SonarQube Cycles broken? - sonarqube

My project is analysed by SonarQube for every VCS check-in and I have observed some strange behavior:
The dependency cycle-count changes to extremes every now and then.
When viewing the details (e.g. clicking the link) the old (smaller number) value is displayed. What could be the cause of this?

This feature has been dropped from SonarQube platform in version 5.2 thus even if there might be some flaws on this on sonar java analyzer side there is not point to make an effort to fix them as this will be dropped when it will move to LTS version 5.x
See this ticket for detailed explanation :


SonarQube New Code Definition is working wrong

We were using Sonarqube Enterprise Edition and it’s version is 9.2 and we upgraded it to 9.3 yesterday. So we always use latest version for Enterprise Edition.
I think Sonarqube New Code definition is working wrong. I will try to tell you with our example.
You can see what our project’s New Code definition is.
I think Sonarqube should calculate difference code from the previous version. But it did not do that.
P.S. We scan our repository’s develop branch on Sonarqube every night as scheduled. So the previous version is yesterday’s scan.
We work with feature branches in our repository. Basically, we create new feature branch from develop, then we develop our features in the feature branch. Sometimes it takes one or more weeks. We did a lot of commits in this duration. After we finish developing, we merge the feature branch to develop. And that night, Sonarqube scan develop branch again. I think the merged feature branch’s codes is all new code. But Sonarqube only considers commits made that day(last day). Previous commits’ codes are not shown in New Code reports.
I hope I was able to explain my problem.
Update 1:
I tried to fix the Sonarqube Project’s version nubmer. After that, the New Code definition shows as “Started 5 days ago”. As you can see the below image. It means it takes 5 days period.
But I tried to tell before. I want to see all merged branches, commits to develop in new code report for every day. Is there any other suggestions?

Upgrade SONAR: The results change

We launched sonar 4.5.4 in one of our application. Then, we have upgraded sonar with 6.7.5 version and we have got different results.
e.g.: the rule DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE. When we passed our code with 4.5.4 version, this critical rule was not broken at all. With the new version, it appears as a new critical bug even when no changes have been implemented (last commit for this classes was made more than one year ago).
Is there any documentation about rule implementation changes per versions?
Does anyone any experience with this?
When you upgrade SonarQube you have to prepare yourself for some (big) changes. There is a large gap between 4.5.4 and 6.7.5 so, do not be surprised that checkers have been enhanced and severity revised.
It is normal and you should analyze changes before performing any application upgrade.

SonarQube upgrade to 6.4: cannot display tests results on the dahsboard

I upgraded my SonarQube from 5.4 to 5.6 LTS then to 6.3.1 then 6.4
On the version 6.4, when I click on the dashboard, I only see the projects' names but no results are displayed.
In addition I have a rotating frame of the project as if it loads.
Plus, When I click on the project, I have 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities .... which is wrong because when I click on issues, I can see that the project do have issues and I can display them.
It's the case with the projects analyzed with the previous versions only. I tried analyzing a project with 6.4 and the results related to Reliability, Security, Maintainability... are there.
Is there a way to fix this, ie to display on the dashboard of SonarQube 6.4 the results of projects analyzed by older versions?
Thanks in advance.
The fix is planned for SonarQube 6.5 (see the ticket).
This sounds like a corrupted ElasticSearch index. Try the following:
stop the server
delete _$SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es_
restart the server*
*The time for you server to come back up will vary based on how large the instance is
I see, thank you for your help. Just to let you know, even when I click on the project , I cannot see the results, they are only available when I click on Issues

Suppressing bugs in next SonarQube analysis

We have started using SonarQube analysis for C#, JavaScript. Our application is old one. So when we did analysis for the first time (for first release) it showed bugs in thousands.Now what we want is to set benchmark for bugs. Now when I go for next scan for the same project I should not get same thousand defects again, instead it should give only new bugs related to current release(second release). Do we have something in SonarQube to configure which sets benchmark.
What you want is fixing the leak. You can configure your quality gates to rely on issues introduced during the leak period (instead of the absolute value)

Sonarqube 5.1 TFS sonar msbuild runner with branches

We have just started using Sonarqube 5.1 integrated in TFS build as described on this page
We have one main branch, and two development branches for the same project.
What is the recommended strategy for handling this?
I want to be able to see analyze result trends over time and also let people working in different branches able to see analyze result for the branch they are working in. As far as I can see the Sonar msbuild runner ( only supports projectkey, projectname and version, but not branch key.
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Indeed Wangen, I do confirm that the MSBuild Runner 0.9 doesn't yet provide a way to inject some SonarQube properties and so including the "sonar.branch" property. This limitation is going to be dropped in version 1.0 of the MSBuild Runner. Nevertheless, you must be aware that the support of branches by SonarQube is really limited because at the end in your case you're going to have 3 different projects in SonarQube and for instance flagging an issue as false-positive won't lead to flag the same issue in another branch as false-positive.
