C# How to make a ConcurrentQueue to be cleaned by the condition - linq

How to make a ConcurrentQueue to be cleaned by the condition for the first elements. Eg to clear older blog posts. I came up with this idea of a ConditionConcurrentQueue:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;
public class ConditionConcurrentQueue<T> : ConcurrentQueue<T>
where T: class
public ConditionConcurrentQueue(Func<T, bool> condition)
: this(null, condition)
{ }
public ConditionConcurrentQueue(IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, bool> condition)
: base(items)
_condition = condition;
private Func<T, bool> _condition;
public virtual void Enqueue(T item)
T removed;
bool cleaningRun = true;
int failedCnt = 0;
while (!IsEmpty && cleaningRun && failedCnt < 10)
if (TryPeek(out removed))
bool result = _condition.Invoke(removed);
if (!result)
if (!TryDequeue(out removed))
cleaningRun = false;
Use this ConditionConcurrentQueue could be so:
class Blog
public ConditionConcurrentQueue<Post> Posts { get; set; }
class Post
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Blog blog = new Blog
Posts = new ConditionConcurrentQueue<Post>(
new Post[] {
new Post { Time = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(80), Text = "Title 1" },
new Post { Time = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), Text = "Title 2" },
new Post { Time = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(40), Text = "Title 3" },
p => p.Time > DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
blog.Posts.Enqueue(new Post { Time = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20), Text = "Title 4" });
foreach (Post post in blog.Posts.ToList())
maybe it is too primitive solution.
I would appreciate any improvements. Thanks.

also, you can try through the extension method:
public static ICollection<T> Enqueue<T>(this ConcurrentQueue<T> field, T item, Func<T, bool> predicate)
ICollection<T> removed = field.TryDequeue<T>(predicate);
return removed;
public static ICollection<T> TryDequeue<T>(this ConcurrentQueue<T> field, Func<T, bool> predicate)
T comparedItem;
var removedList = new List<T>();
while (field.TryPeek(out comparedItem))
if (!predicate.Invoke(comparedItem))
if (field.TryDequeue(out comparedItem))
return removedList;

As of .NET Core 2.0 / .NET Standard 2.1 / .NET Framework 5.0, there is a Clear() method on ConcurrentQueue<T>. See: ConcurrentQueue.Clear.


how to implement Android In App BillingClient in Xamarin.Android Asynchronously

I am trying to implement below java code in c# referring to Android documentation
List<String> skuList = new ArrayList<> ();
SkuDetailsParams.Builder params = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder();
new SkuDetailsResponseListener() {
public void onSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult,
List<SkuDetails> skuDetailsList) {
// Process the result.
I have here 2 questions. I thought that i would run this code on a separate thread than UI thread like below to keep my ui responsive while network connection is done. is that the correct approach? QuerySkuDetailsAsync is called async but doesnt implement as async. how should this be working and how to handle in c# because it will fire and forget but Listener to handle the response.
public async Task<List<InAppBillingProduct>> GetProductsAsync(List<string> ProductIds)
var getSkuDetailsTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var prms = SkuDetailsParams.NewBuilder();
var type = BillingClient.SkuType.Inapp;
BillingClient.QuerySkuDetailsAsync(prms.Build(), new SkuDetailsResponseListener());
return InAppBillingProducts;
return await getSkuDetailsTask;
2nd question regarding how to handle with the listener as below. How do I return value from the listener. I need return list of InAppBillingProduct object.
public class SkuDetailsResponseListener : Java.Lang.Object, ISkuDetailsResponseListener
public void OnSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult, IList<SkuDetails> skus)
if (billingResult.ResponseCode == BillingResponseCode.Ok)
// get list of Products here and return
FYI. This is how I did it. This is not a complete code but this will give you and idea.
Listener - PCL
private async Task EventClicked()
var skuList = new List<string>();
if (await _billingClientLifecycle.Initialize(skuList, DisconnectedConnection))
var firstProduct = _billingClientLifecycle?.ProductsInStore?.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstProduct != null)
//purchase here
private void DisconnectedConnection()
//Todo.alfon. handle disconnection here...
Interface - PCL
public interface IInAppBillingMigratedNew
List<InAppBillingPurchase> PurchasedProducts { get; set; }
List<InAppBillingProduct> ProductsInStore { get; set; }
Task<bool> Initialize(List<String> skuList, Action onDisconnected = null);
Dependency - Platform Droid
[assembly: XF.Dependency(typeof(InAppBillingMigratedNew))]
public class InAppBillingMigratedNew : Java.Lang.Object, IBillingClientStateListener
, ISkuDetailsResponseListener, IInAppBillingMigratedNew
private Activity Context => CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity
?? throw new NullReferenceException("Current Context/Activity is null");
private BillingClient _billingClient;
private List<string> _skuList = new List<string>();
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _tcsInitialized;
private Action _disconnectedAction;
private Dictionary<string, SkuDetails> _skusWithSkuDetails = new Dictionary<string, SkuDetails>();
public List<InAppBillingPurchase> PurchasedProducts { get; set; }
public List<InAppBillingProduct> ProductsInStore { get; set; }
public IntPtr Handle => throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<bool> Initialize(List<string> skuList, Action disconnectedAction = null)
_disconnectedAction = disconnectedAction;
_tcsInitialized = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
var taskInit = _tcsInitialized.Task;
_skuList = skuList;
_billingClient = BillingClient.NewBuilder(Context)
if (!_billingClient.IsReady)
return taskInit;
#region IBillingClientStateListener
public void OnBillingServiceDisconnected()
Console.WriteLine($"Connection disconnected.");
public void OnBillingSetupFinished(BillingResult billingResult)
var responseCode = billingResult.ResponseCode;
var debugMessage = billingResult.DebugMessage;
if (responseCode == BillingResponseCode.Ok)
Console.WriteLine($"Failed connection {debugMessage}");
#region ISkuDetailsResponseListener
public void OnSkuDetailsResponse(BillingResult billingResult, IList<SkuDetails> skuDetailsList)
if (billingResult == null)
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: null BillingResult");
var responseCode = billingResult.ResponseCode;
var debugMessage = billingResult.DebugMessage;
switch (responseCode)
case BillingResponseCode.Ok:
if (skuDetailsList == null)
if (skuDetailsList.Count > 0)
ProductsInStore = new List<InAppBillingProduct>();
foreach (var skuDetails in skuDetailsList)
_skusWithSkuDetails.Add(skuDetails.Sku, skuDetails);
//ToDo.alfon. make use mapper here
ProductsInStore.Add(new InAppBillingProduct
Name = skuDetails.Title,
Description = skuDetails.Description,
ProductId = skuDetails.Sku,
CurrencyCode = skuDetails.PriceCurrencyCode,
LocalizedIntroductoryPrice = skuDetails.IntroductoryPrice,
LocalizedPrice = skuDetails.Price,
MicrosIntroductoryPrice = skuDetails.IntroductoryPriceAmountMicros,
MicrosPrice = skuDetails.PriceAmountMicros
case BillingResponseCode.ServiceDisconnected:
case BillingResponseCode.ServiceUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.BillingUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemUnavailable:
case BillingResponseCode.DeveloperError:
case BillingResponseCode.Error:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
case BillingResponseCode.UserCancelled:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
// These response codes are not expected.
case BillingResponseCode.FeatureNotSupported:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemAlreadyOwned:
case BillingResponseCode.ItemNotOwned:
Console.WriteLine("onSkuDetailsResponse: " + responseCode + " " + debugMessage);
#region Helper Methods Private
private void ProcessPurchases(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
if (purchasesList == null)
Console.WriteLine("No purchases done.");
if (IsUnchangedPurchaseList(purchasesList))
Console.WriteLine("Purchases has not changed.");
PurchasedProducts = _purchases.Select(sku => new InAppBillingPurchase
PurchaseToken = sku.PurchaseToken
if (purchasesList != null)
private bool IsUnchangedPurchaseList(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
// TODO: Optimize to avoid updates with identical data.
return false;
private void LogAcknowledgementStatus(List<Purchase> purchasesList)
int ack_yes = 0;
int ack_no = 0;
foreach (var purchase in purchasesList)
if (purchase.IsAcknowledged)
//Log.d(TAG, "logAcknowledgementStatus: acknowledged=" + ack_yes +
// " unacknowledged=" + ack_no);
private void QuerySkuDetails()
var parameters = SkuDetailsParams
_billingClient.QuerySkuDetailsAsync(parameters, this);
private void QueryPurchases()
if (!_billingClient.IsReady)
Console.WriteLine("queryPurchases: BillingClient is not ready");
var result = _billingClient.QueryPurchases(BillingClient.SkuType.Subs);

LINQ to Entity: How to cast a complex type to a DTO

I have created a function import which is available in my context object as GetJournalViewItemsQuery()
The function import returns a complex type called JournalViewItem.
Now when I try to load the JournalViewItem into my application DTO called JournalEntry I come up with error:
Error 7 Cannot implicitly convert type 'MyApp.Infrastructure.Models.JournalEntry' to 'MyApp.SqlData.JournalViewItem'
This is the code:
var journalEntry = Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery()
.Where(i => i.JournalItemId == _journalEntryId)
.Select(x => new JournalEntry(x.JournalItemId,
x.HeaderText,x.JournalText, x.LastUpdatedOn,
The error happens at the "new JournalEntry" line.
My question: How can I cast the JournalViewItem complex type to my DTO ?
Thank you
After #JanR suggestion I still have the same problem. The modified code is:
var journalEntry = Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery()
.Where(i => i.JournalItemId == _journalEntryId)
.Select(x => new JournalEntry
JournalEntryNumber = x.JournalItemId,
HeaderText = x.HeaderText,
BodyText = x.JournalText,
LastUpdatedOn = x.LastUpdatedOn,
JournalEntryType = x.JournalItemTypeId
I found out the reason for my problem. I failed to mention (my apologies) that I'm working off generated code from WCF RIA Domain Services for Silverlight application. As such the Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery() needs to be executed and THEN I can query the results on my callback method using the LINQ expression that #Chuck.Net and JanR have suggested.
Here's the working code to those who might be interested:
public IList<JournalEntryHeader> GetJournalEntryHeaders()
PerformQuery<JournalViewItem>(Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery(), GetJournalEntryHeadersFromDbComplete);
return _journalHeaders;
void PerformJournalEntryHeadersQuery(EntityQuery<JournalViewItem> qry,
EventHandler<EntityResultsArgs<JournalViewItem>> evt)
Context.Load<JournalViewItem>(qry, r =>
if (evt != null)
if (r.HasError)
evt(this, new EntityResultsArgs<JournalViewItem>(r.Error));
else if (r.Entities.Count() > 0)
evt(this, new EntityResultsArgs<JournalViewItem>(Context.JournalViewItems));
else if (r.Entities.Count() == 0 && _currentJournalItemsPage > 0)
catch (Exception ex)
evt(this, new EntityResultsArgs<JournalViewItem>(ex));
}, null);
void GetJournalEntryHeadersFromDbComplete(object sender, EntityResultsArgs<JournalViewItem> e)
if (e.Error != null)
string errMsg = e.Error.Message;
_journalHeaders = e.Results
x => new JournalEntryHeader(x.JournalItemId,
GetJournalEntryHeadersComplete(this, new JournalEntryHeaderItemsEventArgs(_journalHeaders));
What you need to do is the following, in the new JournalEntry() function you will need to set all the properties to the JournalViewItem object.
var journalEntry = Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery()
.Where(i => i.JournalItemId == _journalEntryId)
.Select(x => new JournalEntry {
JournalEntryId = x.JournalItemId,
HeaderText = x.HeaderText,
JournalText = x.JournalText
I am just guessing the actual property names here as I am not familiar with what the JounralEntry object looks like.
EDIT: added {}
I created a ConsoleApp to test #JanR answer. It seems to be working correctly.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace StackOverFlowConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<JournalViewItem> JournalViewItems = new List<JournalViewItem>()
new JournalViewItem(){JournalItemId =1, HeaderText="HeaderText", JournalText="JournalText", LastUpdatedOn= DateTime.Today, JournalItemTypeId=1},
int _journalEntryId = 1;
var journalEntry = JournalViewItems
.Where(i => i.JournalItemId == _journalEntryId)
.Select(x => new JournalEntry
JournalEntryNumber = x.JournalItemId,
HeaderText = x.HeaderText,
BodyText = x.JournalText,
LastUpdatedOn = x.LastUpdatedOn,
JournalEntryType = x.JournalItemTypeId
class JournalViewItem
public int JournalItemId { get; set; }
public string HeaderText { get; set; }
public string JournalText { get; set; }
public DateTime LastUpdatedOn { get; set; }
public int JournalItemTypeId { get; set; }
class JournalEntry
public int JournalEntryNumber { get; set; }
public string HeaderText { get; set; }
public string BodyText { get; set; }
public DateTime LastUpdatedOn { get; set; }
public int JournalEntryType { get; set; }
I looked into complx type a little bit. I tried the following code in my own project and was able to reproduce the error you mentioned:
var result = (from y in CS.PSMBIPMTTXLOGs select new PSMBIPMTCONTROL(){MBI_PMT_TX_ID = y.MBI_PMT_TX_ID}).ToList();
But when I changed it to return anonymous type, it worked:
var result = (from y in CS.PSMBIPMTTXLOGs select new {MBI_PMT_TX_ID = y.MBI_PMT_TX_ID}).ToList();
You mentioned that you have even tried creating an anonymous type instead of newing it into my DTO, but it still complains. Can you post your code for returning an anonymous type and the error message it gives? Thank you.
I found out the reason for my problem. I failed to mention (my apologies) that I'm working off generated code from WCF RIA Domain Services for Silverlight application. As such the Context.GetJournalViewItemsQuery() needs to be executed and THEN I can query the results on my callback method using the LINQ expression that #Chuck.Net and JanR have suggested.
You'll find the answer in the original post where I entered the question.

getting slower performance in textBox1_TextChanged in windows phone

I have a search text-box in my app. In my database there are two column named English and Bangla. I can search either Bangla or English. there is a button beside search text-box.By default English search is activated. I can change the search option by clicking the button. It works correctly but problem is that the search is very slow.
search option selection code by clicking button is:
private void button5_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (SearchMood % 2 != 0)
//search bangla column from the database
button5.Content = "Eng";
else {
//search english column from the database
button5.Content = "Bng";
Code for searching is:
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
List<dataLists> mylist = new List<dataLists>();
string word = textBox1.Text;
if (SearchMood % 2 == 0)// for english search
// show 5 words in listbox matched with entered text
var contacts = (from m in db.Dics where m.English.StartsWith(word) select new { m.English, m.Bangla }).Take(5);
string s1, s2;
foreach (var a in contacts)
s1 = a.English;
s2 = a.Bangla;
mylist.Add(new dataLists() { Eng = s1, Bng = s2 });
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); }
listBox1.ItemsSource = mylist;
else // for bangla search
// show 5 words in listbox matched with entered text
var contacts = (from m in db.Dics where m.Bangla.StartsWith(word) select new { m.English, m.Bangla }).Take(5);
string s1, s2;
foreach (var a in contacts)
s1 = a.English;
s2 = a.Bangla;
mylist.Add(new dataLists() { Eng = s1, Bng = s2 });
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); }
listBox1.ItemsSource = mylist;
catch { }
How can I increase the performance of searching??? Can anyone give any solution|???
N:B: My table creation script looks like
public System.Data.Linq.Table<Dic> Dics
return this.GetTable<Dic>();
public System.Data.Linq.Table<Learn_table> Learn_tables
return this.GetTable<Learn_table>();
public partial class Dic : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
private int _Serial;
private string _English;
private string _Bangla;
private System.Nullable<int> _Fav;
#region Extensibility Method Definitions
partial void OnLoaded();
partial void OnValidate(System.Data.Linq.ChangeAction action);
partial void OnCreated();
partial void OnSerialChanging(int value);
partial void OnSerialChanged();
partial void OnEnglishChanging(string value);
partial void OnEnglishChanged();
partial void OnBanglaChanging(string value);
partial void OnBanglaChanged();
partial void OnFavChanging(System.Nullable<int> value);
partial void OnFavChanged();
public Dic()
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Name="serial", Storage="_Serial", AutoSync=AutoSync.OnInsert, DbType="Int NOT NULL IDENTITY", IsPrimaryKey=true, IsDbGenerated=true)]
public int Serial
return this._Serial;
if ((this._Serial != value))
this._Serial = value;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Name="english", Storage="_English", DbType="NVarChar(2000)")]
public string English
return this._English;
if ((this._English != value))
this._English = value;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Name="bangla", Storage="_Bangla", DbType="NVarChar(2000)")]
public string Bangla
return this._Bangla;
if ((this._Bangla != value))
this._Bangla = value;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute(Name="fav", Storage="_Fav", DbType="Int")]
public System.Nullable<int> Fav
return this._Fav;
if ((this._Fav != value))
this._Fav = value;
public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void SendPropertyChanging()
if ((this.PropertyChanging != null))
this.PropertyChanging(this, emptyChangingEventArgs);
protected virtual void SendPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
if ((this.PropertyChanged != null))
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Your problem appears in using TextChanged event Handler. Place a breakpoint there and you will see it firing twice and hence causing the slow performance for you. It seems a bug in WP7 TextBox control.
Use KeyUp event handler, instead of textBox1_TextChanged
void textBox1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//your code
Hope this solves your problem. !!
You can use of AutoCompleteBox rather than use of TextBox. AutoCompleteBox available in Microsoft.Phone.Control.Toolkit.
Execute you select query at once when you select language on buttonClick and assign result of your query to AutoCompleteBox.Itemsource. It should really increase search performance.
<toolkit:AutoCompleteBox x:Name="AutoBoxFood" Width="440" SelectionChanged="txtFodd_SelectionChanged" FilterMode="StartsWith" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="70"/>
Add indexes to the columns in the database file.

How do I apply a default IComparable<T> in a Linq OrderBy clause

I have a type which has a default sort order as it implements IComparable<T> and IComparable. I'm not getting the results I expect from LINQ , basically it looks as if the IComparable<T> which the type implements is not being applied.
I thought I would get the result I want with an expression in the form:
var result = MyEnumerable<T>.OrderBy(r => r);
where T itself implements IComparable<T>. It's not happening.
I can see related questions where specific IComparable<T> classes are specified for the sort, but I can't find one which uses the default IComparable<T> implemented by T itself.
My syntax is clearly incorrect. What is the correct syntax please?
Thanks in advance.
OrderBy uses the default comparer Comparer<T>.Default which in turn will default to use the IComparable<T> implementation for T, or the non-generic IComparable if the former does not exist.
This code works:
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<Stuff>
new Stuff("one"),
new Stuff("two"),
new Stuff("three"),
new Stuff("four")
var sorted = list.OrderBy(x => x);
foreach (var stuff in sorted)
public class Stuff : IComparable<Stuff>
public string Name { get; set; }
public Stuff(string name)
Name = name;
public int CompareTo(Stuff other)
return String.CompareOrdinal(Name, other.Name);
public static class GenericSorter
public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> Sort<T>(IEnumerable<T> toSort, Dictionary<string, SortingOrder> sortOptions)
IOrderedEnumerable<T> orderedList = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SortingOrder> entry in sortOptions)
if (orderedList != null)
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenBy");
orderedList = orderedList.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "ThenByDescending");
if (entry.Value == SortingOrder.Ascending)
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderBy");
orderedList = toSort.ApplyOrder<T>(entry.Key, "OrderByDescending");
return orderedList;
private static IOrderedEnumerable<T> ApplyOrder<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string property, string methodName)
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
Expression expr = param;
foreach (string prop in property.Split('.'))
expr = Expression.PropertyOrField(expr, prop);
Type delegateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), expr.Type);
LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, expr, param);
MethodInfo mi = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(
method => method.Name == methodName
&& method.IsGenericMethodDefinition
&& method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2
&& method.GetParameters().Length == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), expr.Type);
return (IOrderedEnumerable<T>)mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { source, lambda.Compile() });

Help with linq query. many to many

I have a collection(people) that has a many-to-many reference to another collection(dogs). Suspend your disbelief on how there can be more than one people per dog. People just contains member which is an List<Dog>
I would like to select all the people where the people have a certain property(specified in an IList) and pets have a certain property(specified in an IList).
E.g. I have an IList (used for this query only) with the dog’s property value.
public enum EnumLikesToBite
IList <<EnumLikesToBite>> listDogsMayBite =
{ { EnumLikesToBite.Yes},
{ EnumLikesToBite.Sometimes}};
Then another list for the peoples property:
public enum EnumKeepsPetWith
IList <EnumKeepsPetWith> listPeopleWhoDontRestrainDog =
{ { EnumKeepsPetWith.String },
{ EnumKeepsPetWith.Rubberband}};
How can I query out all the people who have a dog that may bite and don’t restrain dog.
Like this pseudo code:
Var result = from p in People where p.KeepsPet in listPeopleWhoDontRestrainDog and dog.LikesToBite in listDogsMayBite.
Result has all the people. Of course if I could get all the dogs who may bite under those people that would be great.
List<int> mayBite = new List<int>()
(int) EnumLikesToBite.Yes,
(int) EnumLikesToBite.Maybe
List<int> poorRestraint = new List<int>()
(int) EnumKeepsPetWith.String,
(int) EnumKeepsPetWith.RubberBand
IQueryable<Person> query =
from p in db.People
where poorRestraint.Contains(p.KeepsPetWith)
where p.DogPeople.Any(dp => mayBite.Contains(dp.Dog.DoesBite))
select p;
var query =
from p in db.People
where poorRestraint.Contains(p.KeepsPetWith)
let bitingDogs =
from dp in p.DogPeople
let d = dp.Dog
where mayBite.Contains(d.DoesBite)
where bitingDogs.Any()
select new {Person = p, BitingDogs = bitingDogs.ToList()};
Maybe this code will help.. One of the possible solution are:
var result =
peoples.Where(y => dontRestrainDog.Contains(y.KeepsPetWith) && y.Dogs.Any(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite))).ToList();
result.ForEach(y => y.Dogs = y.Dogs.Where(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite)).ToList());
which you can see an example of here:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IList<EnumLikesToBite> dogsMayBite = new List<EnumLikesToBite>
{ EnumLikesToBite.Yes }, { EnumLikesToBite.Sometimes }
IList<EnumKeepsPetWith> dontRestrainDog = new List<EnumKeepsPetWith>
{ EnumKeepsPetWith.String }, { EnumKeepsPetWith.Rubberband }
var peoples = new List<People>();
var dogs = new List<Dog>();
Random gen = new Random(2);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
People p = new People
PeopleId = i,
KeepsPetWith = (EnumKeepsPetWith) (gen.Next(10)%3),
Dogs = new List<Dog>()
Dog d = new Dog
DogId = i,
LikesToBite = (EnumLikesToBite) (gen.Next(10)%3),
Peoples = new List<People>()
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if (gen.Next(10)>7)
if (gen.Next(10)>7)
var result =
peoples.Where(y => dontRestrainDog.Contains(y.KeepsPetWith) && y.Dogs.Any(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite))).ToList();
result.ForEach(y => y.Dogs = y.Dogs.Where(x => dogsMayBite.Contains(x.LikesToBite)).ToList());
private static void PrintPeoples(List<People> peoples)
foreach (var people in peoples)
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", people.PeopleId);
Console.WriteLine("KeepsPetWith: {0}", people.KeepsPetWith);
Console.WriteLine("Dogs: ");
foreach (var dog in people.Dogs)
Console.Write("{0}, ", dog.DogId);
private static void PrintDogs(List<Dog> dogs)
foreach (var dog in dogs)
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}", dog.DogId);
Console.WriteLine("LikesToBite: {0}", dog.LikesToBite);
Console.WriteLine("Peoples: ");
foreach (var people in dog.Peoples)
Console.Write("{0}, ", people.PeopleId);
public class People
public int PeopleId { get; set; }
public EnumKeepsPetWith KeepsPetWith { get; set; }
public IList<Dog> Dogs { get; set; }
public class Dog
public int DogId { get; set; }
public EnumLikesToBite LikesToBite { get; set; }
public IList<People> Peoples { get; set; }
public enum EnumLikesToBite
public enum EnumKeepsPetWith
