python NameError: name 'get_set' is not defined - visual-studio

I searched trough all of the previous error but nothing seems to be close to this.
Intellisense sees my method but i still get the error. I refreshed db and still nothing. It's frustrating that i cant see whats wrong:

The method get_set is not defined. I means, you did not created it yet.


Call to undefined method DateTime::getTimezone()

For some reason most of my pages are giving this error "Call to undefined method DateTime::getTimezone()". I'm kind of positive that the pages that have this error got a ->created_at->diffForHumans() function. I still have no idea whats causing this.. It has been working fine since forever.
I tried updating my packages but there was no luck there.. Searched around for the function itself or inside my controllers.. also no luck. Checked my time zone in config/app.php and it had the same time zone that I've always had which is Asia/Amman
Check this discussion please:
As it say there:
This issue is closed as it is not an issue with Laravel; it was an
issue with the PHP docs at the time, which have since been updated. I
would suggest you review your own code and make sure it's not a
namespace problem (i.e. use new \DateTime instead of new DateTime) and
if you still can't figure it out, post a question on StackOverflow
with the minimum amount of code needed to reproduce the error.
Since this was after a Composer update, I would guess that the problem
lies with one of the packages that were updated. The error message
should give you the exact line number producing the error, which
should help you determine what package is causing the error. Then file
a bug report (or pull request) against that package if possible.
I hope it helps.
I kept changing the php version and it eventually worked. It was 7.1.22 and I changed it to 7.2.* and it worked just fine...

How to figure out why a Eloquent model update method is returning FALSE

Running: "laravel/framework": "4.2.*"
In our project I have one particular model that is driving me nuts. For many hours yesterday the following call returned false:
where $model is an instantiated Eloquent object. Works fine for dozens of other models. And I got it working, for a short while, by re-writing the model class. Now it's broken again. The update call is in a try catch block trapping PDOException as well as Exception, but nothing is thrown (at least I'm not catching anything), and I've dug into the Model.php class to see if I can see why it's failing there, but haven't been able to glean anything useful.
I've looked in my MySql & Apache log files -- nada. And searching the web hasn't turned up anything useful.
Is there no way to find out from Laravel why update returns false?

Expected identifier/parse issue in xcode?

Im creating an ios app in xcode, and I keep getting this error. Here is my code:
If (myGlobal ==1) {
What is wrong? Im sorry i do not know how to properly do the code, i am a beginner and am just looking for help. Please dont mark my post down, I just started with this stuff
Make sure If is not capitalized. It should be all lowercase "if".
Make sure myGlobal has been declared.
If myGlobal is a property try using self.myGlobal instead.
Otherwise you will need to post the myGlobal declaration to us.

I can't enable or disable modules. I'm getting "An error occurred while saving this configuration"

I have a new fairly fresh install of Magento I installed two custom payment method modules that are working fine. But now whenever I try to disable or enable any Payment Method or Shipping Method it gives me an error like this:
An error occurred while saving this configuration: Warning:
preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in
on line 57
Do you have any idea why?
I found the problem. It was caused by a patch I applied to fix to a previous BUG. :P
So I disabled all custom modules and I was still getting the same error. I logged what was happening and it seems that some core modules are sending an array to be saved.
Like PayPal Express Checkout for instance. One of the config options is the Time of Day in the SFTP credentials for Settlement Report Settings. It's composed by three different drop-downs and it's sending an array to be saved!
In the Shipping Methods, UPS has a config options called Allowed Methods, and it's also sending an array!
I still don't know why it wasn't happening before and now it is. They shouldn't be encrypting everything. Any clues?
I had the same issue, its a known bug, try this around line no. 135 on code/core/mage/Adminhtml/model/config/data.php
// add this code
if (isset($fieldConfig->backend_model)) {
$backendClass = $fieldConfig->backend_model;
} // before this
if (!$backendClass) {
$backendClass = 'core/config_data';
This actually is a reported bug in Magento that seems to affect encrypted config settings (passwords, API keys, etc.).
Try disabling the first of the modules, log out of the admin panel, clear /var/cache and see if the problem still exists. If it does, do the same with the second module.
The problem should be gone. Now that you know which module causes the problems you can either decide to try another module instead or debug to see whats going wrong.
Put a breakpoint on line 57 in /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Encrypted.php to see what goes wrong. It seems that the second parameter is not a string (might be null for example due to wrong configuration or something) when its given to the preg_match function. Maybe this helps you to identify the problem.
Disabling modules through the back office isn't a good idea as it only disables the block output, if you would like to disable a module you should go to app/etc/modulesand there you should find Module_Name.xmlfile - in this file just put false in active node.

How to get the primary route, if it doesn't exist and we are being sent to 404 page

So basically I am trying to debug my routes, because they are not working as intended, but when using the profiler, I can see the URI string, which is basically the second part of URL in the browser address bar and CLASS/METHOD which are always of the 404 page that I am being redirected to. So how can I get the primary routes Class, Method and arguments/parameters that were attempted to run before being sent to 404?
$route['en/catalog/(.+)/(.+)'] = "ccatalog/index/$1/$2";
something's gone wrong and I get redirected to the 404, but I want to see which class (most likely "ccatalog" here), which method (hopefully "index") and arguments ($1, $2).
Thank you in advance to anyone who could help me with my problem!
I don't see a reason for your route to not work.
Check by directly opening your_path/ccatalog/index/whatever/whatever in the browser.
If it gives you a 404, it means the problem is with your controller, maybe the controller or function naming.
If it is working fine, then you may be able to use a pre_system hook to figure out the parameter values.
You may also consider hacking around with Routing files in the core(making sure you change them back), to figure out what the real issue is.
Actually, this was done really easy:
