tvOS; Launch Image doesn't appear on launch - xcode

I'm developing an tvOS app, and I'm trying to set the LaunchImage.
I've added a .pgn-file with size 1920 × 1080 called LaunchImage.pgn to Assets.xcassets, by dragging the file from finder to the LaunchImage image-socket in xcode. But the Launch Image doesn't appear when i launch the app.
In the target settings, under general:
From the Contents.json-file in /project-folder/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage:
I have tried cleaning the build folder, made a clean build, tried with different files with different filenames.
Any clues?
This seems a bit buggy, maybe someone has found a workaround?

I used Sketch to export the PNG. I exported a bitmap copy of a screenshot from the simulator, and it must have had some alpha channels. I didn't get any warnings in xcode.
I followed the solution presented in this post, and it solved the problem:
Export PNG without alpha
Thanks Daniel! :)


How to setup correctly iPad Launch Images in xCode 4.2 for both orientations

Ok. So I have iPad app in Xcode 4.2 targeted for iOS 5.1. I provided it with launch images for both landscape and portrait modes and it has some serious trouble with using them properly.
First in landscape mode it shows proper landscape image but rotated by 90 degrees CW and cropped on the right side. Then when it starts to display it properly but does it also in portrait mode (as if it doesn't recognize portrait mode at all anymore).
I've seen some suggestions like providing portrait image with rotated content for landscape mode, etc. but the problem is I can't for the life of me make xCode use both images in right moments.
Is there some voodoo for that? Like setting them in proper order, use plist directly or the slots in GUI, putting them in some special directory or two different directories, I don't know - anything? Fighting xCode over such things will make me puke with blood one day...
Ok, one thing to know is that xCode seems to be very capricious when it comes to updating settings, resources etc. I deleted references to the launch images from the project, cleaned the product in xCode and removed the app from simulator but it still somehow managed to use the launch images even though it didn't show copying the images in build log.
I'm not sure if it took the pictures from derived data or what but I had to delete derived data and remove the images manually from the app bundle in ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/5.1/Applications/ to make it stop. Then I pasted the images manually into the app bundle and now after publishing both images work properly in the simulator ignoring the fact that I didn't set them up at all in xCode!
I'm still not sure how to proceed with the device version - it obviously doesn't have the launch images now...
Apparently xCode doesn't care at all about setting anything about the launch images apart from including properly named images in the project so they get copied to the bundle. As I wrote above you can even inject the images into the app bundle and it still works.
The other side is that once you get the images there it may by hard to get rid of them.
So anyway now I have nothing in my plist about the images, nor anything in the slots in the Target Info and I have four working launch images in my app (both orientations and retina).
Hope it helps someone sometime..

Launch image doesn't update in xcode 4.5 with Cordova 2.1

I'm using Xcode 4.5, Cordova 2.1 , iPhone4 (IOS6). Adding launch image is pretty simple -- just drag the image to the Project->Summary->Launch Images window.
So I set a launch image before and it worked. But when I dragged a different image and run the app on my iPhone again, the launch image still remain the same as the old one. Even after I delete the launch image from the Launch Images window, the old image still shows up upon launching.
I've tried clearing the build as well. And I have try to delete the app in my devices.In the simulator it works well.But in my iPhone4(with ios6) it doesn't.I have tried this again and again.But I can't find the solution.
In before,I often use my images to change the default launch images in the folder.But this time,it doesn't work.
Does anybody know the solution of this problem?
You have to change these images in your project
Either be sure to have the option of splash screen in Cordova.plist, AutoHideSplashScreen to YES.
But putting my images in the right format works fine.
For me it display firstly an image full screen, and then the image of splash directory.
"The launch image remains the same as the old one" - this is unfortunately not a Cordova thing, there's just something screwy going on with Xcode and your device. Try rebooting it. For the Simulator, sometimes it fixed it for people once they Reset the simulator as well.
Finally I solve this problem by myself.Follow these steps and hope that you would success.
1,Prepare your image files and add into the project folder.Remember that you should use xcode to add your files in to the Group.
2,Edit your info.plist file.Add a key -> "Launch Image" , Value -> "[Your File name]"; key -> "Launch Image (iPhone)" -> "[Your File Name]";
Try to test your project.If it doesn't work,you should edit your CDVViewController.m.(It is in the CordovaLib(Cordova Lib -> Classes -> Cleaver -> CDVViewController.m ).
3,Replace "Default" as your File name in CDVViewController.m
Ok.It works now.
(P.S where the default png files come from ... ? :-( )

Tab Bar Icon display issue in universal app

I have an odd issue that's driving me nuts by now. Hopefully someone here can help me or ran into something similar. I've searched up and down but didn't find anything similar.
I am creating a universal app (Xcode 4.3.3) with storyboard including a UITabBar with 4 icons. The icons are from the free glyphish set, and look just fine in the iPhone simulator. In the iPad simulator, however, they look enlarged, and only about the top half is visible in the tabbar.
In addition to the original icon, I also created #2X, ~ipad and #2X~ipad versions (I did this for pretty much all art via batch in Photoshop). However, the icons look the same (i.e. too large) in the iPad simulator even when I remove these other versions and only keep the glyphish original.
I looked at the storyboard source code, I changed around a bunch of Tabbar and TabbarItem settings in the storyboard, nothing seems to help. HELP!
EDIT: I just noticed that the icons look fine in the iPad (Retina) simulator!?!?
OK, solved it myself. Not sure which of these steps did it, but here's what I did:
delete the app from the simulator
Clean the Project
Recompile and Run
Now the icons display correctly. Go figure.
SOLVED IT: OK, solved it myself. Not sure which of these steps did it, but here's what I did:
Delete the app from the simulator
Clean the Project
Recompile and Run
Now the icons display correctly. Go figure.

OSX Notification Center Icon

I'm using OSX's Notification Center APIs for the first time and can't seem to figure out how to make my app's icon to show up in the Notification badge.
The default "your app doesn't have an icon" icon keeps showing up:
Here's what I've done so far
I have created an icns file that includes 512, 256, 128, 32 & 16px versions
dragged the icon into the "App Icon" section of the target's summary
I made to sure to check the box to copy the icon into the project
the plist's "Icon file" section references the correct icon name (minus the .icns) part
Any ideas? The icon doesn't show up when I run the app thru Xcode or when I export an archive either.
I also have extracted the Sparrow.icns file from and tried using that one instead of the one I made. That didn't work either.
I was able to fix this issue by incrementing the Build number in the General section for the build Target.
You can force the Notification Center to refresh all of the icons by deleting the Notification Center database file (~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/SOME_UUID.db) and then killing the Notification Center process (e.g., from Activity Monitor).
Unfortunately this has the side effect of deleting your notification history, but this wasn't too much of an issue for me.
There's actually an ongoing debate on Apple's developer forums (link, link for people with access) about this. As far as I know, there's currently no real solution, but you can try the following:
Change your app's bundle ID and try it again. If you change it, clean your app, and change back, some people have reported success with seeing their icon show up.
Log in as another user. The caching Notification Center uses may be per-user, so you might be able to get the properly-iconned notifications as a different person.
The folder location has been moved for OSX 10.10+.
Following command takes to you to its new location:
$ cd `getconf DARWIN_USER_DIR`/
and then
$ open .
Easiest way that I managed to get the icon to show up is change the Bundle Identifier in your project. This works on OSX 10.10.5 and XCode 7.2
(Once notification center picks up the change, you can change it back to your original bundle identifier if you already have a provisioning profile associated with it)
I have solved the issue by archiving my app and adding a copy to my applications folder. When the app is in Application folder, the icon is always visible even you run the app from XCode...
I tried all of the above suggestions but the only thing that worked for me on 10.14 was to delete DerivedData:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
If anyone still having this issue, and none of the methods above worked, here is how I solved it:
open Notifications from the System Preference (easiest is to open Alfred or spotlight and type Notifications)
find your application and remove it (press backspace/delete button)
NOTE: this may remove all notifications
I am using Xcode 11.5 and I had the same problem. In my case tough, it was sufficient to clean build output, close and reopen the project. Then do a fresh build and let it run again. The icon was there afterwards.
Side note: I've placed the app icon for every size in the assets.xcassets file, except 1024 x 1024 pixels. Don't know if this is relevant or not. Hope that helps.

Launch image doesn't update

I'm using Xcode 4.3.1. Adding launch image is pretty simple -- just drag the image to the Project->Summary->Launch Images window.
So I set a launch image before and it worked. But when I dragged a different image and run the app on my iPhone again, the launch image still remain the same as the old one. Even after I delete the launch image from the Launch Images window, the old image still shows up upon launching.
I've tried clearing the build as well. Didn't work.
Help please. Very much appreciated!
I had the same issue, but with launch storyboard. I had to rename the image I've used as a background.
Deleting from the device didn't help with Xcode 4.5.1. The build process is caching the image. With a hint from Zorayr's answer to related question "Xcode, can't remove “Launch image” from project," I decided to track the cached image down and destroy it, so it wouldn't keep being built and showing up in my test App.
Eventually, I found that Xcode (at least 4.5) builds the images by default in the following path off your home directory:
So in addition to removing the old App image from the device (or simulator,) you also need to remove the image file(s) from the build cache. But just doing something like
rm ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-fpwnjlbayydgzxcdlyrwxrwntapr/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/*.png
won't always solve your problem. Instead, you might get a strange error in a popup window saying something like "Signed product moved or deleted." (I can't reproduce it right now to get the exact text.) It doesn't show up in the log file, and it just hangs the build process (in Xcode 4.5.1.) To get around that, I deleted all of the files under the <ProjectName>.app/ directory tree and the sibling directory tree <ProjectName>.app.dSYM/ containing (seemingly) the symbol tables and signature files for the parallel products. The build process will then re-create everything with no more complaints.
What worked for me on iOS 10.2.1, iPhone 5s hardware test device, Xcode 8.2.1
I think it has nothing to do with Xcode. The test device appears to be caching the LaunchScreen.storyboard image. I needed to reboot my device by holding home + top button. Then I rebuilt, low and behold, the image updated.
You should delete the app from the device, then launch it again.
Quit the simulator and then run the project again.
For device, as mentioned in other answers, delete the app from the device and then run the app again.
Steps that worked for me in 2020 (xCode Version 11.4.1):
Delete derived data
Restart xCode
Delete app on device
Restart device
Clean rebuild and run
Except the last step, I think the order doesn't matter.
It's really annoying though and I'm not even sure if it always works.
Pretty pathetic on apple's side. Good luck guys!
If you were using an asset catalog, it can also help to delete the images from the Images.xcassets file, and then load them manually in General>Launch Images.
This is what worked for me
Put the new image in project folder
Run app on device/simulator
Put image in xcassets under a different name
Run app again and it works
I thought I would create an update for anyone who is XCode 10 (and possibly XCode 9) and experiencing a blank black or white screen after modifying a launch image.
In my case I had to create launch images for the iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.
Originally I just had a sample white launch image for testing. After creating my proper image for the XR and replacing the sample the change would simply never show (on the XR device). I would still get a white screen.
I tried all of these in combination and failed:
-deleting the app beforehand.
-deleting xcode derived data and cleaning the build.
-restart Xcode and the device and the computer.
-deleting any existence of the white launch image on the computer.
-manually editing the JSON in a new images asset with the correct file names
The XR device would continuously show a white screen and after meddling with the build setting and migrating back to image packs it turned to black.
Ultimately it started working after I also replaced the white 'XS' launch image with a new one as well. Even though the device is an XR. This is an odd solution but solutions like this have helped with launch images throughout the years.
For me, quitting the Simulator and restarting it worked -- I can finally see the updated launch image. The note above from Emil Korngold triggered me to try this.
