Laravel Redirect to route with Parameters - laravel

This is my code:
return redirect()->route('edit.brand',$id)->with(array( 'brand' => $brand, 'errorName' => $errorName, 'errorCode' => $errorCode));
The result is that, in the FORM of route edit.brand.
It's filled by data with $id, (do the route first and ignore all parameters in 'with' )
How can I show $errorName if they exist

When You are redirecting to route, your parameters goes to flash session. So in edit.brand route You can access it with session helper like so:

This is for flash data not request parameters That you are using .
Use this one
return Redirect::route('user', array('nick' => $username));


How to use multiple method in single route in laravel

I want to use more than one method in a single route using laravel. I'm try this way but when i dd() it's show the plan string.
'uses' => 'AppController#user',
'as' => 'useraccess',
'roles'=> 'HomeController#useroles',
When i dd() 'roles' option it's show the plan string like this.
"roles" => "HomeController#useroles"
my middleware check the role this way.
$roles=isset($actions['roles'])? $actions['roles'] : null;
The simplest way to accept multiple HTTP methods in a single route is to use the match method, like so:
Route::match(['get', 'post'], '/user', [
'uses' => 'AppController#user',
'as' => 'useraccess',
'roles'=> 'HomeController#useroles',
As for your middleware, to check the HTTP request type, a tidier way would be:
$method = request()->method();
And if you need to check for a specific method:
if (request()->isMethod('post')) {
// do stuff for post methods
Here's how you can do multiple methods on a single route:
Route::get('/route', 'RouteController#index');
Route::post('/route', 'RouteController#create');
Route::put('/route', 'RouteController#update');
/* Would be easier to use
* Route::put('/route/{route}', 'RouteController#update');
* Since Laravel gives you the Model of the primary key you've passed
* in to the route.
Route::delete('/route', 'RouteController#destroy');
If you've written your own middleware, you can wrap the routes in a Route::group and apply your middleware to those routes, or individual routes respectively.
Route::middleware(['myMiddleware'])->group(function () {
Route::get('/route', 'RouteController#index');
Route::post('/route', 'RouteController#create');
Route::put('/route', 'RouteController#update');
Route::group(['middleware' => 'myMiddleware'], function() {
Route::get('/route', 'RouteController#index');
Route::post('/route', 'RouteController#create');
Route::put('/route', 'RouteController#update');
Whichever is easier for you to read.

Laravel reset password route not working

I am building custom views to reset passwords.
The routes looks like this:
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.reset');
Route::post('password/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#sendResetLinkEmail')->name('');
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#showResetForm')->name('password.reset.token');
Route::post('password/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#reset');
In ResetPasswordController.php I have added this:
//Show form to seller where they can reset password
public function showResetForm(Request $request, $token = null)
return view('auth.passwords.reset')->with(
['token' => $token, 'email' => $request->email]
The link sent to me looks like this:
If I now enter that link I will go straight to the password/reset view and not the password/reset/{token}
However if I change the link in my broswer to (changing "?" to "/") I it works
So why doesnt the ? version of the URL work? I am using laravel 5.5
And since I dotn use the Auth:routes() is there any way to see what routes laravel generates when you use that?
There are two different things with parameters.
Route Parameters: These are included in the routes with '/' as in your example. You can get them by:
$request->parameters(); // for all parameters
Request Parameters: These are request parameters which attached in the URL after '?'. Parameters are sent this way in GET request. You can get them by:
$request->all(); // for all parameters
Laravel doc..
Probably you are confused with required parameters and optional parameters.
When you are defining the following route..
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#showResetForm')->name('password.reset.token');
Laravel expects the token value as a required parameter in the third segment of the route.
But when you are accessing the route as
There is only two segment for the route. The token value is assigned as the get parameter or optional parameter.
As you already defined as follows..
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.reset');
your generated link points to the password/reset and ?451c70284a9d4b41123c4ec3efe83602b6cb955427ac48835200a45980bcf9f3 value is passed as the get parameter.
To trigger your reset the following route
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#showResetForm')->name('password.reset.token');
you should use the following link format
First of all, in your route
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.reset');
will take precedence over your url. since the route was declared on top and thus will goes into that showLinkRequestForm function first.
Meanwhile in your '/{token}' it will take slashes with the value that you sent thru the get route. Which currently you get.
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#showResetForm')->name('password.reset.token');
Note that, position of route declaration is also affecting . Given example of 2 route with the same url but different name
//1st password/reset
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.reset');
//2nd password/reset
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#showTokenForm')->name('password.reset.form');
In that case route naming will take the latest/last declaration which is 2nd password/reset and the first password/reset will be ignored or made into not available (tested).
So to answer your question which you asking Muhammad Nauman :
"How should I then change my code in order to get given route to work?"
In blade template you can adjust your routing value looks like this
Reset Form
Inside your new ResetPasswordController.php
public function showResetForm(Request $request)
$token = $request->route()->parameter('token');
return view('auth.passwords.reset')->with(
['token' => $token, 'email' => $request->email]
But if you are kinda like doing dirty way which pass the GET request token email
"?token="somevalue"&email="somevalue" you could do something like this
public function showResetForm()
return view('auth.passwords.reset')->with(
['token' => request('token'), 'email' => request('email')]
Then in the blade you add additional routing parameter of email too
Reset Form

Laravel sub-domain routing set global para for route() helper

I have setup sub-domain routing on my app (using Laravel 5.4) with the following web.php route:
Route::domain('{company}.myapp.localhost')->group(function () {
// Locations
Route::resource('/locations' , 'LocationController');
// Services
Route::resource('/services' , 'ServiceController');
However as my show and edit endpoints require an ID to be passed, using a normal route('') helper results in an ErrorException stating Missing required parameters for [Route: services.create] [URI: services/create].
I appreciate this is necessary, but as the company is associated to the user on login (and is in the sub-domain) I don't want to be passing this for every view. I want to set this at a global level.
To avoid repeated queries, I thought about storing this in the session as so (in the :
protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
$current_company = $user->companies->first();
$company = [
'id' => $current_company->id,
'name' => $current_company->name,
'display_name' => $current_company->display_name
$request->session()->put('company', $company);
Which is fine, but I wonder if I can pass this to the route as a middleware or something. What's be best solution here?
Recommendation: remove the slash before the resource name.
The resource method will produce the following URIs:
So, you should define your routes like this:
Route::domain('{company}.myapp.localhost')->group(function () {
// Locations
Route::resource('locations' , 'LocationController');
// Services
Route::resource('services' , 'ServiceController', ['only' => ['index', 'store']]);
I ran into this exact issue today, I poked around in the source and found a defaults method on the url generator that allows you to set global default route parameters like so:
app('url')->defaults(['yourGlobalRouteParameter' => $value]);
This will merge in whatever value(s) you specify into the global default parameters for the route url generator to use.

Redirect to current URL while changing a query parameter in Laravel

Is there a built-in way to do something like this?
Let's say I have a search-page that has a few parameters in the URL:
A link on that page would redirect to an URL where type is link. I'm looking for a method to do this without manually constructing the URL.
I could build the URL manually like so:
$qs = http_build_query(array(
'term' => Input::get('term'),
'type' => Input::get('type')
$url = URL::to('search?'.$qs);
However, what I wanted to know is if there is a nicer, built-in way of doing this in Laravel, because the code gets messier when I want to change one of those values.
Giving the URL generator a second argument ($parameters) adds them to the URL as segments, not in the query string.
You can use the URL Generator to accomplish this. Assuming that search is a named route:
$queryToAdd = array('type' => 'user');
$currentQuery = Input::query();
// Merge our new query parameters into the current query string
$query = array_merge($queryToAdd, $currentQuery);
// Redirect to our route with the new query string
return Redirect::route('search', $query);
Laravel will take the positional parameters out of the passed array (which doesn't seem to apply to this scenario), and append the rest as a query string to the generated URL.
See: URLGenerator::route(),
I prefer native PHP array merging to override some parameters:
['type' => 'link'] + \Request::all()
To add or override the type parameter and remove another the term:
['type' => 'link'] + \Request::except('term')
Usage when generating routes:
route('', ['type' => 'link'] + \Request::all())
You can do it with Laravel's URLGenerator
URL::route('search', array(
'term' => Input::get('term'),
'link' => Input::get('type')
Edit: be sure to name the route in your routes.php file:
Route::get('search', array('as' => 'search'));
That will work even if you're using a Route::controller()
From Laravel documentation:
if your route has parameters, you may pass them as the second argument
to the route method.
In this case, for return an URI like, you can use redirect function like this:
return redirect()->route('search', ['term' => 'foo', 'type' => 'user']);
Yes, there is a built in way. You can do your manipulation in Middleware.
The $request passed to the handle method of all middleware has a query property. As an InputBag, it comes with a few methods; Namely, for your intentions: ->set().
Pretty self explanatory, but here's an example:
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
// now you pass the request (with the manipulated query) down the pipeline.
return $next($request);
The Input component should also contain query parameters.
i.e Input::get('foo');

Laravel, Routing Wildcards to filter and then controller

I am trying to capture a wildcard from URL and then first pass it to a filter then route to controller. I am not sure how to plot the question exactly but here is what I've tried so far.
Route::get('test/(:any?)', array('as' => 'testroute', 'uses' => 'test#result', 'before' => "test_filter:$1"));
Route::filter('test_filter', function($id = NULL)
echo "This id is " . $id; // Prints "This id is $1"
Route::get('test/(:any?)', array('as' => 'testroute', function($id = NULL)
echo "this id is " . $id; // Does not do anything
}, 'uses' => 'test#result'));
Basically, I want to check if there is an id appended to the URL and set a cookie if there is one. But regardless of the case, I want this route to be handled by a controller no matter if there is any id appended or not.
I have to do the same thing with so many routes so I'd prefer something like a filter rather than modifying the controller's codes.
I know that I can directly pass the wildcard element to a closure, or I can feed this as a parameter to any controller but in that case I'll have to modify the controller codes, which I can't at the moment.
Can I do it through filters ? or any other way in which i wont have to modify the controller codes ?
Try passing an anonymous right after the before
'as' => 'testroute',
'uses' => 'test#result',
'before' => "test_filter",
// Set cookie here
Taken from here
I'd use a middleware (or filter for older Laravel versions) and add the route/s into a group which has the middleware as you can see in here
The middleware will be executed before the route code, where you can add a logic to manage your cookie.
