Hive table sorted but inserted without sort - hadoop

what happen if
create table X (...) clustered by(date) sorted by (time)
but inserted without sort
insert into x select * from raw
Will data be sorted after fetched from raw before inserted?
If unsorted data inserted
What does "sorted by" do in create table statement.
It works just hint for later select queries?

The documentation explains:
The CLUSTERED BY and SORTED BY creation commands do not affect how
data is inserted into a table – only how it is read. This means that
users must be careful to insert data correctly by specifying the
number of reducers to be equal to the number of buckets, and using
CLUSTER BY and SORT BY commands in their query.
I think it is clear that you want to insert the data sorted if you are using that option.

No, the data will not be sorted.
As another answer explains, the SORTED BY and CLUSTERED BY options do not change how data will be returned from queries. While the documentation is technically accurate, the purpose of CLUSTER BY is to write underlying data to HDFS in a way that will make subsequent queries faster in some cases. Clustering (bucketing) is similar to partitioning as it allows the query processor to skip reading rows ... If the cluster is chosen wisely. A common use of buckets is sampling data, where you explicitly include only certain buckets, thereby avoiding reads against those excluded.


How to bucket a Hive table with ORC for a complex query?

Maybe this question is too generic but I think it is worth a try.
I am working with a table that has 270 fields. It is partitioned by the date (like dt=20180101). However when we are hitting this table with queries we are essentially doing a whole table scan because we use fields in the where clause that are not dt. I was wondering what is the right approach for enable bucketing for this table. I could pick one of the where clause fields and enable bucketing for that. For example:
dt INT
Another approach is to use more than 1 field for bucketing:
dt INT
class, other_field, other_field_2
Is it worth to bucker by multiple field? I guess it will only speed up queries when the same exact fields are present in the select.
Another question, is it worth at least sort by multiple fields so when the file is read it is sequential read? Like this:
dt INT
other_field, other_field_2
First, if you dont usually query on date and your queries span over many dates, then you might want to change your partitioning strategy.
Its not necessary that you will always query only for 1 or few dates but if your queries are usually totally NOT related to 'date' filtering then you should change that!
Second, bucketing basically splits your data based on hash of your bucketing columns. So it helps you to split your data into equally sized folders in file system and helps mapReduce program runnig over it manage the partitions in an efficient way. But, bucketing into large number of buckets can also have negative effects as all such metadata is also stored in Hive metastore. So, this metadata is read first when you execute some query and based on the result from metadata query, actual data (part of actual data) is read from file system.
So in actual there's no specific rule for bucketing; as to how many buckets should be there and on what all columns you should bucket.
So you should look into your queries and plan accordingly!
Third, sorting does help at the time of querying, as its easy for the engine to push down filtering and sorting criteria. But when you enable sorting on a table, ingestion of data actually becomes a little slower than the case where sorting isnt enabled! But definitely in high queries system it is bound to get you good benefits.
So all in all, these three are all optimization techniques and dont hold any particular rules for their application. It purely depends on your use case!
Hope this helps!!

When we should not use bucketing in hive?

When we should not use bucketing in hive? What is the bottleneck of this technique?
I guess you don't have to use bucketing when you can't benefit from it. As far as I know among main benefits of bucketing: more efficient sampling and map-side joins(see bellow). So if your table is small or you don't need fast sampling and map-side joins just don't use it because you will need to remember that you have to bucket you data before insertion, manually or using set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; There is no bottleneck, it's just one of possible data layouts which allow you to take advantage in some situations.
Hive map-side join example (see more here):
If the tables being joined are bucketized on the join columns, and the number of buckets in one table is a multiple of the number of buckets in the other table, the buckets can be joined with each other. If table A has 4 buckets and table B has 4 buckets, the following join
SELECT a.key, a.value
FROM a JOIN b ON a.key = b.key
can be done on the mapper only. Instead of fetching B completely for
each mapper of A, only the required buckets are fetched. For the query
above, the mapper processing bucket 1 for A will only fetch bucket 1
of B. It is not the default behavior, and is governed by the following
set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = true
Update Considering the data skew when bucketing.
Bucket number calculated using hash_function(bucketing_column) mod num_buckets. If your bucketing column is of int type then hash_int(i) == i(see more here). So if you have skewed values in that column, one value appears much more often then the others for example, then many more rows will be placed in a corresponding bucket, you will have disproportional buckets, this harms the query speed. Hive have build-in tools to overcome data skewness(see Skewed Tables) but I don't think you should use a column with skewed data for bucketing in the first place.
Bucketing is method by which we distribute the data into files. which would otherwise be unevenly distributed.
When to use Bucketing: When we know that query will use column such as "customer_id" which is sequencial or evenly distributed.
When Not to use Bucketing: We would not use bucketing when we know that most use case of the table involve reading subset of data.
For Example: although we keep historical data, we only process last 2 weeks data to determine something. In this scenario we would use partition by weekno.
You should not prefer bucketing when cardinality of partitioning field is not too high. In that case partitioning is more beneficial.
And bucketing can only be done on one field whereas partitioning can be done on multiple fields , with an order like(country, city, state).

Determining Bucketing Configuration on Hive Table

I was curious if someone could provide a little more clarification on how to configure the bucketing property on a Hive table. I see that it helps with joins and I believe i read that its good to put it on a column that you will use to join. That could be wrong. I am also curious about how to determine the number of buckets to choose.
If anyone could give a brief explanation and some documentation on how to determine all of these things that would be great.
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
If you want to implement bucketing in your table first you should set the property
set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
it will enforce the bucketing.
carnality : no.of possible values for column.
if your implementing bucketing using Cluster By clause, your bucketing column should have high carnality,then you will get the better performance.
if your implementing partitioning using Partitioned By clause your partitioned column should have low carnality,then you will get the better performance
depending on the use case you can choose the number of buckets.It's good to choose (number of buckets) < (your hdfs block size) and it should be power of 2.
bucketing will always creates file's not directories.
The following are few suggestions to be considered while designing buckets.
Buckets are generally created on the most critical columns , a single column or a set of columns, so it implies that these columns would be the primary columns for various join conditions , as the concept of bucketing is to hash these set of columns and store it in such a way that its easily accessible from the hdfs faster.Thus retrieving speed is fast.Its advised not to use all the join columns only the critical and which is we think would improve performance.
The number of buckets would be in exponents of 2. The number of buckets determine the number of reducers to be run and that determines the final number files in which the data is stored. So number of buckets has to be designed keeping in mind the size of data we are handling and there by keeping in mind of avoiding large number of small files in hdfs and few number of big files , thus improving the hive query retrieving speed and optimizations.

How to sort by counter in Cassandra?

Let's assume I have a forum software, and I would like to sort the threads by the amount of views it has. The views would be stored in a counter.
Having experience in relational databases, I thought this would be simple to solve, turns out it's not. I have thought about creating one massive row with the columns being counters (thus being sorted), but as a single row can only be stored on a single node, this does not seam feasible (beats the point of using Cassandra).
How can I sort by counter column in Cassandra?
You can't sort big data. That's one of the fundamental assumptions.
The only things that you can sort by on cassandra, are the things that cassandra uses to store its data - the row key and the column key.
Moving to NoSQL from normal SQL you have to drop the notion of being able to sort/join data. It's just (generally) not possible in Big Data implementations.
To update on this question:
Korya is correct that you cannot assume that ALL NoSQL of BigData nature cannot sort (MongoDB can sort and it is NoSql).
Regarding to Cassandra itself: you can sort any given elements of your Primary Key AFTER your partition key inside a Composite Key:
Primary Key ((A),B,C,D);
A is your partition Key.
B,C,D are part of your composite Key, and can now be sorted ASC (default) or DESC. If you want something naturally in latest first (ie time) then you would specify it in your schema:
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (media_type_id ASC,media_id ASC);
As far as the question goes about counters:
You cannot sort the counter inside cassandra because the counter would need to be part of the KEY and the key is unique.
As pointed by Martin the solution refenced by a whitepage example of eBay they explain that two tables are used to keep track.

Sybase - Performance considerations while indexing existing table

I have a table in SYBASE which has around 1mio rows. This table currently does not have any index created and I would like to create one now. My questions are
What precautions should I take before creating an index?
Does this process require more tablespace to be allocated?
Any other performance considerations I should take care of?
From manual.
When to index
Use the following general guidelines:
If you plan to do manual insertions into the IDENTITY column, create
a unique index to ensure that the inserts do not assign a value that
has already been used.
A column that is often accessed in sorted order, that is, specified in the order by clause, probably should be indexed so that
Adaptive Server can take advantage of the indexed order.
Columns that are regularly used in joins should always be indexed, since the system can perform the join faster if the columns
are in sorted order.
The column that stores the primary key of the table often has a clustered index, especially if it is frequently joined to columns in
other tables. Remember, there can be only one clustered index per
A column that is often searched for ranges of values might be a good choice for a clustered index. Once the row with the first value
in the range is found, rows with subsequent values are guaranteed to
be physically adjacent. A clustered index does not offer as much of
an advantage for searches on single values.
When not to index
In some cases, indexes are not useful:
Columns that are seldom or never referenced in queries do not benefit
from indexes, since the system seldom has to search for rows on the
basis of values in these columns.
Columns that can have only two or three values, for example, "male" and "female" or "yes" and "no", get no real advantage from
sp_spaceused tablename, 1
Here is link to documentation.
Yes - Updating statistics about indexes.
Here is link to documentation.
