SonarQube nonconstant String in SQL statements - sonarqube

I'm scanning my code with SonarQube and I'm getting the following bugs:
-A prepared statement is generated from a nonconstant String
-Nonconstant string passed to execute method on an SQL statement
I have an sql query to which I append based on some conditions.
PreparedStatement ps = null;
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("UPDATE" + tableName + " SET some_field = ? WHERE a_field = a_value");
if (myObject.getField1() != null) {
sql.append(" AND Field1 = " + myObject.getField1());
if (myObject.getField2() != null) {
sql.append(" AND Field2 = " + myObject.getField2());
if (myObject.getField3() != null) {
sql.append(" AND Field3 = " + myObject.getField3());
if (myObject.getField4() != null) {
sql.append(" AND Field4 = " + myObject.getField4());
**ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString());** //generating bug
if (myObject.getSomeField() == null) {
ps.setNull(1, nevermind);
} else {
ps.setString(1, myObject.getSomeField());
I tried passing a final String = sql.toString(); to the prepareStatement() function and it still generates the bug.

The issue that's being raised is that you're assembling your SQL command with concatenation: which table to update, which columns to set and what values to put in them.
You should find a way to hard code the table and columns and use parameter binding for the values.


Problem two query db2 sqlserver is not print output

This is the correct example, which does not work:
If the LANGUAGE column is the same as the LANGUAGE COLUMN and the NLS_CLASS_NAME column is the same as the KEYWORD COLUMN
Given that they are true, if you noticed the language string I turned it into lowercase and I cut the string so that it becomes "en", since it was first ENG
You must print the language list, keyword is translation
I noticed that it takes a long time to start up, then it prints continuously but incorrectly, because it doesn't print the translation in the for loop.
Can you help me kindly?
I noticed that it takes a long time to start up, then it prints continuously but incorrectly, because it doesn't print the translation in the for loop.
Can you help me kindly?
//Traduzione in Db2 a SqlServer
public void getTraduzione() throws Exception {
List<DizioPt> listDizio = new ArrayList<DizioPt>();
List<ClassHdrNls> listHdr = new ArrayList<ClassHdrNls>();
String className = "";
String language = "";
String nlsClassName = "";
String lingua = "";
String keyword = "";
String traduzione = "";
Database database = new Database();
// Db2
Connection dbConnectionDb2 = null;
Statement statementDb2 = null;
// SqlServer
Connection dbConnectionSqlServer = null;
Statement statementSqlServer = null;
// Query Db2
String queryDb2 = "select * from THERA.CLASS_HDR_NLS WHERE
// Query SqlServer
String querySqlServer = "select * from DIZIOPT WHERE
try {
// Connessione --> SqlServer
dbConnectionSqlServer = database.getConnectionSqlServer();
statementSqlServer = dbConnectionSqlServer.createStatement();
// Connessione -->Db2
dbConnectionDb2 = database.getConnectionDb2();
statementDb2 = dbConnectionDb2.createStatement();
// Risultato SqlServer
ResultSet rsSqlServer = statementSqlServer.executeQuery(querySqlServer);
// Risultato Db2
ResultSet rsDb2 = statementDb2.executeQuery(queryDb2);
while ( && {
ClassHdrNls classHdrNls = new ClassHdrNls();
className = rsDb2.getString("CLASS_NAME");
language = rsDb2.getString("LANGUAGE");
nlsClassName = rsDb2.getString("NLS_CLASS_NAME");
DizioPt diziopt = new DizioPt();
lingua = rsSqlServer.getString("LINGUA");
keyword = rsSqlServer.getString("KEYWORD");
traduzione = rsSqlServer.getString("TRADUZIONE");
for (int i = 0; i < listHdr.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < listDizio.size(); j++) {
if (listHdr.get(i).getNlsClassName().equalsIgnoreCase(listDizio.get(j).getKeyword())
&& listHdr.get(i).getLanguage()
.equalsIgnoreCase(listDizio.get(j).getLingua().toLowerCase().substring(0, 2))) {
System.out.println("Class name: " + listHdr.get(i).getClassName());
System.out.println("Lingua: " + listHdr.get(i).getLanguage());
System.out.println("Testo: " + listHdr.get(i).getNlsClassName());
System.out.println("Traduzione: " + listDizio.get(j).getTraduzione());
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
if (statementDb2 != null && statementSqlServer != null) {
if (dbConnectionDb2 != null && dbConnectionSqlServer != null) {

Result set doesn't have value

I am making board and now trying to make search function.
but values doesn't come out if I search keyword
I have tried to run on oracle with printed sql and parameter(optionText,searchText..) it worked fine but result set doesnt have value
public List<boardVO> getBoardList(String optionText,String searchText,int totalNum , int nowPage){
List<boardVO> list = new ArrayList<boardVO>();
try {
String sql = "select * from "
+ "(select rownum as rnum,recordno,userid,title,content,views,regdate from";
if(optionText!=null && !optionText.equals("") && searchText!=null &&!searchText.equals("")) {
sql += " (select * from boardlist where ? like ?))";
sql += " boardlist)";
sql += "where rnum>=? and rnum<=? order by recordno desc";
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
int finalNum = totalNum -(5*(nowPage-1));
if(optionText!=null && !optionText.equals("") && searchText!=null &&!searchText.equals("")) {
pstmt.setString(1, optionText);
pstmt.setString(2, "%"+searchText+"%");
if(finalNum>4) {
pstmt.setInt(3, finalNum-4);
pstmt.setInt(4, finalNum);
}else {
pstmt.setInt(3, 1);
pstmt.setInt(4, finalNum);
}else {
pstmt.setInt(1, finalNum-4);
pstmt.setInt(2, finalNum);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while( {
boardVO vo = new boardVO();
/* System.out.println(vo.getContent()); */
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("get board list error");
}finally {
return list;
I think this is your problem:
(select * from boardlist where ? like ?)
It looks like you are trying to pass both a column name and a searchable value to your query: you can't do this with parameters. Both assignments will be treated as literals, so your executed code will be something like this:
select * from boardlist where 'COLUMN_NAME` like '%some string%'
Perfectly valid SQL, just won't return any results.
If this is the case you need to change the assemblage of the statement to include the column name ...
if(optionText!=null && !optionText.equals("") && searchText!=null &&!searchText.equals("")) {
sql += " (select * from boardlist where " + optionText + " like ?))";
... and remove the parameter assignment:
if(optionText!=null && !optionText.equals("") && searchText!=null &&!searchText.equals("")) {
pstmt.setString(1, "%"+searchText+"%");

Database column data having linebreaks are ignored when retrieved from Hibernate?

A CLOB database column data has linebreaks :
When I retrieve it and display the data inside a html table cell then the linebreaks are ignored :
public String getPrevisionRessourceAutreForProduit(Objectif produit) {
String hql = "select to_char(r.ress_comment_1) " +
"from ressource r join type_ressource t on r.type_ress_code = t.type_ress_code " +
"left join objectif o on r.obj_code = o.obj_code " +
"where o.obj_code = " + produit.getCode().toString() + " and upper(t.type_ress_code) = 'AUT'";
Session sessionDynamic = Utils.createDynamicSession(env);
Query query = sessionDynamic.createSQLQuery(hql);
List<String> list = (List<String>) query.list();
if (list.isEmpty())
return "";
return list.get(0) == null ? "" : list.get(0);
So how to fix it ?
I found the solution by enclosing the data inside the tags <pre>...</pre>

running an SQL update statement in java

There are many questions related to this topic, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem.
I have a table of "products" which I am trying to update in netbeans. The SQL statements works in SQL dev, and I have double checked my connection etc.
update products
set pvolume = 2, pprice = 15
where productid = 3;
output: 1 rows updated.
but running in netbeans it won't execute. If I have missed some small syntax issue I apologize, but I really need help with this method.
public boolean editProduct(int ID, String name, int volume, int quantity, String description, int price) {
boolean success = false;
Connection con = ConnectionTools.getInstance().getCurrentConnection();
String SQLString1 = "UPDATE products "
+ "SET pname = ?, "
+ "pvolume = ?, "
+ "pquantity = ?, "
+ "pdescription = ?, "
+ "pprice = ? "
+ "WHERE productID = ?";
PreparedStatement statement = null;
try {
statement = con.prepareStatement(SQLString1);
statement.setString(1, name);
statement.setInt(3, quantity);
statement.setString(4, description);
statement.setInt(5, price);
statement.setInt(6, ID);
success = true;
}catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("Insertion error!");
}finally {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("Statement close error!");
return success;
Running through the debug it seems to run through the try as far as statement.setInt(6, ID) but then does not execute. Here is the output:
Insertion error!
ORA-00971: missing SET keyword
Any help/advice would be appreciated! Thanks
You have to use brackets: update products set (pvolume = 2, pprice = 15) where productid = 3

Spring JDBC Framework Conditional Prepared Statement

public ResultSet getAdCampaignDetailsbyName(ADCampaignDetails Obj,
Connection conn, ResultSet rs, PreparedStatement pstmt) throws SQLException {
String query = "select adCampaignName,adCampaignId from AdCampaignDetails";
query += " where 1=1 ";
if (Obj.getAdCamapignName() != null)
query += " and adCampaignName = ?";
if (Obj.userId != "")
query += " and userId = ?";
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
int i = 0;
if (Obj.getAdCamapignName() != null)
pstmt.setString(++i, Obj.getAdCamapignName());
if (Obj.userId != "")
pstmt.setString(++i, Obj.userId);
System.out.println(" Q : " + query);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
return rs;
I am new to Spring , in this above query, i have used two conditions , How to execute query with condition in Spring JDBC Framework?
You can use SimpleJDBCTemplate.
// SQL query
String query = "select adCampaignName,adCampaignId from AdCampaignDetails where 1=1";
// Map with parameter value
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (adCampaignName!=null){
parameters.put("adCampaignName ", adCampaignName );
query += " AND adCampaignName = :adCampaignName";
if (userId!=null){
parameters.put("userId", 1);
query += " AND userId= :userId";
// Execute query using simpleJDBC Template
List<AdCampaignDetails> resultList = getSimpleJdbcTemplate().query(query, new customRowMapper(), parameters);
You can build the query string accordingly, just add coresponding entries in map.
Check this link for details.
