Why can't I access this field in an interface? - go

I am trying to understand interfaces better and am not understanding why s has no field Width. My example is here:
package main
import "fmt"
type shapes interface {
type rect struct {
Width float64
func (r *rect) setWidth(w float64) {
r.Width = w
var allShapes = map[string]shapes{
"rect": &rect{},
func main() {
r := &rect{}
fmt.Println(r.Width) // this works
for _, s := range allShapes {
fmt.Println(s.Width) // why not???
Why does r have Width but s doesn't? The exact error I get is:
s.Width undefined (type shapes has no field or method Width)

shapes interface is what *rect implements, but it is not a concrete type *rect. It is, like any interface, a set of methods allowing any type satisfying it to pass, like giving a temporary visitor sticker to it to go up the building.
For instance, if there is a monkey (or for what it's worth, a dolphin) who can act and do everything a human can, in Go's building, he can pass the guard and go up the elevator. However, that doesn't make him genetically human.
Go is statically-typed, meaning even two types with the same underlying type cannot be dynamically converted or coerced to one another without a type assertion or consciously converting the type.
var a int
type myInt int
var b myInt
a = 2
b = 3
b = a // Error! cannot use a (type int) as type myInt in assignment.
b = myInt(a) // This is ok.
Imagine with me for a second this situation:
type MyInt int
type YourInt int
type EveryInt interface {
addableByInt(a int) bool
func (i MyInt) addableByInt(a int) bool {
// whatever logic doesn't matter
return true
func (i YourInt) addableByInt(a int) bool {
// whatever logic doesn't matter
return true
func main() {
// Two guys want to pass as an int
b := MyInt(7)
c := YourInt(2)
// Do everything an `EveryInt` requires
// and disguise as one
bi := EveryInt(b)
ci := EveryInt(c)
// Hey, look we're the same! That's the closest
// we can get to being an int!
bi = ci // This is ok, we are EveryInt brotherhood
fmt.Println(bi) // bi is now 2
// Now a real int comes along saying
// "Hey, you two look like one of us!"
var i int
i = bi // Oops! bi has been made
// ci runs away at this point
Now back to your scenerio--imagine a *circle comes along implementing shapes:
type circle struct {
Radius float64
func (c *circle) setWidth(w float64) {
c.Radius = w
*circle is totally passable as shapes but it does not have Width property because it is not a *rect. An interface cannot access an underlying type's property directly, but can only do so through implemented method set. In order to access a property, a type assertion is need on the interface so that instance becomes a concrete type:
var r *rect
// Verify `s` is in fact a `*rect` under the hood
if r, ok := s.(*rect); ok {
This is at the core of why a statically-typed language like Go is always faster than dynamically-typed counterparts, which will almost always use some kind of reflection to handle type coercion dynamically for you.

s is a an implementer of the shapes interface, but in the for loop not typed as a rect.
If you do a type assertion to force s be of the concrete type like so:
You will get what you want.
You need to be careful about mixing concrete types and interfaces like that though.


How to resolve whether pass objects via interface{} have not initializated fields

I have problem with resolve whether object which was pass as interface to function hasn't initializated fields, like object which was defined as just someObject{} is a empty, because all fields, has value 0, or nil
Problem becomes more complicated if I pass diffrent objects, because each object have diffrent type field value so on this moment I don't find universal way to this.
func main(){
oo := objectOne{}
ot := objectTwo{}
oth := objectThree{"blah" , "balbal" , "blaal"}
func resolveIsNotIntialized(v interface{}) bool{
// and below, how resolve that oo and ot is empty
if (v.SomeMethodWhichCanResolveThatAllFiledIsNotIntialized){
return true
return false
I want to avoid usage switch statement like below, and additional function for each object, ofcorse if is possible.
func unsmartMethod(v interface{}) bool{
switch v.(type){
case objectOne:
if v == (objectOne{}) {
return true
// and next object, and next....
return false
As Franck notes, this is likely a bad idea. Every value is always initialized in Go. Your actual question is whether the type equals its Zero value. Generally the Zero value should be designed such that it is valid. The better approach would generally be to create an interface along the lines of:
type ZeroChecker interface {
IsZero() bool
And then attach that to whatever types you want to check. (Or possibly better: create an IsValid() test instead rather than doing your logic backwards.)
That said, it is possible to check this with reflection, by comparing it to its Zero.
func resolveIsNotIntialized(v interface{}) bool {
t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
z := reflect.Zero(t).Interface()
return reflect.DeepEqual(v, z)
(You might be able to get away with return v == z here; I haven't thought through all the possible cases.)
I don’t think there is a good reason (in idiomatic Go) to do what you are trying to do. You need to design your structs so that default values (nil, empty string, 0, false, etc.) are valid and represent the initial state of your object. Look at the source of the standard library, there are lots of examples of that.
What you are suggesting is easily doable via Reflection but it will be slow and clunky.
You could narrow the type which your function takes as an argement a little, not take an interface{} but accept one that allows you to check for non-zero values, say type intercae{nonZero() bool} as in the example code below. This will not tell you explicitly that it hasn't been set to the zero value, but that it is not zero.
type nonZeroed interface {
nonZero() bool
type zero struct {
hasVals bool
func (z zero) nonZero() bool {
return z.hasVals
type nonZero struct {
val int
func (nz nonZero) nonZero() bool {
return nz.val != 0
type alsoZero float64
func (az alsoZero) nonZero() bool {
return az != 0.0
func main() {
z := zero{}
nz := nonZero{
val: 1,
var az alsoZero
fmt.Println("z has values:", initialized(z))
fmt.Println("nz has values:", initialized(nz))
fmt.Println("az has values:", initialized(az))
func initialized(a nonZeroed) bool {
return a.nonZero()
Obviously as the type get more complex additional verification would need to be made that it was "nonZero". This type of pattern could be used to check any sort condition.

Golang: cast interface back to its original type

I couldn't really find an answer to this, even though I looked up the Go documentation and examples. Is it possible to cast an interface back to its original type, dynamically? I know I can do something like this:
var myint int = 5
var myinterface interface{}
myinterface = myint
recovered, _ := myinterface.(int)
But here I know the type. I would like to have a map of unknown types (interfaces) and cast them back by using reflection, like this:
// put/pop writes/read to/from a map[string]interface{}
var myint int = 5
put("key" myint)
pop("key", &myint) // this should also work for objects or any other type
Like this it would by possible to store anything within a single map. The type will be handed in by the user when calling pop() (second argument is an interface). Is it possible to achive this using reflection?
You can't assert a type from an interface without knowing what that type is at compile time, but you can set a value from an interface via reflection. Here's an example without any error checks, which panics when any parameters don't match:
var m = map[string]interface{}{}
func put(k string, v interface{}) {
m[k] = v
func pop(k string, o interface{}) {

Golang: convert struct to embedded at offset 0 struct

I have some different structs like Big with Small embedded at offset 0.
How can I access Small's structure fields from code, that doesn't know anything about Big type, but it is known that Small is at offset 0?
type Small struct {
val int
type Big struct {
bigval int
var v interface{} = Big{}
// here i only know about 'Small' struct and i know that it is at the begining of variable
v.(Small).val // compile error
It seems that compiler is theoretically able to operate such expression, because it knows that Big type has Small type embedded at offset 0. Is there any way to do such things (maybe with unsafe.Pointer)?
While answer with reflection is working but it has performance penalties and is not idiomatic to Go.
I believe you should use interface. Like this
package main
import (
type MySmall interface {
SmallVal() int
type Small struct {
val int
func (v Small) SmallVal() int {
return v.val
type Big struct {
bigval int
func main() {
var v interface{} = Big{Small{val: 3}, 4}
fmt.Printf("Small val: %v", v.(MySmall).SmallVal())
Small val: 3
Avoid using unsafe whenever possible. The above task can be done using reflection (reflect package):
var v interface{} = Big{Small{1}, 2}
rf := reflect.ValueOf(v)
s := rf.FieldByName("Small").Interface()
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", s.(Small).val)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
This works for any field, not just the first one (at "offset 0"). This also works for named fields too, not just for embedded fields. This doesn't work for unexported fields though.
type Small struct {
val int
type Big struct {
bigval int
func main() {
var v = Big{Small{10},200}

generic function to get size of any structure in Go

I am writing a generic function to get the size of any type of structure, similar to sizeof function in C.
I am trying to do this using interfaces and reflection but I'm not able to get the correct result. Code is below:
package main
import (
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
func getSize(T interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(T)
const size = unsafe.Sizeof(v)
This code returns wrong result as 12. I am very new to Go, kindly help me on this.
You're getting the size of the reflect.Value struct, not of the object contained in the interface T. Fortunately, reflect.Type has a Size() method:
size := reflect.TypeOf(T).Size()
This gives me 40, which makes sense because of padding.
Go 1.18
With Go 1.18 you can use a generic function with unsafe.Sizeof:
func getSize[T any]() uintptr {
var v T
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Note that this will be more performant than using reflect, but it will introduce unsafe in your code base — some static analysis tools may give warnings about that.
However if your goal is to improve code reuse or get sizes at run time (read on for the solution to that), this won't help much because you still need to call the function with proper instantiation:
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
func main() {
You might get the most out of this when used as part of some other generic code, e.g. a generic type or function where you pass a type param into getSize. Although if you have the argument v this is equivalent to calling unsafe.Sizeof(v) directly. Using a function could be still useful to hide usage of unsafe. A trivial example:
func printSize[T any](v T) {
// (doing something with v)
// instantiate with T and call
s := getSize[T]()
// s := unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Otherwise you can pass an actual argument to getSize. Then type inference will make it unnecessary to specify the type param. This code perhaps is more flexible and allows you to pass arbitrary arguments at runtime, while keeping the benefits of avoiding reflection:
func getSize[T any](v T) uintptr {
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
// inferred type params
fmt.Println(getSize(info)) // 40
fmt.Println(getSize(5.0)) // 8
fmt.Println(getSize([]string{})) // 24
fmt.Println(getSize(struct {
id uint64
s *string
}{})) // 16
Playground: https://go.dev/play/p/kfhqYHUwB2S

Go polymorphism in function parameters

i found several questions with similar titles, but cannot find the answer to my question in them:
I have the following simple scenario:
type intMappedSortable interface {
getIntMapping() int
type Rectangle struct {
length, width int
func (r Rectangle) getIntMapping() int {
return r.Area();
func (Rectangle r) getIntMapping() int {
return r.length * r.width;
func main() {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
var values []int
values = make([]int, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
values = append(values, r.Intn(20))
var rects []Rectangle;
rects = make([]intMappedSortable, len(values));
for i,v:= range values {
r := Rectangle{v,v};
rects[i] = r;
for i,v:= range rects {
rectsRet := make(chan intMappedSortable, len(rects));
sort(rects, rectsRet);
func sort(values []intMappedSortable, out chan intMappedSortable) {...}
How do i manage to pass the Rectangles to the sorting function and then work with the sorted rectangles in main after it?
I tried:
var rects []*Rectangle;
rects = make([]*Rectangle, len(values));
as a habit from my C days, i don't want to copy the rectangles, just the addresses, so i can sort directly in the original slice, preventing 2 copy procedures for the whole data.
After this failed i tried:
var rects []intMappedSortable;
rects = make([]*Rectangle, len(values));
i learned that Go handles "polymorphism" by holding a pointer to the original data which is not exposed, so i changed *Rectangle to Rectangle, both gave me the compilererror that Rectangle is not []intMappedSortable
What obviously works is:
var rects []intMappedSortable;
rects = make([]intMappedSortable, len(values));
for i,v:= range values {
r := Rectangle{v,v};
rects[i] = r;
But are are these rectangles now copied or is just the memoryrepresentation of the interface with their reference copied? Additionally there now is no way to access length and width of the rectangles as the slice is not explicitly of type rectangle anymore.
So, how would i implement this scenario?
I want to create a slice of ANY structure, that implements the mapToInt(), sort the slice and then keep working with the concrete type after it
I know its not good style, but i'm, experimenting:
can i somehow use type assertion with a dynamic type like:
func maptest(values []intMappedSortable, out interface{}) {
oType := reflect.TypeOf(out);
fmt.Println(oType); // --> chan main.intMappedSortable
test := values[0].(oType) //i know this is not working AND wrong even in thought because oType holds "chan intMappedSortable", but just for theory's sake
how could i do this, or is this not possible. I do not mean wether it is "meant to be done", i know it is not. But is it possible?^^
But are are these rectangles now copied or is just the memory representation of the interface with their reference copied?
The latter, see "what is the meaning of interface{} in golang?"
An interface value is constructed of two words of data:
one word is used to point to a method table for the value’s underlying type,
and the other word is used to point to the actual data being held by that value.
I want to create a slice of ANY structure, that implements the mapToInt(), sort the slice and then keep working with the concrete type after it
That isn't possible, as there is no genericity in Go.
See "What would generics in Go be?"
That is why you have projects like "gen":
generates code for your types, at development time, using the command line.
gen is not an import; the generated source becomes part of your project and takes no external dependencies.
