Oracle, 2 installations on one computer, TNSListener - windows

I have 2 versions of Oracle Database in one pc:
1st is oracle 11g in folder c:/xe...
2nd is oracle 12c in folder c:/app...
What is the problem - there's something wrong with environment in windows, because when I set ORACLE_BASE & ORACLE_HOME to C:/xe, listener from 12c doesn't work (not loadable error). Same scenario in other way - when BASE & HOME is set to c:/app - listener from c:/xe shows same error. On 11g there is database which I need the most so question - is there any possibility to make this database visible to oracle 12c? Or someone knows how to eliminate this loadable error?


Oracle XE 18c impdp dump from 19c

I have a dump file that is created using expdp from Oracle 19c (exported with version parameter 18). Is it even possible to import the dumpfile to an Oracle 18c XE database?
The structure and everything else from the 19c database is unknown to me. I just got the 13gb dumpfile.
While using impdp it says:
Connected to: Oracle Database 18c Express Edition Release - Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
Thats it.
In /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/xe/XE/trace/alert_XE.log it says:
XEPDB1(3):DW00 started with pid=62, OS id=23288, wid=1, job SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01
XEPDB1(3):Resize operation completed for file# 9, old size 266240K, new size 276480K
Is there a another logfile I don't know about?
Anyways, my command looks like this:
impdp user/password#localhost/xepdb1 DIRECTORY=import_dir DUMPFILE=dump.expdp nologfile=y version=18 full=y
Yes, the user is privileged to do so.
Yes, the import_dir is set with CREATE DIRECTORY and the user is also privileged to use this directory.
I'm lost.
edit: I used stackoverflow for many years now and this is my very first question since I'm NEW to oracle in general and as I stated above: I'm lost.
2nd edit:
It's still the same error even after I try to partially import the dump with parameters like tables=
Perhaps your dump file is too big. Oracle XE has some limitations.
See the Oracle documentation:
Up to 12 GB of user data
Up to 2 GB of database RAM
Up to 2 CPU threads
Up to 3 Pluggable Databases

PowerBI connecting with Oracle-DB: ORA-12154

I am trying to connect PowerBI with Oracle-DB with no success.
First: when I open PowerBI and try to connect the Oracle Database on Get Data Icon, I get the following error:
Second: I click ok and try to set the connection mannualy:
But in the end I get the ORA-12145: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified error:
I don't know what's happening since my Oracle version is the most recent one (Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production):
Also, my PowerBI Desktop version is Version: 2.63.3272.40262 64-bit (October 2018)
I've already set up the tsnames.ora and listener.ora files, but nothing helped.
Do you have an idea how to figure that out?
In my case the issue was that I was putting the server name wrong, for example I was just putting my db name like
Server : DB
and the way I fixed was
Server: Server/DB
"Power BI" covers a lot of different components. I presume/guess you mean Power BI Desktop?
Your Oracle Database version is not that relevant. The important piece you are probably missing is the drivers, in this case the Oracle Data Access Client (ODAC) drivers. Here's the page in the manual you should read:

ODP.NET and OLEDB with Multiple Oracle Homes

For legacy reasons, our .NET 4.0 application currently uses both the Oracle OLEDB and ODP.NET providers to connect to an Oracle instance. We have standardized on the Oracle client. Both data providers work as expected when one Oracle client is installed.
Issues have been reported on computers that already had the client installed. A second client,, was installed for our application. The installation looks like this:
\client_1 <-- (existing)
\bin <-- OraOLEDB11.dll registered here
\admin <-- TNSNAMES does NOT contain ORACLESVR
\client_2 <-- (new)
\admin <-- TNSNAMES contains ORACLESVR
Due to a bug in the installer, the OLEDB driver is not registered in the second home, meaning the driver remains registered.
This leads to some interesting/odd behavior that I cannot explain:
if the "ODP.NET from" part of the application is used first, both providers can connect, meaning the "OLEDB from" is using the tnsnames.ora from the _2 home.
if the "OLEDB from" part of the application is used first, neither provider will connect, presumably because both are using the tnsnames.ora from the _1 home.
So, once the Oracle home is determined for the application, both clients attempt to use that home, causing complete success or complete failure.
To work around this, we can do things like: register the OLEDB provider, add the TNS_ADMIN environment variable, or add ORACLESVR the tnsnames.ora from the _1 home.
However, I want to know WHY this is happening? I cannot find, in the Oracle documentation for each provider, how the tnsnames.ora file is located when two clients are present and TNS_ADMIN is not specified.
How does one provider affect the other?
OLEDB is based on Microsoft COM and each DLL you register has to have a distinct name. Thus you cannot register OraOLEDB11.dll several times from different locations, i.e. OLEDB can be installed only once (per architecture).
In case you try to install several OLEDB on one machine the Oracle Installer creates a mess. It is always a challenge to have several Oracle Clients installed.
These locations are searched for tnsnames.ora, resp. sqlnet.ora:
current path (associated with the running client application)
Environment variable TNS_ADMIN defined for the session
Environment variable TNS_ADMIN defined for the system
I got this list from Oracle Metalink 111942.1 (referring to Oracle 9.x and Windows NT/2000)
I don't know whether it applies for each individual Oracle Provider/Driver you may use. When you trace your application with Process Monitor you can get a different order.

Issue with Oracle Client Data Source in SQL Server 2012 SSIS

I am having an issue with Oracle connectivity from an SSIS project, and have been Googling around to try to find a solution for over a week, now, and haven't found anything.
I have the following configuration in my dev environment:
O/S: Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, 64-bit
SQL Server Data Tools, 2010
I need to configure an SSIS Data Flow Task to pull data from four different Oracle Data Sources (among others). One is Oracle version, two are version and one is
We use local TNSNAMES and SQLNET.ora files for our configuration.
I have tried this with many different Oracle clients, and basically get the same result, so will highlight one that I did:
Installed the Oracle Client 11gR2 64 bit.
Installed the Oracle Client 11gR2 32 bit (that order is recommended).
Copied my TNSNAMES and SQLNET.ora files into both network/admin configuration folders.
Did a successful TNSPING on each of the 4 databases named above. Successful.
Opened up SQL Server Data Tools and opened a new project
Did a "Create new Connection Manager", picked ADO.NET
Selected "Oracle Client Data Provider", enter the details of the 11g database
Did a "test Connection". Success.
Repeat the procedure for one of the 9.0 databases. When I do the "Test Connection" I get a "Test Connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ORA-12645: Parameter does not exist".
I get this same result for all three of the 9.x databases.
Oracle "help" says that this error is caused by a missing parameter in the SQLNET.ora file, and that the solution is to add the missing parameter. Trouble is, nowhere does it say what is missing.
I have tried this same procedure with other Oracle client installs other than the two clients - ODTwithODAC1120320_32 bit, ODAC1120320_x64 and get exactly the same result. I can't go to a version 12 client because as I understand it, it won't work with a 9 database. I can't go to a 10 client because that won't work with an 11 database.
I have a feeling that it's very specific to the 64-bit O/S and version of SQL server, but that is our target platform, so need to make it work.
Can anyone help me with this, please?

Oracle : Use two different versions of EXP on the same machine?

i have a server (HP-UX) installed with Oracle 10g and several databases on it.
I've been asked to make dumps from these tables for a Oracle 8i database. In order to do this, i need to use the 8i version of the EXP (export) tool of Oracle.
It is still installed on my server but when i want to use it, i get the following error :
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 12705 encountered
ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
I presume some files are missing or maybe one of the folder is not in the PATH but i can't find and i really don't want to break the 10g installation.
Someone knows how to do ?
Install a 10G client on another system, without modifying the 8I database server,
and connect from the client to the 8I database. Use the export utilities on
the client to generate the export file.
