Spring Boot Actuator + Java Melody - spring-boot

I'm using the actuator sub project in my spring boot application. I configured the address and the port of the actuator management functions in the application.properties to separate the monitoring traffic from the production traffic.
Additionally I want to use java melody and I want to provide the java melody dashboard on the same connection pool as the actuator endpoints. So finally the java melody dashboard should be provided by localhost:8081/monitoring, not(!) by localhost:8080/monitoring.
How can I do that?

You can now use the spring-boot management port (e.g. 8081) for the monitoring page instead of the application http port (e.g. 8080), since javamelody-spring-boot-starter 1.76.
See doc:


Spring Boot actuator for backend application

I use Spring-boot 2.2.x for my backend application - spring-kafka + streams. My service will be deployed in Kubernetes as Docker image. I would like to add spring-boot-starter-acutator, but as I checked, from Spring-boot 2.x actuator requires spring-boog-starter-web. And there is a question what is a proper way to use actuator over http and use http server only actuator - management scope/context?
I know that I can use jmx instead of http but I would prefer http.

Spring Boot Actuator + Spring Boot Admin - Is there a way to define a custom management url?

Is there a way I can define the port for the management URLs (not the management.server.port) so that spring boot admin can identify the actuator URLs from the spring boot app for monitoring?
I'm running the spring boot app in a docker container and it's externally exposed on a different port using the Kubernetes NodePort.
If you are using service discovery for application lookup you could define the exposed management port in instance metadata. This metadata is used to build up the management URL.
More details documented here:
Handling is done in de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.cloud.discovery.DefaultServiceInstanceConverter
Example for Eureka:
If you are using Service Discovery, take a look into DefaultServiceInstanceConverter, try specifying the management.port property.
If you are not using Service Discovery, then take a look into de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.domain.values.Registration, you might need to use the builder apis to register your application correctly (try to set managementUrl properly). Note, you will need to do this in your client application (the one which is being monitored).

Javamelody, spring boot management port and jetty

For security purposes, I'd like to have javamelody running on my app management port, not the main traffic port. This is a 1.5.13 spring boot app running jetty with some actuator endpoints enabled. I have set the actuator property management.port to something other than the server.port.
I can run javamdelody in a standalone jetty server on a third port using an approach like this github project. But three ports is a little wieldy in a micro-service context.
This stackoverflow post has answers for Tomcat, but not for Jetty. Any suggestions to run javamelody on the management port with Jetty?

Spring cloud registering multiple instances of same service

I am developing a microservice, using Spring Boot, that exposes REST Endpoint. Because of scalability, I have to run multiple instances of this services on a different port. What will be the configurations for the applications so that it can register with eureka and requests are load balanced? I am using Spring cloud config, Eureka server and zuul.
Attaching following entries in the client properties file will do the trick. This is for Spring cloud config dalston
I guess you meant to register with Eureka instead of Config server.
To register multiple instances that might be running in the same host but listening on a different port you would need to set eureka.instance.metadataMap.instanceId to a unique value maybe using:

Spring-boot Actuator SSL configuration

I'm developing a webapplication with Spring-boot using embedded tomcat.
One of the requirements of this app is 2-way SSL (clientAuth).
Enabling ClientAuth is easy enough however we also like to use spring-boot Actuator for management of the app on a different port without clientAuth.
Is there is a clean way to do this?
(Disabling SSL on the actuator endpoints would also be enough)
According to latest spring docs, you can use
in the properties to configure the management ports. see production-ready-management-specific-ssl in the spring boot doc for more options.
