awk to print email id - shell

i am trying to extract some email ids from a text file but when i run an awk i get a blank. The same seems to work when i try to grep for another pattern.
Mess1288I: Message 'com.admin.AdminServices' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:15 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/AdminServicesDEV_2015-09-02_00-04-31.jar'
Last edited: '9/2/15 10:25 AM'
UUID: '848c53b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_RequestReceived'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'GetCustomerByAdmin'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.AuthenticationService' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:15 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/AuthenticationServiceDEV_2014-11-06_07-18-34.jar'
Last edited: '11/6/14 6:47 PM'
UUID: '84b753b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_RequestSent'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'AuthenticationService'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.MergeReply' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:16 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/AccountMergeDEV_2015-08-06_14-33-47.jar'
Last edited: '8/3/15 3:42 PM'
UUID: '1fda53b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_ResponseSent'
'LogLevel' = 'ERROR'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'MergeReply'
'MaxPerInterval' = '5'
'NotificationInterval' = '300'
Mess1289I: Message 'com.authentication.Eligibility' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is stopped.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:16 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/AccountMergeDEV_2015-08-06_14-33-47.jar'
Last edited: '8/3/15 3:42 PM'
UUID: '5fda53b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_ResponseSent'
'LogLevel' = 'ERROR'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'CheckMergeEligibility'
'MaxPerInterval' = '5'
'NotificationInterval' = '300'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.MergeRequest' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:16 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/AccountMergeDEV_2015-08-06_14-33-47.jar'
Last edited: '8/3/15 3:42 PM'
UUID: '7cda53b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_ResponseSent'
'LogLevel' = 'ERROR'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'MergeRequest'
'MaxPerInterval' = '5'
'NotificationInterval' = '300'
Mess1289I: Message 'com.authentication.ForgotUserNameEmail' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is stopped.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:16 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/ForgotUsernameEmailDEV_2012-10-23_03-45-49.jar'
Last edited: '10/23/12 2:15 PM'
UUID: '1d7154b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'EmailFromAddress' = ''
'EmailSubject' = 'Retrieved User Name'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.PasswordService' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:16 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/PasswordServicesDEV_2014-11-04_03-51-52.jar'
Last edited: '11/4/14 3:20 PM'
UUID: 'd9b154b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_RequestSent'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'PasswordService'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.RegistrationEmail' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '0'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:17 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/RegistrationEmailDEV_2012-07-31_16-44-48.jar'
Last edited: '7/31/12 4:43 PM'
UUID: 'c3d154b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'FromEmailAddress' = ''
'LogLevel' = 'ERROR'
'MaxPerInterval' = '5'
'NotificationInterval' = '300'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.RegistrationService' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '4'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:17 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/RegistrationServiceDEV_2015-10-29_05-29-56.jar'
Last edited: '10/29/15 3:55 PM'
UUID: '16f454b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_RequestSent'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'RegistrationService'
Mess1288I: Message 'com.authentication.UserManagementService' on jvm 'MACHINE1' is running.
Additional thread instances: '4'
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:18 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/UserManagementServiceDEV_2015-08-12_05-40-30.jar'
Last edited: '8/12/15 4:06 PM'
UUID: 'a1e455b2-5201-0000-0080-9c722b3eca55'
Start mode: 'Maintained'
Long description: ''
User-defined property names:
'ApplicationSupportGroup' = 'Integration'
'EVENTTYPE' = 'Integration_RequestSent'
'LoggingProgramName' = 'UserManagementService'
Mess1290I: File 'Java_Utility.jar' is deployed to jvm 'MACHINE1'.
Deployed: '2/16/16 12:14 PM' in jar file '/www/deploy/dev/MACHINE1/JDEPCISInternalDEV_2012-03-01_11-56-03.jar'
Last edited: '3/1/12 11:22 PM'
The output i am trying to get is where ever there is AlertEmailList from the text file.
I have been able to get the output with status using awk
cat jvmdeets.txt|sed -n '/Mess129/q;p'|awk -v OFS=, -v r="^'|'$" '/Mess1288I|Mess1289I/ { o=$4; j=$8; s=$NF; gsub(r,"",o); gsub(r,"",j); sub(/\.$/,"",s) } /^Deployed:/ { p=$NF; gsub(r,"",p); print j, p, o, s }'|sort|uniq
But I have not been able to atleast get the email list by replacing the Deployed: in my awk statement with AlertEmailList.
I tried to atleast get the email lisit
cat jvmdeets.txt|awk -v OFS=, -v r="^'|'$" '/Mess1288I|Mess1289I/ { o=$4; j=$8; gsub(r,"",o); gsub(r,"",j) } /^AlertEmailList/ { p=$NF; print p }'
What am i doing wrong?

Note that you're looking with the start of line anchor ^, however the value is space padded and quoted
$ awk '/^AlertEmailList/' file
will return nothing
$ awk '/AlertEmailList/' file
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'AlertEmailList' = ''
'AlertEmailList' = ''
will return the lines.


How to echo variable env in telegraf [[input.exec]]

I have a variable env and I want to get it in telegraf. I use [[inputs.exec]]
My code:
commands = ["echo $val_env"]
data_format = "value"
data_type = "string"
name_override = "value_A"
But I can't get this value $val_env. I also test another way such as [echo "${val_env}"] or ["$val_env"], ... but as same.
How I can get value variable env in commands [[input.exec]] telegraf.
The variable val_env has to be exported to the environment that is running telegraf.
Here's an example, with most of the noise removed for brevity, and I've added to my config exactly what you described:
$ grep '^\[\[inputs.exec' -A4 /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
commands = ["echo $val_env"]
data_format = "value"
data_type = "string"
name_override = "value_A"
$ export val_env='Tai Do'
$ telegraf
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.25.0
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Available plugins: 227 inputs, 9 aggregators, 26 processors, 21 parsers, 57 outputs, 2 secret-stores
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Loaded inputs: cpu disk diskio exec kernel mem processes swap system
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Loaded processors:
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Loaded secretstores:
2022-12-22T11:51:31Z I! Loaded outputs: exec file
value_A,host=***,user=root value="Tai Do" 1671709900000000000

How to change a value in yaml file with a bash command?

I have this yaml file:
providerName: admin
apiName: LagerAPI
version: 1.0.0
uuid: 1297c3e5-24aa-4806-be05-0cc3f2decaff
type: HTTP
context: /wso/1.0.0
contextTemplate: /wso/{version}
tags: []
documents: []
lastUpdated: Apr 14, 2020 4:33:37 PM
and wanna change it the value wso in lines context: and contextTemplate: to test, that this will be the result:
providerName: admin
apiName: LagerAPI
version: 1.0.0
uuid: 1297c3e5-24aa-4806-be05-0cc3f2decaff
type: HTTP
context: /test/1.0.0
contextTemplate: /test/{version}
tags: []
documents: []
lastUpdated: Apr 14, 2020 4:33:37 PM
How do I do this with a bash command?
Thank you :)
I found a solution:
sed -i 's/wso/test/' file.yaml
Just in case there are more wso in that file this should replace what was intended.
sed '/^context/s/wso/test/;/^contextTemplate/s/wso/test/' file.yml

Jenkins Job Builder tries to expand parameter in a text field

I'm having some issues with a Jenkins Job Builder YAML file which contains an attribute (message-content) with "{}" characters in it:
- job-template:
id: senderjob
name: '{job-prefix}{id}'
command: 'echo "executed with $PARAMETER"'
type: freestyle
- ownership:
enabled: true
owner: user1
- build-discarder:
num-to-keep: 100
- string:
default: 'param'
description: 'default parameter for message.'
# template settings
- shell: '{command}'
- ci-publisher:
override-topic: VirtualTopic.abcd.message
message-type: 'Custom'
message-properties: |
message-content: '{"release-name" : "1.0"}'
The error reported is:
jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException: release-name parameter missing to format {release-name : 1.0}
So it looks like it's trying to expand "release-name" with a parameter.
So I have added it as parameter:
- string:
name: release-name
default: '1.0'
description: 'default parameter for release.'
It still reports the same error. Should I include the parameter somewhere else or escape it ? I couldn't find any YAML escape for "{}" characters though.
Any idea?
You should add the following to the configuration file
allow_empty_variables = True

Puppet bolt plan in yaml format

I am trying to put a together Puppet bolt plan in YAML format.
I got it working in .pp file and here is the plan
plan profiles::chg123456(
TargetSpec $nodes,
) {
apply($nodes) {
logrotate::rule {'proftpd':
path => ['/var/log/proftpd/*.log', '/var/log/xferlog', '/var/log/proftpd.system.log', '/var/log/sftp.log', '/var/log/sftp-xferlog',],
maxsize => '100m',
rotate_every => 'week',
compress => true,
ifempty => true,
missingok => true,
sharedscripts => true,
postrotate => 'test -f /var/lock/subsys/proftpd && /usr/bin/killall -HUP proftpd || :'
It worked and created /etc/logrotate.d/proftpd with all the correct settings.
Now I want to convert to YAML format but no idea how to do that.
Here is what I guessed but bolt plan show keep saying
$ bolt plan show
Parse error in step "chg123456":
No valid action detected (file: C:/Users/puppet/msys64/home/puppet/.puppetlabs/bolt/modules/profiles/plans/chg123456.yaml)
My YAML plan looks like follows
type: TargetSpec
- name: chg123456
target: $nodes
- '/var/log/proftpd/*.log'
- '/var/log/xferlog'
- '/var/log/proftpd.system.log'
- '/var/log/sftp.log'
- '/var/log/sftp-xferlog'
maxsize: '100m'
compress: true
ifempty: true
missingok: true
sharedscripts: true
postrotate: 'test -f /var/lock/subsys/proftpd && /usr/bin/killall -HUP proftpd || :'
return: $chg123456
What am I doing wrong?
You'll want to use a resources step, and list the resources you want to use in yaml (documentation):
type: TargetSpec
- name: chg123456
target: $nodes
- logrotate::rules: proftpd
- '/var/log/proftpd/*.log'
- '/var/log/xferlog'
- '/var/log/proftpd.system.log'
- '/var/log/sftp.log'
- '/var/log/sftp-xferlog'
maxsize: '100m'
compress: true
ifempty: true
missingok: true
sharedscripts: true
postrotate: 'test -f /var/lock/subsys/proftpd && /usr/bin/killall -HUP proftpd || :'
return: $chg123456
In response to one comment, bolt plan convert is only used to convert yaml plans into Puppet plans, not the other way around.

ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump expected 4 but found 2 (indentation)

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml_str = '''
project: ''
project_lead: &ptl
name: ''
company: ''
email: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
primary_contact: *ptl
- <<: *ptl
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
DATA = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(yaml_str, version=None, preserve_quotes=True)
indent = 4
block_seq_indent = 2
ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump(DATA, sys.stdout, default_flow_style=True, indent=indent,
project: ''
project_lead: &ptl
name: ''
company: ''
email: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
primary_contact: *ptl
- <<: *ptl
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
foo.yaml|10 col 3 error| wrong indentation: expected 4 but found 2 (indentation)
If I increase
block_seq_indent = 4
the values following it (email, company, id, timezone) don't follow its indentation.
Is my source YAML 'wrong'? Can I work around this? The ruamel module is great, and I'm able to add values programmatically, but I can't seem to get valid YAML in my output.
Your input has four positions indent on the (nested) block mapping that is the value for project_lead, and it has six indent on the sequence that is the value for committers, with an offset for the dash of four (in sequences the indent is counted to the beginning of the sequence element).
This does indeed go wrong if you use the old API as you do, but with the new API (and the appropriate values), you can do:
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
from cStringIO import StringIO
yaml_str = '''\
project: ''
project_lead: &ptl
name: ''
company: ''
email: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
primary_contact: *ptl
- <<: *ptl
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
- name: ''
email: ''
company: ''
id: ''
timezone: ''
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
yaml.preserve_quotes = True
yaml.indent(mapping=4, sequence=6, offset=4)
yaml.explicit_start = True
data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
buf = StringIO()
yaml.dump(data, buf)
assert buf.getvalue() == yaml_str
without getting an error.
Please note:
the default_flow_style=True has no effect in your example, they only would affect new mappings and lists, and I am not sure you want to do that for all added values.
I added yaml.explicit_start = True to get the leading ---
Your example starts with an empty newline (directly after the ''', that is as if you did yaml_str = '\n---\nproject: .....'). You cannot really get that output with ruamel.yaml() from a data structure, hence the backslash in my yaml_str.
although this might be considered a bug in the old API, I have no intention of fixing it.
