mcamara/laravel-localization is changing my assets (css, js, others) route - laravel

I'm using mcamara/laravel-localization on my project everything is working perfectly, but when I'm trying to a layout (ressources/views/layouts) to include all my pages the localization is also affecting my assets, the css ans js files are not loading, it's giving localhost/en/assets/css/style.css instead of localhost/assets/css/style.css. What should I do?
One crazy thing is if I don't use a layout I'm not getting that problem. Help me please.


Using Laravel Mix in RTL

I am in case I have a public/assets folder that contains style_en.css and style_ar.css and is based on the app locale. Then, I can link the needed one to the blade.
But I want to try laravel mix to compile all CSS files for me. I did remove bootstrap.min.css and replaced it with the css/app.css file, and it works fine.
But I do not know how to have still the two RTL and LTR of the app work fine using mix with my style_en.css and style_ar.css files.
Any help?

Laravel refresh page takes up to 4s to load the whole DOM

I'm new with Laravel's framework, so correct me if i'm mistaken.
I have set up some templates with some assets (css and js) in its corresponding folder:
SASS and JS goes inside resources/sass and resources/js respectively, which then gets compiled into public/css and public/js
Views go into resources/views, and then i have set up some routes inside routes/web.php
If you want me to add some more information i can for sure add it.
Image of console network debugging
Please, ignore images time load as I dont care the loading of them cause they load after DOM.
What I'm asking here is: why is every .css file or .js file taking more than a second to load?
Solution found
Seems like xDebug was causing strong loads in my page, commenting it fixed it.

does any one knows why my laravel app.js disable some other js or jquery links

I am working on my collage project there is a problem with js links for example my bootstrap drop menu will not work if i link laravel app.js. but if i remove the app.js file which is from laravel asset then other links works perfectly. I have change places of links but didn't work if someone please help me Thanks this is image of my footer file which include all js links

Are include files necessary in an html website?

Are include files, such as server side include SSI, files necessary in an html website?
I recently tried to host my simple html website through GoDaddy. I used Dreamweaver CC to upload my files and encountered a problem. Some of my pages were not displaying images or css. I checked to see if the images and css were on the server and in the correct places and they were. Confused, I called GoDaddy's customer service, waited 35 minutes, and talked to one of their customer service reps. He basically told me that it may be my code and that I need 'include' files.
I have looked all over the web and I'm still not entirely sure what an include file is... I got from my research that they are snips of code that call images/files without having to write out the same thing on every page. If I have copied and pasted the same thing on every page, why then would I need an 'include' file? I previously had my website hosted through Hostmonster, still do now, and I have never had to alter my code...
I am still new to the world of coding, so please be kind. If anyone knows of a good resource to help explain the use of 'include' files please post it or correct me if I am wrong. Thank you.
I think the GoDaddy "support" guy was talking about the include operation in your html files that you need to fetch your css files.
Presumably your web pages work correctly when you display them locally on your development machine -- the machine where you run Dreamweaver. If not, fix them. They'll probably need css files in some subdirectory (or maybe in the same directory as the html) and image files in some other subdirectory.
Open up your page, on the server, in a browser, and then do View Source. Look for your css file download commands ... which may look something like this ... in your source.
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Are the links (the href items) what you thought they should be? Sometimes you'll find that they are absolute links like
If they are you need to change them to
The same goes for images.
And, no, you don't need server-side include files to put up a working static web site.

Running Galleria jquery plugin on cakephp

I tried "Galleria" as a standalone application and it works perfectly fine .. however in order to make it work with Cakephp what are the changes that i need to make ?
I have tried changing the path of js and css files to absolute path .. it didnt help ..
// Load the classic theme
and in galleria.classic.js .. changed the following line
css: 'http://localhost/agm2/css/galleria.classic.css',
This is what I did before it finally worked and I of course violated cakephp convensions:
I put all the javascript files (jquery, galleria, galleria.classic) in the cakephp js folder. Additionally, I had to put the images (classic-map.png, classic-loader) and the css file (galleria.classic.css) in the cakephp js folder before it finally worked.
But under normal circumstances, the galleria css file should be in the css folder, the images in the img folder and the galleria.classic.js should be able to locate them and this is the problem we have.
