how to display dynamic value without using foreach loop in laravel - laravel

How to print these type of data in laravel.I am trying to create dynamic menu and these type of problem occurs.Code is like this. my code is like this.
In view composer.
public function compose(View $view)
$menus = $this->menu->getDynamicMenus();
$user_role = $this->role->lists('name', 'id');
$view->with('user_role', $user_role)->with('menus', $menus);
menurepository code.
public function getDynamicMenus()
$user = $this->auth->user();
$roles = $user->roles;
// dd($roles);
$menus = [];
foreach ($roles as $role) {
foreach ($role->menus as $menu) {
if ($menu["parent_id"] > 0) {
$menus[$menu["parent_id"]][$menu["id"]] = $menu->toArray();
} else {
$menus[$menu["id"]] = $menu->toArray();
// dd($menus);
return $menus;
and i print in frontend like.
#foreach($menus as $menu)
{{-- {!! Form::open() !!}
{!! Form::select('menus',$menus) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}--}}
{{--{!! $menuitem->menu_name !!}--}}
{!! $menu->menu_url !!}
and it shows problem:
Trying to get property of non-object (View: E:\xampp\htdocs\basicwc\resources\views\layouts\partials\sidebar.blade.php) (View: E:\xampp\htdocs\basicwc\resources\views\layouts\partials\sidebar.blade.php) (View: E:\xampp\htdocs\basicwc\resources\views\layouts\partials\sidebar.blade.php)
as menu are getting in array like in image.
any help??
i tried to do like:
{!! menu($menus) !!}
but it says undefined problem.
I added another menu and it's structure is like this:

Access it like an array:
#foreach($menus as $menu)
{{ $menu['menu_name'] }}
{{ $menu['menu_url'] }}


Use "where" and "limit" to child in #foreach

I want to display all user's profile into views and they posts. It's pretty simple:
#foreach($profiles as $profile)
{{ $profile->name }}
#foreach($profile->posts as $post)
But I want to display only the latests posts (->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(4) ) and only accepted posts (->where('accept', 1)). How can I do that?
You already have what you need. You just need to put it all together.
#foreach($profile->posts()->where('accept', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(4)->get() as $post)
I would consider creating a query scope on your profile model. That way you can do something like $profile->latestPosts.
Or you can use the relationship to return exactly what you need.
public function latestPosts() {
return $this->posts()->where('accept', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(4)->get();
Then you could use it as:
#foreach($profile->latestPosts() as $post)
A better solution would be to lazy load the posts you need when loading the profiles in the controller.
$profile = Profile::with(['posts' => function ($post) {
$post->where('accept', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(4);
then in the blade you can do the same as before
#foreach($profiles as $profile)
{{ $profile->name }}
#foreach($profile->posts as $post)
if you want to use a scope for latestAccepted, you can on the Post model
class Post extends Model
public function scopeLatestAccepted($query)
return $query->where('accept', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(4)
Then lazy load it
$profile = Profile::with(['posts' => function ($post) {
what you have to do is pretty simple.
create table users
create table post
create a relationships between the 2 tables
write you code in controller to join the table and query all the users post based on his/her username or password
see sample screenshot for table relationships
Public function ViewPost(){
->where('useratable.username','=', $uname)
->leftjoin('posttable', 'useratable.idusertable', '=', 'posttable.userid')
#foreach($data as $r)
{{ $r->fullname}} <br>
{{ $r->email}} <br>
{{ $r->topic }} <br>
{{ $r->content }} <br>
{{ $r->datetime}} <br>
You need some codes like it on controller:
$profiles = Profile::with(['posts' => function ($query) {
$query->where('accept', 1)
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
And add this one to blade file:
#foreach($profiles as $profile)
{{ $profile->name }}
#foreach($profile->posts as $post)
#if ($loop->iteration == 4)

404 not found in laravel

hi m trying to show a data on show.blade.php but it says 404|not found m using resource route for it. Remember m shwing the students on teacher index and from there i wants to redirect it to student/show.blade.php
public function show(Student $student)
$data = Student::findOrFail($student->id);
return view('', compact('data'));
teacher blade file:
#foreach($row->student as $st)
<a href="{{ route('', $row->id) }}">
{{ $st->student_name }}</a>
you are passing id into your controller not a model so the correction is here
public function show($student)
$data = Student::findOrFail($student);
return view('', compact('data'));
and also correct this part on your blade
<a href="{{ route('', $st->id) }}">
you get error not found because $student->id is returning null because you sending incorrect looping part therefore you got error 404
I don't know your route to students, but If you have a route like this:
Route::get('students/{id}', 'StudentController#show')->name('');
What is the name of the array that you are passing with student collection from
TeacherContoller? $data?
If so, your blade file "teacher.blade.php" would be like this:
#foreach($data as $row)
<a href="{{ route('', ['id' => $row->id]) }}">
{{ $row->student_name }}</a>
Then, you would change your method to be like this:
* #var int $id
public function show(int $id)
$data = Student::findOrFail($id);
return view('', compact('data'));

Return Logged User's Posts Into laravelcollective/html Select Dropdown Menu Within a Form

I am trying to pass only the posts created by the logged in user into a laravelcollective/html select drop down menu within a form.
In my code I have two examples. Using the variable example shows how I can get the dropdown select menu to show all results from the posts table. Using the variable posts in a foreach loop shows how I can return just the posts created by the logged user, but not in a select menu.
I need to have the dropdown menu function as in the form using example but displaying results of the foreach posts loop.
public function createPost()
$example = Post::pluck('title', 'id')->all();
$posts = Posts::all();
return view('post.create', compact('posts', 'example'));
Example View
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::label('example', 'Posts:') !!}
{!! Form::select('example', ['' => 'Select'] + $example, null) !!}
Foreach Loop Posts View
#foreach($posts as $post)
#if(Auth::user()->id == $post->user_id)
{{ $post->title }} <br>
try $posts = Posts::where('user_id',\Auth::id())->get()->pluck('title','');. It will return only posts of logged in user.
{{ Form::select('example', $posts) }}
You are using select box wrong.
#foreach($posts as $post)
#if(Auth::user()->id == $post->user_id)
{{ $post->title }} <br>
I would update your controller to only return posts by the user rather than rely on the foreach check if Auth::user()->id == $post->user_id
public function createPost()
$posts = Posts::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->get();
return view('post.create', compact('posts'));
As a side note, your method should probably just be create() to keep inline with the standard CRUD.
Then in your blade,
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::label('post', 'Posts:') !!}
{!! Form::select('post', ['' => 'Select'] + $posts, null) !!}

Laravel 4 :: custom validation error message is not displaying?

I'm trying to create an online form and to display my own error messages. But for some reason it's not working correctly. Here's my controller code, CategoryController.php:
class CategoryController extends BaseController
public function add()
return View::make('admin');
public function validate_add()
$rules = array('category_name' => 'Required|Alpha|Min:4');
$messages = array('category_name.Required' =>'Please enter the category name');
$input = Input::all();
$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);
if ($validator->fails())
return Redirect::to('admin')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(Input::all());
echo '<h1>WOW! your are are awesome!!! <3<h1> ';
And the admin.blade.php is following:
<h1>Add Category</h1>
{{ HTML ::ul($errors->all(), array('class'=>'errors')) }}
{{ Form::open(array( 'url'=>'admin', $title="Admin Control Panel")) }}
{{ Form::label('Category Name:') }}
{{ Form::text('category_name', Input::old('category_name')) }}
{{Form::label('Parent Category') }}
{{ Form::select('Network', array('0' => 'Maincategory')) }}
{{ Form::submit('Submit') }}
{{ Form::close() }}
Interesting - I tried this on my local Laravel project and it looks like although you can specify your rules in mixed case, you need to specify the custom messages in lower case.
So if you changed your rules and your message override to; 'required' instead of 'Required' etc., it should work.

HasMany relationship old input

I have a model Category. Category has many Localization. When I store Category, I have these inputs:
{{ Form::text('title[en]', Input::old('title')) }}
{{ Form::text('title[ru]', Input::old('title')) }}
Which I store like this in my controler:
// Gett all inputs
$inputs = Input::all();
// Create resource
$item = Category::create([]);
// Create localization
foreach(Input::get('title') as $locale => $title)
$locale = new Localization(['locale' => $locale, 'title' => $title]);
$locale = $item->localization()->save($locale);
That works great but what is the best practise for updating such relationships? Currently I'm trying that with Form::model binding.
#foreach($locales as $key => $locale)
{{ Form::text('title['.$locale.']', $model->translate($locale)->title, ['class' => 'form-control']) }}
I have no idea how Input::old could work in this situation, so now I'm using $model->translate($locale)->title to get the correct value. Basically the updating/validation part doesn't really work. What you could suggest to change to validate such relationship and update it?
Today I found a working solution storing/updating relationships with validation. I hope it's the best/simplest way to do that. I created a new array with inputs for validation and changed in the view errors accordingly.
This is my update controller.
public function update($id)
// Find resource
$item = Category::find($id);
foreach(Input::get('title') as $locale => $title)
$v['title_'.$locale] = $title;
// Attempt validation
foreach(Input::get('title') as $locale => $title)
$localization = $item->translate($locale);
$localization->title = $title;
return Redirect::action('AdminCategoryController#edit', [$item->id]);
// Failure, get errors
$errors = $item->errors();
return Redirect::back()
->with('errors', $errors);
And this is the update view;
{{ Form::model($model, ['action' => ['AdminCategoryController#update', $model->id], 'method' => 'PUT']) }}
#foreach($locales as $key => $locale)
<div id="{{ $locale }}">
<div class="form-group">
{{ Form::label('title['.$locale.']', _('admin.title_'.$locale)) }}
{{ Form::text('title['.$locale.']', $model->translate($locale)->title, ['class' => 'form-control']) }}
<div class="help-block alert alert-danger">{{ $errors->first('title_'.$locale) }}</div>
{{ Form::close() }}
This way you can easily CRUD, validate all types of relationships (input arrays) in Laravel.
