Register for global file drag events in Cocoa - macos

I'm trying to be notified when a OS X user is dragging any file in OS X, not only in my app.
My current approach was using addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler: on NSEvent, as follows:
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseDraggedMask handler:^(NSEvent* event) {
NSPasteboard* pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];
NSLog(#"%#", [pb propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]);
This works partially - the handler is being called when I start dragging a file from my desktop or Finder, however it also is being called when I perform every other operation that contains a left-mouse-drag, e.g. moving a window. The issue is that the NSDragPboard still seems to contain the latest dragged file URL e.g. when I let off the file and start moving a window, which makes it hard to distinguish between these operations.
TL;DR - I am interested in file drag operations system-wide. I do not need any information about the dragged file itself, just the information that a file drag operation has been started or stopped. I would appreciate any hint to a possible solution for this question.

After having talked to Apple DTS, this is most likely a bug. I have filed rdar://25892115 for this issue. There currently seems to be no way to solve my original question with the given API.
To solve my problem, I am now using the Accessibility API to figure out if the item below the cursor is a file (kAXFilenameAttribute is not NULL).

NSPasteboard* pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard];
NSArray* filenames = [pb propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
NSInteger changeCount = pb.changeCount;
//when moving a window. the changeCount is not changed, use it to distinguish
if (filenames.count > 0 && self.lastChangeCount != changeCount){
self.lastChangeCount = changeCount;
//your code here


NSOpenPanel won't close properly during Swift function

I'm a newcomer to Swift (2.2) and am having a problem with a simple app using Xcode 7.3 and OS X 10.11. In this app, the user clicks a button and selects a file through NSOpenPanel. The code uses the URL selected to get the file's data and name, then processes the data and saves the result somewhere else. With large files, the processing can take several seconds. When processing large files, once the file is selected, the space where the Open File window had been remains blank, covering the app view and everything else, and stays there until the operation is complete. Also, the app's outlets are frozen until the operation finishes. It appears NSOpenPanel isn't handing window control back to the app and the system.
The code goes like this:
#IBAction func processFile(sender: AnyObject) {
var chosenURL: NSURL?
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.title = "Choose a file"
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = false
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
if openPanel.runModal() == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton {
chosenURL = openPanel.URL
let dataBytes = NSData(contentsOfURL: chosenURL!)
let fileName = chosenURL!.lastPathCompnent!
// Remaining code processes dataBytes and fileName
I've tried a few variations but get the same result. Searching for "NSOpenPanel won't close" on the 'net usually just brings up examples in Objective-C, which I know nothing of. Any suggestions of how to make NSOpenPanel shut off and have view and control return to the app window?
Following on from Eric D's suggestion, I looked into Grand Central Dispatch and background processes. My first approach was:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
dataBytes = NSData(contentsOfURL: chosenURL!)
That didn't change anything. I found I had to put the whole remaining process (everything from 'let dataBytes…' onwards) within the dispatch closure, with 'dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue())' statements around UI updates. This stopped the window from freezing and blanking, and returned control to the app. Thanks again, Eric.

Notification of active document change on OS X?

I'm using NSWorkspace's NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification to detect when the active application changes. I get NSRunningApplication from the userInfo key of the notification.
I need to get a notification when the active document changes. I can get the active document by using the accessibility framework's NSAccessibilityDocumentAttribute key through AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue().
I need a more accurate way of detecting when the document changes other than polling. Some applications use multiple windows, while others use a single window with multiple tabs. With tabbed applications the window returns the currently viewed document.
I don't have to use the accessibility framework. AppleScript (scripting bridge) seems to also be able to get a window's document, but the accessibility framework seems to work with more applications.
I only care about the active document, of the active window, of the active application. What currently has focus on the system.
I've been testing with applications like Sublime Text 2, and Xcode. Sublime returns the currently selected tab, where Xcode returns the active project.
I was actually trying to achieve exactly the same thing and I think I've found a solution for it.
What I did was using CFArrayRef windowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly | kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID);
That will give you a list of all the active windows, including windows that you probably don't care about.
I only care about windows that have kCGWindowLayer = 0; so I filtered the windows that are on layer 0.
Here's how I did it:
CFArrayRef windowList = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly | kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID);
NSMutableArray *data = [(__bridge NSArray *) windowList mutableCopy];
NSMutableArray *filteredData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
for (NSMutableDictionary *theDict in data) {
id layer = [theDict objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowLayer];
if ([layer intValue] == 0) {
[filteredData addObject:theDict];
NSLog(#"window: %#", filteredData);
This might be the most elegant solution, so if anyone else has a better idea, please share. Also you should have a look at Apple's demo app Son of Grab.

xCode ios How to write a mutable array to a file on the desktop?

I have a one-time need to create a file from an iOS mutable array. The array will be a short animated drawing.
That will be input to an app.
I write the array, and redraw it in the app, so I know that it's getting populated.
I've tried to do something as simple as this:
- (void) writeFile {
NSLog(#"%s", __FUNCTION__);
[writeArray writeToURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[#"~/Desktop/" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]] atomically:NO];
but I must be doing something wrong, as no file appears..
As the file is small (4-8K), maybe I should take a different approach?
Any help will be appreciated.
Of course this won't work on the device, but I assume you're just trying to work in the Simulator for some kind of testing. fileURLWithPath: doesn't expand ~. You need a full path here. None of the path searching routines is going to point into your user folder in any case, since that doesn't exist on iOS.

Change the wallpaper on all desktops in OS X 10.7 Lion?

I would like to change the wallpaper of all desktops (formerly "spaces") on a screen. As of OS X 10.6 there is a category to NSWorkspace which allows the setting of the wallpaper, however, when I use this function only the wallpaper of the current desktop gets changed and all the other desktops remain unchanged.
I then looked at the desktop preferences plist and wrote a class that modifies it to reflect the changes I want (basically set a new image file path). After the new file was saved I sent the "BackgroundChanged" notification - Google if you don't know what I am talking about, this was how people changed wallpapers in pre 10.6 days. At first this didn't produce any result, so instead of "nil" as userInfo dictionary I sent the exact same userInfo dictionary along as Apple does when you change the wallpaper in your settings (subscribe to the notification in an app and change the wallpaper in the settings app and you will see what it looks like). Luck helped me here, when I sent the notification this way for some reason the Dock crashed and when it reloaded, it loaded the settings from the preferences file thus displaying my changes.
This works on 10.7.1, however, I would a) rather not have the bad user experience of the dock crashing and reloading, and b) use a path that is more or less guaranteed to work in future releases as well. Exploiting a bug doesn't seem like a stable path.
Any other ideas on how to change the wallpaper of all desktops? I am also unsure whether the current behaviour of the NSWorkspace wallpaper category is intended or a bug, however, judging from the behaviour of the wallpaper preferences pane it seems that the former is the case.
There is no api for setting the same wallpaper to all screens or all spaces, NSWorkspace setDesktopImageURL it is implemented as such that it only sets the wallpaper for the current space on the current screen, this is how System Preferences does it too.
Besides the volatile method of manually modifying the ~/Library/Preferences/ (format could change) and using notifications to reload it (crashes you experienced) what you can do is set the wallpaper to spaces as the user switches to it , e.g. look for NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification (if your application is not always running you could tell the user to switch to all spaces he wants the wallpaper to apply to) , arguably these methods are not ideal but at least they are not volatile.
NSWorkspace *sws = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
NSURL *image = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:#"/Library/Desktop Pictures/Andromeda Galaxy.jpg"];
NSError *err = nil;
for (NSScreen *screen in [NSScreen screens]) {
NSDictionary *opt = [sws desktopImageOptionsForScreen:screen];
[sws setDesktopImageURL:image forScreen:screen options:opt error:&err];
if (err) {
NSLog(#"%#",[err localizedDescription]);
NSNumber *scr = [[screen deviceDescription] objectForKey:#"NSScreenNumber"];
NSLog(#"Set %# for space %i on screen %#",[image path],[self spaceNumber],scr);
CFArrayRef windowsInSpace = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListOptionAll | kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, kCGNullWindowID);
for (NSMutableDictionary *thisWindow in (NSArray *)windowsInSpace) {
if ([thisWindow objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowWorkspace]){
return [[thisWindow objectForKey:(id)kCGWindowWorkspace] intValue];
return -1;

Cocoa Drag and Drop, reading back the data

Ok, I have a NSOutlineView set up, and I want it to capture PDF's if a pdf is dragged into the NSOutlineView.
My first question, I have the following code:
[outlineView registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStringPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]];
In all the apple Docs and examples I've seen I've also seen something like MySupportedType being an object registered for dragging. What does this mean? Do I change the code to be:
[outlineView registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"pdf", NSStringPboardType, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]];
Currently I have it set up to recognize drag and drop, and I can even make it spit out the URL of the dragged file once the drag is accepted, however, this leads me to my second question. I want to keep a copy of those PDF's app side. I suppose, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the best way to do this is to grab the data off the clipboard, save it in some persistant store, and that's that. (as apposed to using some sort of copy command and literally copying the file to the app director.)
That being said, I'm not sure how to do that. I've the code:
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)ov acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info item:(id)item childIndex:(NSInteger)childIndex
NSPasteboard *pboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType] ) {
fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard];
// Perform operation using the file’s URL
NSData *data = [pboard dataForType:#"NSPasteboardTypePDF"];
But this never actually gets any data. Like I said before, it does get the URL, just not the data.
Does anyone have any advise on how to get this going? Thanks so much!
Dragged Types
Dragged types are just strings that define a system pasteboard type (like NSFilenamesPboardType) or your app's own internal type (like "MyWidgetIdentifierType" to identify a widget by some internal ID).
A drag type of "PDF" doesn't get you anything. You might as well call it "Bob8374Type" ... if you don't give your app the ability to recognize the type (or nothing ever puts anything into the pasteboard for that type), it's utterly useless. You're working with dragged files, so NSFilenamesPboardType is correct.
NSPasteboardTypePDF won't help you unless there is NSPasteboardTypePDF data on the pasteboard. When files are dragged, you get NSFilenamesPboardType. Doesn't matter if the file is .pdf or .xyz; you're only getting paths.
Copy the File or Store a Path
You need to decide whether you intend to copy the dropped PDF or just store a path (or better yet, file system reference) to it. If you're going to copy the PDF, you'll need to make sure you're aware of the proper storage locations (like the Application Support folder, etc).
Assuming you really do want to copy the dropped pdfs somewhere, you don't need the PDF data. You can use NSFileManager to copy (or move) the file at the given path to a new location. If you have some other storage mechanism (ie, you want to suck the PDF data of the file into some other data structure), you can just get the PDF data directly using NSData's +dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error: and do with its data what you please.
