How does your workflow looks like with react.js along with backend? - laravel

I am developing a simple CRM app using Laravel 5.2 and ReactJS. Previously I was using them independently, but now I want to try to combine them together so Laravel will be my API and front-end will be all in ReactJS.
As far as I know when my app is ready to go live I will serve my master view which includes root div, bundle.js etc.
When it comes to development part I am a little confused. I really love react hot reload, but for now I had to do a little walk around to make this works.
I run two servers side by side. Webpack-dev-server and homestead, so I am able to do calls to my API. But I also have to have additional index.html for webpack-dev-server. When i change something in my index.blade.php view I also need to change this in this index.html and this is a little bit of pain.
Is there any cool trick that I can apply to improve my workflow? If there is any example please provide me a link, because I wasn't able to find one. There are many small todo apps that doesn't really solve my problem.
PS. Currently I am using this approach
Well I think I have found an acceptable solution. I will stick with webpack server configuration that I have provided in my question (it is really great cause you can use hot reload + you api calls are redirected to backend port, so instead of localhost:8080/api/user... you call /api/user/1), but I have also developed a simple elixir extension that compiles php to simple static HTML page which solves the problem of editing two index files (we all know programmers are lazy).
var php2html = require("gulp-php2html");
var gulp = require("gulp");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
var Task = elixir.Task;
elixir.extend("php2html", function (message) {
new Task("php2html", function () {
return gulp.src("./resources/views/index.blade.php")
elixir(function (mix) {
So at the moment I have two index files:
index.blade.php in resources/views which is resolved by the router on production
index.html in root of my application folder which is used by webpack-dev-server for development
and of course now these files are sync cause of gulp watch :)
If there is any better approach let me know guys.

I have usually solved this problem (duplicated index.html/php file) using this webpack plugin:
The idea is the opposite of yours I think. Instead of compiling your php files into static html, you can use the HtmlWebpack plugin to output a index.tmpl.php file (or whatever extension you need) using the filename configuration option. Normally I set that path to be the templates folder of my application server.
I believe this approach is generally easier than doing the other way round.
Using this plugin has other benefits, such as automatic bundle script tags injection depending on your Webpack output config, and automatic cache-bursting file hash added to the script tag urls.


VueJS SPA dynamic baseURL for axios

I've searched and searched and can't seem to find a pattern for this. I'd consider myself an intermediate Vue dev, however, the backend is my strong suit. I'm working on an app that will be white-labeled by resellers. While it's possible to have multiple builds, avoiding that would be ideal. The setup is a stand-alone vue-cli SPA connecting to a Laravel api backend and using the Sanctum auth package. So I need calls to the same domain. The issue: resellers will be on their own domain. The ask: Is there a pattern/solution for dynamically loading configs (mainly baseURL) for different domains (other items would by theme/stylesheet). Currently I have a few typical entries:
i.e. axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.VUE_APP_API_BASE_URL
Basically, based on the domain the site is being served on, I'd like a dynamic/runtime config. I feel like this has been solved, but I can't seem to use the right search terms for some direction, so anything is helpful. I've tried a few things:
1) Parsing in js, but can't seem to get it to run early enough in the process to take effect? It seems to work, but I can't get it to "click"
2) Hit a public API endpoint with the current domain and get the config. Again, can implement, but can't seem to get it to inject into the Vue side correctly?
Any resources, pattern references or general guidance would be much appreciative to avoid maintaining multiple builds merely for a few variables. That said, I don't think there's much overhead in any of this, but also open to telling my I'm wrong and need multiple builds.
End Result
url visited is https://mydomaincom
then baseURL = https://api.mydomiancom
url visited https://resellerdomaincom
then baseURL=https://api.resellerdomaincom
I don't think there is a common pattern to solve your problem - I haven't found anything on the net.
The best software design solution could be the following:
have a single back-end
distribute only the client to your customers/resellers
Obviously the back end could see the domain of the application from which the request comes and manage the logic accordingly.
Good luck with your project.
Honestly how the question is put it's not really clear to me. Although my usual pattern is to:
Create an axios instance like so:
export const axiosInstance = axios.create({
// ...configs
and then whenever I make a request to some api, I would use this instance.
EDIT: According to your edit, you can either release the client to each customer, and have a .env file for each and every of them, or you can have a gateway system, where the client axios end point is always the same, hitting always the same server, and then from there the server decides what to ping, based on your own logic

Different project structures when building an Angular App with separated Spring Backend

I want to build a web page where I separate Database, Backend and Frontend and make then communicate via REST. I got quite confused about how to structure the project(s). As I read, there are the following approaches:
Make different projects: one for the frontend (let's say Angular) and one for the Backend (Spring) including the database connection. These are completely separated from each other and different IDE's might be used.
Build it in one big project but still use REST for communication (see picture below).
Now what I would like to know is what the difference between these two approaches is? I do not know (and do not ask) which one is the better one, but I cannot even make out reasons or effects to pick one above or below the other one.
This is really question about personal preference, but you have them be in completely different projects and at the same time you can put your JS bundles (from ng build) inside of the resources/static folder (of the Spring app) and it'll work perfectly, assuming you want to run them on the same server.
You can set a proxy config to make it easier like:
"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:8080",
"secure": false
This way whenever you do a rest call with something like Angulars HttpClient, as long as you put /api in front of the url it'll call your spring backend.
public fetchResource(id: number): Observable<Resource> {
return this.http.get(`/api/resources/${id}`);
I prefer to have my client and api in different projects.
Whenever you want to add the JS bundles to your resources/static folder, you can just create an NPM script to do it for you in package.json.

How to get path to images generated with webpack encore

I have one problem with the images I want to include in my e-mail with phpmailer.
I have tried to use swift mailer with my symfony app but not works I have tried all configuration (all host all ports all encryption etc) during 3 days I have called them etc without any success. It works in local not in remote env...
Anyway, let's go back to my problem.
I use webpack with encore (new way of setting assets for symfony4).
All my images are renamed in the public folder. myimagename.65342324b5.jg I/O myimagename.jpg when I run encore to deploy assets.
The problem is when I want to AddEmbeddedImage
let's supposed I have logo.png in assetsfolder.
When I deploy assets it is renamed logo.536324324V3.png in public images folder.
So when I do
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('images/logo.png','mon_logo', 'logo.png');
and when I want to refer in my html body of the e-mail to 'mon_logo' the image is not loaded because it is not existing only logo.536324324V3.png.
I have 2 options:
First I disable the automatic renaming of my images with webpack
encore .but I don't know how.
Second: I make this script able to recognise logo.png as
logo.536324324V3.png. Normally it is automatic with the
manifest.json generated after the assets deployment, but in my case
the path of my image is in my controller so I cannot specify that it
is an asset.
But I cannot do
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage(" {{ asset('images/logo.png')}}",'mon_logo',
Anyway it makes no sense.
So if you have solutions I'll take it:)
Thank you :)
Assuming you are using the Asset-component as suggested in your second approach, you could just pass in the class \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages which should be available under the service id assets.packages and with Symfony 4 likely also under it's fully qualifieed class name. The Packages class manages your assets and is also what's used in the Twig_Extension in the asset() function.
So in your code you would probably do something like this:
$fileUrl = $packages->getUrl('images/logo.png');

What is the correct way to add js libraries to applications?

I am trying to add underscore to my application. I'm not sure where to link the js library to the page as it doesn't have a main html page like the Angular generator does.
I manually added it via the config/assets.json file and it works however the dev server keeps crashing saying _ is undefined (even though the web app uses the _ function ok and returns the data just before the dev server stops).
I asume I must be doing this wrong.
What is the correct way to add custom js libraries to a project?
In your package app.js file add
<your package>.aggregateAsset('js', '../<path_to_js_lib in "public/assets" folder>',{
absolute: false

Codeigniter App on EC2 - Helpers not loading

I recently just started to migrate over a CI application to Amazon's EC2 service. To test I set up a micro instance of ubuntu and a LAMP stack. PHP, MySQL, HTTPD are all working beautifully. The one issue i'm having now is that when I run my application I receive an error saying that my helpers won't load. The helpers in particular that aren't loading are the ones in subdirectories in the helpers directory ie: /var/www/system/application/helpers/subdirectory/foo_helper.php
The helpers are being autoloaded and in my autoload.php config file they are written like:
$autoload['helper'] = array('subdirectory/foo', 'foo2',...);
Has anyone run into this issue, or have any pointers on where I could go look in my configuration to resolve this?
Thanks for the help!
I'd try debugging the helper function of the Loader class, in particular these lines :
elseif (file_exists(APPPATH.'helpers/'.$helper.EXT))
This is the code that will be hit when including application helpers. Check what path CodeIgniter is trying to include. Double check that the path exists - everyone makes typos now and again ;-)
I think the issue is that when I moved from Windows to Linux I forgot to take into account that linux is case-sensitive. So now I need to go through and rename my files and folders.
But this still doesn't solve the issue where it seems like the page is being cached and I'm not able to refresh and see my changes. Is there any way to force the page to grab a fresh copy from the server on every refresh?
