How Spring gets parameter names without debug information - spring

public String form(Model model, Integer id)
For example ,spring can know parameter id's name is id and bind request param's value to it in runtime

This is a feature of javac introduced in JDK 8. You need to include -parameters javac command line option to activate it. Then you will be able to get parameter names like this:
String name = String.class.getMethod("substring", int.class).getParameters()[0].getName()
From Spring documentation 3.3 Java 8 (as well as 6 and 7)
You can also use Java 8’s parameter name discovery (based on the
-parameters compiler flag) as an alternative to compiling your code with debug information enabled.
As specified in the javadoc for ParameterNameDiscoverer class:
Parameter name discovery is not always possible, but various
strategies are available to try, such as looking for debug information
that may have been emitted at compile time, and looking for argname
annotation values optionally accompanying AspectJ annotated methods.
This is the link to related JIRA item in Spring project Java 8 parameter name discovery for methods and constructors
JDK Enhancement Proposal JEP 118: Access to Parameter Names at Runtime

It's the WebDataBinder who does it for you.
As you can see on the api, WebDataBinder is for data binding from web request parameters to JavaBean objects.
WebDataBinder is also responsible for validation and conversion, so that's why if you have customized editor or validator, you have to add them to your webDataBinder in the controller like below.
public class HelloController {
protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(the clazz to conver to.class, "the name of the parameter", yourEditor);
for more information, you have to check the document


Quarkus - #ConfigMapping: built-in way to show all properties like "toString()", instead of manual building

As #ConfigMapping uses interfaces, there are no ways to implement toString(); I cannot view all values and nested values without a lot of manual work(reflection and switch case to deal with each type).
Any plan to support easy view of all levels of properties? Like a super class to inherit which handles this manual toString() like building?
In SmallRye config doc page I read this:
If the config mapping contains a toString method declaration, the config mapping instance will include a proper implementation of the toString method.
But I added #Override String toString(); method everywhere, Quarkus just complains about cannot find property "to_string".
OK I found this issue which is implemented in this commit, which exactly adds the sentence I read into the doc; but still not very clear to me.
Adding a String toString() method in your #ConfigMapping will generate the expected toString() implementation.
This is only available starting from SmallRye Config 2.11.0 and Quarkus 2.12.0.Final, which came out just a few weeks ago. Previous versions will just try to resolve the method as a configuration property. From your description, it seems that is the case, so you may be using an older Quarkus version that does not support this feature yet.

Spring 4 Join point to get method argument names and values

I am using Spring 4.3. Is it possible to get method parameter names and values passed to it? I believe this can be done using AOP (before advice) if possible could you please give me a source code.
The following works as expected (Java 8 + Spring 5.0.4 + AspectJ 1.8.13):
public class SomeAspect {
public Object aroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
CodeSignature codeSignature = (CodeSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
System.out.println("First parameter's name: " + codeSignature.getParameterNames()[0]);
System.out.println("First argument's value: " + joinPoint.getArgs()[0]);
return joinPoint.proceed();
CodeSignature methodSignature = (CodeSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
String[] sigParamNames = methodSignature.getParameterNames();
You can get method signature arguments names.
Unfortunately, you can't do this. It is a well-known limitation of bytecode - argument names can't be obtained using reflection, as they are not always stored in bytecode.
As workaround, you can add additional annotations like #ParamName(name = "paramName").
So that, you can get params names in the following way:
Since Java 8 you can do this
You can obtain the names of the formal parameters of any method or constructor with the method java.lang.reflect.Executable.getParameters. (The classes Method and Constructor extend the class Executable and therefore inherit the method Executable.getParameters.) However, .class files do not store formal parameter names by default. This is because many tools that produce and consume class files may not expect the larger static and dynamic footprint of .class files that contain parameter names. In particular, these tools would have to handle larger .class files, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) would use more memory. In addition, some parameter names, such as secret or password, may expose information about security-sensitive methods.
To store formal parameter names in a particular .class file, and thus
enable the Reflection API to retrieve formal parameter names, compile
the source file with the -parameters option to the javac compiler.
In your AOP advice you can use methods of the JoinPoint to get access to methods and their parameters. There are multiple examples online and at stackoverflow.
Get method arguments using spring aop?
For getting arguments:
For getting method details:

Neo4j/SDN warining: No identity field found for class of type for exception class

In my Neo4j/Spring Data Neo4j project I have a following exception class:
public class CriterionNotFoundException extends NotFoundDomainException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2226285877530156902L;
public CriterionNotFoundException(String message) {
During application startup I see a following WARN:
WARN o.s.d.n.m.Neo4jPersistentProperty - No identity field found for class of type: com.example.domain.dao.decision.exception.DecisionAlreadyExistsException when creating persistent property for field: null
Why Neo4j/SDN is looking for identity field in this class ? How to correctly configure my application in order to skip this warning ?
You can ignore this warning- this is produced by SDN when building metadata Spring Data REST integration. It should not be doing this for Exceptions of course, and we'll have this fixed.
One way "to correctly configure [your] application" would be add EnableNeo4jRepositories and EntityScan annotations to your SpringBootApplication (or your config bean) as mentioned here and specify the names of your packages with Neo4J relevant classes.
I've debugged the SDN/Neo4j code only for 5 minutes, so my guesses may be off, but, I believe those warnings are generated when you don't specify packages to scan for your entities, and repositories. I'm guessing in that case SpringBoot+Neo4J-mapping scans each and every class in your project, and if a class has some fields, but nothing resembling an "id" field, it spits this warning. (So adding a Long id field to the classes with warnings may be another (yes, very ugly) work-around as well)
I've seen those warnings vanished when I tried explicitly specifying package names in my project using SpringBoot 2.0.6 + spring-data-neo4j 5.0.11.

Is there a way to link JAX-RS resource to another resource like in Spring HATEOAS?

In Spring we've got #ExposesResourceFor annotation which can link our resource with other resources. Thanks to this our Value objects (representations) can know nothing of the actual resources.
Is there a way to do it in JAX-RS? I'm using Dropwizard with Jersey and Jackson and all I see is #InjectLinks annotation which I can use in a value object like this:
public class UserGroup {
public String name;
public URI myResource;
public UserGroup(String name){ = name;
But unfortunatelly my Value Objects should know nothing about Resources, so I'm asking can I do such linking on the level of resources - link in spring-hateoas in controllers, as mentioned above.
With #InjectLinks, you don't have to declare the links in your model class. You can create a "wrapper" representation class, as shown in declarative-linking from the Jersey examples (though this solution is not really on the resource class level as you wish).
Another possible solution (rather than declarative linking) is to use the JAX-RS 2.0 Link class, and do the linking programmatically (with no ties to the Jersey implementation/annotations). You can either add the links to your response headers, as see here, or add Links to you model classes, as seen here (or use the wrapper class for this also, so as to not to invade your model classes)
Some Resources
Declarative Hyperlinking
Using Link for headers


Posted in spring forum with no response.
I have the following code snippet (from here), which is part of my pet project.
public class MediaBrowser {
public final ModelAndView listContents(final HttpServletRequest request) {
String folder = (String) request.getAttribute(
I access the following url:
In spring 3.0.6.RELEASE, I got the folder variable as null, which is the expected value.
In spring 3.1.RC1, the folder variable is /browse.
Is this a bug or has something changed in spring-3.1?
As skaffman said, you probably shouldn't use PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE. Take a look at How to match a Spring #RequestMapping having a #pathVariable containing "/"? for an example of using AntPathMatcher to accomplish what you are trying
This looks very much like an internal implementation detail of the framework, one that you should not be relying on.
Note: This attribute is not required to be supported by all HandlerMapping implementations. URL-based HandlerMappings will typically support it, but handlers should not necessarily expect this request attribute to be present in all scenarios.
I wouldn't be surprised if the behaviour changed slightly between 3.0 and 3.1.
