I am making some sort of lottery app that draws a winner every 48 hours which I made with Parse. Only the problem is that the code to check if the 48 hours have run out cant be on a phone because there is no permanent connection with Parse. Is there a way to have a script continuously running on Parse or on the Parse open source Server with MongoDB?
The best solution is to use a Cloud Job. But Cloud Job is not yet available in Parse Server.
The other option is to create a Cloud Function and use an external tool to call this cloud function every hour, for example, and check if 48h has completed.
Another option is to create an interval. Something like it:
// Do what you have to do.
}, 3600000); // Will run every 1h.
I have a gsutil script that that periodically backs up data to Google Could Storage.
The gsutil backup script runs on my local box.
I would like to run a script (or service) on Google Could Storage, that emails a warning to the administrator when no backup has been made in 24 hours.
I am new to cloud services. Please point me in the right direction.
Where would such a script be located? Is there a similar example script?
Thank you.
There's no built-in feature that accomplishes this. However, you could accomplish something like this with another monitor program.
For example, I might edit my backup script such that after successfully completing a backup, it writes the current time to a "last_successful_backup.txt" file. Then, I'd put a cronjob wherever I keep my monitors and alerting systems that would check the "last_successful_backup.txt" file every few hours and set off an alarm if the time it contains is older than 24 hours.
What about to spin up Google VM and send emails from the instance? Using, say, SendGrid, Mailgun, or Mailjet
I have looked everywhere but cannot seem to figure out how to setup cloud coding on the Parse Open Server using Heroku.
I see this link which tells me what to put in the Index.js and Main.js file: Implementing Cloud Code on Open Source Parse Server. However, I cannot seem to find those files. Nor can I find the "cloud" folder.
How do I find the cloud folder?
I created the Parse Server on MongoDB using the "Deploy to Heroku" link on this page: https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server-example. After creating my application by filling out all the information, I ran the command heroku git:clone -a yourAppName to clone the application files. However, when I use the command I obtain a empty repository and get the following message in my terminal:
Cloning into 'hyv3-moja'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
So, how/where do I find the cloud folder with main.js? Did I miss any step in creating the Parse Server?
I also tried using the Parse Command Line. However, when I try to use the parse new command, it requires me to login to a Parse account. However, since Parse is going down, they are not accepting new accounts and I did not have an account before. Regardless, this seems like a deadend.
So can someone please explain to me how to set up Cloud Code?? I want to create a code that decrements a column in the database every second so it operates like a timer. Basically, I want my application to create objects on the database that last a certain amount of time chosen by the user. For this example, ill say 24 hours. So from the moment it is created, I want to decrement those 24 hours in the database. That way when a user of my application clicks to view the object, I translate the time remaining from the database and just output that value to the user to show how much time is remaining for the life of the object.
I would like to develop an application which listens a database table and process the data immediately. Batch does not execute for only one time. It listens the table regularly, for example with 10 seconds interval. Whenever new data are inserted in the table, the batch starts the process.
Is it possible to develop such an application with "Spring Batch". If yes, can you please give some advice for it?
Thank you.
This goal can be archived using quartz ; just launch the job every 10 seconds and process, in your step, the new data. I haven't tried myself and can't check now (I'm writing from my mobile) but there are a lot of example on SO.
How to make sure that every 24 hours run script automatically, which compares the current time with the time that is stored in the database, and if the current time is greater then I need to make changes to the database. I use Codeigniter.
CRON Jobs is the solution, but it is not script, it's server based application that runs every given time. You can setup it from hosting panel, but not all of the hosting providers support it :(
I need to do a Load test on application which is built on ZK framework.
When i record a script which performs below action
a. User Login
b. Select Role
c. Open and Create Record
d. Log out.
When i run the script with multiple users say 10 users then scripts create 10 records in application.
But after some random duration say 4-5 hours later same script does not create any record even though all requests are shown as passed. Script also records COMET request (Ajax Push)
I am not able to figure out the reason.
Read this which explains how ids work :