I'm having issues regarding the output video lenght when using the following code wich seems to work for everybody else.
On a input mp3 of 04:56 i get a 05:09 , the last part is only the image , no sound , for a longer mp3 input file i get more silent video at the end.
I'm ussing the "-shortest" option just before the output file as an argument , as suggested in other threads around stackoverflow/superuser.
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k -shortest out.mp4
I already changed the input file type - wav , and the image - png , jpg , same silent "overhead" at the end of the video.
I was using a extra argument "-framerate 2" that was causing the extra video length , going default with 25 frames/second outputs a video closer to the audio input file length(just 2-4 seconds extra of silence)
I am looking for a way to convert large number of MP3 files to videos, each using the same image. Efficient processing time is important.
I tried the following:
ffmpeg -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -vcodec libx264 video.mp4
VLC media player played the resulting video file with the correct sound, but a blank screen.
Microsoft Media Player played the sound and showed the intended image. I uploaded the video to YouTube and received the message:
"The video has failed to process. Please make sure you are uploading a supported file type."
How can I make this work?
Create video:
ffmpeg -framerate 6 -loop 1 -i input.jpg -c:v libx264 -vf format=yuv420p -t 00:10:00 video.mp4
The duration (-t) should be ≥ the MP3 with the longest duration.
Now stream copy the same video for each MP3:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.mp3 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy -movflags +faststart -shortest output.mp4
Some notes regarding compatibility:
MP3 in MP4 does not have universal support, but will be fine in YouTube. If your target players do not like it then add -c:a aac after -c copy to output AAC audio.
If your target player does not like it then increase the -framerate value or add the -r output option with an appropriate value, such as -r 15. Again, YouTube should be able to handle it.
I've been using ffmpeg convert audio from one format to another and to change audio's bitrate. When I try to convert aac audio to mp3 audio using the command:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a mp3 -b:a 128k SomeOutputPath.mp3
everything works correctly and output audio is of the same length as the input audio (6 minutes, 15 seconds).
However, when I try converting it to aac audio using a similar command:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a aac -b:a 128k SomeOutputPath.aac
it makes the output audio longer (around 10 minutes). I have tried specifying output length but that still makes the video longer, it just cuts of part of the audio:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a aac -b:a 128k -t 00:06:15 SomeOutputPath.aac
Here is a link to the screenshot:
My suspicion is that message "Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be innacurate" (the one in the screenshot) is the root of my problem but I just haven't been able to find any useful information about it on the web.
Thanks a lot for any help in advance :)
The duration shown for raw AAC is a guess because it does not contain duration info. You can find the actual duration with:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -f null -
Or a faster, "close enough" method:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -c copy -f null -
Workaround is to remux to M4A:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -c copy output.m4a
i try to write an .sh that read a folder create a playlist of mp4 files and then generate an only big video with a sequence of all videos find in the folder, and encode it for dash:
printf "file '%s'\n" ./*.mp4 > playlist.sh
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i playlist.sh -c copy concat.mp4
Till now i follow the demux concat official guido to ffmpeg website.
Without result, also the following give me "more than 1000 frames duplicated between videos of the sequence"
ffmpeg -f concat -i playlist.sh -c:a aac -b:a 384k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -c:v libx264 -x264opts 'keyint=50:min-keyint=50:no-scenecut' -r 25 -b:v 2400k -maxrate 2400k -bufsize 1200k -vf "scale=-1:432 " out.mp4
Thanks a lot
Sry, cannot comment (yet)...
Your commands are correct, I could just concat some sample videos.
Do you always get the mentioned error, or also something else? And is the video working, or no video is created?
In most cases, the input video is incorrect. Wrong input format (not fitting to file extension) or worse like ending at wrong frame.
Perhaps you can make the video available?
PS: Needed to add -safe 0 to the second command to avoid error [concat # 0x7fbfd1000000] Unsafe file name './small.mp4'
Hint: Do not use file extension .sh for your list of video files. This extension is used for shell scripts, so it can be confusing. Just use .txt.
UPDATE #Massimo Vantaggio
We should not create new answers, but I cannot comment yours and I also don't know how to continue our discussion, so I edit my answer.
Your videos don't look very different. Can't see, what's wrong with the first one.
Perhaps you could use ffprobe -report input.mp4 to get more informations. Look for errors or warnings.
My assumption is still that the video was cut in a hard way (by conversion software), so keyframes are messed up or something else.
You can also try to first reencode your video with ffmpeg. After that, it should be complete compatible with ffmpeg ;)
Something like this:
ffmpeg -i small.mp4 -acodec aac -ab 192k -vcodec libx264 -vb 1024k -f mp4 output.mp4
Use -ab and -vb from your input video, or at least the bitrate from input. Quality will decrease a little bit and file size increase, but it should be okay.
Here's what I have to do,
I want to convert two different images in different video file (ex: convert a.jpg into a.avi and b.jpg into b.avi).
I am trying to generate video (.avi) from image file. Video file is generated successfully but I can't see the audio properties when I right click on video and see details tab in property.
Then I have one video file (.avi), using ffmpeg concat function, I am concating these three video files (a.avi, middle.avi which I already have, b.avi).
After this, I am getting file output.avi but audio is not there in outout.avi file. I have middle.avi which already contains audio.
Here's my concat command,
ffmpeg -i "concat:a.avi|middle.avi|b.avi" -vcodec copy 103_n4_2.avi
I am trying to generate video (.avi) from only one image file. Video file is generated successfully but I can't see the audio properties when I right click on video and see details tab in property.
Here's my command to convert image to video:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i bCopy.jpg -t 30 -q:v 0 -r 24 output_a.avi
PS: a.avi and b.avi (which I have generated from images does not contain audio) but only middle.avi contains the audio.
I think the audio track is completly ommitted. I was not able to test it but it seams you need to map the audio stream manually to the output and delay it by the the length of your first image.
ffmpeg -i middle.avi -itsoffset 1 -map 1:1 -i "concat:a.avi|middle.avi|b.avi" -map 0:0 -vcodec copy -acodec copy 103_n4_2.avi
Thanks for the help but I have found the solution of this perticular issue,
Here are the steps:
1. Generate blank mp3 of the first slide duration.
- ffmpeg -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -t 31 -q:a 9 -acodec libmp3lame out.mp3
2. Trim audio from middle slide
- ffmpeg -i middle.avi -acodec copy middle.mp3
3. Concat this two audio
- ffmpeg -i "concat:out.mp3|middle.mp3" -acodec copy 103_n4_2.mp3
4. Now concat audio and video(that we've cgenerated by concatenation)
- ffmpeg -i 103_n4_3.avi -i 103_n4_2.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental 103_n4_5.avi
trying to get my head around ffmpeg to create a slideshow where each image is displayed for ~5 seconds with some audio. created a bat file to run the following so far:
ffmpeg -f image2 -i image-%%03d.jpg -i music.mp3 output.mpg
It gets the images and displayes them all very fast in the first second of the video, it then plays out the rest of the audio while showing the last image.
I want to make the images stay up longer (about 5 seconds), and stop the video after the last frame (not playing the rest of the song), are either of these things possible? i could hack the frame rate thing i guess by having hundreds of the same image in order to keep it up longer, but this is far from ideal!
The default encoder for mpg output, mpeg1video, is strict about the allowed frame rates, so an input and an output -r are required:
ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i image-%03d.jpg -i music.mp3 -r 25 -qscale:v 2 -shortest -codec:a copy output.mpg
The input images will have a frame rate of 1 frame every 5 seconds and the output will duplicate frames to reach 25 frames per second.
-f image2 is generally not required.
-qscale:v can control output quality. A sane range is 2-5.
-shortest will make the output duration the same as the shortest input duration.
-codec:a copy copy your MP3 audio instead of re-encoding.
MPEG-1 video has more modern alternatives. See the FFmpeg and x264 Encoding Guide for more info.
Also see:
* FFmpeg FAQ: How do I encode single pictures into movies?
* FFmpeg Wiki: Create a video slideshow from images
You could use the filter fps instead of output framerate
ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i img%03d.png -i musicfile -c:v libx264 -vf fps=25 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
This however skips the last image for me strangely.