I've been getting an issue where when using Padrino and paperclip whenever I try to upload an image I get the error
What's going wrong?
For those wondering, the multipart form thing mentioned in many other posts is also true. See Other SO posts
All of those relate to Rails and specifically if you are using Padrino or another rack based application, you need to add one more thing or else it won't work
The exception being thrown was due to the uploaded file being represented by a Hash (Rack converts it into a Hash), and that Paperclip does not provide an adapter for this Rack specific Hash out of the box.
You need to install this gem:
gem 'paperclip-rack', require: 'paperclip/rack'
I am using rack framework with active record and there is no rails , so when i upload an image to cloudinary using carrierwave gem i am getting the following error.
Unexpected error while processing request: uninitialized constant
That was a bug in cloudinary gem, now this has been solved by Cloudinary team.
Please refer to this #Issue-154
Hope it helps.
Based off of this ,you can't use carrierwave gem without rails. You should be able to do something like:
you can use meta-programming in ruby.
Just override the class of Carrierwave and create a storage.rb file :
Cloudinary::CarrierWave::Storage.class_eval do
/// Your code here...
In the following code from Learn Ruby the Hard Way : https://gist.github.com/1696733 the session seems to disappear after going through the 'post' in tests (run ruby test_gothonweb.rb to see what I mean). If I actually visit the site with my browser everything works correctly, but I would like to be able to test the site without visiting every page. What are the possible reasons for the sessions disappearing in tests?
There are a few questions coming close to this problem, but most of them are solved by not using shotgun. I am not using shotgun. I am just using regular ruby.
ruby: 1.9.2
sinatra : 1.3.2
rack: 1.4.0 1.4.1
rack-test: 0.6.1
I am also disabling the sessions while testing as per http://benprew.posterous.com/testing-sessions-with-sinatra - the first test using sessions with GET does work in that case (but not the POST one).
There is a known issue with rack 1.4.0. Update the gem to 1.4.1
I'm using Sinatra 1.2.6 in Ruby 1.8.7 and I have something like a Twitter client that I'm writing. I am using the Twitter gem version 1.7.2 written by John Nunemaker. For database ORM I'm using Sequel 3.29.0.
Overall, things are working great. I've got a good Oauth sequence working and any user who goes through the Oauth process can post Tweets to my application.
I cannot however for the life of me get media upload working using update_with_media. I'm trying to upload a multi-part octet-stream image file, keep it in memory and then give it to Twitter.
post '/file_upload' do
user_name = params[:user]
if params[:action] == "FILE-UPLOAD"
unless params[:name].match(/\.jpg|png|jpeg/).nil?
#Assume these 3 lines work, and properly authorize to Twitter
current_user = User[:user_name => user_name, :current_account => "1"]
client = current_user.authorize_to_twitter #Handles the Oauth keys/process
client.update("Text status updates work properly")
#Something incorrect is happening in the next two lines.
#I'm either handling the file upload wrong, or posting wrong to Twitter
datafile = params[:file]
client.update_with_media("File upload from Skype: ", datafile)
return "File uploaded ok"
Yet, when I try this, I'm getting:
Twitter::Unauthorized - POST https://upload.twitter.com/1/statuses/update_with_media.json: 401: Could not authenticate with OAuth.
Its saying the line causing this error is the client.update_with_media line.
I am trying to use Rack::RawUpload, but I don't know if I'm using it incorrectly. If I don't need to use it I won't, but I'm just currently stuck. The only thing outside of this code snippet that's using it is this at the top of my code:
require 'rack/raw_upload'
use Rack::RawUpload
Any help on this would be massively appreciated. I've tried messing around with Tempfile.new() as well, but that didn't seem to help much, and I was either getting 401 or 403 errors. I'm fairly new to Ruby, so being as explicit as possible about changes needed would be really helpful.
I should note that I'd like to avoid putting the file on the filesystem if possible. I'm really just passing along the upload here, and I never need access in my scenario to the file on-disk afterward. Keeping the files in-memory is much preferred.
You need to check how your library HTTP headers are setup and logically connected to the POST method you have written here. The thing is that for upload_with_media, twitter api in this gem version requires you to use http://upload.twitter.com upload endpoint instead of the default api endpoint.
The gem may be forcing the api site so while the OAuth based status update works fine, it crashes when you try it with an image. You will need to check the gem documentation to figure out how to force the upload twitter site into the HTTP headers for this method.
Alternatively, consider updating to the latest twitter gem. This is what I got from http://rdoc.info/gems/twitter
The Twitter::API#update_with_media method no longer uses the custom upload.twitter.com endpoint, so media_endpoint configuration has been removed. Likewise, the Twitter::API#search method no longer uses the custom search.twitter.com endpoint, so search_endpoint configuration has also been removed.
Hopefully I'm just missing something simple. I am using mongomapper in a rails 3 app and it works beautifully. I needed to share it with another app and pushed it out to a gem, which also works great from both rails apps. However, when I try to add rspec tests to the gem I am getting the following error:
/Users/dane/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/rspec-core-2.5.2/lib/rspec/core/backward_compatibility.rb:20:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant User::MongoMapper (NameError)
I am adding a really simple test for my User model.
I'm working on a ruby app that updates a twitter account using 'twitter' gem. It's working fine locally (as usual :) ). But when I deploy it on heroku it seems the gem is not properly installed or something lile that as I got the following error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Twitter::OAuth
My code is very simple:
oauth = Twitter::OAuth.new(consumer_token, consumer_secret)
oauth.authorize_from_access(access_token, access_secret)
client = Twitter::Base.new(oauth)
client.update("Updating my status from twitter gem. GREAT!")
Is there a problem with this particular gem ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Have you created a .gems file and put twitter in it?
Depending on which heroku 'stack' you are on, you may need to do that instead of a bundler Gemfile. You can change your stack for one that uses bundler by doing this:
heroku stack:migrate bamboo-ree-1.8.7
Which makes bundler available (I think).
That is a common message that usually implies that you have a discrepancy between your local gems and the gems in heroku. If you are not using Bundler yet, you should. You will end un writing a very simple Gemfile that will tell Heroku (or any other entity using your code) which gems and versions you require.
I would suggest that you should use the heroku addon called 'apigee', ut makes twitter on heroku simple:
I just got a sinatra app talking to Twitter through Heroku/Apigee, my rate limit went from 300 calls per hour to 20,000 calls per hour. Here's a step by step on what to do:
I am really a Java developer just playing around with Sinatra but let me know if I can help in anything.