I have a datatable already initialized, and created, with some option in scrollY constructor object.
At some time I need to override that option runtime, so that next draw() function will take care of new scrollY mode. Is it possible?
DT version: 1.10.10
I am working on Dynamic CRM365 plugin, in my entity view, I need to know which item has been selected, before I use DOM to detect, however, I can't pass the certification, because all DOM access are risk and need to be replaced, therefore, I checked Xrm.Page.getControl and Xrm.Page.ui.controls, but no luck.
I passed Xrm.Page.getControl("ssl_notesforsigns") or Xrm.Page.getControl("ssl_notesforsign") => return null
I call Xrm.Page.ui, ui = null.
Any idea how to get grid by code?
It is good to hear that you no longer want to access the DOM. As you say, that is entirely unsupported.
What is the name of the subgrid on your form? If you go to a form editor and look at the properties for the subgrid, you will see the name (I am guessing that it is not called ssl_notesforsigns). This name is the one you should use, and it can be used when calling Xrm.Page.getControl("namehere") to get your grid context.
Xrm.Page has been deprecated (even though you can still use it). Instead, you should get a reference to your grid context through the execution context. See Client API grid context. For code executing on a form event, you can get your grid context through the form context as follows:
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // get the form Context
var gridContext = formContext.getControl("namehere"); // get the grid context
When you have a reference to your grid context, you can get the selected rows using getSelectedRows():
var allSelectedRows = gridContext.getGrid().getSelectedRows();
I have a jqgrid with certain columns. I am trying to call a custom_function to validate the cell value.
I am also getting a regular expression from the database into rowData, which I want to use to validate the cell value.
var ret = jQuery("#settingsListGrid").jqGrid('getRowData', id);
cm.editrules = {
required: true,
custom: true,
custom_func: ValidateData,
So I need to pass rowData to a custom function.
ValidateData = function (value, colname, customValue) {
return customValue.test(value) ?
[true] :
[false, "Invalid Data"];
I want to pass the rowData using customValue
Please help?
The answer depend on the fork of jqGrid, which you use. I understand the problem which you wrote, but one have to change the code of jqGrid (the implementation of custom validation) to implement the requirement.
I develop free jqGrid fork of jqGrid after Tony Tomov changed the license agreement of jqGrid, renamed his product in version 4.7.1 to Guriddo jqGrid JS (see the post) and made it commercial (see the prices here). After starting the development based on the last free 4.7 version I made a lot of changes and improvements in the code and have implemented many new features. The feature which you need is implemented starting with version 4.12.1 (see here). Thus you can easy solve your problem after updating to the current free jqGrid 4.13.2.
The new feature works as following:
editrules: {
required: true,
custom: ValidateData,
custom_value: ret.RegX
It's important that one should specify the custom validation function as the value of custom property instead of usage custom_func. It allows free jqGrid to hold compatibility to old versions (via custom: true and custom_func), but providing new parameters of the validation callback via function as the value of custom property.
The new style ValidateData will look like
var ValidateData = function (options) {
return customValue.test(options.newValue) ?
[true] :
[false, "Invalid Data"];
with only one options parameter, which have many properties which you could use. Such style allows to provide many helpful information without the requirement to have a lot of unneeded parameters. Moreover the style of callback options allows to extend the options object in the future versions without breaking compatibility to previous versions.
The options parameter have the following properties
newValue - the current (modified) value which need be validated
oldValue - the previous value (the old value) of the cell before the modification
cmName - the column name. It could be practical if you use one callback function in many columns and you want to implement a little different behavior for different columns. It could be additionally helpful for producing readable error message in case of validation error.
iCol - the index in the current colModel which corresponds the column (the column cmName)
cm - the element of colModel, which represent the currently validating column.
rowid - the rowid of the current editing row. One can use getLocalRow for example to get the content of other columns before editing. It's important to remark that getLocalRow works only in case of usage datatype: "local" or loadonce: true. The method getRowData or getCell can be safe used to get data in form editing mode or to access the data, which are not currently editing (in cell or inline editing mode).
iRow - numeric index of the current editing row from the top of the grid (from the top of HTML <table>)
oldRowData - will be set only in case of usage inline editing or cell editing. It's not defined in form editing mode. It represent the values
mode - shows which editing mode is used now. It can be "addForm", "editForm" (in case of usage form editing), "cell" (cell editing), "add" or "edit" (inline editing). In some other callback function the property could have two other values: "filter" (field from the filter toolbar) or "search" (for validation of the field of the searching dialog)
tr and td - the DOM elements of the row and cell of the grid which will be edited using form editing mode. The properties will be set only in case of form editing.
I hope that the large set of properties of options parameter allows you easy implement your requirements on any custom validation.
For example in AngularJS if you bind an ng-model to an ng-repeater, and your controller calls a service that updates the model, then the repeater is updated to reflect the change.
My question is, how does the view element (in this example, the ng-repeater) know to be updated?
For example, is there a timer that fires every couple milliseconds and updates the UI (unlikely)? Does the controller or view implement some type of internal event listener for all bindings and when the model updates, it fires a re-layout of the associated view elements?
When we write an expression ({{dyanvar}}), behind the scenes Angular sets up a watcher on the scope model, which in turn updates the view whenever the model changes. This watcher is like any other watcher we set up in AngularJS:
$scope.$watch('dyanvar', function(newValue, oldValue) {
//update the view with newValue
The second argument passed to $watch() is known as a listener function, and It is called whenever the value of dyanvar changes.
Your answer is in this article :
I'm using Telerik Kendo UI Professional. I have a grid with an edit template, and several controls on it. I ran into a weird little requirement, where I needed to programmatically set the value of one of the controls, based on another control being changed. The actual change of value seems to happen just fine. However, when I submit the form to save changes, the new, programmatically-set value is ignored; it sends the original value instead. If the user changes the value himself, the new value is submitted just fine.
Here is a sample:
This is not my original code, but it shows the same problem. In this version, upon opening the edit popup, I programmatically modify the value of the UnitsInStock KendoNumericTextBox. Then when I save the form, I would expect to see the new value, but I still see the old value in the grid. So it does not take the programmatically-generated new value.
My original code is trying to set the value of a KendoComboBox, when one of the other controls changes, and the same situation happens. I didn't have time to create the exact same situation, but most likely if we can fix that dojo sample, the same fix would apply to my ComboBox.
Here is the response I got from Telerik support:
You will need to trigger the change event as well, as the Grid listens for it in order to update the value. Please see the updated example here:
var units = e.container.find("[name='UnitsInStock']").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
units.value( <insert new value here> );
The key line of code is that last one; that manually triggers the "change" event on the control, which forces the Grid to update the value.
This fix also works with my original problem involving ComboBoxes.
He is a solution for you:
If you change the edit function that you have from:
edit: function (e) {
var units = e.container.find("[name='UnitsInStock']").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
var unitsValue = units.value();
to this:
edit: function (e) {
var val = e.model.UnitsInStock;
e.model.set("UnitsInStock", val+ 1);
It will bind the updated value for you.
Here is my updated code for you to test:
When a grid's edition mode is set to "popup", it automatically generates a dialog box to let the user modify the editable fields of the selected row.
Using the grid's "update" method, the values are then persisted in the DB and if the PHP handler routine returns the newly updated row, the grid will magically display the properly modified values of the targeted row while keeping it selected !
MY NEED: I must do the exact same thing but with a self made edition dialog(kendoWindow).
I cannot use the one automatically generated by the grid. (For lots of very good reasons...)
Once closed, my self made edition dialog calls an AJAX routine that persists the data in the DB and returns the newly modified row.
How can i update the grid's dataSource with the PHP returned values and while keeping the targeted row selected ?
NOTE: The Grid's row can only be updated after the "update" call to the PHP server returns since some of the values are modified in the PHP code... values that are displayed in the grid.
I'm not sure if this will fit your needs, but you can change the popup editor by using the editable.template setting. That might let you customize the popup to do whatever else you need it to do.
To select a row you need to locate the <tr> element and pass it to .select() on the grid widget. If you happen to know the UID generated by the DataSource, then you can do:
var rowElement = $(gridWidget.element).find('tr[data-uid="' + uid + '"]');