d3 update number - count up/down instead of replacing number immediately - d3.js

I'm updating a bar chart when user presses a button. That works fine with the .transition- property. However, if I do that on text, it replaces the text immediately. Instead what I'd like to happen is that it would count from the old to the new number (while the label moves with the bar). So as an example: a bar is updated from value 1453 to 1102. Instead of replacing 1453 immediately when the user clicks it should count up from 1102 to 1453 over the specified transition time.
Can I achieve that? Is there any d3 function for that?

I uploaded a quick example of text interpolation on bl.ocks. The relevant parts are the custom interpolator:
function interpolateText(a, b) {
var regex = /^(\d+), (\d+)$/;
var matchA = regex.exec(a);
var matchB = regex.exec(b);
if (matchA && matchB) {
var x = d3.interpolateRound(+matchA[1], +matchB[1]);
var y = d3.interpolateRound(+matchA[2], +matchB[2]);
return function(t) {
var result = [x(t), y(t)].join(", ");
return result;
And using d3.transition.tween:
.on("dragend", function(d, i) {
var prev = [d.x, d.y].join(", ");
d.x = d.origin[0];
d.y = d.origin[1];
var next = [d.x, d.y].join(", ");
var selection = d3.select(this)
.tween("textTween", function() {
var i = d3.interpolate(prev, next);
return function(t) {
this.textContent = i(t);
In my case, I am listening for a drag start/end but you can hook it up to a button press very easily.
The reason the above code works is because .tween will get the same animation "ticks" that the standard interpolators use. This causes the inner t parameter to match the progress of the animation and when you set this.textContent it will update the inner value of the DOM element.
The example I use is interpolating between two points which is fairly trivial but if all you want is to update text containing exactly one number it is even easier.


Text inside each bubble in c3js Scatter plot

I am generating scatter plot using c3 js.I wanted to display some text inside the bubble.Text can be either its value(y axis) or x axis value.The property (labels :true) which works for bar graph does not work in case of scatter.Please help
Adding Labels to c3 Scatter Plot
You can select the points using d3 and add whatever text you want using the point coordinates. For example, here's how you add the serei-index.point-index
function drawLabels(chartInternal) {
var textLayers = chartInternal.main.selectAll('.' + c3.chart.internal.fn.CLASS.texts);
for (var i = 0; i < textLayers[0].length; i++) {
// select each of the scatter points
chartInternal.mainCircle[i].forEach(function (point, index) {
var d3point = d3.select(point)
// center horizontally and vertically
.style('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('dy', '.3em')
.text(i + '.' + index)
// same as at the point
.attr('x', d3point.attr('cx')).attr('y', d3point.attr('cy'))
and call it like this
You can easily use the index to pick out labels from an array instead.
Responding to Legend Clicks
To update the label positions when you show / hide each series by clicking on the legends you hook onto the legend click handlers remove the existing labels and draw them again at the new positions once the scatter points are in their final place. You use a timeout to make sure the label draw is triggered after the animation completes
Here's your legend option for that
legend: {
item: {
onclick: function (id) {
var $$ = this;
// remove existing labels
this.main.selectAll('.' + c3.chart.internal.fn.CLASS.texts).selectAll('*').remove();
// this block is a copy paste from c3 code
if (this.d3.event.altKey) {
} else {
this.isTargetToShow(id) ? this.api.focus(id) : this.api.revert();
setTimeout(function () {
// add a small duration to make sure the points are in place
}, this.config.transition_duration + 100)
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/mn6qn09d/

D3 Transitionning data with sequences sunburst

I'm using Sequences Sunburst of d3.js for visualization of data.
I want to add a transition between two datasets (triggered by a button). I would like each arc to animate to display the new data.
Something like this: (1)Sunburst_Exemple, but without changing the accessor.
In the (1)Sunburst_Example, the value accessor is modified. But I want to change the data, not the function that defines how to reach the data.
So, I searched a way for redefining data into path.
I was inspired by (2)Sunburst_Exemple, using each() method to store old values and attrTween() for transitions. But nothing is changing and I have the following error message:
Maximum call stack size exceeded . Maybe caused by the fact I have a method and I'm not in a global scope.
(2) link : _http://ninjapixel.io/StackOverflow/doughnutTransition.html
Then I have tried (3)Zoomable_Sunburst example, but nothing it happens in my case... .
(3) link : _http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4348373
My Example
Here is my example : JSFIDDLE
Problem is :
colors are lost
transition is not happening
I think I don't understand how transitioning is really working, I could have missed something that could help me in this case.
Any help ?
Listener of button call click method that redefined nodes and path.
function click(d){
var nodes = partition.nodes(d)
.filter(function(d) {
return (d.dx > 0.005); // 0.005 radians = 0.29 degrees
}) ;
var path = vis.data([d]).selectAll("path")
.attr("display", function(d) { return d.depth ? null : "none"; })
.attr("d", arc)
.attr("fill-rule", "evenodd")
.style("fill", function(d) { return colors[d.name]; })
.style("opacity", 1)
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.attrTween("d", arcTween);
// Get total size of the tree = value of root node from partition.
totalSize = path.node().__data__.value;
// Stash the old values for transition.
function stash(d) {
d.x0 = d.x;
d.dx0 = d.dx;
// Interpolate the arcs in data space.
function arcTween(a) {
var i = d3.interpolate({x: a.x0, dx: a.dx0}, a);
return function(t) {
var b = i(t);
a.x0 = b.x;
a.dx0 = b.dx;
return arc(b);
Data Characteristics :
the root node is the same for the two datasets.
the structure is globally the same, only the values are changing.
Some fields disappear but we can add them with value equal to 0.

d3.v3 transitions happening instantly?

I've recently passed from d3.v2 to d3.v3, and am trying to understand the differences in the transition mechanisms.
In the code underneath, I'm trying to make a bar graph that, when drawn, has bars that increase in height via a transition. This code works without issue in d3.v2, but in v3, the transition seems to happen "instantly" (the height is immediately set to the end value).
graph.enter()//for each bucket
.attr('transform',function(d,i){ return 'translate('+(xBand(i))+')';})
.each(function(data,index){//here we are working on the selection for a single bucket
var $this=d3.select(this); //this refers to the group selection
var currentY=0;
var rects=$this.selectAll('rect')
.attr('fill',(function(elt){ return me.colors(me.groupId(elt));}));
var h=_.compose(heightScale,me.values)(elt);
return h;
Try setting a starting height in your enter selection:
.attr('fill',(function(elt){ return me.colors(me.groupId(elt));}))
.attr('height', 0);
var h=_.compose(heightScale,me.values)(elt);
return h;

Is there a select query to grab all but my current selection?

In my d3js app, when the user hovers over a particular circle, I have it enlarge. That is no problem. At the same time, I want to select "all the others" and make them smaller. What is a good query to grab "all the other circles"?
You can use selection.filter or the lesser known functional form of the commonly used selection.select depending on your needs.
If you bind your DOM elements to data using key functions, which is the recommended way, then you can filter on a selection's key: http://jsfiddle.net/9TmXs/
.on('click', function (d) {
// The clicked element returns to its original size
d3.select(this).transition() // ...
var circles = d3.selectAll('svg circle');
// All other elements resize randomly.
circles.filter(function (x) { return d.id != x.id; })
.transition() // ...
Another general approach is comparing the DOM elements themselves: http://jsfiddle.net/FDt8S/
.on('click', function (d) {
// The clicked element returns to its original size
d3.select(this).transition() // ..
var self = this;
var circles = d3.selectAll('svg circle');
// All other elements resize randomly.
circles.filter(function (x) { return self != this; })
// ...

Click Event Not Firing After Drag (sometimes) in d3.js

Observed Behavior
I'm using d3.js, and I'm in a situation where I'd like to update some data based on a drag event, and redraw everything after the dragend event. The draggable items also have some click behavior.
Draggable items can only move along the x-axis. When an item is dragged, and the cursor is directly above the draggable item on dragend/mouseup, the item must be clicked twice after it is re-drawn for the click event to fire. When an item is dragged, but dragend/mouseup does not occur directly above the item, the click event fires as expected (on the first try) after the redraw.
Desired Behavior
I'd like the click event to always fire on the first click after dragging, regardless of where the cursor is.
If I replace the click event on the draggable items with a mouseup event, everything works as expected, but click is the event I'd really like to handle.
A Demonstration
Here is a self-contained example: http://jsfiddle.net/RRCyq/2/
And here is the relevant javascript code:
var data, click_count,did_drag;
// this is the data I'd like to render
data = [
{x : 100, y : 150},
{x : 200, y : 250}
// these are some elements I'm using for debugging
click_count = d3.select('#click-count');
did_drag = d3.select('#did-drag');
function draw() {
var drag_behavior,dragged = false;
// clear all circles from the svg element
drag_behavior = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function(d) {
// indicate that dragging has occurred
dragged = true;
// update the data
d.x = d3.event.x;
// update the display
}).on('dragend',function() {
// data has been updated. redraw.
if(dragged) { draw(); }
.attr('cx',function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr('cy',function(d) { return d.y; })
.on('click',function() {
if(!dragged) {
// increment the click counter
click_count.text(parseInt(click_count.text()) + 1);
A little late to the party, buuuut...
The documentations suggests that you use d3.event.defaultPrevented in your click event to know whether or not the element was just dragged. If you combine that with your drag and dragend events, a much cleaner approach is to call the exact function you want when necessary (see when and how flashRect is called):
var container,
wasDragged = false;
container = d3.select('svg')
rect = container.append('rect')
.attr('width', 100)
.attr('height', 100);
dragBehavior = d3.behavior.drag()
.on('dragstart', onDragStart)
.on('drag', onDrag)
.on('dragend', onDragEnd);
.on('click', onClick);
function flashRect() {
rect.attr('fill', 'red').transition().attr('fill', 'black');
function onDragStart() {
function onDrag() {
var x = (d3.event.sourceEvent.pageX - 50);
container.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x + ')');
wasDragged = true;
function onDragEnd() {
if (wasDragged === true) {
// always do this on drag end
wasDragged = false;
function onClick(d) {
if (d3.event.defaultPrevented === false) {
// only do this on click if we didn't just finish dragging
I didn't like the global variable, so I made a revision to use data: http://jsfiddle.net/langdonx/fE5gN/1/
After observing that the click required before my svg circles would start responding to click events again could happen anywhere in the document, I settled on a hack whereby I simulate a click event on the document (thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/2706236/1015178) after the drag ends. It's ugly, but it works.
Here's the function to simulate an event (again, thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/2706236/1015178)
function eventFire(el, etype){
if (el.fireEvent) {
(el.fireEvent('on' + etype));
} else {
var evObj = document.createEvent('Events');
evObj.initEvent(etype, true, false);
And here's the updated drag behavior:
drag_behavior = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function(d) {
// indicate that dragging has occurred
dragged = true;
// update the data
d.x = d3.event.x;
// update the display
}).on('dragend',function() {
// data has been updated. redraw.
if(dragged) { draw(); }
// simulate a click anywhere, so the svg circles
// will start responding to click events again
Here's the full working example of my hackish "fix":
