vim: Changing directory where views are saved on Windows 7 - windows

I've recently learnt about folding in vim and that you can use :mkview to save the folds in a document. However, vim is trying to save views in the C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\ directory path, which needs Admin privileges to save to... as this is a corporate Win7 work machine, I need to convince vim it wants to save views elsewhere.
Is there a command I need to include in my _vimrc file to get vim to save the views elsewhere? Or another way to control this behaviour?

Set viewdir.
From :help mkview :
When [file] is omitted or is a number from 1 to 9, a name is generated and 'viewdir' prepended.
:help 'viewdir' gives:
*'viewdir'* *'vdir'*
'viewdir' 'vdir' string (default for Amiga, MS-DOS, OS/2 and Win32:
for Unix: "~/.vim/view",
for Macintosh: "$VIM:vimfiles:view"
for VMS: "sys$login:vimfiles/view"
for RiscOS: "Choices:vimfiles/view")
{not available when compiled without the |+mksession|
Name of the directory where to store files for |:mkview|.
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.


How to set Crtrl+r to execute commands in Rstudio

How can I set RStudio to use Ctrl+R (in addition to Ctrl+Enter) to execute commands? suggests editing the "rstudio_bindings.json" file, but I can't find the file. gives instructions to add using from the menu options. I tried to add "Ctrl+Enter|Ctrl+R" as suggested in the first link but this is not accepted. At the bottom of the page it describes how the bindings are saved at ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/rstudio_commands.json or ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/editor_commands.json. I cannot find either of these files.
How can I do this?
R version 3.4.2
RStudio Version 1.1.383
Windows 7
Following advice from,
you have to edit the file ~/.R/rstudio/keybindings/rstudio_bindings.json with
"executeCode" : "Ctrl+Enter|Ctrl+R"
These directories and file already existed on Ubuntu, however, neither the file nor any of the directories existed on my Windows partition. So needed to create the nested directories .R/rstudio/keybindings, and then create the json file shown above, and save it as rstudio_bindings.json.
(aside: Windows didn't like trying to name a new folder of .R (the leading dot gave problems), but you can get round this by naming .R. , as the trailing dot is removed from here )

Windows program files path names?

Maybe this can be a silly question but I don't figure out how to search in google why in some code I read, it is used to write this way: \\progra~1
What does ~ and 1 mean?
I tried executing in Windows Run the same path but changing numbers and these are the results:
C:\progra~1 -> Opens Program Files
C:\progra~2 -> Opens Program Files(x86)
C:\progra~3 -> Opens ProgramData
C:\progra~4 -> Opens ProgramDevices, a folder I created in C:\
Why? Is this like a Match or something in the Folder names list?
For example a regex like "progra" and then to show the ~1 (First) match in some X order or ~2 (Second) ... etc?
It's a compatability mode with the old (really old) windows 8.3 naming convention. The ~n represents the instance of the name that has the same root characters.
In your example:
Program Files and Program Files(x86) have the same root characters Progra.
Hence one gets progra~1, the next progra~2 etc.
8.3 compatability can be turned off for a disk partition.
Exactly, it's a pattern counter.
Check out also this answer: What does %~d0 mean in a Windows batch file?
You can find more examples of different variables with modifiers here:
(ctrl-f for "Variable substitution")

What determines the location of the 'pathdef.m' file on Windows? says:
By default, the 'pathdef.m' file may be located in either the
'$MATLABROOT/toolbox/local' directory or the '$USERPATH' directory,
where $MATLABROOT and $USERPATH are the directories displayed after
entering the commands matlabroot (e.g. C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b) and userpath (e.g. C:\Users\francky\Documents\MATLAB)
So, what determines the location of the pathdef.m file on Windows (matlabroot vs. userpath)?
According to this help page:
By default, pathdef.m is in matlabroot/toolbox/local.
However, there is apparently more to it than that.
If we add matlabpath to the top of matlabrc.m, it will tell use the search path before it has even "set up" the search path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\local
So the only thing on the path is matlabroot/toolbox/local and that's where MATLAB will find pathdef.m by default. Right? I thought so, but a simple test with a pathdef.m in userpath proved that in fact userpath was the first priority for pathdef.m. Why? Because in MATLAB, the working directory takes priority over anything on the matlabpath, and the startup folder is determined by userpath!
There are multiple ways to specify the startup working directory, with and without the use of userpath's functional form. I just verified that changing the "Start in:" property of the Windows shortcut will prevent the pathdef.m in the default userpath from running. You can achieve the same change in startup folder with the userpath(path) syntax, but then what would be the difference between the startup path and userpath unless you use the shortcut "Start in:" method?
To add to the confusion, the last line of the default pathdef.m under matlabroot/toolbox/local is p = [userpath,p];, so after matlabrc.m adds this to the path on startup, MATLAB will then give userpath precedence over matlabroot, if ther is a pathdef.m under userpath.

abbyy finereader.exe looking for cmd commands to use in other programms

I just bought abbyy finereader 11 copr to rund it from another programm, but i cant find any commends to be used for finereader.exe.
so without any commands it simply openens and scans but i need to tell it where to save the document and how to name and the to close the app again, also it would be cool to have it as a background task.
While doing my OCR research project, found one. Works with FR12, didn't tested with earlier versions.
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt /quit
general command line: <open_keys/scanning> [<recognition_keys>] [<export_keys>]
<open_keys/scanning> ::= ImageFiles | /scan [SourceName] | /file [filename1 filename2], where
ImageFiles - list of files for recognition
SourceName - images source (scanner); if not specified, current is used
filename.. - list of files for recognition
<recognition_keys> ::= [/lang Language] [/optionsFile OptionsFileName], where
Language - name of language in English (russian, greek, Mixed)
OptionsFileName - path to options file
<export_key> ::= /out ExportFile | /send Target, where
ExportFile - name of file with extension to save file to
(txt, rtf, doc, docx, xml, htm(l), xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, dbf, csv, lit);
Target - name of target app where to open
(MSWord, MSExcel, WordPro, WordPerfect, StarWriter, Mail, Clipboard, WebBrowser, Acrobat, PowerPoint)
This command opens FR ui, processes the file and then closes it (if you pass argument /quit). FineCmd.exe located in FR directory where you installed it
Hello I saw this msg very late but i m using ABBYY command line for 10years .
I prefer ABBYY 8 because makes same good job faster and does not open any GUI . It comes with FineOCR.exe:
"C:\...\ABBYY FineReader 8\FineOCR.exe" %1 /lang greek english /send MsWord
It does OCR and opens MsWord . FineOCR.txt is a simple help file.
Regarding ABBYY 11,12 (all versions) there is a FineCmd.exe . Using something like:
"c:\...\FineReader\FineCMD.exe" %1 /lang greek english /send MsWord
does what FineOCR did before (but no .txt help file)
Unfortunately, Such a professional OCR software doesn't support command line utilities. For batch processing, it offers HOT FOLDER utility inside it (from GUI).
If you want to make OCR batch processing from your program, they sell another software, called 'ABBYY Recoginition Server'.
There also offer a comprehensive API for programmers :
If your plan is to batch process them and write the contents to a Database, you can also do a programmatical trick to overcome such limitation, as I did recently in one of my projects (It is a bit offline-way but it is simple and works) : While parsing the files and putting them to your Database table from your program, move (or copy) them all into a folder while changing their filename to include an ID from your Database table. Then use 'hot folder' utility to OCR all files, by having the same filename with TXT extention (It is set from 'hot folder' settings). Then in your program parse the folder's text files, get their content as string, and parse the table IDS from filename, the rest is updating your table with that information.)
An year later, ABBYY does support command line usage:
Version 14 does not save the output file using:
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt /quit
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt
Versions 11 & 12 work well using the above commands (does save the output) but does display the GUI which can be closed using /quit.
Versions 9 & 10 don't come with FineCmd.exe or FineOCR.exe.
Version 8 can OCR and send the output to an application of choice but cannot save using /out. In my experience it does open the GUI.

do not include required files into vim omnicompletion

If I try to autocomplete smth in a Ruby file, that has require 'xxx' statement, it starts to scan all files required (and files required by required files as well). and it does that every freakin time!
Is it possible to make vim autocomplete to NOT scan required files or just files in particular path (e.g. app/ only)?
One of the following should work
:set path=.,/myinclude1,/myinclude2 to set your own include path
:set complete-=i to disable use of included files in default completion
:set include= to unset the include file matching pattern
I would suggest you use the second one, so CTRL-X CTRL-I will still work correctly
