Spring statemachine Persist Statecontext - persist

In the reference documentation there is a sample for perstisting a statemachine:
Does anybody know, if there is a way to perstist also the stateContext?
Thanks Fredy

I think you need to use new statemachine 1.1.0.RELEASE and then use new built-in capability
StateMachinePersister. The example uses InMemoryStateMachinePersist.


Is it possible to set Redis key expiration time when using Spring Integration RedisMessageStore

Dears, I'd like to auto-expire Redis keys when using org.springframework.integration.redis.store.RedisMessageStore class in Spring Integration. I see some methods related to "expiry callback" but I could not find any documentation or examples yet. Any advice will be much appreciated.
public MessageStore redisMessageStore(LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
RedisMessageStore store = new RedisMessageStore(redisConnectionFactory, "TEST_");
return store;
Spring Boot: 2.6.3, spring integration and spring-boot-starter-data-redis.
The RedisMessageStore does not have any expiration features. And technically it must not. The point of this kind of store is too keep data until it is used. Look at it as persistent storage. The RedisMetadataStore is based on the RedisProperties object, so it also cannot use expiration feature for particular entry.
You probably talk about a MessageGroupStoreReaper, which really calls a MessageGroupStore.expireMessageGroups(long timeout), but that's already an artificial, cross-store implementation provided by the framework. The logic relies on the group.getTimestamp() and group.getLastModified(). So, still not that auto-expiration Redis feature.
The MessageGroupStoreReaper is a process needed to be run in your application: nothing Redis-specific.
See more info in docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/message-routing.html#reaper

Spring Boot - Where in code can I find this Bean. Is it a Bean?

Hi I'm looking at a Spring Boot application and I'm trying to understand everything that it does. It uses Camel and I am not finding the documentation for Camel especially helpful. Basically I might have a fundamental misunderstanding that a Camel SME would really be able to help with. The piece of code I am looking at is ...
public class SBJobScheduler extends RouteBuilder {
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, SB_LOGGER, "#The Scheduler is going to start ::sbJob:: batch.# ")
So I am trying to find how in the heck can I know where "alertBatch" is. I don't see any beans by this name, but maybe I'm missing it. I just want to know what is this value and I'm using the debugger and it doesn't tell me.
alertBatch is the name that uniquely identifies this endpoint. From Camel documentation:
The direct: component provides direct, synchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a message exchange. This endpoint can be used to connect existing routes in the same camel context.
URI format
Where someName can be any string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
You can read more about this component here
I suggest that you create a public constant in the same class that creates the route, this way, when you need to call this route, you just refer the created constant. This way you turn your code clean, more readable and allows the call hierarchy functionality from IDEs.

How to do method replacement using annotation in spring?

I am learning spring i know using <replaced-method .....> tag we can replace the old implementation but i don't know how to do that using annotation. Thanks
the configuration of Replace-Method is so long that the reason i can not share here but you can refer bellow link :-

How spring internally creates object based on configurations

Can some one shed some light on how spring creates objects for the configurations based on namespace. for eg.
<jms:jca-listener-container resource-adapter="myResourceAdapter"
<jms:listener destination="queue.orders" ref="myMessageListener"/>
I want to know what goes on internally, how spring instantiates the object. Pointer to the code in the framework which does this would be of great help
Here is the brief explanation of the internal workings. You can also look at short tutorial on TSS.

Spring Design By Contract: where to start?

I am trying to put a "Contract" on a method call. My web application is in Spring 3.
Is writing customs Annotations the right way to go. If so, any pointers( I didn't find anything in spring reference docs).
Should I use tools like "Modern Jass", JML ...? Again any pointers will be useful.
Using Spring EL and Spring security could get you most of the way. Spring security defines the #PreAuthorize annotation which is fired before method invocation and allows you to use Spring 3's new expression engine, such as:
#PreAuthorize("#customerId > 0")
public Customer getCustomer(int customerId) { .. }
or far more advanced rules like the following which ensures that the passed user does not have role ADMIN.
#PreAuthorize("#user.role != T(com.company.Role).ADMIN)")
public void saveUser(User user) { .. }
You can also provide default values for your contract with the #Value annotation
public Customer getCustomer(#Value("#{434}") int customerId) { .. }
You can even reference system properties in your value expressions.
Setting up Spring security for this purpose is not to hard as you can just create a UserDetailsService that grants some default role to all users. Alternatively you could make you own custom Spring aspect and then let this use the SpelExpressionParser to check method values.
if you don't mind writing some parts of your Java web application in Groovy (which is possible with Spring) I would suggest using GContracts.
GContracts is a Design by Contract (tm) library entirely written in Java - without any dependencies to other libraries - and has full support for class invariants, pre- and postconditions and inheritance of those assertions.
Contracts for Java which is based on Modern Jass is one way to write contracts.
As per the writing of this reply, this is pretty basic. Hopefully this will improve as we go on.
I didn't find an ideal solution to this, interestingly it is a planned feature for the Spring framework (2.0 implemented patch):
The best thing I suggest to use JSR 303 which is for bean validation. AFAIK there are two implementations for this:
Agimatec Validations
Hibernate Validator
There's a guide here for integrating it into Spring, I haven't followed it through but it looks ok:
I personally recommend C4J for 2 reasons:
It has Eclipse plugin so you don't need to manually configure it.
The documentation is written in a clear, structured format so you can easily use it.
Her's the link to C4J
