Minimum length routing path - Dynamic Programing - algorithm

There are 2*N pins on a line, N of them are input pins, N of them are output pins. Every input pin must be connected to a single output pin and vice-versa, like in this image:
The connection lines can be made only vertically and horizontally in the upper half plane and the connection lines can no overlap.
The question is what is the minimum length of all lines that can be achieved when connecting all pins.
In the example above, the length is 31.
A greedy approach using a stack, similar to matching parenthesis problem is not the optimal solution.

If you look at the outermost line between 1 and 8, then it splits the pins into two groups. One between 2 and 7, and the other between 9 and 10.
Each of these groups has a constraint on the maximum line height it can have without extending past the outer line. 2 for the first, and some default like 5 for the second.
This gives a function lineLength(leftPin, rightPin, maxHeight) that can get its value by finding a height h and pin i so that h <= maxHeight and pin[i] is between leftPin+1 and rightPin and the opposite type of pin[leftPin].
Then the line length would be rightPin-leftPin+2*h + lineLength(leftPin+1, i-1, h-1) + lineLength(i+1, rightPin-1, 5)
There are O(n^3) possible values for this function and calculating each value, with memoization, would require O(n^2) time because of the iterations of h and i. So the total time is O(n^5).
It should be possible to improve this with a binary search on the maximum height.

Divide and conquer can get this down to n^2.
In general, the first pin must be paired with something - and the only options for its pairing are when the string of pins have an even number of input and output bits. So in the example #1 can pair with #8 or #10.
For each of these pairings, you add the cost of that wire to the sub-problem inside the wire, and the subproblem outside the wire.
For example: if we're pairing 1 and 8, then
cost = recursiveCost (2,7) + recursivecost(9,end) + wireCost(1,8)
You'll also need to track the maximum recursive depth of the inside function call, because you'll need that to calculate wireCost(a,b).


Touching segments

Can anyone please suggest me algorithm for this.
You are given starting and the ending points of N segments over the x-axis.
How many of these segments can be touched, even on their edges, by exactly two lines perpendicular to them?
Sample Input :
2 3
1 3
1 5
3 4
4 5
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 4
1 5
1 2
3 4
5 6
Sample Output :
Case 1: 5
Case 2: 5
Case 3: 2
Explanation :
Case 1: We will draw two lines (parallel to Y-axis) crossing X-axis at point 2 and 4. These two lines will touch all the five segments.
Case 2: We can touch all the points even with one line crossing X-axis at 2.
Case 3: It is not possible to touch more than two points in this case.
1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5
0 ≤ a < b ≤ 10^9
Let assume that we have a data structure that supports the following operations efficiently:
Add a segment.
Delete a segment.
Return the maximum number of segments that cover one point(that is, the "best" point).
If have such a structure, we can get use the initial problem efficiently in the following manner:
Let's create an array of events(one event for the start of each segment and one for the end) and sort by the x-coordinate.
Add all segments to the magical data structure.
Iterate over all events and do the following: when a segment start, add one to the number of currently covered segments and remove it from that data structure. When a segment ends, subtract one from the number of currently covered segment and add this segment to the magical data structure. After each event, update the answer with the value of the number of currently covered segments(it shows how many segments are covered by the point which corresponds to the current event) plus the maximum returned by the data structure described above(it shows how we can choose another point in the best possible way).
If this data structure can perform all given operations in O(log n), then we have an O(n log n) solution(we sort the events and make one pass over the sorted array making a constant number of queries to this data structure for each event).
So how can we implement this data structure? Well, a segment tree works fine here. Adding a segment is adding one to a specific range. Removing a segment is subtracting one from all elements in a specific range. Get ting the maximum is just a standard maximum operation on a segment tree. So we need a segment tree that supports two operations: add a constant to a range and get maximum for the entire tree. It can be done in O(log n) time per query.
One more note: a standard segment tree requires coordinates to be small. We may assume that they never exceed 2 * n(if it is not the case, we can compress them).
An O(N*max(logN, M)) solution, where M is the medium segment size, implemented in Common Lisp: touching-segments.lisp.
The idea is to first calculate from left to right at every interesting point the number of segments that would be touched by a line there (open-left-to-right on the lisp code). Cost: O(NlogN)
Then, from right to left it calculates, again at every interesting point P, the best location for a line considering segments fully to the right of P (open-right-to-left on the lisp code). Cost O(N*max(logN, M))
Then it is just a matter of looking for the point where the sum of both values tops. Cost O(N).
The code is barely tested and may contain bugs. Also, I have not bothered to handle edge cases as when the number of segments is zero.
The problem can be solved in O(Nlog(N)) time per test case.
Observe that there is an optimal placement of two vertical lines each of which go through some segment endpoints
Compress segments' coordinates. More info at What is coordinate compression?
Build a sorted set of segment endpoints X
Sort segments [a_i,b_i] by a_i
Let Q be a priority queue which stores right endpoints of segments processed so far
Let T be a max interval tree built over x-coordinates. Some useful reading atWhat are some sources (books, etc.) from where I can learn about Interval, Segment, Range trees?
For each segment make [a_i,b_i]-range increment-by-1 query to T. It allows to find maximum number of segments covering some x in [a,b]
Iterate over elements x of X. For each x process segments (not already processed) with x >= a_i. The processing includes pushing b_i to Q and making [a_i,b_i]-range increment-by-(-1) query to T. After removing from Q all elements < x, A= Q.size is equal to number of segments covering x. B = T.rmq(x + 1, M) returns maximum number of segments that do not cover x and cover some fixed y > x. A + B is a candidate for an answer.

Heuristics for this (probably) NP-complete puzzle game

I asked whether this problem was NP-complete on the Computer Science forum, but asking for programming heuristics seems better suited for this site. So here it goes.
You are given an NxN grid of unit squares and 2N binary strings of length N. The goal is to fill the grid with 0's and 1's so that each string appears once and only once in the grid, either horizontally (left to right) or vertically (top down). Or determine that no such solution exists. If N is not fixed I suspect this is an NP-complete problem. However are there any heuristics that can hopefully speed up the search to faster than brute force trying all ways to fill in the grid with N vertical strings?
I remember programming this for my friend that had the 5x5 physical version of this game, but I used brute force back then. I can only think of this heuristic:
Consider a 4x4 map with these 8 strings (read each from left to right):
1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
(Note that this is already solved, since the second 4 is the first 4 transposed)
First attempt:
We will choose columns from left to right. Since 7 of 8 strings start with 1, we will try to put the one with most 1s to the first column (so that we can lay rows more easily when columns are done).
In the second column, most string have 0, so you can also try putting a string with most zeros to the second row, and so on.
This i would call a wide-1 prediction, since it only looks at one column at a time
(Possible) Improvement:
You can look at 2 columns at a time (a wide-2 prediction, if i may call it like that). In this case, from the 8 strings, the most common combination of first two bits is 10 (5/8), so you would like to choose first two columns so the the combination 10 occurring as much as possible (in this case, 1111 followed by 1000 has 3 of 4 10 at start).
(Of course you don't have to stop at 2)
I don't know if this would work. I just made it up and thought it might work.
If you choose to he wide-X prediction, the number of possibilities is exponential with X
This can absolutely fail if the distribution of combinations if even.
What you can do:
As i said, this game has physical 5x5 adaptation, only there you can also lay the string from right-to-left and bottom-to-top, if you found that name, you could google further. I unfortunately don't remember it.
Sounds like you want the crossword grid filling algorithm:
First, build 2N subsets of your 2N strings -- each subset has all the strings with a particular bit at a particular postion. So subset(0,3) is all the strings that have a 0 in the 3rd position and subset(1,5) is all the strings that have a 1 in the 5th position.
The algorithm is a basic brute-force depth fist search trying all possible mappings of strings to slots in the grid, with severe pruning of impossible branches
Your search state is a set of assignments of strings to slots and a set of sets of possible assignments to the remaining slots. The initial state has 0 assignments and 2N sets, all of which contain all 2N strings.
At each step of the search, pick the most constrained set (the set with the fewest elements) from the set of possible sets. Try each element of the set in turn in that slot (adding it to the assigments and removing it from the set of sets), and constrain all the remaining sets of sets by removing the chosen string and intersecting the crossing sets with subset(X,N) (computed in step 1) where X is the bit from the chosen string and N is the row/column number of the chosen string
If you find an empty set when picking above, there is no solution with the choices so far, so backtrack up the tree to a different choice
This is still EXPTIME, but it is about as fast as you can get it. Since the main time consuming step is the set intersections, using 2N bit binary strings for your set representation is very fast -- for N=32, the sets fit in a 64-bit word and can be intersected with a single AND instruction. It also helps to have a POPCOUNT instruction, since you also need set sizes.
This can be solved as a 0/1 integer linear program with O(N^2) variables and constraints. First there are variables Xij which are 1 if string i is assigned to line j (where j=1 to N are rows and j = (N+1) to 2N are columns). Then there is a variable for each square in the grid, which indicates if the entry is 0 or 1. If the position of the square is (i,j) with variable Yij then the sum of all X variables for line j that correspond to strings that have a 1 in position i is equal to Yij, and the sum of all X variables for line j that correspond to strings that have a 0 in position i is equal to (1 - Yij). And similarly for line i and position j. Finally, the sum of all X variables Xij for each string i (summed over all lines j) is equal to 1.
There has been a lot of research in speeding up solvers for 0/1 integer programming so this may be able to often handle fairly large N (like N=100) for many examples. Also, in some cases, solving the relaxed non-integer linear program and rounding the solution off to 0/1 may produce a valid solution, in polynomial time.
We could choose the first lg 2N rows out of the 2N strings, and then since 2^(lg 2N) = 2N, in a lot of cases there shouldn't be very many ways to assign the N columns so that the prefixes of length lg 2N are respected. Then all the rows are filled in so they can be checked to see if a solution has been found. We can also try assigning more rows in the beginning, and fill in different combinations of rows besides the initial rows. (e.g. we can try filling in contiguous rows starting anywhere in the grid).
Running time for assigning lg 2N rows out of 2N strings is O((2N)^(lg 2N)) = O(2^((lg 2N)^2)), which grows slower than 2^N. Assigning columns to match the prefixes is the part that's the hardest to predict run time. If a prefix occurs K times among the assigned rows, and there are M remaining strings that have the prefix, then the number of assignments for this prefix is M*(M-1)...(M-K+1). The total number of possible column assignments is the product of these terms over all prefixes that occur among the rows. If this gets to be too large, the number of rows initially assigned can be increased. But it's hard to predict the worst-case run time unless an assumption is made like the NxN grid is filled in randomly.

How to efficiently find a contiguous range of used/free slots from a Fenwick tree

Assume, that I am tracking the usage of slots in a Fenwick tree. As an example, lets consider tracking 32 slots, leading to a Fenwick tree layout as shown in the image below, where the numbers in the grid indicate the index in the underlying array with counts manipulated by the Fenwick tree where the value in each cell is the sum of "used" items in that segment (i.e. array cell 23 stores the amount of used slots in the range [16-23]). The items at the lowest level (i.e. cells 0, 2, 4, ...) can only have the value of "1" (used slot) or "0" (free slot).
What I am looking for is an efficient algorithm to find the first range of a given number of contiguous free slots.
To illustrate, suppose I have the Fenwick tree shown in the image below in which a total of 9 slots are used (note that the light gray numbers are just added for clarity, not actually stored in the tree's array cells).
Now I would like to find e.g. the first contiguous range of 10 free slots, which should find this range:
I can't seem to find an efficient way of doing this, and it is giving me a bit of a headache. Note, that as the required amount of storage space is critical for my purposes, I do not wish to extend the design to be a segment tree.
Any thoughts and suggestions on an O(log N) type of solution would be very welcome.
Time for an update after bounty period has expired. Thanks for all comments, questions, suggestions and answers. They have made me think things over again, taught me a lot and pointed out to me (once again; one day I may learn this lesson) that I should focus more on the issue I want to solve when asking questions.
Since #Erik P was the only one that provided a reasonable answer to the question that included the requested code/pseudo code, he will receive the bounty.
He also pointed out correctly that O(log N) search using this structure is not going to be possible. Kudos to #DanBjorge for providing a proof that made me think about worst case performance.
The comment and answer of #EvgenyKluev made me realize I should have formulated my question differently. In fact I was already doing in large part what he suggested (see - which shows where I got stuck before posting this question), and asked this question hoping there would be an efficient way to search contiguous ranges, thereby preventing changing this design to a segment tree (which would require an additional 1024 bytes). It appears however that such a change might be the smart thing to do.
For anyone interested, a binary encoded Fenwick tree matching the example used in this question (32 slot fenwick tree encoded in 64 bits) can be found here:
I think the easiest way to implement all the desired functionality with O(log N) time complexity and at the same time minimize memory requirements is using a bit vector to store all 0/1 (free/used) values. Bit vector can substitute 6 lowest levels of both Fenwick tree and segment tree (if implemented as 64-bit integers). So height of these trees may be reduced by 6 and space requirements for each of these trees would be 64 (or 32) times less than usual.
Segment tree may be implemented as implicit binary tree sitting in an array (just like a well-known max-heap implementation). Root node at index 1, each left descendant of node at index i is placed at 2*i, each right descendant - at 2*i+1. This means twice as much space is needed comparing to Fenwick tree, but since tree height is cut by 6 levels, that's not a big problem.
Each segment tree node should store a single value - length of the longest contiguous sequence of "free" slots starting at a point covered by this node (or zero if no such starting point is there). This makes search for the first range of a given number of contiguous zeros very simple: start from the root, then choose left descendant if it contains value greater or equal than required, otherwise choose right descendant. After coming to some leaf node, check corresponding word of bit vector (for a run of zeros in the middle of the word).
Update operations are more complicated. When changing a value to "used", check appropriate word of bit vector, if it is empty, ascend segment tree to find nonzero value for some left descendant, then descend the tree to get to rightmost leaf with this value, then determine how newly added slot splits "free" interval into two halves, then update all parent nodes for both added slot and starting node of the interval being split, also set a bit in the bit vector. Changing a value to "free" may be implemented similarly.
If obtaining the number of nonzero items in some range is also needed, implement Fenwick tree over the same bit vector (but separate from the segment tree). There is nothing special in Fenwick tree implementation except that adding together 6 lowest nodes is substituted by "population count" operation for some word of the bit vector. For an example of using Fenwick tree together with bit vector see first solution for Magic Board on CodeChef.
All necessary operations for bit vector may be implemented pretty efficiently using various bitwise tricks. For some of them (leading/trailing zero count and population count) you could use either compiler intrinsics or assembler instructions (depending on target architecture).
If bit vector is implemented with 64-bit words and tree nodes - with 32-bit words, both trees occupy 150% space in addition to bit vector. This may be significantly reduced if each leaf node corresponds not to a single bit vector word, but to a small range (4 or 8 words). For 8 words additional space needed for trees would be only 20% of bit vector size. This makes implementation slightly more complicated. If properly optimized, performance should be approximately the same as in variant for one word per leaf node. For very large data set performance is likely to be better (because bit vector computations are more cache-friendly than walking the trees).
As mcdowella suggests in their answer, let K2 = K/2, rounding up, and let M be the smallest power of 2 that is >= K2. A promising approach would be to search for contiguous blocks of K2 zeroes fully contained in one size-M block, and once we've found those, check neighbouring size-M blocks to see if they contain sufficient adjacent zeroes. For the initial scan, if the number of 0s in a block is < K2, clearly we can skip it, and if the number of 0s is >= K2 and the size of the block is >= 2*M, we can look at both sub-blocks.
This suggests the following code. Below, A[0 .. N-1] is the Fenwick tree array; N is assumed to be a power of 2. I'm assuming that you're counting empty slots, rather than nonempty ones; if you prefer to count empty slots, it's easy enough to transform from the one to the other.
initialize q as a stack data structure of triples of integers
push (N-1, N, A[n-1]) onto q
# An entry (i, j, z) represents the block [i-j+1 .. i] of length j, which
# contains z zeroes; we start with one block representing the whole array.
# We maintain the invariant that i always has at least as many trailing ones
# in its binary representation as j has trailing zeroes. (**)
initialize r as an empty list of pairs of integers
while q is not empty:
pop an entry (i,j,z) off q
if z < K2:
if FW(i) >= K:
first_half := i - j/2
# change this if you want to count nonempty slots:
first_half_zeroes := A[first_half]
# Because of invariant (**) above, first_half always has exactly
# the right number of trailing 1 bits in its binary representation
# that A[first_half] counts elements of the interval
# [i-j+1 .. first_half].
push (i, j/2, z - first_half_zeroes) onto q
push (first_half, j/2, first_half_zeroes) onto q
process_block(i, j, z)
This lets us process all size-M blocks with at least K/2 zeroes in order. You could even randomize the order in which you push the first and second half onto q in order to get the blocks in a random order, which might be nice to combat the situation where the first half of your array fills up much more quickly than the latter half.
Now we need to discuss how to process a single block. If z = j, then the block is entirely filled with 0s and we can look both left and right to add zeroes. Otherwise, we need to find out if it starts with >= K/2 contiguous zeroes, and if so with how many exactly, and then check if the previous block ends with a suitable number of zeroes. Similarly, we check if the block ends with >= K/2 contiguous zeroes, and if so with how many exactly, and then check if the next block starts with a suitable number of zeroes. So we will need a procedure to find the number of zeroes a block starts or ends with, possibly with a shortcut if it's at least a or at most b. To be precise: let ends_with_zeroes(i, j, min, max) be a procedure that returns the number of zeroes that the block from [i-j+1 .. j] ends with, with a shortcut to return max if the result will be more than max and min if the result will be less than min. Similarly for starts_with_zeroes(i, j, min, max).
def process_block(i, j, z):
if j == z:
if i > j:
a := ends_with_zeroes(i-j, j, 0, K-z)
a := 0
if i < N-1:
b := starts_with_zeroes(i+j, j, K-z-a-1, K-z-a)
b := 0
if b >= K-z-a:
print "Found: starting at ", i - j - a + 1
# If the block doesn't start or end with K2 zeroes but overlaps with a
# correct solution anyway, we don't need to find it here -- we'll find it
# starting from the adjacent block.
a := starts_with_zeroes(i, j, K2-1, j)
if i > j and a >= K2:
b := ends_with_zeroes(i-j, j, K-a-1, K-a)
if b >= K-a:
print "Found: starting at ", i - j - a + 1
# Since z < 2*K2, and j != z, we know this block doesn't end with K2
# zeroes, so we can safely return.
a := ends_with_zeroes(i, j, K2-1, j)
if i < N-1 and a >= K2:
b := starts_with_zeroes(i+j, K-a-1, K-a)
if b >= K-a:
print "Found: starting at ", i - a + 1
Note that in the second case where we find a solution, it may be possible to move the starting point left a bit further. You could check for that separately if you need the very first position that it could start.
Now all that's left is to implement starts_with_zeroes and ends_with_zeroes. In order to check that the block starts with at least min zeroes, we can test that it starts with 2^h zeroes (where 2^h <= min) by checking the appropriate Fenwick entry; then similarly check if it starts with 2^H zeroes where 2^H >= max to short cut the other way (except if max = j, it is trickier to find the right count from the Fenwick tree); then find the precise number.
def starts_with_zeroes(i, j, min, max):
start := i-j
h2 := 1
while h2 * 2 <= min:
h2 := h2 * 2
if A[start + h2] < h2:
return min
# Now h2 = 2^h in the text.
# If you insist, you can do the above operation faster with bit twiddling
# to get the 2log of min (in which case, for more info google it).
while h2 < max and A[start + 2*h2] == 2*h2:
h2 := 2*h2
if h2 == j:
# Walk up the Fenwick tree to determine the exact number of zeroes
# in interval [start+1 .. i]. (Not implemented, but easy.) Let this
# number be z.
if z < j:
h2 := h2 / 2
if h2 >= max:
return max
# Now we know that [start+1 .. start+h2] is all zeroes, but somewhere in
# [start+h2+1 .. start+2*h2] there is a one.
# Maintain invariant: the interval [start+1 .. start+h2] is all zeroes,
# and there is a one in [start+h2+1 .. start+h2+step].
step := h2;
while step > 1:
step := step / 2
if A[start + h2 + step] == step:
h2 := h2 + step
return h2
As you see, starts_with_zeroes is pretty bottom-up. For ends_with_zeroes, I think you'd want to do a more top-down approach, since examining the second half of something in a Fenwick tree is a little trickier. You should be able to do a similar type of binary search-style iteration.
This algorithm is definitely not O(log(N)), and I have a hunch that this is unavoidable. The Fenwick tree simply doesn't give information that is that good for your question. However, I think this algorithm will perform fairly well in practice if suitable intervals are fairly common.
One quick check, when searching for a range of K contiguous slots, is to find the largest power of two less than or equal to K/2. Any K continuous zero slots must contain at least one Fenwick-aligned range of slots of size <= K/2 that is entirely filled with zeros. You could search the Fenwick tree from the top for such chunks of aligned zeros and then look for the first one that can be extended to produce a range of K contiguous zeros.
In your example the lowest level contains 0s or 1s and the upper level contains sums of descendants. Finding stretches of 0s would be easier if the lowest level contained 0s where you are currently writing 1s and a count of the number of contiguous zeros to the left where you are currently writing zeros, and the upper levels contained the maximum value of any descendant. Updating would mean more work, especially if you had long strings of zeros being created and destroyed, but you could find the leftmost string of zeros of length at least K with a single search to the left branching left where the max value was at least K. Actually here a lot of the update work is done creating and destroying runs of 1,2,3,4... on the lowest level. Perhaps if you left the lowest level as originally defined and did a case by case analysis of the effects of modifications you could have the upper levels displaying the longest stretch of zeros starting at any descendant of a given node - for quick search - and get reasonable update cost.
#Erik covered a reasonable sounding algorithm. However, note that this problem has a lower complexity bound of Ω(N/K) in the worst-case.
Consider a reduced version of the problem where:
N and K are both powers of 2
N > 2K >= 4
Suppose your input array is made up of (N/2K) chunks of size 2K. One chunk is of the form K 0s followed by K 1s, every other chunk is the string "10" repeated K times. There are (N/2K) such arrays, each with exactly one solution to the problem (the beginning of the one "special" chunk).
Let n = log2(N), k = log2(K). Let us also define the root node of the tree as being at level 0 and the leaf nodes as being at level n of the tree.
Note that, due to our array being made up of aligned chunks of size 2K, level n-k of the tree is simply going to be made up of the number of 1s in each chunk. However, each of our chunks has the same number of 1s in it. This means that every node at level n-k will be identical, which in turn means that every node at level <= n-k will also be identical.
What this means is that the tree contains no information that can disambiguate the "special" chunk until you start analyzing level n-k+1 and lower. But since all but 2 of the (N/K) nodes at that level are identical, this means that in the worst case you'll have to examine O(N/K) nodes in order to disambiguate the solution from the rest of the nodes.

Partitioning a Matrix

Given an N x N matrix, where N <= 25, and each cell has a positive integer value, how can you partition it with at most K lines (with straight up/down lines or straight left/right lines [note: they have to extend from one side to the other]) so that the maximum value group (as determined by the partitions) is minimum?
For example, given the following matrix
1 1 2
1 1 2
2 2 4
and we are allowed to use 2 lines to partition it, we should draw a line between column 2 and 3, as well as a line between rows 2 and 3, which gives the minimized maximum value, 4.
My first thought would be a bitmask representing the state of each lines, with 2 integers to represent it. However, this is too slow. I think the complexity is O(2^(2N))Maybe you could solve it for the rows, then solve it for the columns?
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Here is the problem after I googled it:
another paper:
I'm trying to read that^
You can try all subsets for vertical lines, and then do dynamic programming for horizontal lines.
Let's say you have fixed the set of vertical lines as S. Denote the answer for the subproblem consisting of first K lines of matrix with fixed set of vertical lines S as D(K, S). It is then trivial to find a recurrence to solve D(K, S) with subproblems of smaller size.
Overall complexity should be O(2^N * N^2) if you precompute the sizes of each submatrix in the beginning.

From an interview: Removing rows and columns in an n×n matrix to maximize the sum of remaining values

Given an n×n matrix of real numbers. You are allowed to erase any number (from 0 to n) of rows and any number (from 0 to n) of columns, and after that the sum of the remaining entries is computed. Come up with an algorithm which finds out which rows and columns to erase in order to maximize that sum.
The problem is NP-hard. (So you should not expect a polynomial-time algorithm for solving this problem. There could still be (non-polynomial time) algorithms that are slightly better than brute-force, though.) The idea behind the proof of NP-hardness is that if we could solve this problem, then we could solve the the clique problem in a general graph. (The maximum-clique problem is to find the largest set of pairwise connected vertices in a graph.)
Specifically, given any graph with n vertices, let's form the matrix A with entries a[i][j] as follows:
a[i][j] = 1 for i == j (the diagonal entries)
a[i][j] = 0 if the edge (i,j) is present in the graph (and i≠j)
a[i][j] = -n-1 if the edge (i,j) is not present in the graph.
Now suppose we solve the problem of removing some rows and columns (or equivalently, keeping some rows and columns) so that the sum of the entries in the matrix is maximized. Then the answer gives the maximum clique in the graph:
Claim: In any optimal solution, there is no row i and column j kept for which the edge (i,j) is not present in the graph. Proof: Since a[i][j] = -n-1 and the sum of all the positive entries is at most n, picking (i,j) would lead to a negative sum. (Note that deleting all rows and columns would give a better sum, of 0.)
Claim: In (some) optimal solution, the set of rows and columns kept is the same. This is because starting with any optimal solution, we can simply remove all rows i for which column i has not been kept, and vice-versa. Note that since the only positive entries are the diagonal ones, we do not decrease the sum (and by the previous claim, we do not increase it either).
All of which means that if the graph has a maximum clique of size k, then our matrix problem has a solution with sum k, and vice-versa. Therefore, if we could solve our initial problem in polynomial time, then the clique problem would also be solved in polynomial time. This proves that the initial problem is NP-hard. (Actually, it is easy to see that the decision version of the initial problem — is there a way of removing some rows and columns so that the sum is at least k — is in NP, so the (decision version of the) initial problem is actually NP-complete.)
Well the brute force method goes something like this:
For n rows there are 2n subsets.
For n columns there are 2n subsets.
For an n x n matrix there are 22n subsets.
0 elements is a valid subset but obviously if you have 0 rows or 0 columns the total is 0 so there are really 22n-2+1 subsets but that's no different.
So you can work out each combination by brute force as an O(an) algorithm. Fast. :)
It would be quicker to work out what the maximum possible value is and you do that by adding up all the positive numbers in the grid. If those numbers happen to form a valid sub-matrix (meaning you can create that set by removing rows and/or columns) then there's your answer.
Implicit in this is that if none of the numbers are negative then the complete matrix is, by definition, the answer.
Also, knowing what the highest possible maximum is possibly allows you to shortcut the brute force evaluation since if you get any combination equal to that maximum then that is your answer and you can stop checking.
Also if all the numbers are non-positive, the answer is the maximum value as you can reduce the matrix to a 1 x 1 matrix with that 1 value in it, by definition.
Here's an idea: construct 2n-1 n x m matrices where 1 <= m <= n. Process them one after the other. For each n x m matrix you can calculate:
The highest possible maximum sum (as per above); and
Whether no numbers are positive allowing you to shortcut the answer.
if (1) is below the currently calculate highest maximum sum then you can discard this n x m matrix. If (2) is true then you just need a simple comparison to the current highest maximum sum.
This is generally referred to as a pruning technique.
What's more you can start by saying that the highest number in the n x n matrix is the starting highest maximum sum since obviously it can be a 1 x 1 matrix.
I'm sure you could tweak this into a (slightly more) efficient recursive tree-based search algorithm with the above tests effectively allowing you to eliminate (hopefully many) unnecessary searches.
We can improve on Cletus's generalized brute-force solution by modelling this as a directed graph. The initial matrix is the start node of the graph; its leaves are all the matrices missing one row or column, and so forth. It's a graph rather than a tree, because the node for the matrix without both the first column and row will have two parents - the nodes with just the first column or row missing.
We can optimize our solution by turning the graph into a tree: There's never any point exploring a submatrix with a column or row deleted that comes before the one we deleted to get to the current node, as that submatrix will be arrived at anyway.
This is still a brute-force search, of course - but we've eliminated the duplicate cases where we remove the same rows in different orders.
Here's an example implementation in Python:
def maximize_sum(m):
frontier = [(m, 0, False)]
best = None
best_score = 0
while frontier:
current, startidx, cols_done = frontier.pop()
score = matrix_sum(current)
if score > best_score or not best:
best = current
best_score = score
w, h = matrix_size(current)
if not cols_done:
for x in range(startidx, w):
frontier.append((delete_column(current, x), x, False))
startidx = 0
for y in range(startidx, h):
frontier.append((delete_row(current, y), y, True))
return best_score, best
And here's the output on 280Z28's example matrix:
>>> m = ((1, 1, 3), (1, -89, 101), (1, 102, -99))
>>> maximize_sum(m)
(106, [(1, 3), (1, 101)])
Since nobody asked for an efficient algorithm, use brute force: generate every possible matrix that can be created by removing rows and/or columns from the original matrix, choose the best one. A slightly more efficent version, which most likely can be proved to still be correct, is to generate only those variants where the removed rows and columns contain at least one negative value.
To try it in a simple way:
We need the valid subset of the set of entries {A00, A01, A02, ..., A0n, A10, ...,Ann} which max. sum.
First compute all subsets (the power set).
A valid subset is a member of the power set that for each two contained entries Aij and A(i+x)(j+y), contains also the elements A(i+x)j and Ai(j+y) (which are the remaining corners of the rectangle spanned by Aij and A(i+x)(j+y)).
Aij ...
. .
. .
... A(i+x)(j+y)
By that you can eliminate the invalid ones from the power set and find the one with the biggest sum in the remaining.
I'm sure it can be improved by improving an algorithm for power set generation in order to generate only valid subsets and by that avoiding step 2 (adjusting the power set).
I think there are some angles of attack that might improve upon brute force.
memoization, since there are many distinct sequences of edits that will arrive at the same submatrix.
dynamic programming. Because the search space of matrices is highly redundant, my intuition is that there would be a DP formulation that can save a lot of repeated work
I think there's a heuristic approach, but I can't quite nail it down:
if there's one negative number, you can either take the matrix as it is, remove the column of the negative number, or remove its row; I don't think any other "moves" result in a higher sum. For two negative numbers, your options are: remove neither, remove one, remove the other, or remove both (where the act of removal is either by axing the row or the column).
Now suppose the matrix has only one positive number and the rest are all <=0. You clearly want to remove everything but the positive entry. For a matrix with only 2 positive entries and the rest <= 0, the options are: do nothing, whittle down to one, whittle down to the other, or whittle down to both (resulting in a 1x2, 2x1, or 2x2 matrix).
In general this last option falls apart (imagine a matrix with 50 positives & 50 negatives), but depending on your data (few negatives or few positives) it could provide a shortcut.
Create an n-by-1 vector RowSums, and an n-by-1 vector ColumnSums. Initialize them to the row and column sums of the original matrix. O(n²)
If any row or column has a negative sum, remove edit: the one with the minimum such and update the sums in the other direction to reflect their new values. O(n)
Stop when no row or column has a sum less than zero.
This is an iterative variation improving on another answer. It operates in O(n²) time, but fails for some cases mentioned in other answers, which is the complexity limit for this problem (there are n² entries in the matrix, and to even find the minimum you have to examine each cell once).
Edit: The following matrix has no negative rows or columns, but is also not maximized, and my algorithm doesn't catch it.
1 1 3 goal 1 3
1 -89 101 ===> 1 101
1 102 -99
The following matrix does have negative rows and columns, but my algorithm selects the wrong ones for removal.
-5 1 -5 goal 1
1 1 1 ===> 1
-10 2 -10 2
===> 1 1 1
Compute the sum of each row and column. This can be done in O(m) (where m = n^2)
While there are rows or columns that sum to negative remove the row or column that has the lowest sum that is less than zero. Then recompute the sum of each row/column.
The general idea is that as long as there is a row or a column that sums to nevative, removing it will result in a greater overall value. You need to remove them one at a time and recompute because in removing that one row/column you are affecting the sums of the other rows/columns and they may or may not have negative sums any more.
This will produce an optimally maximum result. Runtime is O(mn) or O(n^3)
I cannot really produce an algorithm on top of my head, but to me it 'smells' like dynamic programming, if it serves as a start point.
Big Edit: I honestly don't think there's a way to assess a matrix and determine it is maximized, unless it is completely positive.
Maybe it needs to branch, and fathom all elimination paths. You never no when a costly elimination will enable a number of better eliminations later. We can short circuit if it's found the theoretical maximum, but other than any algorithm would have to be able to step forward and back. I've adapted my original solution to achieve this behaviour with recursion.
Double Secret Edit: It would also make great strides to reduce to complexity if each iteration didn't need to find all negative elements. Considering that they don't change much between calls, it makes more sense to just pass their positions to the next iteration.
Takes a matrix, the list of current negative elements in the matrix, and the theoretical maximum of the initial matrix. Returns the matrix's maximum sum and the list of moves required to get there. In my mind move list contains a list of moves denoting the row/column removed from the result of the previous operation.
Ie: r1,r1
Would translate
-1 1 0 1 1 1
-4 1 -4 5 7 1
1 2 4 ===>
5 7 1
Return if sum of matrix is the theoretical maximum
Find the positions of all negative elements unless an empty set was passed in.
Compute sum of matrix and store it along side an empty move list.
For negative each element:
Calculate the sum of that element's row and column.
clone the matrix and eliminate which ever collection has the minimum sum (row/column) from that clone, note that action as a move list.
clone the list of negative elements and remove any that are effected by the action taken in the previous step.
Recursively call this algorithm providing the cloned matrix, the updated negative element list and the theoretical maximum. Append the moves list returned to the move list for the action that produced the matrix passed to the recursive call.
If the returned value of the recursive call is greater than the stored sum, replace it and store the returned move list.
Return the stored sum and move list.
I'm not sure if it's better or worse than the brute force method, but it handles all the test cases now. Even those where the maximum contains negative values.
This is an optimization problem and can be solved approximately by an iterative algorithm based on simulated annealing:
Notation: C is number of columns.
For J iterations:
Look at each column and compute the absolute benefit of toggling it (turn it off if it's currently on or turn it on if it's currently off). That gives you C values, e.g. -3, 1, 4. A greedy deterministic solution would just pick the last action (toggle the last column to get a benefit of 4) because it locally improves the objective. But that might lock us into a local optimum. Instead, we probabilistically pick one of the three actions, with probabilities proportional to the benefits. To do this, transform them into a probability distribution by putting them through a Sigmoid function and normalizing. (Or use exp() instead of sigmoid()?) So for -3, 1, 4 you get 0.05, 0.73, 0.98 from the sigmoid and 0.03, 0.42, 0.56 after normalizing. Now pick the action according to the probability distribution, e.g. toggle the last column with probability 0.56, toggle the second column with probability 0.42, or toggle the first column with the tiny probability 0.03.
Do the same procedure for the rows, resulting in toggling one of the rows.
Iterate for J iterations until convergence.
We may also, in early iterations, make each of these probability distributions more uniform, so that we don't get locked into bad decisions early on. So we'd raise the unnormalized probabilities to a power 1/T, where T is high in early iterations and is slowly decreased until it approaches 0. For example, 0.05, 0.73, 0.98 from above, raised to 1/10 results in 0.74, 0.97, 1.0, which after normalization is 0.27, 0.36, 0.37 (so it's much more uniform than the original 0.05, 0.73, 0.98).
It's clearly NP-Complete (as outlined above). Given this, if I had to propose the best algorithm I could for the problem:
Try some iterations of quadratic integer programming, formulating the problem as: SUM_ij a_ij x_i y_j, with the x_i and y_j variables constrained to be either 0 or 1. For some matrices I think this will find a solution quickly, for the hardest cases it would be no better than brute force (and not much would be).
In parallel (and using most of the CPU), use a approximate search algorithm to generate increasingly better solutions. Simulating Annealing was suggested in another answer, but having done research on similar combinatorial optimisation problems, my experience is that tabu search would find good solutions faster. This is probably close to optimal in terms of wandering between distinct "potentially better" solutions in the shortest time, if you use the trick of incrementally updating the costs of single changes (see my paper "Graph domination, tabu search and the football pool problem").
Use the best solution so far from the second above to steer the first by avoiding searching possibilities that have lower bounds worse than it.
Obviously this isn't guaranteed to find the maximal solution. But, it generally would when this is feasible, and it would provide a very good locally maximal solution otherwise. If someone had a practical situation requiring such optimisation, this is the solution that I'd think would work best.
Stopping at identifying that a problem is likely to be NP-Complete will not look good in a job interview! (Unless the job is in complexity theory, but even then I wouldn't.) You need to suggest good approaches - that is the point of a question like this. To see what you can come up with under pressure, because the real world often requires tackling such things.
yes, it's NP-complete problem.
It's hard to easily find the best sub-matrix,but we can easily to find some better sub-matrix.
Assume that we give m random points in the matrix as "feeds". then let them to automatically extend by the rules like :
if add one new row or column to the feed-matrix, ensure that the sum will be incrementive.
,then we can compare m sub-matrix to find the best one.
Let's say n = 10.
Brute force (all possible sets of rows x all possible sets of columns) takes
2^10 * 2^10 =~ 1,000,000 nodes.
My first approach was to consider this a tree search, and use
the sum of positive entries is an upper bound for every node in the subtree
as a pruning method. Combined with a greedy algorithm to cheaply generate good initial bounds, this yielded answers in about 80,000 nodes on average.
but there is a better way ! i later realised that
Fix some choice of rows X.
Working out the optimal columns for this set of rows is now trivial (keep a column if its sum of its entries in the rows X is positive, otherwise discard it).
So we can just brute force over all possible choices of rows; this takes 2^10 = 1024 nodes.
Adding the pruning method brought this down to 600 nodes on average.
Keeping 'column-sums' and incrementally updating them when traversing the tree of row-sets should allow the calculations (sum of matrix etc) at each node to be O(n) instead of O(n^2). Giving a total complexity of O(n * 2^n)
For slightly less than optimal solution, I think this is a PTIME, PSPACE complexity issue.
The GREEDY algorithm could run as follows:
Load the matrix into memory and compute row totals. After that run the main loop,
1) Delete the smallest row,
2) Subtract the newly omitted values from the old row totals
--> Break when there are no more negative rows.
Point two is a subtle detail: subtracted two rows/columns has time complexity n.
While re-summing all but two columns has n^2 time complexity!
Take each row and each column and compute the sum. For a 2x2 matrix this will be:
2 1
3 -10
Row(0) = 3
Row(1) = -7
Col(0) = 5
Col(1) = -9
Compose a new matrix
Cost to take row Cost to take column
3 5
-7 -9
Take out whatever you need to, then start again.
You just look for negative values on the new matrix. Those are values that actually substract from the overall matrix value. It terminates when there're no more negative "SUMS" values to take out (therefore all columns and rows SUM something to the final result)
In an nxn matrix that would be O(n^2)Log(n) I think
function pruneMatrix(matrix) {
max = -inf;
bestRowBitField = null;
bestColBitField = null;
for(rowBitField=0; rowBitField<2^matrix.height; rowBitField++) {
for (colBitField=0; colBitField<2^matrix.width; colBitField++) {
sum = calcSum(matrix, rowBitField, colBitField);
if (sum > max) {
max = sum;
bestRowBitField = rowBitField;
bestColBitField = colBitField;
return removeFieldsFromMatrix(bestRowBitField, bestColBitField);
function calcSumForCombination(matrix, rowBitField, colBitField) {
sum = 0;
for(i=0; i<matrix.height; i++) {
for(j=0; j<matrix.width; j++) {
if (rowBitField & 1<<i && colBitField & 1<<j) {
sum += matrix[i][j];
return sum;
