Who to use bot framework language translation feature - botframework

I already created a functionnal bot using Bot Framework.
Now i'm trying to use language translation feature, but i can't find how to achieve this.
I enabled the "Translate channel messages" option but the messages are always received with language set to "en" even if message content is not english.
Any pointer would be much appreciated. Thank you.

As a user you can change the language by writing "I want to talk in [supported language]". Or just write the name of the language and the bot framework should be clever enough to recognize what you want.
On back end side you receive the translated text but you also have access to the original text and the original language.

In v4.0, you can use System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); to translate your existing language to the language you needed.

Microsoft closed "Translate channel messages" this feature from v3.0 of Microsoft Bot Framework update.


Telegram Group Filtering

I've been using an open source version of Telegram called Bettergram, which claims to be the same protocols. Whether that is true or not to the side, I realized that even though Telegram does not allow pornography, there's a crap ton of it floating around. Is it possible to build a small edit into the code of bettergram (being that it is open-source) to have it block or not register chats or groups that have certain keywords within them(explicit results within group would trigger to be blocked).If this is possible, how hard is it (and can someone help me.) Thanks guys! :) link: https://github.com/bettergram/bettergram

Can aws-lex be used to build a conversation flow bot to reply with different answers based on user's input?

Can aws-lex be used to build a conversation flow bot?
For example:
Thank you very much!
Reason for all this: So we have our own "dialogue builder" and "bot-service".
Our own "Dialogue Builder": is maybe similar to Amazon Connect dialogue builder, and our own "Bot-service" is similar to Microsoft bot framework. Before we were using microsoft-luis to get "intention" of a sentence while using our own dialogue builder and our own bot-service to build a conversation/dialogues flow like if a user says "yes" then go to another flow and if a user says "no" then go to different flow (can this be done in slots?) === Binary tree :)
So now we are switching from luis to aws-lex and trying to think if it is possible to just use aws-lex UI and not our (dialogue builder/bot-service) anymore. But what I am understanding is that to use aws-lex without some kind of dialogue builder we would need to write alot of if/case statements if it contains large data, right? what is your suggestion? One way would be to just use "Amazon Connect" to utilize their dialogue builder so we don't have to write alot of if statements but then if we are using dialogue builder we can just use our own (old one) dialogue builder? what do you think?
1)Is there a way to do something like this in aws-lex or not? I tried using slots/prompts/lambda but I am not able to go to 2nd or 3rd level depth in diagram. can be done somehow?
2) Do I have to use lambda and use "switch/if conditions each time it has to change the flow (ex: if answer is yes then reply this, and if no then reply this)?
3) If #2 is true, then is it possible for it to be used by non-developer. Even if I write if/conditions ~1k - 2k if conditions, then if a person (non-developer) tries to edit a dialogue/or-something through UI won't able to do it, right? (So does this mean that we are't really using UI of aws-lex, we are just writing "if conditions" in programming + using aws-lex "intention" to get intention, right?
4) Would it be possible to give example and show how making a flow is possible? So far using slots replies/responses don't change based on user's input. It doesn't matter if users says "no" or says "yes" it is going to reply with same path/answer. Is there a way to change reply based on user's input.
5) If #3 is not possible (non-developer) can't use aws-lex UI to make something like this, should we use custom dialogue builder which does this?
Thank you very very much!
It sounds like you're switching from the Microsoft Bot Framework to find a simpler solution to structured flows without entity recognition.
You may want research Microsoft's QnAMaker multi-turn ability. It's supported in the QnA Maker online editor, but not in the bot framework SDK (yet). They do have an example bot that uses it through the Web API.
I realize this doesn't answer you Lex question, but might address your concern.

ANSI Message format validator

We know ANSI is the one of the standard and format for transfer the financial and billing information between organisation, in our terms application, ie integration purpose, while developing the ANSI format integrations we need some message format validator software that could be helpful to identify the segments required fields and match the segments and values between templates and actual message that we are constructing.
I have one validator for HL7 message like 7edit, like this do we have any ANSI message validator that will integrate all like ANSI, UB04 message elements.
Thanks in advance.
Your best bet might be to use open-source Java libraries and create a small app yourself.
Here are some libraries:
EDIReader http://berryworkssoftware.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27
BOTS http://bots.sourceforge.net/en/index.shtml
SMOOKS http://www.smooks.org/

Chromecast new Cast.Api()

I just started using Chromecast SDK today and got bit confused with its APIs and samples given in the web.
What I am trying to do is to send some messages to the Chromecast so it will display them on the big screen. I am going to use Chrome API with HTML5/JS/CSS.
Most examples (https://github.com/pjjanak/chromecast-hello-world/blob/master/sender/index.html , http://nerdwin15.com/2013/10/chromecast-development-part-one-chrome-sender/) in the web uses new Cast.Api() in the sender and uses an Activity in doing so. But I could not find a reference to a Cast.Api in the Chrome API. Most Google references deal with Media and I am not sure whether I have to use them. So to sum up, following are the questions I have (Sorry! I did read the API and developer guide but I am still clueless).
Do I have to write a custom receiver to show text on TV screen. Can't I survive default receiver, chrome.cast.media.DEFAULT_MEDIA_RECEIVER_APP_ID
Is handling multimedia files different from displaying text on the Chromecast or can I set the mime type to text/html and send a text stream (doesn't work for me at the moment)
Are those examples on the web uses a deprecated way of sending data to chromecast?
Thanks in advance,
Ok I think I found the answer from following documents,
Will try them and let you all know!
Following example page is very useful for anyone who try writing chromecast apps
I'm not sure how you fared, but here are some quick responses to your questions.
Yes, you have to write a custom receiver if you want to do anything other than sending images, audio, or video to the Chromecast. You can see a list of supported media Default Media Receiver here: https://developers.google.com/cast/docs/media
Yes (see above), it requires a custom receiver, which will also require your own appId and I'm pretty sure a custom namespace.
To my knowledge, all of the examples up on https://github.com/googlecast should be relevant, but I am working on a few wrappers to try to simplify getting up and running with custom Chrome Sender and Receiver apps. You can check them out here: https://github.com/googlecast Let me know if those help, and if you have any feedback to share.
I hope you've already figured all this stuff out, but if not hopefully this is useful.

Creating a new email message using the default email program

How can I programatically open a new message window in the default email client (such as Outlook) using Windows API calls? I will need to include an attachment and would prefer to specify the default message body in 'rich text' (ie. not plain) format.
The ShellExecute solution is good for simple messages without attachments, but if you want more control over the process, you may try the MAPI; in particular, see the MAPISendMail function and the MapiMessage structure.
For even more complex needs, there's the extended MAPI, but I didn't find any documentation about it on the MSDN. However this seems to be a good wrapper around the extended MAPI.
I think you can do this using the ShellExecute. An attachment should be used as parameter: something like this but I don't remember for sure: "mailto:email#something?subject=subject&body=body&attachment=..."
