Select multi condition on parameter with Rethinkdb - rethinkdb

I want to retrieve all User or get all User with Name variable. I'm using Rethinkdb and I want to convert SQL Server to Rethinkdb with my query
SQL Server:
WHERE Name = '' OR Name = # Name
This 's my Rethinkdb query, but It not working right
.run(conn, callback)

You could do:
return r.expr([Name, ""]).contains(d('Name'))


For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains"

For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains". I am doing practice in out of the box instance.
At table level URL is as below:
I want to retrieve result from above URL with my below script.
var count = new GlideAggregate('cmdb_rel_ci');
count.addQuery('type','e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64');// sys_id of type In Rack::Rack contains e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64
count.addAggregate('COUNT', 'parent.sys_class_name');
var parentClassName = count.parent.sys_class_name.toString();
var parentClassNameCount = count.getAggregate('COUNT','parent.sys_class_name');
gs.log(parentClassName + " : " + parentClassNameCount );
The issue is I am getting parentClassName empty.
Try this instead:
var parentClassName = count.getValue("parent.sys_class_name")
Since it's a GlideAggregate query (instead of GlideRecord), the query being issued isn't returning all of the fields on the target table. With GlideRecord, dot-walking through a reference field (e.g. parent.sys_class_name) automatically resolves that referenced record to provide access to its field values. This is made possible by the fact that the driving/original query brought back the value of the parent field. This is not happening with GlideAggregate. The query in this case basically looks like:
SELECT cmdb1.`sys_class_name` AS `parent_sys_class_name`, count(*)
FROM (cmdb_rel_ci cmdb_rel_ci0 LEFT JOIN cmdb cmdb1 ON cmdb_rel_ci0.`parent` = cmdb1.`sys_id` )
WHERE cmdb_rel_ci0.`type` = 'e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64'
GROUP BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
ORDER BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
So, you actually have access specifically to that dot-walked sys_class_name that's being grouped, but not through the dot-walk. The call to getValue("parent.sys_class_name") is expectedly resolved to the returned column aliased as parent_sys_class_name.
That being said, what you're doing probably should also work, based on user expectations, so you've not done anything incorrect here.

Slick/Oracle PLAIN SQL Get auto generated ID after insert

I am trying to run a query via Slick in Scala that will insert a record into an Oracle db and return the auto generated ID as the result. I see that this is possible using Slick's syntax but is this possible using a plain SQL query? With below code I can only get a return value of -1.
val name = "Bob""""DECLARE NEW_PERSON_ID;
It seems that Slick doesn't support output parameters so using Oracle's returning syntax won't work. A workaround I found is to first generate an ID and then insert using that ID (requires 2 queries). The queries are wrapped in a transaction.
val name = "Bob"
val action = for {
newPersonId <- sql"""SELECT SEQ_PEOPLE.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL""".as[Int]
_ <- sqlu"""INSERT INTO TB_PEOPLE (ID, NAME) VALUES ($newPersonId, $name)"""

Subqueries to filter out in rethinkdb

How do write an equivalent statement in RethinkDB using Python client driver?
SELECT id fields FROM tasks WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM finished_tasks)
This is what I tried:
r.table('tasks').filter(lambda row: r.not(row['id'] in r.table('finished_tasks').pluck("id").coerce_to('array').run()
In Java Script:
return r.expr(r.table("finished_tasks").pluck("id")).map(function(i){
return i("id");
In Python should be something like this.
I don't have an example in Python. I give JavaScript example and I think you can compare on API doc to write Python equivalent.
Assume that id is also the primary key of finished_tasks table.
r.table('tasks').filter(function(task) {
return r.table('finished_tasks').get(task('id')).eq(null)
If id isn't primary key of finished_tasks, let's create a secondary index for it, then use it in getAll
// Create index
r.table('finished_tasks').indexCreate('finished_task', r.row('id'))
// Using index for efficient query
r.table('tasks').filter(function(task) {
return r.table('finished_tasks').getAll(task('id'), {index: 'finished_task'}).count().eq(0)

Visual Studio 2013 TableAdapter Config Wizard for Oracle

I'm a new user to setting up a query using the TableAdapter Config Wizard. I'm trying to run a simple query, and I thought it should look like this:
select id, name, val
from tableA
where name = #parm1 and val = #parm2
This does not work. How do I write the query and pass parameters using Oracle?
In Oracle, your parameters need to be prefixed with a colon, not an at sign:
select id, name, val
from tableA
where name = :parm1 and val = :parm2
On a related note, when you instantiate the parameters, unlike Sybase/SQL Server, you actually leave the identifier off of the parameter name:
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, connection);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("parm1", OracleDataType.Varchar));
I may have the Data Type enum slightly off, but you get the idea.

Formatting Postgres row_to_json response for query

I have the following Postgres query:
"SELECT \"responses\".\"index\", \"responses\".\"created_at\",
ROUND(AVG(\"responses\".\"numeric\")) AS numeric
FROM \"responses\"
WHERE \"responses\".\"time\" = '#{time}'
GROUP BY \"responses\".\"index\", \"responses\".\"created_at\""
I'm trying to output the response as json using row_to_json. I can use:
"select row_to_json(row)
from (
SELECT \"responses\".\"index\", \"responses\".\"created_at\",
ROUND(AVG(\"responses\".\"numeric\")) AS numeric
FROM \"responses\"
WHERE \"responses\".\"time\" = '#{time}'
GROUP BY \"responses\".\"index\", \"responses\".\"created_at\"
) row"
Which will give me:
{"row_to_json"=>"{\"index\":1,\"created_at\":\"2014-07-12 03:51:00\",\"numeric\":3}"}
However I don't really want the response nested in the row_to_json hash. Is there a simple way to remove that so I just return:
"{\"index\":1,\"created_at\":\"2014-07-12 03:51:00\",\"numeric\":3}"
You should use array_to_json and array_agg functions.
For example:
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(row))) FROM ...
It will return a correct JSON array
