Show/Hide Columns in Boot grid when onclick - Externally - jquery-bootgrid

i couldn't hide a show/hide a boot grid column after onclick boot grid re-load.
The issue is it works when the page is loaded first time, but i couldn't make it work after click event. Any help is appreciated.
<th id="th_state" data-identifier="true" data-column-id="state" data-visible="false">State</th>
$('#filter_group').change(function () {
$("#th_state").attr("data-visible", "true") ; // Not working....
ajax: true,
rowCount: [50, 100, 200, 300, 500],
columnSelection: true,
requestHandler: function (request) {
request.type = 'grid';
var citiesGroup = [];
$("#cities_group").find("option:selected").each(function (index, value) {
if ($(this).is(':selected')) {
state: $(this).parent().attr("label"),
city: $(this).val()
if (request.sort) {
request.sortBy = Object.keys(request.sort)[0];
request.sortOrder = request.sort[request.sortBy];
request.chartType = $("#chartType").val();
request.date_from = $("#date_from").val();
request.date_to = $("#date_to").val();
request.citiesGroup = citiesGroup ;
delete request.sort
return request;
responseHandler: function (response) {
return response;
post: function ()
/* To accumulate custom parameter with the request object */
return {
id: "b0df282a-0d67-40e5-8558-c9e93b7befed"
url: "response.php",
formatters: {
labels: {
noResults: "<b>No data found</b>",
all: "",
loading: '<b>Loading Please wait....</b>'
templates: {
search: "",
//header: "",


FullCalendar - can't retrieve json data, and display events on calendar

I have a "calendar.js" file which initializes the calendar and retrieves the events in json on the route "{{route ('allCourse')}}". unfortunately the js file cannot access the route in order to retrieve the events (error 404). However, I manage to retrieve them via the url in the browser. Please help me, thank you.
the error - xhr
Request URL: http://univinfo.test/admin/%7B%7B%20route('allCourse')%20%7D%7D?start=2020-10-01&end=2020-11-01&_=1601837725221
Request Method: GET
State code: 404 Not Found
Remote address:
Access point strategy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
$(function () {
'use strict'
// Initialize tooltip
// Sidebar calendar
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
beforeShowDay: function (date) {
// add leading zero to single digit date
var day = date.getDate();
return [true, (day < 10 ? 'zero' : '')];
// Initialize fullCalendar
height: 'parent',
locale: 'fr',
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay,listWeek'
navLinks: true,
selectable: true,
selectLongPressDelay: 100,
editable: true,
nowIndicator: true,
defaultView: 'listMonth',
views: {
agenda: {
columnHeaderHtml: function (mom) {
return '<span>' + mom.format('ddd') + '</span>' +
'<span>' + mom.format('DD') + '</span>';
day: {
columnHeader: false
listMonth: {
listDayFormat: 'ddd DD',
listDayAltFormat: false
listWeek: {
listDayFormat: 'ddd DD',
listDayAltFormat: false
agendaThreeDay: {
type: 'agenda',
duration: {
days: 3
titleFormat: 'MMMM YYYY'
events: "{{ route('allCourse') }}",
eventAfterAllRender: function (view) {
if ( === 'listMonth' || === 'listWeek') {
var dates = view.el.find('.fc-list-heading-main');
dates.each(function () {
var text = $(this).text().split(' ');
var now = moment().format('DD');
$(this).html(text[0] + '<span>' + text[1] + '</span>');
if (now === text[1]) {
eventRender: function (event, element) {
if (event.description) {
element.find('.fc-list-item-title').append('<span class="fc-desc">' + event.description + '</span>');
element.find('.fc-content').append('<span class="fc-desc">' + event.description + '</span>');
var eBorderColor = (event.source.borderColor) ? event.source.borderColor : event.borderColor;
color: eBorderColor,
borderColor: eBorderColor
borderColor: eBorderColor
element.css('borderLeftColor', eBorderColor);
var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('getCalendar');
// change view to week when in tablet
if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 576px)').matches) {
// change view to month when in desktop
if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 992px)').matches) {
// change view based in viewport width when resize is detected
calendar.option('windowResize', function (view) {
if ( === 'listWeek') {
if (window.matchMedia('(min-width: 992px)').matches) {
} else {
// Display calendar event modal
calendar.on('eventClick', function (calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
var modal = $('#modalCalendarEvent');
if (calEvent.description) {
} else {
modal.find('.modal-header').css('backgroundColor', (calEvent.source.borderColor) ? calEvent.source.borderColor : calEvent.borderColor);
//display current date
var dateNow = calendar.getDate();
calendar.option('select', function (startDate, endDate) {
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
dropdownCssClass: 'select2-dropdown-modal',
$('.calendar-add').on('click', function (e) {
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
| Laravel Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
/* Courses Routes */
Route::get('index', 'CoursesController#index')->name('allCourse');
when I access the "allCourse" route directly via the url
"backgroundColor": "rgba(91,71,251,.2)",
"borderColor": "#5b47fb",
"events": [{
"start": "2020-10-07T07:00:00",
"end": "2020-10-07T10:00:00",
"title": "statistiques",
"description": "drink Coffee"

Backbone-validation.js on Subview

I've been following an online example of backbone validation online:
So far so good, but now I'm getting into validating subviews and they're not working.
My code looks like this:
var ScheduleModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
validation: {
StartDate: {
required: true,
fn: "isDate"
StartTime: [{
required: true
pattern: /^([0-2]\d):([0-5]\d)$/,
msg: "Please provide a valid time in 24 hour format. ex: 23:45, 02:45"
EndDate: {
required: true,
fn: "isDate"
isDate: function (value, attr, computed) {
if (isNaN(Date.parse(value))) {
return "Is not a valid Date";
var ScheduleView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "div",
template: _.template($("#scheduleAddTemplate").html()),
render: function () {
// append the template to the element
// set the schedule type
var renderedInterval = SetScheduleType(this.model.attributes.ScheduleType.toLowerCase());
// append to the interval
$("#Interval", this.$el).append(renderedInterval.el);
return this;
events: {
"submit #NewScheduleForm": function (e) {
if (this.model.isValid(true)) {,
success: function (schedule) {
//do stuff
{ wait: true });
bindings: {
"[name=ScheduleType]": {
observe: "ScheduleType",
setOptions: {
validate: true
"[name=StartDate]": {
observe: "StartDate",
setOptions: {
validate: true
"[name=StartTime]": {
observe: "StartTime",
setOptions: {
validate: true
"[name=EndDate]": {
observe: "EndDate",
setOptions: {
validate: true
initialize: function () {
remove: function () {
The possible interval I'm currently working with is the following:
var MonthModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
DayOfMonth: 1,
MonthsToSkip: 1
MonthsToSkip: {
required: true,
min: 1,
msg: "Number must be greater than 1"
DayOfMonth: {
required: function (val, attr, computed) {
if (computed.ScheduleType === "monthly") {
return true;
return false;
var MonthlyView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "div",
attributes: function () {
return { id: "Monthly", class: "inline co-xs-4" };
template: _.template($("#monthEditTemplate").html()),
render: function () {
// append the template to the element
return this;
bindings: {
"[name=DayOfMonth]": {
observe: "DayOfMonth",
setOptions: {
validate: true
"[name=MonthsToSkip]": {
observe: "MonthsToSkip",
setOptions: {
validate: true
initialize: function () {
remove: function () {
Does anyone have any idea why the subview isn't validating?
Found the way to do it. Posting how it's done in case anyone else ever finds this a problem. I'm only going to show the relevant bits of code without all the bindings, initializing ect.
var ScheduleView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function () {
// this.Interval
this.Interval = SetScheduleType(this.model.attributes.ScheduleType.toLowerCase(), this.model);
// set the changed interval view
$("#Interval", this.$el).append(this.Interval.render().el);
return this;
events: {
"change #NewScheduleForm": function (e) {
// validate the subview when changes are made
"change #ScheduleType": function (e) {
var model = this.model;
var newSchedType =;
this.model.attributes.ScheduleType =;
this.Interval = SetScheduleType(newSchedType, model);
"submit #NewScheduleForm": function (e) {
if ((this.model.isValid(true)) && (this.Interval.model.isValid(true))) {
success: function (schedule) {
//do stuff
{ wait: true });
Essentially I turned the subview into an attribute on the master view. I manually call the validation for the subview on any changes to the master view and on submitting the form.

How should I create a Tree structure in Rally of defects with respect to user story

I am able to get tree structure for the user stories but want it same for defects also which are related to particular user story so that at a singe screen I can see both user stories and the related defects.
You may use features: [{ftype:'groupingsummary'}] of ExtJS to group defects by user stories and even summarize by some other field, in the code below by PlanEstimate. To group defects by user story Requirement attribute on defect is used, which points to the related story. In this example defects are filtered by Iteration.
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: '',
componentCls: 'app',
scopeType: 'iteration',
comboboxConfig: {
fieldLabel: 'Select Iteration:',
labelWidth: 100
onScopeChange: function() {
makeStore: function() {
var filter = Ext.create('', {
property: 'Requirement',
operator: '!=',
value: null
filter= filter.and(this.getContext().getTimeboxScope().getQueryFilter());
Ext.create('', {
model: 'Defect',
fetch: ['ObjectID', 'FormattedID', 'Name', 'State', 'Requirement', 'PlanEstimate'],
autoLoad: true,
filters: [filter],
listeners: {
load: this.onDataLoaded,
scope: this
onDataLoaded: function(store, records){
if (records.length === 0) {
if (this.notifier) {
var that = this;
var promises = [];
_.each(records, function(defect) {
promises.push(this.getStory(defect, this));
success: function(results) {
that.defects = results;
getStory: function(defect, scope) {
var deferred = Ext.create('Deft.Deferred');
var that = scope;
var storyOid = defect.get('Requirement').ObjectID;{
type: 'HierarchicalRequirement',
scope: this,
success: function(model, operation) {
fetch: ['FormattedID','ScheduleState'],
model.load(storyOid, {
scope: this,
success: function(record, operation) {
var storyScheduleState = record.get('ScheduleState');
var storyFid = record.get('FormattedID');
var defectRef = defect.get('_ref');
var defectOid = defect.get('ObjectID');
var defectFid = defect.get('FormattedID');
var defectPlanEstimate = defect.get('PlanEstimate');
var defectName = defect.get('Name');
var defectState = defect.get('State');
var story = defect.get('Requirement');
result = {
"_ref" : defectRef,
"ObjectID" : defectOid,
"FormattedID" : defectFid,
"Name" : defectName,
"PlanEstimate" : defectPlanEstimate,
"State" : defectState,
"Requirement" : story,
"StoryState" : storyScheduleState,
"StoryID" : storyFid
return deferred;
makeGrid: function() {
var that = this;
if (this.grid) {
var gridStore = Ext.create('', {
data: that.defects,
groupField: 'StoryID',
pageSize: 1000,
this.grid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
itemId: 'defectGrid',
store: gridStore,
features: [{ftype:'groupingsummary'}],
minHeight: 500,
columnCfgs: [
text: 'Formatted ID', dataIndex: 'FormattedID', xtype: 'templatecolumn',
tpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.FormattedIDTemplate')
text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name',
text: 'State', dataIndex: 'State',
summaryRenderer: function() {
return "PlanEstimate Total";
text: 'PlanEstimate', dataIndex: 'PlanEstimate',
summaryType: 'sum'
text: 'Story', dataIndex: 'Story',
renderer: function(val, meta, record) {
return '' + record.get('Requirement').FormattedID + '';
text: 'Story Schedule State', dataIndex: 'StoryState',
notifyNoDefects: function() {
if (this.grid) {
if (this.notifier) {
this.notifier = Ext.create('Ext.Container',{
xtype: 'container',
itemId: 'notifyContainer',
html: "No Defects found matching selection."
this.add( this.notifier);

A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group" error even though type "group" is defined

I am having trouble with an error that seems obvious but I've tried everything. I must be missing something. I'm running a rails app with Angularjs and angular-leaflet-directives. I am trying to add markers to a specific group. No matter what I do, I keep getting this error:
[AngularJS - Leaflet] A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group"
I know that this error comes up when the overlays type isn't group. The issue is that in my case, it is!
EDIT: here is a plunkr where I recreated the bug:
Here is my code:
app.factory('Markers', ["$http", "$q", function($http, $q) {
var Markers = []
var events_markers = []
var stories_markers = []
var defaultIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'assets/dot-grey.png',
iconSize: [15, 15],
iconAnchor: [15, 15],
popupAnchor: [-7, -20]
// Getting events + stories from rails API
var event_data = $http.get("/api/v1/events.json"),
story_data = $http.get("/api/v1/stories.json")
// Setting event markers and stories markers
$q.all([event_data, story_data]).then(function(results) {
var data_stories = results[1].data.stories
var data_events = results[0].data.event
for (i=0 ; i < data_stories.length; i++){
for (j=0; j < data_stories[i].locations.length; j++){
var lat = data_stories[i].locations[j].latitude
var lng = data_stories[i].locations[j].longitude
var title = data_stories[i].title
var layer = "stories"
Markers.push({layer: layer, lat:lat, lng:lng, message: title, icon: defaultIcon})
for (e=0 ; e < data_events.length; e++){
if (data_events[e].latitude != null){
var lat = data_events[e].latitude
var lng = data_events[e].longitude
var title = data_events[e].name
var layer = "events"
Markers.push({layer: layer, lat:lat, lng: lng, message: title, icon: defaultIcon})
return Markers
return {
markers: Markers
app.controller("MapCtrl", ['$scope', "$timeout", "leafletData", "Markers", function($scope,
$timeout, leafletData, Markers ){
$scope.isVisible = true;
$scope.markers = Markers.markers;
var bounds = {
lat: 37.86862005954327,
lng: -122.12230682373048
lat: 37.68436373334184,
lng: -122.55901336669923
function setMap($scope, markers, bounds) {
angular.extend($scope, {
maxbounds: bounds,
defaults: {
scrollWheelZoom: false,
maxZoom: 14,
minZoom: 10
layers: {
baselayers: {
name: 'Mapbox Litography',
url: '{mapid}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={apikey}',
type: 'xyz',
layerParams: {
apikey: 'pk.eyJ1IjoibGF1cmVuYmVuaWNob3UiLCJhIjoiQ1BlZGczRSJ9.EVMieITn7lHNi6Ato9wFwg',
mapid: 'laurenbenichou.jm96meb6'
overlays: {
stories: {
type: 'group', //Note here that the type is indeed 'group'
name: 'stories',
visible: true
events: {
type: 'group',
name: 'events',
visible: false
markers: markers
setMap($scope, $scope.markers, bounds)
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
function toggle(){$scope.isVisible = !$scope.isVisible;}
$timeout(toggle, 1000);
<leaflet ng-hide="isVisible" defaults="defaults" markers="markers" layers="layers" height="100%" width="100%" maxbounds="maxbounds" ></leaflet>
var app = angular.module("litography", ['ngAnimate','ui.router','ngResource', 'templates', 'leaflet-directive', 'cn.offCanvas', 'ui.bootstrap', 'angular-flexslider'])
.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', '$locationProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
* Routes and States
.state('home', {
url: "/",
"splash": {
templateUrl: "splash.html",
controller: "SplashCtrl"
templateUrl: "map.html",
controller: "MapCtrl",
Markers: function(Markers){
return Markers
templateUrl: "menu.html",
controller: "MenuCtrl"
// default fall back route
// enable HTML5 Mode for SEO
It can happen if you forgot to add the file: leaflet.markercluster.js
Ok, from the reduced plunker it was easier to play around and find the bug.
You need to put overlays inside (i.e. as a property of) layers:
layers: {
baselayers: {
mapbox: {
name: 'mapbox',
url: '{mapid}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={apikey}',
type: 'xyz',
layerParams: {
apikey: 'pk.eyJ1IjoibGF1cmVuYmVuaWNob3UiLCJhIjoiQ1BlZGczRSJ9.EVMieITn7lHNi6Ato9wFwg',
mapid: 'laurenbenichou.jm96meb6',
name: "stories"
overlays: {
stories: {
type: 'group',
name: 'stories',
visible: true,
events: {
type: 'group',
name: 'events',
visible: false

After closing the modal dialog refresh the base view

suggestion and code sample
I am new to Backbone marionette, I have a view ("JoinCommunityNonmemberWidgetview.js") which opens a modal dialog ("JoinCommunityDetailWidgetview.js").On closing of the dialog ( I want the view JoinCommunityNonmemberWidgetview.js") to be refreshed again by calling a specific function "submitsuccess" of the view JoinCommunityNonmemberWidgetview.js.
How can I achieve it.
The code for the modal is as below:
function (grads, BaseFormLayout, MembershipRequestModel, JoinCommunityWidgetDetailTemplate) {
// Create custom bindings for edit form
var MemberDetailbindings = {
'[name="firstname"]': 'FirstName',
'[name="lastname"]': 'LastName',
'[name="organization"]': 'InstitutionName',
'[name="email"]': 'Email'
var Detailview = BaseFormLayout.extend({
formViewOptions: {
template: JoinCommunityWidgetDetailTemplate,
bindings: MemberDetailbindings,
labels: {
'InstitutionName': "Organization"
validation: {
'Email': function (value) {
var emailconf = this.attributes.conf;
if (value != emailconf) {
return 'Email message and Confirm email meassage should match';
editViewOptions: {
viewEvents: {
"after:render": function () {
var self = this;
var btn = this.$el.find('#buttonSubmit');
showToolbar: false,
editMode: true,
events: {
"click [data-name='buttonSubmit']": "handleSubmitButton"
beforeInitialize: function (options) {
this.model = new MembershipRequestModel({ CommunityId: this.options.communityId, MembershipRequestStatusTypeId: 1, RequestDate: new Date() });
onRender: function () {
handleSubmitButton: function (event) {
// this.model.set({ conf: 'conf' });
this.model.set({ conf: this.$el.find('#confirmemail-textbox').val() });
//console.log(this.form);{}, {
success: this.saveSuccess.bind(this),
error: this.saveError.bind(this),
wait: true
saveSuccess: function (model, response) {
var mesg = 'You have submitted a request to join this community.';
title: 'Success',
buttons: {
OK: function () {
saveError: function (model, response) {
var msg = 'There was a problem. The request could not be processed.Please try again.';
title: 'Error',
buttons: {
OK: function () {
return Detailview;
I would use Marionette's event framework.
Take a look at:
Specifically, you need to:
1) Create a marionette application :
App = new Marionette.Application();
2) Use the application to set up event handlers
//Should be somewhere you can perform the logic you are after
3) Fire a 'command' and let marionette route the event
