' => array('active' => 0))
You have to use array only when using IN condition in query only.


How to add offset after sortBy in laravel

How can I add offset after using sortBy in laravel? Please see my code below.
$order_type = ($dir == 'asc') ? 'sortBy' : 'sortByDesc';
$inventories = $inventories->get()->$order_type(function($inventory) {
$item_status = [
'0' => 'I',
'1' => 'D',
'2' => 'HI',
'3' => 'HR',
'4' => 'A',
'5' => 'DS'
return $item_status[$inventory->receive_item->inspection_status];
$inventories = $inventories->offset($start)->limit($limit);
Error I get
BadMethodCallException in Macroable.php line 74: Method offset does not exist.
Collection's do not have an offset or limit method. You can use slice and take:
Laravel 5.2 Docs - Collections - Available Methods - slice
Laravel 5.2 Docs - Collections - Available Methods - take

A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Array to string conversion Filename: mysql/mysql_driver.php Line Number: 552

Model :
function trans_gdc_add()
$trans_gdc_gc_package[0] = $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_package');
$trans_gdc_gc_package1 = implode(",", $trans_gdc_gc_package[0]);
'trans_gdc_no' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_no'),
'trans_gdc_to' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_to'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_no' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_no'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_type' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_type'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_chas' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_chas'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_make' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_make'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_eng' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_eng'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_permit' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_permit'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_pol' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_pol'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_isby' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_isby'),
' trans_gdc_date' => $this->input->post(' trans_gdc_date'),
'trans_gdc_from' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_from'),
'trans_gdc_driver_add' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_driver_add'),
'trans_gdc_lic_no' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_lic_no'),
'trans_gdc_vehilce_owner_name' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehilce_owner_name'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_owner_add' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_owner_add'),
'trans_gdc_vehicle_owner_mob' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_vehicle_owner_mob'),
'trans_gdc_broker_name' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_broker_name'),
'trans_gdc_broker_mob' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_broker_mob'),
'trans_gdc_gc_no' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_no'),
'trans_gdc_gc_package' => $trans_gdc_gc_package1,
'trans_gdc_gc_cont' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_cont'),
'trans_gdc_gc_weight' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_weight'),
'trans_gdc_gc_freight' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_freight'),
'trans_gdc_gc_consignor' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_consignor'),
'trans_gdc_gc_consignee' => $this->input->post('trans_gdc_gc_consignee'),
'status' => '1'
return $this->db->insert('trans_gc_add',$add);
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Array to string conversion
Filename: mysql/mysql_driver.php
Line Number: 552
Please help me to resolve this issue .
check this
' trans_gdc_date' => $this->input->post(' trans_gdc_date'),
space might be giving the problem, repla
'trans_gdc_date' => $this->input->post(' trans_gdc_date'),
You can't directly merge strings in arrays!
your trying to merge concatinate strings with arrays or lets say arrays with string thats not possible
General Example
$stack = array("Orange", "Banane");
array_push($stack, "Apfel", "Himbeere");
for your code Example
// array push tiggers a php array as stack!
array_push($add, 'trans_gdc_no', $this->input->post('trans_gdc_no'));
array_push($add, 'trans_gdc_to', $this->input->post('trans_gdc_to'));

CodeIgniter ActiveRecord adding a random id field

$updatedOrder = array(
'ship_status' => 'shipped',
'shipped_carrier' => (string)$selectedShipper->shipper->name,
'base_rate' => (float)$selectedShipper->rate,
'discount_rate' => (float)$selectedShipper->rate,
'tracking_number' => '123',
$this->orders_m->where('id', $tmpOrder->id)
->update('orders', $updatedOrder);
This yields the following SQL query: UPDATE default_orders SET ship_status = 'shipped', shipped_carrier = 'UPS Next Day Air', base_rate = 22.85, discount_rate = 22.85, tracking_number = '123' WHERE id = '1' AND id = 'orders'
Where did that last bit come from? id='orders'?
Just make sure that $tmpOrder->id is a variable and not an array.
Maybe there is an error somewhere where you are getting the $tmpOrder and it returns an array for that.

Query error in code igniter ( wrong escape )

I try to insert a row in the table on code igniter from a Array, but something is going wrong.
That's the array:
[Date] => 2001-08-15
[Number] => 962883
[Time] => 17:40
[Etc1] => 0
[Etc2] => 0
And this the insert:
$this->db->insert('mytable', $myarray);
A new line is inserted, but all columns are empty!
Trying to find de error, I printed the last query by
echo $this->db->last_query() ." <br>";
And I got:
INSERT INTO `mytable` (`Date`, `Number`, `Time`, `Etc1`, `Etc2`)
('\02\00\00\01\0-\00\08\0-\01\05\0', '\09\06\02\08\08\03\0', '\01\07\0:\04\00\0', '\00\0', '\00\0')
For some reason I can not get, the codeigniter ( or PHP ) is wrongly escaping the values.
Any Idea?
Firstly your change your array like this:
$data_array = Array
'Date'=> 2001-08-15
'Number' => 962883
'Time' => 17:40
'Etc1' => 0
'Etc2' => 0
and inside your model write function like this
function insert_data($data=array())
return TRUE;
i hope this will solve your problem
try this , this may help.
$this->db->set('Date', '2001-08-15', FALSE);
$this->db->set('Number', '962883', FALSE);
$this->db->set('Time', '17:40', FALSE);
$this->db->set('Etc1', '0', FALSE);
$this->db->set('Etc2', '0', FALSE);
I tried emulating your problem and was able to get the correct SQL statement genrated.
But I am pasting here the code that worked for me:
$data = array
'Date' => '2001-08-15',
'Number' => '962883',
'Time' => '17:40',
'Etc1' => '0',
'Etc2' => '0'
$this->db->insert('mytable', $data);
Let me know if this works - and if not, what the error message is.

Getting Error Message For oci_execute() Error (PHP)

I would like to get the specific error message if a query fails in Oracle 10g. For MySQL, PHP has the mysql_error() function that can return details about why a query failed. I check the php.net manual for the oci_execute() function, but from what I see it only returns false on fail.
I tried using oc_error(), but I am not getting anything from it.
Here is a code sample:
$err = array();
$e = 0;
//Cycle through all files and insert new records into database
for($f=0; $f<sizeof($files); $f++)
$invoice_number = $files[$f]['invoice_number'];
$sold_to = $files[$f]['sold_to'];
$date = $files[$f]['date'];
$sql = "insert into invoice (dealer_id, invoice_number, invoice_date)
values ('$sold_to', '$invoice_number', '$date')";
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $sql);
$result = oci_execute($stid);
//If query fails
$err[$e] = oci_error();
Response for print_r($err):
Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => )
Have you tried to pass $stid to oci_error?
$err[$e] = oci_error($stid);
The oci_error() function takes an argument that specifies the context of your error. Passing it no argument will only work for certain kinds of connection errors. What you want to do is pass the parsed statement resource, like so:
$err = oci_error($stid);
(Note also that the return value from oci_error is an array, so I assigned the entire output to your $err array variable)
